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Cook, Kris - Three to Play (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 4

by Kris Cook

  They were so different from Beth. She loved her routine, took comfort in it. Once the guys left for their next gig, she’d get her show back, if she wasn’t shown the door first.

  Hopefully, all she had to do was wait them out. The plan for tonight consisted of drinking a glass of wine, eating some Chinese food, watching a funny movie, and pretending to be pals. Once they were relaxed, she would make her case.

  But her libido and active imagination seemed set on taking over. Internal fires scorched her when they looked at her like she could be dinner and dessert all in one. She needed to get her head back in the game.

  Dustin had flirted with her from day one, on air and off. Which didn’t necessarily mean anything. Flirting was like breathing to him.

  Clint, though quiet, had locked eyes with her several times over the past two weeks. His tense stare always seemed filled with something hot. Anger? Desire? Or was it all her imagination?

  On air, his force dominated. He guided the conversation masterfully, just like she suspected he did everything else. When Dustin moved out of bounds, he’d pull his friend in. When she balked or grew too quiet, he’d engage her. Though he held the reins of the show, off air he acted very differently. Like Jekyll and Hyde. Aloof, seemingly struggling with something. What?

  She chewed her bottom lip.

  Even more puzzling, on the show, Clint and Dustin had alluded to participating in three-ways. More than once. At first she thought they said it for shock value and ratings, but now, she wondered. Had they actually shared a woman together? Had they thought about sharing her?

  It was foolish to wonder such things about Clint and Dustin. Professionally, she had too much at stake to even ponder the suggestion, much less act on it. Emotionally, even more. If they approached her, seduced her, would she have the will to refuse them? Or would it be like throwing gasoline on the growing bonfire building inside her?

  Her heart pounded in her chest.

  Determined to put the thought out of her head, Beth ripped open her closet, and took out an empty hanger. Instead of hanging the garment up, she pulled the fabric up to her nose and took in Clint’s essence lingering on the coat. Spice and oak. The back of her neck tingled. Her rational side vacationed at least three states away.

  “Birthday Beth, your wine is ready.” Dustin’s voice floated in from the other side of the door.

  She placed Clint’s garment on the hanger, hooked it on the rod, then she closed the closet door.

  Decade birthday or not, Dustin had come with some feeble attempt to cheer her up. Did Clint only come along to keep Dustin out of trouble? Or did he have another agenda?

  Chapter Five

  The wine relaxed Beth and Dustin, though they’d only opened one bottle. Clint tasted some of the pinot noir, but more than half of the drink still sat in his very first glass. He couldn’t risk imbibing more of the burgundy liquid. That would be much too risky with Beth sitting between him and Dustin, looking like something out of his midnight fantasies, blue eyes sparkling, breasts moving with each laugh.

  While Clint held his outside motionless, his insides rolled like the tides. He wanted Beth, wanted her to experience pleasure the way he knew how to deliver it, controlled, with her bent to his will.

  He suspected that she would respond to his handling, but that could never be, not with Dustin present. Clint knew better than to reveal his trips to BDSM clubs. Dustin, with his Southern upbringing, had specific ideas on how a man treated a woman. Cuffing and lashing weren’t among them. Dustin would flip out if he knew exactly what Clint liked.

  The comedy film Dustin had brought kept the birthday duo in hysterics. Clint had lost interest in the movie less than ten minutes into it. A talking dog didn’t do a thing for him.

  Still, he enjoyed hearing Beth laugh and watching her chest rise and fall under the green silk with each outburst. He imagined pinching her nipples until she begged him to stop. Whenever she drew even a fraction closer, his dick hardened.

  He’d witnessed her quick wit, stinging candor, and unfaltering loyalty to the other announcers at the station. Though she’d kept her guard up since the first day, tonight, he sensed her practiced calm, unsettling him even more. Something was going on in her head…

  Beth clearly enthralled Dustin. Knowing how badly his friend wanted her, Clint’s lust accelerated. He wanted her naked, sandwiched between them, tied up, body writhing, and pussy wet.

  Never going to happen.

  His job was to do whatever it took to elevate him and Dustin to the top of the ratings. Being in broadcasting, one couldn’t afford self-reproach or guilt. People got hurt. That was just a fact. Unfortunately, Beth’s slot on the show threatened his and Dustin’s success. Beth wasn’t his concern. He owed her nothing.

  At the next obvious joke in the movie when the dog came in contact with his nemesis, the singing cat, Beth leaned in closer to his side.


  An overwhelming ache to plant a ravaging kiss on her lush mouth pounded inside him. Dustin shot him a glance, indicating similar thoughts ran through his head. No matter Clint’s intention not to fuck her, Dustin refused to be deterred.

  Clint didn’t move, though lust grew inside him with each press of Beth’s curvy body against his side.

  She went against all his professional rules. More importantly, he deeply suspected that sex with her would be much more than a one-night stand. What much more might mean, Clint wasn’t sure, but he could almost see the solid brick wall that loomed ahead, ready to come down on him like a ton.

  Dustin turned Beth to face him. When he pulled her in closer, she stopped laughing.

  Beth glanced over her shoulder at him, her blue eyes questioning,. Their gazes met, sizzling, before she looked again to Dustin.

  In for a penny, in for a pound. Clint clenched his jaw even tighter.

  “I’m tired of the movie, aren’t you?” Lust filled Dustin’s voice.

  Clint considered ending the conversation before Beth answered. It maddened him, but curiosity killed his better sense. He remained silent—and waited.

  Seconds turned to nearly a full minute.

  As much as he desired her, Clint hoped her pause meant the evening would come to an appropriate close. That would be for the best. Maybe if he kept repeating it, he would believe it.

  “Then I’d like to talk about my role on the show.”

  “Later.” Dustin would not be thwarted from his desire. So very like him.

  Beth didn’t move from between Clint and Dustin.

  Clint’s heart pounded hard and fast. The collision seemed unavoidable. He needed to prevent it, but he couldn’t find his voice. That was a lie. No, he didn’t want to. Everything inside him ached to touch Beth.

  Dustin moved closer. “I’ve got something better in mind.”

  Clint closed his eyes, looking for strength to push aside his mental images of them fucking long enough to stop this train wreck. “We should call it a night.”

  “I am tired.” Beth whispered.

  “Time to go.” Clint glared at him over Beth’s shoulder.

  Dustin refused to take the hint. “Darlin, you’re a very sexy woman.”

  She arched a dark brow. “I’ve heard that line before.”

  “Not a line.” Dustin leaned into her, his face rapt. For once, he wasn’t smiling.

  Beth pulled away from Dustin, pressing her back into Clint’s chest. Clint couldn’t resist. He wrapped his arms around her, drawing her in closer.

  Her body would felt soft and inviting, and her scent wafted over him. He breathed in her aroma, a light blend of delicate citruses balanced with fresh aquatic notes. He wanted to devour her.

  “I think you’re damn sexy, too.” Clint’s willpower faltered.

  “No more empty compliments, please.” Beth pulled away and turned to face Clint. “You guys are trying to make my birthday special. You already have. Thank you.”

  He’d treated her like shit for two weeks, and she’d mistaken that
to mean he didn’t find her attractive. The truth? She was much more than merely appealing to him. She was completely irresistible.

  “You want to know what I really think?” Clint touched her cheek. “You’re fucking unbelievably sexy. It’s not bullshit, and it’s not because of your birthday.”


  Rather than let her finish her reply, Clint devoured her quivering lips. When she moved to free herself from the kiss, he pulled her in tight, crushing her lips beneath his. Their kiss would end when he decided, not her.

  With a feminine gasp, Beth’s eyes closed and her lips parted. He swept inside her mouth, tasting her nectar. She whimpered softly. His cock hardened.

  Finally, he released her. “Beth, don’t doubt what I say again. If I say you’re sexy, you are sexy. Understand?”

  “O-Okay,” she breathed. “Guys, you are both very sweet to…”

  Dustin leaned in and dove into her mouth. Beth released a muffled moan. Watching his friend put his all into kissing Beth stoked more heat in Clint. He wanted to dominate Beth. Completely. But damn if it wouldn’t agitate Dustin. He’d have to back off and let his friend call the shots.

  When Dustin stopped kissing Beth, he said, “You’re the one who’s sweet.”

  Clint visualized Beth pleading for him and Dustin to fuck her. The thought gouged at his self-control. His lusty mind told him to take another taste of her wet lips now. Monday, he’d fix everything with the boss because sex changed nothing. Beth couldn’t stay on mornings with him and Dustin.

  * * * *

  Beth’s head reeled. But before she could get her bearings, Dustin took another turn at her lips, lingering, teasing. Deepening, then pulling back. Pressing in harder, then softening. He awakened more desire inside her. Her pussy warmed and moistened.

  When Dustin finally released her mouth, he looked over at Clint as if sending some invisible message to him.

  Beth glanced at Clint standing mere inches away. He exuded carnality. Clint’s stare compelled her to obey. Then he looked down to her breasts.

  Her nipples pushed against the inside of her lacy bra, and though she didn’t look down, she didn’t doubt they were visible to Clint and Dustin, fully erect like an invitation, screaming out to be touched and tasted. But instead of moving in to accept, Clint’s gaze returned to hers.

  She’d always thought herself adept in reading body language, but with Clint, that skill failed her completely.

  Beth felt like she floated in unfamiliar waters without a lifejacket. Kissing these two hunks had left her guard entirely down. They were the interlopers that threatened her safe, familiar world. If Candi found out about Dustin and Clint’s joint mack on Beth, there would be major hell to pay.

  All Beth needed to do to get her show back from corporate’s dynamo duo was to stay cool, play the game, and not screw up. Beth only needed to outlast Clint and Dustin, and not give Candi any reason to pull her off mornings.

  But what if they were orchestrating tonight as a way of getting her off the show sooner? No. Dustin wasn’t capable of that deceit. Clint, however, was capable of anything.

  “Are you guys hoping to get some more ammo tonight to embarrass me on air like you did this morning? Offering to be my guide. You were just teasing me.”

  Clint pinned her in place with a single stare. “I meant every word this morning.”

  For God’s sake, she had ten years on both of them. Wisdom should give her an advantage. But her years didn’t equate to knowledge in this realm. Clint and Dustin had shared women before. Her stomach capsized. Things were moving at a breakneck pace. She needed to slow things down to a more comfortable, safe speed.

  “I think we should have some cake.”

  “I’d rather nibble on your delicious neck,” Dustin’s hand drifted down her shoulder brushing the side of her breast.

  Her breathing turned shallow as Dustin kissed her throat and caressed his way down to her inner thigh. If she’d chosen to wear shorts, as previously planned, instead of changing into pants, Dustin would be touching her skin, mere inches from her mound. The thought caused her ache to grow.

  “Dustin, please.” The words slipped out of her mouth. She bit her lip. Too late to call them back.

  “Yes, birthday girl?” Dustin tormented, his hand inching closer to the juncture of her thighs.

  “I am not sure we should do this.”

  “What should we do instead?” Dustin teased. “Maybe this?”

  His left hand moved to caress her shoulder, cup her neck in his warm palm, while his right hand roved higher up on her thigh. Beth’s pulse quickened. “You like that?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “Or do you like it more when I touch you like this?” His hand left her nape and tunneled under her shirt, caressing her stomach. Goose bumps popped up everywhere he touched her.

  “I do, b-but…”

  Dustin leaned into her ear. “What about this? Do you like this?”

  He caressed her lace-clad breasts and began nibbling on her earlobe. His breath skated along her neck. Sparks danced over her body.

  “Y-yes. But we need to…”

  “And this?” Dustin pulled her blouse away to reveal part of her shoulder and then kissed every inch of exposed skin while cupping her breast.

  She wanted to answer him, but all she could muster was a nod. Her body fired, lit by Dustin’s words, caresses, and kisses.

  “You’re amazing, Beth. I want every part of you. From your lips, to your breasts, to your navel, to your tight, hot cunt,” Dustin whispered lustily. “I’m dying.”

  I’m dying, too, but this is craziness.

  And what about Clint? After they kissed, he hadn’t said a word. What was he thinking?

  When Beth looked over her shoulder at him, his eyes filled with desire, but he didn’t move to answer that want. Did he think she and Dustin were going too far? Her body tensed.

  Dustin turned to Clint. “Don’t you think Beth is amazing, pardner?”

  “She’s…” Clint’s voice trailed off. “Yes.”

  Beth watched his eyes darken with some internal conflict that gave her pause. “Guys, we should stop. This is something I’ve never done before.”

  She imagined a wicked night with Clint and Dustin would be amazing and adventurous, but once over, the two men would soon be off to their next job, their next conquest. Office flings never ended well, but they always ended.

  Clint stared at her with rich brown eyes. He knelt down and cupped her shoulder. “Is that what you really want, Beth?”

  God no! “It might be best.”

  His voice turned stern, commanding. “That’s not an answer. What do you want?”

  Dustin continued to caress her stomach. With each gentle circle, his hand got closer and closer to... “Please. Tell us, Beth.”

  She could hardly take a breath for the excitement zipping through her. The kissing had melted her like butter. And now, these sexy men demanded an answer.

  What did she really want? For things to go back to the safe, the familiar? Turn back the clock a month earlier, before they’d arrived?

  Yes and no. She did want them. But at what cost? This would lead nowhere. Self-doubt crept inside her and took a seat.

  Dustin kissed her neck, jolting her from her thoughts. “Don’t be afraid.”

  “I’m not.” Beth lied.

  “Beth,” Dustin cajoled. “It’s all right. Clint and I will give you everything you need.”

  “I’m nervous.”

  Clint sat down next to her, kissed her neck, then whispered in her ear, “A little nervousness will add to your pleasure.”

  Her gut turned several somersaults.

  “Beth, you have nothing to fear with us.” Dustin leaned in and kissed her again. First, like an exuberant guest, then like an owner. Heavenly. Amazing. No one had ever kissed her like that before.

  With Clint’s lips nipping at her neck while Dustin continued to penetrate her mouth, she shivered with delight.
She most certainly would’ve slipped off the sofa if they hadn’t held her.

  Dustin paused, his green eyes boring into her. “Clint and I are going to push you to beg for more.”

  “Bragging, are we?”

  “Promising.” Clint’s voice rang like steel. “We’ll explore your pussy and gorgeous ass, every part of you, with our tongues until you’re soaked with desire. We’ll leave you totally spent and satisfied.”

  Shivers rolled throughout her body. If she did agree to one night of complete abandon with these two, was she risking her future at the station? A gamble she shouldn’t take, but her mind felt like a fast-spinning whirlpool.

  “Oh, yes, we are,” Dustin’s voice filled with a new lustiness that only added to her growing ache.

  “You’ll be screaming before we’re done.” Clint grabbed her wrists and held them above her head.

  “Screaming isn’t really like me.” Tremors traveled through her body.

  “That’s gonna change. And when you think we’re done, and you can’t take any more, we are going to fill you up again, completely.” Dustin’s voice lowered with growing lust.

  “He’s right. We’ll leave no part of you untouched.” Clint’s hand moved from her arm, to her shoulder, and then to the top button of her blouse.

  The dam broke inside her. How the hell could she say no to that?

  Tingles wrapped around her body like a net. She looked down at her chest as Clint unbuttoned her blouse, one button at a time. Slow. Easy. Her nipples hardened under her bra. A frenzy grew inside her.

  Beth watched both men’s breathing tighten. Her body quaked with anticipation. This could get out of hand very quickly. She needed to grab what little control remained in her.

  “But if I do ask you to stop?” Beth bit her lip.

  “You won’t,” Clint shot back.

  “But if I do?”

  “We’ll stop,” Dustin assured her.

  “But you won’t ask. I’ll make sure of it,” Clint growled. Holding her wrists, he guided her hands to his chest. “Touch me.”

  Her heartbeat sped up. “Y-Yes.”


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