A Mended Heart

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A Mended Heart Page 8

by Jenn Leigh

  I walked out of the bathroom to see Mark hard at work, still fixing my wall. I leaned against the opposite hall wall and watched him. He probably could tell I was there, but I needed a few moments to soak in what had just occurred and also to realize how lucky I was to have him in my life. I only hoped we could start fresh. It was what I had wanted for years, but it had always been right out of my reach.

  I wanted him to make the first move. I would let him set the pace. I at least owed him that. It was a lot to take in only a few days; as a result, I needed to let him settle into knowing about everything.

  He cleared his throat, bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “Like what you see?” He smirked.

  “Uh … yep,” I answered, flustered. It was a bit of a shock seeing this flirty side of him. It had been so long since we had flirted together.

  His face went into a full blown smile, and my heart literally melted. I hadn’t seen that smile in years, and I couldn’t help the happy feelings coursing through my veins from knowing it was all for me.

  I smiled back, but I was fidgety. He knew it, too.

  “I’m finished with the wall. All you need now is a new coat of paint. I’ll help. Just let me know when you want to do it.”

  “Uh … sure.” Why was I flustered all of a sudden?

  “Anyway, I should be going, but I’ll text you later.” He packed up all his stuff.

  I watched as he walked out of the house and put my hand over my racing heart. Then I shook my head and walked into the kitchen to make myself something to eat.


  The next day, I was sitting in my office, typing up a couple of land titles—the more boring part of my job working for the only lawyer in the area—when I heard my phone chime. Looking over, I saw a text from Mark.

  I was thinking we should go on a date.

  I smirked. Maybe it was time to let the playful side of Nilka come out.

  Thinking or wanting? :-P

  My hands felt sweaty at his impending response.

  Wanting, of course. :)

  I let out a sigh a relief. It had been so long since I had done any flirting that I was afraid I was being too forward.

  His next text chimed in.

  How about I pick you up tonight at 7:30?

  I felt the butterflies fly through my stomach and up my body. I was positive, if anyone were watching me, I would appear totally flushed.

  I’ll be ready!

  Who was I kidding? I was totally pumped for this. I had waited years to get back to where we were.

  I quickly finished up my workload for the day, peeked my head into Peter’s office, the only lawyer in town, and told him I was finished for the day.

  Peter was very accommodating. As long as I finished my work, I could come and go as I pleased. It was a small town, so there wasn’t much need for big legalities. The biggest things we ever dealt with were deaths, but even then, those were usually cut and dry, at least in our neck of the woods.

  I sped home to change and get ready for my first date with Mark in thirteen years. Of course, we both had dated other people during the past thirteen years, but to say I had butterflies was an understatement.

  I decided to go with skinny jeans that had a dressier feel to them and a black, form fitted top with a scoop neck. Then I threw on some jewelry and my favorite perfume and, with seconds to spare, reapplied some lip gloss just as the doorbell rang.

  I gave myself the “this is it” speech as I walked to the door. When I opened it, Mark had a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a breathtaking smile as he perused my body slowly.

  He beamed at me. “Wow, Nil, you look great.”

  I smirked and replied, “Not too shabby yourself.”

  I took the flowers from him and let him in. Even though he had been there thousands of times, he still acted like it was his first. He walked shyly behind me like he didn’t know what he was doing.

  I put the flowers in a vase, noticing him watching me arrange the flowers.

  “So where are you taking me tonight?” I questioned as I tried to ease the tension in the room. This first date stuff was stressing me out!

  “Well, believe it or not, I managed to get Sergio, the cook at the bar, to do a patio dinner at my house, so I am taking you back there if you are okay with that,” he offered gently.

  “Wow, I’m impressed. How did you manage to get Sergio to do that for you? He’s such a hard ass. I hope you didn’t have to coerce him or anything.” I giggled.

  “Something like that.” As he winked back, I burst out laughing, and Mark started laughing along with me.

  “I had forgotten how beautiful your laugh is.” He stared at me wondrously.

  I blushed furiously. “Um … thanks.”

  “Shall we get going?” He looked at his watch. “I was only able to get Sergio for a few hours, so we’d better get a move on.”

  “Sure thing.” I grabbed my purse and then headed with him toward the door where he held out his elbow like a gentleman, and I took it, locking my arm around his.

  We arrived at his house and headed toward the back where Sergio and Mark had really outdone themselves. There was a small table nestled by the trees with netted lights in the trees, twinkling in the dusky sky. There was a light breeze making candles impossible, but there was another bouquet offset on the table.

  Mark pulled out my chair for me and then took a seat across from me. We looked at each other for a few moments, uncomfortable silence filling the gap.

  “You make me kind of nervous,” Mark admitted, running his fingers through his hair.

  I laughed. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  We both smiled at each other, uncertain where to start.

  “We’ve had so many firsts together, Nil. Surely we can find somewhere to start. How ‘bout a stroll down memory lane? I know we’ve missed the last twelve years of being together, but let’s make up some time. What do you remember about me?”

  I looked at him for a few moments before answering. This man had been my first for everything: first hand holding, first kiss, first love. It was hard to pick a few things out about him.

  “Do you still drum your fingers on your thigh when you’re nervous?” I asked, knowing very well he was doing it as we spoke.

  He halted his movement and smirked at me. “Obviously, that hasn’t changed.”

  I smiled, thinking of some other idiosyncrasies that made up my former lover.

  “Are you still a bed hog?” I asked, remembering the few times we had slept together. I had barely had a sliver of bed to sleep on.

  He smiled. “I guess you’ll have to find out.”

  I blushed again, something that was happening often tonight.

  Sergio brought out a meal of braised pork with twice-baked potatoes and the most delicious looking salad made of spinach, strawberries, feta cheese, and walnuts. Everything smelled delicious. The man could cook; no doubt about that.

  “Do you still sketch?” This was a side of him he kept quite private. I wasn’t even sure his brothers knew he had talent when it came to drawing.

  “Not as much as I used to, but when the twitch happens, I still dabble here and there. I do the painting and graphics at the shop now, so it isn’t as much of a secret as it used to be.”

  We had been hanging out all this time, but we had purposefully kept each other at a distance. It was like meeting a stranger. When we were together as a group, it was almost as if we were acquaintances instead of friends. We never really did anything together outside the group, and we certainly never talked to each other outside the group. As a result, it was nice to get back to basics with each other. It would help us get back to being an us.

  “Oh, that’s right. I forgot about your work at the shop. How are your parents, anyway? I haven’t asked about them in quite some time.”

  “Oh, you know, the same, I guess. They are busy with the shop. They are sure glad they hired Natalie a while back. It’s really helped them out by takin
g off some of the workload. From my mom especially.” He took a sip of his drink.

  I nodded in agreement while eating my dinner.

  “Dare I ask about your parents?” he asked quietly.

  I looked up at him from my plate, mid bite. I wasn’t expecting him to ask about my parents. I figured he had developed a hatred for them after what I had gone through, and really, I was fine with that. My relationship with my parents was strained at best. How did you go back to normal after what they had done?

  “Uh, I guess they are fine. I don’t talk to them often. It’s easier that way. I don’t think they see what happened as an issue. They expect me to move on with my life,” I added.

  Mark looked at me like he wanted to say something yet thought better of it. There wasn’t anything he could say that I hadn’t already thought.

  He wisely never said a word and changed the subject back to something lighter.

  After dinner, we went for a walk in our local rotary park. He took my hand as we strolled through the gardens, not talking about anything heavy, just idle chit chat. It made me feel at ease. There wasn’t an awkward silence; it just flowed.

  We eventually made it back to his car, and then he drove me home.

  I was becoming more nervous as he pulled into my driveway and turned off the car, but he didn’t make a move toward me. Figuring he was just as nervous as I was, I smiled and sort of made a snorting sound, which caused him to smirk and look at me.

  “Did you just snort?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  This caused me to snort again and burst out laughing, and the grin on Mark’s face was a beautiful sight.

  “I don’t think I have ever had a date end in laughter,” he said.

  I immediately blushed and quieted my laughter.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said. “I was just thinking how ridiculous it is of me to be nervous around you, but for some reason, I can’t help it. It made me laugh at the absurdity; that’s all.”

  Shaking his head and smiling, he opened his door and walked around to my side, opening up the door for me. He held out his hand for me to take then walked me to my door, but he paused when I turned to face him.

  We shyly stared at each other, unsure of who was going to make the first move. I really wanted him to kiss me goodnight. It had been only a week since I had felt his lips on mine, yet that felt like so long, and I wanted to see if he still tasted the same. If his lips still felt the same against mine.

  We looked at each other for a few more minutes, but by this time, I had backed up to the door, my back flush against it. Mark had leaned his hand against the door, close to my head. He was watching my expression as he slowly made his way in for a kiss. I never took my eyes off his, knowing he was hesitant to take this step.

  I wanted him to hurry up because the suspense of the moment was killing me. I knew he was trying to make sure I was okay with what we were about to do, but he was going too slow for my liking. When his nose skimmed mine as his eyes bounced back and forth between mine, I had finally had enough and made my move.

  I planted my lips right over his, watching his shocked expression at my boldness, but he quickly recovered and grabbed my face between his hands then deepened the kiss. I moaned in the back of my throat at this tender assault of our tongues while he gripped the back of my head like a man starved for my kiss.

  Our tongues danced and tangled together as I coaxed a moan from him. He tasted just like I remembered, but better. His lips fit to mine and were firm yet gentle. I wanted this kiss to last forever, but I was starting to pant like a dog in heat, and there were only two options left: end the kiss or take it further. And, boy, I would love to take it further, as would my aching core, but I didn’t think either of us were ready for that.

  He felt my hesitation and slowly pulled away, both of us breathing like we had run a marathon. He rested his forehead against mine as we both tried to get ourselves back under control.

  As he finally looked into my eyes, his were shining with adoration, and I was sure mine looked exactly the same.

  “I don’t even know what to say,” he said breathlessly.

  I smiled shyly. “Well, you’ve still got it,” I remarked playfully, lightly punching his arm.

  He burst out laughing. “Leave it to you to break the ice.”

  I smiled widely and shrugged my shoulders. “I do what I can.”

  He leaned in and kissed me lightly this time.

  “I guess I should go before I do something I shouldn’t,” He announced with his hand rubbing the back of his head, his indecision very apparent.

  My body was on fire, so I thought, why not poke the bear a bit?

  “What shouldn’t you do?” I asked in all seriousness, but it trailed off in a whisper

  He swiped his hands down his face then looked up at me with want and lust written all over his face. “Trust me, Nil, I want you more than my next breath, but I want to take this slow and make sure that, when we make love, you’ll never want another man again,” he offered with a heated look in his eyes.

  I gasped slightly and held his stare. God, I ached for him, and I didn’t know how long I could wait.

  He broke the look and turned to go back to his car.

  I called out to him. “Is that a threat?” My hands were on my hips, hoping he would change his mind, slam me against the door, and have his way with me.

  He turned and looked over the top of the car at me with the most devilish look on his face. “No, no threat. It’s a promise, sweetheart.” He winked and got in his car, starting it, and then taking off down the street.

  I smiled to myself as I unlocked the door and went in. I definitely needed some quality time with my battery operated boyfriend.

  Chapter 11


  I needed a cold shower, and I needed it fast. That kiss was the kind that should have brought me to my knees or at least to her bed. I had no idea where I had gotten the strength to let her go, but fuck, I wanted her like nothing else. The kiss was like a flashback to the past. Everything I had ever experienced with her danced before my eyes: our first kiss, out first time together. Holy shit! It was exhilarating and scary at the same time. If a kiss was that intense, imagine what sex would be like.

  No, wait, stop imagining.

  Once I parked the truck back at my house, I was a pile of raging hormones, and I really wanted to either punch something or go jack-off in the shower. I decided to go with the shower.

  Daniel was sitting on the couch when I walked in.

  “How’d it—never mind.” He smirked at me. “I can see by the look on your face that you need some relief. Talk later.”


  I merely nodded my head and went straight for the shower.

  In the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, shocked to find my face flushed with want. No wonder Daniel had made that comment. I fucking looked horny.

  I got into the shower and let the water run over my tense body. I wasn’t certain how long I would be able to handle being around Nil if this was the end result. Our water bill was going to go through the roof.

  I pumped some soap into my hands and finally set out for some much needed relief. The moment I touched my cock, I hissed out in agony. This was the worst case of blue balls ever. All I had to do was picture Nilka and our bodies pressed against the door. Just imagining her heat was enough to almost send me over the edge. I stroked myself for the relief I needed, and shockingly, it didn’t take long. I was so spent after I came that I was surprised I made it out of the shower.

  I dried myself off and headed off to bed. I lay there for a few moments, thinking back on everything that had happened tonight. Deciding I couldn’t wait to hear from Nil again, I grabbed my phone off my nightstand and decided to text her.

  I had a wonderful time tonight.

  I waited for her response. It took a bit longer than I was thinking, and I was starting to get worried.

  I had a great night, too. Sorry. I was just in
the bath.

  Oh great, just the visual I needed. Well, two could play that game.

  Oh, really? Helping to relieve an itch perhaps? ;-P

  I was smirking as I waited for her comeback. One thing I knew about Nilka, she liked to banter. It was one of my favorite things about her. We used to do this so well. I hope she comes out to play.

  Well, I did just purchase this amazing detachable showerhead with several different spray options ... The pulsating one was fabulous. ;-P

  Holy fuck!

  Now I need another shower. :-(

  And cue the return of blue balls.

  I have BOB here to help me out. We’ll talk tomorrow.

  Wait, who the fuck was Bob? Jealousy washed through my body as I picked up the phone and dialed Nilka.

  “Hello,” she answered, shocked.

  “Who the fuck is Bob?” I demanded.

  She laughed on the other end before sing-songing, “Jealous?”

  “No one can have what’s mine. I’m getting dressed and coming over. He better be gone before I get there,” I seethed.

  “Whoa, calm down, cowboy. If you must know, B.O.B. is a Battery Operated Boyfriend. You know, a vibrator. But you’re welcome to come and watch if you want.” She chuckled over the other line.

  “Shit, Nilka, why didn’t you tell me before I flew off the handle?” My body sagged in relief as I flopped back onto the bed.

  “Well, you didn’t give me much of a chance before you got all macho and shit. And what’s this ‘I’m yours’ bit? We just kissed; that’s it.”

  It was my turn to chuckle.

  “Oh, Nil, you’ve always been mine. You just weren’t aware until now. I’ve let you have your space, but now that I know everything, I plan on taking you back. This is your fair warning,” I offered with determination in my voice.

  She was silent for a few minutes, and I was beginning to get worried.

  “I can’t wait for the chase. See you tomorrow.” Before she hung up, I heard the whirring noise of her vibrator starting up.


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