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PRIDE: A Bad Boy and Amish Girl Romance (The Brody Bunch#1)

Page 40

by Sienna Valentine

  She swerved around tables towards her girls and gave each of them a sweet hug before she took her waiting seat. All three of them looked well-rested and fresh; even Sophie had let her hair down, as it were, and was showing off some of the natural curl in her bob. Trudy had a constellation of bright little flowers stuck in her messy brown upsweep, and the glow in her eyes told Clarice she was already buzzed.

  “Girl!” said Trudy as she slapped her forearm gently in greeting. “Where have you been? We’ve been waiting!”

  “Probably letting some hungry little thing get his own dinner, am I right?” teased Liz next to her, bumping her elbow into Clarice’s side with zero subtlety.

  “Holy crap, you three have already become island sluts, haven’t you?” laughed Clarice. “I leave you alone for a few hours!”

  Sophie leaned toward her with wide eyes. “Clarice, have you seen the men at this place? Oh my Lord…” she put a palm on her chest. “What other option do we have?”

  “How about some class, for once?” Clarice teased, slapping a palm on the table like some old-time patriarch.

  Liz gasped and pointed a finger suddenly. “Clarice hasn’t fucked anyone yet!”

  The girls all let out sad, over-dramatic gasps until Clarice started handing out shin-kicks under the table, sending them into peals of laughter that finally drew a waiter over to their table. He was a handsome, caramel-skinned man, and he seemed genuinely amused by their happiness. “Are you ladies having a good time?” he asked.

  “She needs a drink,” said Trudy, pointing lazily at Clarice. “Actually, you might as well bring us all another drink.”

  “Right away, and for dinner your table can select the sambal udang or spicy satay.”

  Liz blinked up at the waiter and in her sweetest voice said, “I literally have no idea what you just said.”

  Clarice blushed and apologized for her friend, but the waiter just laughed. “Sambal udang is a prawn meal with curry, and the satay tonight is beef.”

  “I’m feeling a little spicy myself. So ladies, what do you say?” Trudy asked the table, sipping on her drink through a bright pink straw.

  The girls cooed and Clarice had to agree. “Sounds like satay is the winner. And I’ll drink… whatever it is they’re drinking.” She gestured to the slushy drinks in curvy glasses each of the girls enjoyed. “Two of them, actually. I apparently have some catching up to do.” The waiter gave a tidy bow and disappeared through the labyrinth of tables and people.

  “There’s my girl!” clapped Trudy. “You need to get yourself unwound, like, stat.”

  “Yeah, what’s the deal, Clarice? Are you still feeling weird about this?” asked Sophie.

  Clarice sighed. She really hadn’t wanted to upset the mood with talks of her troubles getting into this, but even through her buzz, Sophie actually seemed concerned. “Yeah… no… hell, I don’t know, guys. I’m really trying to get into it. Maybe it’s just going to take me a little more time or something. It’s only the first night, after all.”

  “Have you met anybody yet?” asked Liz.

  Clarice shrugged. “One guy, I guess. His name is Kyle. We actually kissed a bit…”

  The girls oohed in silly delight and Liz took Clarice by the shoulders and gave her a hug.

  “Just a bit, huh?” said Trudy as she teased Clarice’s calf with her sandaled foot. “Are you sure you didn’t get a little strange already, miss Clarice?”

  Clarice blushed and laughed, pushing her hair back from her ears. “I’m pretty sure I would remember touching a new dick, Trude.”

  “It’s just a matter of time!”

  “You’re probably just tired from all the travel,” said Sophie. “It really does a number on you if you’re not used to it. After dinner and some drinks, plus a good night’s rest in your suite, you’re going to feel so much better! I’m sure of it.”

  “This place is gorgeous,” Clarice agreed. “Even if I don’t touch a new dick, I’m sure I’ll find something to do to make this trip worthwhile.”

  “I swear to Christ, I’m not letting you get back on that return plane home until you’ve had someone inside you,” said Trudy with a straight face. The other girls burst out laughing so hard that Liz almost spilled her drink across the beautiful white tablecloth.

  “Okay, okay, God!” laughed Clarice, shaking her head. “I can see that all of your pervert powers have been greatly enhanced by this place.”

  “You have no idea,” said Liz with eyebrows raised.

  “You slut,” said Sophie to Liz with a wicked smile. “Spill it, what did you do already?”

  “I met a guy who invited me to an orgy,” shrugged Liz nonchalantly. “So I joined in.”

  Mid-drink, Trudy nearly choked on the plushy alcoholic ice in her throat. Sophie squealed with high-pitched laughter she only got when she was good and drunk.

  “You did not,” said Clarice in a challenging voice.

  “I sure as hell did!” replied Liz. “You ladies forget that you’re the ones in the fancy, fast-paced jobs where you meet sexy swinging dick all the time. I’m surrounded by kids, their idiot married parents, and the functioning alcoholic substitute teachers. I’m dying of thirst here!”

  Sophie leaned across the table like they were sharing a conspiracy, her smile wide and her eyes glowing. “How many people were there? Men and women?”

  “Yes, of course men and women, it’s an orgy. Everyone can come. And most did, if you catch my drift.”

  “I totally don’t believe you,” said Clarice.

  Liz started glancing around the patio, craning her neck, trying to see past all the masses of bodies. Then she began to point, one by one, to random people across the deck. “You can ask him. And him. And him. And her. And them…”

  “Goddamn, here I am reeling from what was barely a high-school make out under the bleachers, and you’re over here acting like Hugh Hefner set loose on the bunny ranch.” Clarice was shaking her head.

  Liz was still counting. “They were there. Oh, and him, his dick was like a bratwurst…”

  “Don’t sweat it, Clarice, I haven’t talked to anybody yet either,” said Sophie. “It’s just our first day. We can’t all be the orgy magnet that Liz apparently is.”

  “All this time, I had no idea,” laughed Trudy.

  “Hey Clarice… does that guy know you?” said Liz, leaning close to her ear and pointing across the patio.

  Clarice looked to follow her direction and immediately she spotted Harrison. Despite the crowd, and all the lights and noise and activity, he still stood out like an Adonis. He had done some serious cleaning up since she saw him this afternoon, and didn’t look as tired or stressed as he had before. His dark black mane looked as though it had been professionally coifed, and his gorgeous body was decked in a tailored matte black suit that made him look like he had just stepped out of a men’s magazine.

  Clarice’s breath caught in her throat. He was so incredibly gorgeous that she almost didn’t realize right away that he was staring straight across the patio at her, his dark eyes staring, his plush cupid’s-bow lips curling in a sly, happy smile.

  “Oh man…” said Clarice to herself in a breathless whisper.

  “He’s looking right at you!” said Liz in an excited voice. “Jesus Christ, he’s so hot! He looks like James Bond.”

  “What?” said Trudy.

  “Who? What’s going on?” added Sophie.

  As both of them craned their necks to look around, Liz shushed them and hissed, “Don’t look, don’t look! Goddamn, you two, I have fourth graders that are better at being sly than you are.”

  Liz was right. Harrison was staring right at Clarice, and now he was moving around the patio, heading for their table with no hesitation.

  “Oh shit,” said Clarice to herself.

  “Is he coming over?” squealed Liz.

  Sophie was bouncing excitedly in her seat. “Can I turn and look?”

  “If he’s coming over, you’ll see him in a seco
nd, idiot!” said Trudy. “Try to play cool!”

  “Oh my god, I immediately regret whatever trouble you three are about to get me into,” said Clarice only half-joking.

  Clarice’s heart pounded as she watched Harrison make his way over to the table. Both women and men were watching him pass; it was like he couldn’t help but draw attention no matter where he was. It wasn’t just his incredible looks. It was the way he held himself like a king.

  So what the hell did he want with her?

  Harrison stopped in front of the table and gave them all a dashing smile. “Ladies, good evening! How are we doing?”

  All the women stared at him for a moment, dumbstruck. Clarice blinked in surprise and looked around at them.

  “Oh, now you guys learn how to shut up?” she said to them with narrowed eyes.

  Harrison just laughed, their stunned silence seemed like something he was used to. “Allow me to introduce myself to the rest of you, I’m Harrison Moore. I run the resort.”

  “Oh my,” said Sophie. “Hello, Mr. Moore.”

  Harrison put his palm out to Clarice until she lifted up her hand and put it in his. He gave it a gentle kiss and looked her in the eyes as he smiled at her. “Lovely to see you again, Clarice.”

  She lost herself for a moment, but then stuttered. “Oh, y-yes… likewise. These are my friends I was telling you about earlier: Liz, Sophie, and Trudy.” She gestured gently to the ladies as she introduced them.

  Harrison repeated each of their names as he reached out to give them each tender handshakes and a warm smile. His charm was electric.

  “So you two have met before?” said Trudy with a sly attitude.

  “Yes, I had the pleasure of escorting Clarice back to her suite this afternoon,” said Harrison.

  Clarice blushed at the way he worded it, especially when she felt Trudy’s foot kicking her shin under the table.

  “And here we thought Clarice wasn’t going to have any fun on this trip!” said Sophie, winking very obviously at Clarice.

  “Oh, I don’t think we can stand for that, can we?” said Harrison. “Clarice is far too lovely a woman to spend her time in paradise unhappy.”

  “Here, here!” said Liz, lifting her drink.

  Harrison bit his lip and clasped his hands together. “To that end… ladies, I wonder if I might trouble you for a favor this evening?”

  “Literally anything,” said Trudy in a throaty voice. Sophie busted up giggling next to her.

  Harrison gave her a wink. “I wonder if I could steal Clarice from you for a moment, and ask her to join me for a walk on the beach. We won’t be very long, I promise.”

  All the girls turned to look at Clarice with expressions ranging from envy to shock, and Clarice suddenly felt like she was standing under a spotlight with no clothes on. What the hell was going on? Why did Harrison want to take a walk with her? Was this just some part of that “staff perk” he was trying to access? Judging by the suit, he was trying harder than he needed to as half the women on the patio were still staring at him with lustful, hungry eyes. He could turn around, gesture, and have a trail of them follow him home like the Pied Piper of Bali. What was going on?

  “Clarice?” said Harrison. “Would you do me the honor?” He held a hand out to her. “I promise I’ll have you returned in time to enjoy your dinner.”

  Knowing the girls would never let her live it down if she didn’t take a risk, Clarice took a deep breath and nodded. “Sure, yeah, of course.” She took his hand and he helped her out of the seat, making Sophie coo to herself.

  “Ladies, we’ll return,” said Harrison to the table with a wink and a wave. As she lingered behind him, Clarice turned back to look at the girls, all of them gave her excited, silent cheers with some obscene gestures to top it all off. Clarice shook her head with a quiet laugh.

  With her arm tucked in Harrison’s elbow just as before, he led her down the patio steps and out onto the open, private beach, one of the many shores owned by the resort. Despite the late hour, the beach still had quite a few visitors who were enjoying the eternally warm waters of the south Pacific, taking refreshing nighttime jogs in the cooler air, or doing some stargazing in the big bright sky. Clarice stopped once to remove her sandals and enjoy the feel of the soft sand under her feet as she walked alongside Harrison.

  “So, what’s this all about?” she asked, after a few moments of quiet walking.

  “I’ve been thinking about you,” said Harrison. “Ever since I left you at the lifts this afternoon, I decided I wanted to come find you and ease my longing.” He glanced over at her with a serious, lustful look that made Clarice’s legs weak.

  But her brain was still very much in denial mode, far too uncomfortable to simply sink into this fantasy world without trying to find the catch. Harrison was not the first charming man she had met. Working in New York, in the publishing industry, she knew damn well that attractive, charming, especially rich men frequently seemed a lot more innocent and sweet than they were. “I’ve got to think you have your veritable pick of willing women, owning a place like this.”

  “Are you suggesting you’re not worth thinking about?” said Harrison with a little half-smile.

  “Well, no…”

  “I would certainly disagree.”

  She sighed. “I don’t mean to be such a party pooper. I just haven’t found my groove here yet, is all. I’m trying not to disappoint my friends; they worked hard to get us here.”

  “You haven’t found your groove yet,” said Harrison. “And, actually, that’s what I’m here to discuss with you. I had the feeling when we met earlier that you were not quite ‘in the zone’, as you Americans are so fond of saying.”

  “No one says that anymore.”

  “Really? I need to find time to watch more telly, I’m losing my edge.”

  “What is it you want to discuss?” said Clarice, her interest piqued.

  Harrison stopped walking and stood in front of her with a serious look on his face. The high moonlight reflecting off the calm low tide sent waves of light across his skin. “I have a very specific job I need done, and I’m wondering if you want to be the one to do it.”

  Clarice frowned, it wasn’t at all what she expected to hear. “Job? What job?”

  Harrison stared at her, and she could see the bobbing of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed hard and took a breath. Then he dug into the pocket of his trousers and came out with a velvet ring box.

  He cracked open the box and displayed the biggest, shiniest diamond ring Clarice had ever seen in person.

  “Clarice, will you marry me?”



  Harrison held his breath, watching Clarice absorb the information he had just given her. She stared at the ring like it had hypnotized her, which he took for a good sign, until she finally looked up at him with a confused frown.

  “Is this… this is a joke, right?” She gave a sour look at the ring. “I just met you this afternoon. Is this some sort of poorly planned con or something? You did not seem that stupid until this moment.”

  “No, it’s not… I’m not stupid…” Harrison sighed and shook his head, expression falling. He snapped the ring box closed. “Bloody Christ, this is all Bruce’s damn fault.”

  “This was Bruce’s idea?” she said, a look of disbelief already building on her face.

  “No, it was my idea, and Bruce said it was stupid and wouldn’t work but he clearly didn’t work hard enough to convince me of that,” said Harrison.

  She folded her arms, and it was apparent she was quickly losing her patience. “Look, why don’t you just tell me what the hell is going on? I’m sure my dinner is getting cold and this vacation is getting weirder by the minute.”

  Frustrated, Harrison ran a hand through his hair and kicked at the sand just a bit with his toe. It struck him as something a bratty child would do, but that’s exactly what he felt like at that moment. “This stuff is a little on the top-secret side.” He looked ar
ound the beach.

  “Oh, give me a break,” said Clarice. “You’re the one who made a dramatic appearance at dinner in your fancy GQ suit, for this moonlit beach walk, in order to make this proposal. If you wanted this to be top secret, you failed hard at that before you even got to my table buddy.”

  Usually, someone pointing out his shortcomings turned him instantly cold, but the fact that Clarice didn’t let him get away with shit was terribly endearing in a way he didn’t expect. He gave her a coy smile. “Suppose you’ve got me there. I’m a bit desperate.”

  “So that means you’re in no position to negotiate. Spill it, what is it you need my help for? What is this really all about?”

  Harrison sighed, he could see by the stern look on her gorgeous face that Clarice wasn’t going to be budged, and anyway, she was right, he had no leverage. “It’s a long story, alright? The short part of it is that I need someone to act as my fiancée for the next week while my parents are visiting from England. I thought you would be the perfect fit, so… I’m asking you to marry me. For a week.”

  Clarice scoffed, but she didn’t immediately run back for the patio in an angry huff, which he took for a win. “A pretend fiancée? Who am I, Meg Ryan?”

  “She wishes,” said Harrison. “You’re ten times hotter than her.”

  Clarice blushed, but she did it with a half-angry huff. “Oh, go to hell, don’t try to butter me up now, keep talking straight. Why do you need a pretend fiancée?”

  “Well, and this might surprise you, I’ve found that my big mouth has gotten me into a few pickles over the years. This just happens to be the newest and most exciting.”


  “Indeed,” he said, running a hand over his hair. “To make a long story short, I run this resort, but truly, it’s my father that owns the place, along with five other resorts and a dozen smaller hotels around the South Pacific. I’m quite wealthy, but my fortune is nothing compared to his.”


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