Dumb Luck
Page 38
I ask her, “Trina...the bag of food? Where is...never mind, I see it.” The top is sticking out of my clothes duffel. Retrieving it, I pull out one of the breakfast sandwiches and two half-liter bottles of water.
Popping the lids off the water bottles and filling the caps with water, I hand one to the two youngest. “Are there any restrictions on what you can eat?” They drain them quickly, and I refill them.
Acorn says, “We really should just eat natural plant and animal, but in a pinch anything will do except candy and caffeine. They mess us up pretty bad for a few days.” I hand him a filled cap.
Trina grabs one of the sandwiches, laying it out on the floorboard as she opens the package. “Eat what you can dears.” They all crawl towards the sandwich and rip off pieces to shove in their mouths. Trina and I sit on the floorboard with the demi-fey between us. They seem most partial to the eggs, ham, and cheese; although, the croissant slowly disappears, too. I imagine they’re still very good despite being in a bag for a few hours. Between the four of them, they finish off one and a half bottles of water and most of a sandwich.
“So, little people,” I say to them. “Are you out of danger now?”
They all nod vigorously, and Marigold flies up and kisses my cheek and then lands on my left shoulder and holds onto my ear. I can’t see her very well, but I’m guessing her thumb is back in her mouth.
“Good. I regret the need to kill your father. I won’t stand for someone trying to hurt my people, so his attack on Trina guaranteed his death. Trina cried over his death, and shared many fond stories of their time together. If we had more time, I’m sure she would share them with you. I know what it is like to lose your family as a young adult. I was devastated when my parents and brother died. I felt all alone. I know that you have your mother and each other, but since you no longer have a father - I feel responsible for you. I know no one can replace your father. However, if you ever need someone to stand in his place, I hope you will call on me.”
I look at Trina, “Can we safely send them through the laundry shoot?”
She gives me a rueful look, “Probably, but I’ll check with the expert.” She gets her laundry bag cloth out and goes to the back seat. “We have comms,” she says. About two minutes later, I here a quiet bell. She looks at me over the back seat, “Yes, it’s safe.” She gives me a frown, “I can’t believe she played me like that for years!”
I chuckle, “I suspect your soft center was a lot closer to the surface than it is now.”
She smiles at me, “Guilty.”
I address the four youths. “Okay, here’s the deal. We’re going to send you back to Missouri via Trina’s laundry shoot. We’re placing a lot of trust in you by doing this. You cannot tell anyone how you got back. Folks might be hurt or abused if the story gets around. None of your siblings. Your mom can get the details from the person that meets you on the other side.” They all nod.
“Also, we can send your father’s body back the same way, but I think Trina planned to hand carry it back to your mother.” I look at her questioningly, and she nods. “Let your mother know that we will respect her choice. She need only tell her wishes to the person that meets you on the other side. Is that clear?” All four of them nod gravely. “You should be proud to have completed this mission at such a young age.”
Trina says, “I suspect she will want him back immediately. Kristina, can you keep an eye on this for me?” She sets the phone on the back seat.
“Sure, Trina.” Kristina watches over the back door while Trina retrieves the ‘coffin’ from her duffel.
She tells them. “Your father’s body is in here,” as she taps the box. “I’ve had it in a stasis chamber, so he hasn’t decomposed much yet.”
Persimmon says, “Thank you, Lady Trina. He would appreciate the gesture.”
Trina sob, “You’re too kind to me Persimmon, but I do appreciate your kindness.”
The young demi-fey flies to her and wraps her arms around her neck. “I’m sorry you had to make that terrible choice.”
“Okay. So, one more thing,” I tell them. “I think I might have a valid need for young demi-fey to provide security services. I know you are both adults, but I would like your mother’s blessing before we negotiate contracts. She can discuss my character with the person that meets you if she likes, or not. I will honor her wishes either way, and I will want to know her answer from her directly. Acorn, Persimmon, is that something that would interest you?” The look at each other for a moment, shrug, and then nod to me. “Great, do you understand the conditions?”
Acorn says, “Mother has to approve or we don’t even negotiate.”
“Correct. Does anyone need more water before we go?” The three on the floor shake their heads. I hear a quiet “No” close to my ear.
“Okay, let’s get you home. Follow Trina, please.”
Marigold flies to Trina, and the other three follow her around to the back seat. Trina shows them the plan and asks, “Okay my dears. Are you ready?”
Kristina hands me my coffee, “I bet you need this, Jack.” I groan as I take the first sip.
I hear a chorus of small voices saying ‘yes,’ followed by another chorus of ‘Thank you, Jack.’
I answer back, “Goodbye little ones.”
Trina fiddles about, and then keys a text into her new phone. A ping comes back quickly. She fiddles around again and sends another text to Peg. Then she fiddles with something in the seat again. Finally, she brings the bound cloth back and stuffs it into her duffle with the mirror that she detoured to retrieve. Kristina gives her coffee, which Trina rewards with a quick kiss before taking a sip and loosing a groan of her own.
I ask her, “Are we ready to travel?”
She nods as she takes another sip. “I don’t know how I missed them this morning. Maybe they were out foraging and missed the ride. Either way, we’re good now. No electronic or explosive attachments.”
I get up and wrap her in a hug. “Are you going to be okay? I know this has been hard.”
She nods and looks at me, “Who in the court would send my friend to kill me? That almost sounds like a Morgan move...oh, shit. Or her mother. Anyway, I put Silk’s coffin in after the kids were gone and left instructions with Peg to store it in stasis until Marjory tells her what to do.”
I start to open my mouth to comment on the non-plant name when she says, “Marjoram.”
“Ah,” I nod sagely. “We should probably get our delightful Ms. Unterberg home.”
“Yep,” she says. “Mount up Krissie!”
She laughs as I close the hatch, “What? Again already?”
Trina and I join in as I make the rounds getting my ladies settled, and then we pull out of the parking lot as a Jaguar convertible pulls in the lot with Mediterranean beauty at the wheel. I chuckle and whisper to myself, “Best of luck, KC.”
Chapter 28 - On the Road Again
We get Kristina home to a small condo off 16th street. The ladies go inside with Annette’s coffee, so Trina can take a leak. Then all three ladies come out a few minutes later. Annette gives us both hugs, and then her eyebrows raise as we each give Krissie, er Kristina, a passionate kiss and profess our love for her. She looks at Kristina and says, “I hope you’re going to get me into your club, Aunt Krissie.” We all have a good laugh over her pining expression.
I grab the food bag out of the back, and climb into the front seat. We wave, and head out of town towards Camp Verde. We pass a water bottle back and forth, and I eat one of the sandwiches. I feel things changing in my body and it’s making me HUNGRY! I split a second one in half and devour that. Trina laughs at me and tells me, “Eat the other half, Jack! Your body is changing visibly from day to day. Eat!”
I growl at her as I stuff it into my mouth, which wins me a lovely laugh. We’re only about half-way to Campe Verde, and I’ve managed to kill two sandwiches. I’m still hungry, and my coffee is almost gone.
I take a risk and put an order it at Starbucks at Cam
p Verde. We swap driving after I grab the coffees and a bag of two more chocolate chip cookies. Trina eats her sandwich and a cookie while I drive to Sunset Point rest area, and then swap back out drivers. During the trip, Trina tells me the story Kristina shared with her about the ‘Miner Clan’ of dwarves that worked the mines between Camp Verde to Prescott over the last century. She mentioned the Sidhe referred to them as ‘the mongrel clan’ and why for the name. We agreed that we were happy to have her irrespective of her heritage. She also gives me a bit more of a primer on the major players in the two courts of sidhe, the goblins, the sluagh, the demi-fey, shifters, and elves. I learn there might be political repercussions for my action with the insane shifter at the Rooster this morning, but she thinks it won’t cause me any problems. Traffic is a little heavy, but it’s not bad for Sunday afternoon heading back to Phoenix. Other than having great company, the only blessings on the trip are it’s not summer and there are no wrecks. Regardless, even with the two stops Trina pulls into my parking spot a little under two hours after we left Cottonwood.
Chapter 29 - Change of Fortune
We drag all our gear upstairs, and manage to make it in one trip. Trina leaves her bag in the guest room, and I give her a look. She sighs, “I didn’t want to leave my stuff lying about your bedroom.”
I pull it into an kiss, and stare into our eyes. “Whose bedroom, my beloved Katrina?”
“You’ve never used my full name before,” she says with big eyes.
“Whose bedroom, Katrina?”
Slowly a shy smile grows on her face, “Our bedroom, Master. Yours and mine.”
“Myra might wanna fight me for that.”
I chuckle, “Hers, too. I told her before we married, she is welcome wherever I am whenever she can make it to my side. I meant it. She might just have to use her diplomatic skills to convince you to make some room!” We laugh at that.
“How about we hydrate, I check correspondence and my schedule for tomorrow, then we shower, and I take you to dinner tonight.”
She nods, “A real date, Master. You’re going to spoil your Fairy Slut!”
“She deserves it! She drives away any loneliness that might creep in and makes me happy. Plus, she is ab-so-lute-ly fuck-ing GORGEOUS!”
She digs for a little more, “And a great fuck?”
“Oh absolutely, she’s a great fuck! Plus she likes to share her girlfriends with me! Definitely deserves rewards!” She nuzzles in my neck making purring sounds.
“Pet,” I whisper into her ear. “You’re wearing too many clothes. You may only wear that lovely blue shirt that used to belong to me! Come show me when you are properly attired!” I pry myself out of her tight embrace and wet kiss, and then head to the guest room to check my calendar and email on the computer.
About a minute later I hear her pad in on bare feet, then the chair slides back and I’m treated to the view of my lovely blond lover wearing the blue flannel hanging completely open, and her braid cascading past the bruise marks on her neck that mark her as mine. I pull her onto my lap to nuzzle her neck and caress her body while answering an email to an existing client, setting up a video conference for 10am tomorrow, and confirming that I have nothing back from Hartford Casualty Insurance, yet. Then I call Roy’s Pacific Rim restaurant at the JW Marriott restaurant and to set reservations for 6:30.
We take our time getting into the shower, stopping at the bed to make love until we are both sweaty and satiated again, then being extra careful in the shower scrubbing and rinsing afterward. We dress for dinner. I pull on khakis, a blue pinstripe oxford, and light blazer with my ropers while Trina goes to the guest room to lay out all of her various brownie bags to change. I’m getting a glass of water when she walks into the living room wearing a clinging knit dress in the same color as cantaloup flesh. The hemline is about four inches below her treasure chest, and the neckline plunges about the same amount below her breasts to show the inside curves of her breasts from top to bottom. The shoulders have a very slight ball and then drop just past her elbows. She has a chain of pearls wrapped tight against her throat and then plunging down to draw more attention to her cleavage. She had brushed her hair out of the braid so it falls in glistening waves over her right shoulder to rest on top of her breast.
I’m caught standing there with the glass half-way to my mouth. “You like, Master?” she asks quietly.
I nod slowly, “Trina my pet, I didn’t think it was possible for you to look more beautiful, but I was wrong.”
She giggles shyly, and then says, “Wait for it, Master…” then she turns in place and I see the back of the dress dropping backless along both sides to reveal her spine from neck to sacrum. The hint of her cleft peaks into the opening, and the tight knit skirt is stretched by the power of the firm flesh beneath it. She completes her turn, with an uncertain look and her bottom lip between her teeth. “Is it too much, Jack?”
I shake my head, “Maybe, but I don’t think anyone would dare saying anything that might cause you to cover up. You look like a goddess, sweetheart. You are much too beautiful to be with me. I bet you get hit on at least twice while we’re there.”
She disagrees, “No way. Part of what an outfit like this does is scare the bejesus out of any but the most boorish. As a matter of fact, I propose a wager. If no one hits on me, you give me a triple-play. I’ve got two holes you haven’t squirted in yet, and I want to be yours completely before I go back.”
I nod, “Agreed. If you get hit on by two different people, then I will tie you up and have my way with you. If only one does, then I guess we’ll go for straight vanilla.”
She grins, “Sounds like a win-win either way.”
I call up an Uber, and we meet it out front about 5 minutes later. Trina is such fun to be with. We tease, flirt, joke, and discuss our future while having a wonderful dinner of creative pacific rim cuisine, a bottle of Kim Crawford, and a hot chocolate souffle with espresso for dessert. She sits next to me, so I can constantly stroke her bare flesh as we talk. We feed each other bites of our dishes. I pull her into a hug a couple of times and slide my hand inside her dress to squeeze her nipples and tickle her clit surreptitiously as we finish our wine. We decide to leave before someone catches us and throws us out.
I call up another Uber, after signing the credit card receipt. The car is waiting for us by the time we get outside, and spend the ride discussing whether the flirtations of the sommelier, the server, the bus-girl, the manager, or the valet crossed the line to be an actual ‘hit,’ but Trina is adamant that they don’t. Personally, I think the little girl that was bussing our table definitely was, but Trina says she never actually propositioned her - just heavy flirtation and adoration.
* * *
Needless to say, Trina got her triple-play and I was groggy this morning. Last night, she left her dress on when she went down on me, and managed to deep throat me rather well. She earned her second dessert by swallowing repeatedly on Little Jack until he gave her a serving of cream. She backed off enough to catch the last blast in her mouth and sucked gently to ensure she got every drop. I caught my breath and then laid her face down on her knees, still in her dress. I kissed, licked, and tickled her into a couple of orgasms, the last one squirting all over me and the bed. Seeing her explode with her beautiful pussy and ass sticking out the bottom of that tight dress was inspiring enough to get Little Jack back in the game. I picked her up and moved her to a dry spot on the bed with her feet on the ground in her 3” heels. Then I plunged into her in one motion. We rode that rhythm for a while, and I slowly slid her dress up and over her head. She had another wet explosion, but I pitched her dress out of the way before she blew. She sensed I was getting close, and begged me, “Please Jack! In my ass! I want you to have me everywhere. I want to be totally yours!”
I told her, “Trina darling, you are. You can’t be any more mine than you are.”
“Not true, Jack. Take me. Take my last virginity. Please! Make me yours.”
I had a strange sense of deja vu at that point, but I pulled out of her regardless.
“Okay, my Love. Stay here.” I grabbed the massage oil from my bag, and poured some into my palm to warm it. “Trina, I’ve always thought that anal sex for women is more about submitting than feeling great. I would really rather fuck your hot pussy.”
“Please, Jack! I need it!” I stretched her rosebud by massaging the oil into it and sinking a finger inside the sphincter, driving more oil inside her to moan. I oiled up a second finger and added it to the first, and she groaned. “Now Jack! Please. Take me now!”
“On the bed, on your knees, Pet.” She moved into place, and I lined Little Jack up and pointed him into her rosebud and PUSHED until the helmet passed the sphincter. I leaned over her to kiss her, and she fell down flat on the bed, I fell with her and end up driving in to hilt in her, which elicited a scream.
“Are you okay sweetheart? I didn’t mean to nail you like that.”
She replied with gasps, “Goddess, Jack! I am so full!”
I managed to work a hand under her to caress her clit as I nuzzle her and nibble her wounded neck framed by her pearls. “Do you need me to refresh these, love?”
“Oh yes, please Master. Mark me as yours. Anoint me with your seed. I am your little fairy slut, and I need you to use me! Please use me, Master!” So I did. Eventually, I was able to rub a climax out of her, which was enough stimulation for me to do the requested anointing, which caused her to climax harder a second time. I rolled onto my back, keeping her mounted on Little Jack, so I could caress her breasts and torso while she rode out her aftershocks. I kind of remember her rolling off at one point, but nothing else until this morning.
Now hours later, my bladder thinks it’s going to explode and my throat is parched. Trina is sprawled across my chest, drooling cutely into the thatch of hair there. I slide out from under her gently and hustle to relieve myself. Then I go to the kitchen and drain a glass of water. I refill mine and take a glass to Trina - leaving it on the bedside table.