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Forgotten Curse

Page 6

by Owens, C. M.

  “Do it, please,” he pleads.

  I smile bigger while grazing my teeth across his skin, and he slams into me again. His thrust forces my unsheathed blood bringers to break the skin, and the blood drips into my mouth to end the teasing escapade. The fuck wanted becomes the fuck needed, and he pounds into me with a consistent force, bringing out my panting breaths early on.

  His lips continue to tangle with mine, and then my gift begins seeping out to cause the room to vibrate. He smiles smugly behind the kiss for the reaction he has never caused, and then he binds my hands above my head to slam into me even harder. His free hand slides down to grip my ass and elevate my hips so I’m forced to feel all of his girth charging in to fill me.

  “Fuck,” I screech, and his teeth come to bite my shoulder without breaking skin.

  I begin quivering ferociously, and his rhythm quickens to the point I have no choice but shiver out my gasping tale. More and more girly moans slip out involuntarily, and his cool breath falls over my scorching skin to only intensify the passionate tousle.

  Those beautiful pale eyes glow to show their night vision as he takes in my ecstasy-filled body. My back arches when his base finds mine through the thrashing, and he draws back again. I can’t look away. He’s so fucking hot right now, and I wish so badly I could just give myself to him… forever.

  His lips find mine for a fleeting second, and then he uses both hands to shift my hips to meet him once more. I scream loudly as he thrusts into me from an unexplainably perfect angle, and he holds himself inside me at the deepest point as his eyes roll back in his head. He collapses to my body, his breaths raggedly dragging across my face, and then he kisses me so sweetly.

  “Fucking shit, Araya. Why the hell didn’t we fuck like this before?” he murmurs against my lips.

  “I don’t know. Because we were both trying to do what we thought the other one wanted?” I ask rather than state.

  “I fucking want you like this all day everyday. Please tell me you’re mine,” he growls, and he thrusts into me again, his erection fully returned and ready to do some damage.

  “I need closure,” I gasp out, and then I grip him tighter to make him stay inside me.

  He jerks free to force his fuck once more, and I tremble at the sensations which are still trying to recover from the last brutal awakening.

  “Then I want you. As soon as you fucking get it, I want you,” he pants out, and then his rhythm starts all over again.

  Holy fucking full blood. Brazen. Definitely Brazen.

  Chapter 2

  Back to Hale

  I can smell the food cooking as I finish zipping up my very not-so-businesslike attire. My skin tight jeans are cut low enough to come below my hipbones, and they’re tucked neatly into my red leather boots.

  My blood red strapless shirt is cut to fit around my breasts like a bra top, and the vee-cut pattern shows off my hipbones along with a slight peek of my stomach as well. The black lace embroidery on the front traces random patterns to command one’s attention.

  I pull on my black and red necklace along with my matching earrings, and then I pull on the ring brazen gave me which also matches. I stare at it on my right hand, but it doesn’t seem right. I huff as I turn to check my hair and makeup once more. My almost black hair glistens under the tinted view from the window, and my eyes shine their hybrid blue beside my loose curls.

  I stop when I see the purple veins growing once again. What is going on with my eyes?

  I quickly shake it off, and uselessly drip some eye drops in hoping they will magically bring back my solid blue eyes. I step out, and Brazen drops his spatula when his eyes gape at me.

  He quickly grabs it up and tries to recover, but I let a small snicker escape. He rolls his eyes while stifling a grin of his own, and then he turns the pan to dump its omelet contents onto a plate for me.

  “You didn’t have to cook me breakfast,” I giggle out, and he walks over to take a seat beside me while bringing me a cup of coffee.

  He’s so fucking hot when he wears those low pants and no damn shirt. He knows I always loved seeing those hip lines exposed. They’ve always been my weakness on him… and Hale. I force myself to look away, and I see his smug face smirking.

  “I wanted to. It was always my thing when I was with you, and I’m a sucker for tradition.”

  “So… you’ll be gone a week?” I ask casually.

  “Possibly less if I get done early. It should take you the same amount of time to get them enlisted and brought back. I assume you’re going to request they be your students.”

  “Of course. I wouldn’t take Nicholas’s daughter away when I’m a certified cadet trainer. I’ve already spoken to him about that, and his anxiety level dropped severely.”

  “I suppose we’ll talk when we get back? About us I mean,” he hesitantly releases.

  “We will, but I don’t know if I’ll have the answer you want. Last night was phenomenal… over and over again, but I’m not sure it needs to extend past that. I’m not sure I should have let it happen,” I murmur, and I hadn’t meant to say the last part out loud.

  He tilts my head up so my eyes meet his, and then his lips softly press against my forehead.

  “I’ll wait until you’re ready, Araya, but don’t ever say anything negative about last night ever again. I wouldn’t trade one day of our time together for anything. I’m beyond happy last night happened, and I look forward to many more when you finally realize he’s not the guy for you. Now, eat. I need to run over to my place and change.”

  I smile as he struts out the door, and I dig into the delectably fluffy masterpiece the half naked chef has cooked. I eat quickly, and then I gather my suitcase, checking to see if my guns are safely zipped up.

  The door opens, and I see Brazen walking in with his sexy-as-fuck smirk. His hair is tousled messily, and his sleek black shirt begs to be ripped off. I roll my eyes when he catches my lingering gaze, and then he walks over to take my bag.

  “Walk me out?” I playfully question.

  He laughs lightly, and then I grab my United badge to clip to my belt.

  “This is quite the role reversal. Call me if you need me for anything.”

  “I will,” I murmur while shutting the door behind us. “Same to you. Text me here and there to let me know you’re okay.”

  “Are you saying you’ll be worried?” he smolders out, his eyes alight with a twinge of surprise and excitement.

  I roll my eyes again, and I nudge him lightly while we turn the corner to walk outside.

  “Yes. I always worry - even if I’m not your girlfriend or fiancée. Please just check in when you can to let me know all is well and put my troubled mind to rest.”

  “Good to know,” he cockily responds. “I’ll check in, babe. Just like I always have.”

  He bends to give me a small kiss on the cheek. His lips linger, and my hand reflexively slides up his chest. So many years he was mine. It’s hard to remind myself he’s not anymore. I need to be more careful with him.

  I slowly drop it, but his hand finds my traitorous one. Fortunately, I look up to see Nicholas walking toward me with a set of keys. His presence alone has snuffed out the moment starting to ignite between Brazen and me.

  “You’ll call me as soon as you find out if she can come back, right?” he worries.

  “I will, and she’ll be able to. Clay is a damn good commander who trusts me with new cadets. I’ll bring her back, and I’ll bring Grayson with me. Are you prepared to make him a part of this place?” I ask curiously.

  “I am. If he’s somehow a piece of my daughter now, then he has a home. I swear though, if he harms-”

  “He won’t,” I say in interruption.

  He nods hesitantly, and then his eyes move to mine again. I’m almost worried he notices the faint hint of violet that not even Brazen has mentioned.

  “What about your counter? Did he hurt you?”

  Brazen shifts uncomfortably, his breath intake becoming s
harper. My eyes drop to the ground as I shrug.

  “Never physically. Don’t worry about Angelica. We need to get going. It’s a long drive, and we need to try to beat the dark. Unaligned full bloods hunt at night when they can see better than hybrids, and I don’t feel like killing anyone today.”

  He smirks a little, but he’s not the least bit worried about his daughter’s safety now that he’s seen what I can do, along with Grayson. I haven’t told him his daughter barely has a few weeks left until her change. I’m sure there are going to be some fireworks with her gift as well.

  “I’ll call you later,” I murmur softly, and I turn back to face Brazen. “I’ll call you later too. Be careful.”

  “You too. I mean it. Call me if there is any trouble at all. I can abandon this detail at any second if you need me,” he mutters gently, and he jerks me to his body before kissing me passionately.

  I smile against his kiss, and then I pull back while shaking my head in exasperation. Angelica and Grayson climb into the backseat, and Brazen opens the driver door for me. I don’t know if I’m excited, nervous, or in agony right now.

  Hale. Fuck.

  “How much farther?” Grayson groans.

  I have to steady the nerves in my stomach as Seminole comes into view just before the dark hits.

  “About seven minutes,” I rattle out.

  “Thank fuck,” he gushes while demonstrating a fist pump into the air, and I roll my eyes.

  “There’s travel involved with the United. You might as well get used to it,” I lightly scold.

  “So are you and Brazen getting married?” Angelica asks out of nowhere.

  “No,” I answer with startled surprise. “We’ve got history, but we’re not together anymore.”

  “But you still love him?” she muses.

  “You don’t just stop loving someone because things end. It’s complicated.”

  She seems worried now, and her eyes drift over to Grayson as he leans against her very casually in his surly teen stance. His agitation for the long drive surprises me since he travels all the time.

  We pull up to the gate, and a familiar guard walks up to greet me.

  “Ms. Crush. It’s good to see you. I’ll alert Captain Banner to your presence.”

  Oh fuck! He really is here! Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I thought I was ready for this.

  I take a deep breath to steady my inner panic attack, and then I shake my head as he picks up his radio.

  “I’d rather it be a surprise,” I say misleadingly, and he lets a devilish grin slide across his blushing face.

  “Of course, Ma’am,” he murmurs bashfully, and I give him a wink as he opens the gate for me.

  “You know the captain here?” Grayson pries as I park the car.

  We all climb out, and my eyes instantly begin scouring the landscape.

  “You could say that.”

  “Araya, how good to see you,” Wendy gushes as she walks out with several different files weighing her down.

  My passengers walk over holding hands. I see Grayson’s hand squeeze Angelica’s when she lets out a shaky breath, her nerves trying to surface.

  “I need to see Clay. Do you know where he is?” I ask nervously.

  Please be in your apartment Clay.

  “Yeah. He’s in the new school with Captain Banner. They just opened the doors the other day, and Captain Banner hasn’t been able to do much else. He’s been very insistent on making sure everything runs smoothly.”

  I feel tears stinging my eyes, and then I take a deep, cleansing breath.

  “Thank you, Wendy. I’ll see you after while.”

  “I’ll have your things taken to Captain Banner’s place,” she says so naively.

  I wince, and my guests now have more silent questions rolling around in their gaping eyes.

  Big mouth human.

  “Not necessary. I’ll need a room while I’m here, and my guests will be staying with me so make it a three bedroom please. I’ll pay the difference.”

  She fidgets awkwardly from her slip, and then she nods in acceptance of my request.

  “Yes, Ms. Crush.”

  I turn and start walking toward the school, and Grayson runs up to be beside me while still holding onto Angelica’s hand.

  “So you got a thing for captains, eh?” he teases, and my eyes cut to scold him.

  “I was with Hale before he was ever a captain. We were once like the two of you, but even worse.”

  “So he’s your counter?”

  Big mouth hybrid.

  “Let’s stay focused on you. Do not tell the commander you’re a runaway. He’s bound by oath to disclose all information even if he does empathize with you.”

  “I know. You’ve lectured me all the way here. I’m good.”

  “Will the markings hurt?” Angelica worries.

  “Not much. It’s a very efficient laser that tattoos you, and it only takes about ten seconds.”

  I see the school, and I hear the roaring of laughter coming from several voices - children I think. Training and learning hours have ended. It should be exercise time. Why is there so much laughing at exercise time?

  I walk down the warm halls, and I see Clay standing in the game room Hale had specifically designed for all age groups to encourage children to bond over something other than fear. I smile when I see he’s laughing, and then I get sick when I see who he’s laughing with.

  Hale is propped up on the wall with his hands in his pockets as several of the kids demonstrate their dancing skills on a vintage machine. Clay steps up, and Hale laughs even harder at the very uncoordinated moves Clay exhibits. Though I would normally be crying from my own laughter, I’m too nervous to find any humor right now.

  The growing knot in my throat only rises, choking me almost. There aren’t butterflies in my stomach, there are full grown dragons crashing around in there, their fire breathing up and drying out my throat. This is so, so much harder than I imagined.

  “Are we going in or watching?” Grayson says, jarring me out of my hypnotic trance just as Clay steps off to let another child play.

  I let go of the breath that has been trapped, and I begin my slow stalk toward Clay while intentionally avoiding looking at Hale anymore. Fortunately, his back is turned to me just enough not to see me approaching.

  “Araya,” Clay gasps in surprise, his jaw unhinging almost.

  Hale’s lips tighten, his laughter evaporating upon the announcement of my presence. His eyes grow wider with every inch he turns. His head finally makes it around to where he’s staring at me fully, disbelief staining his wide hybrid blues.

  There’s no softness, no excitement, and barely any color left in his face. He looks me up and down before loosening the collar on his shirt and coughing slightly to expel his shock.

  “Clay, I need to speak with you in private,” I quickly assert.

  “Is something wrong with Hershian?” he worries.

  “Did someone do something to you?” Hale snaps while stepping up to inspect me.

  His hand almost finds my waist, but I jerk back, my anger surging forth to take front and center.

  “Don’t touch me,” I bark, and his eyes show their pained sting while he backs away. “I said in private. It’s a hybrid matter.”

  “Last I checked, I’m a hybrid too. Maybe you forgot,” Hale snarks, and then his eyes glance down to my ring on the wrong hand.

  “You two couldn’t have been like us,” Grayson whispers, and I cringe because he doesn’t realize how much better Hale and I can hear.


  Hale’s eyes soften momentarily, but the secrets burdening them keep their cool glaze lingering. He starts to speak, but Clay beats him to it.

  “Hale is privy to any information concerning hybrids now that he has been voted the hybrid advocate. It’s actually necessary. Brazen has been elected advocate to the full blood board, but I’m sure he has told you that by now.”

  Hale stares at me with tight lips, and I roll my

  “We haven’t talked very much since he got there… yesterday,” I finish. Hale cracks his neck from side to side, his irritation showing, but I ignore him while focusing solely on Clay. “We had an incident which required my presence here, otherwise I wouldn’t have come. Can we please go somewhere a little less public?”

  “My place,” Hale murmurs.

  “I thought I destroyed it,” I snark.

  “I’m damn good with my hands. It’s back like new,” he retorts, and I roll my eyes while following him.

  “You two fighting is a first. Either you don’t talk at all, or … well… you don’t talk at all either way. I’m not used to the back and forth slices. Knock it off.”

  “I’m not slicing, Clay. I’m on a mission. I’ve got a lot of work to do back home, and-”

  “Home? You’re calling it home already? That’s a good sign,” Clay murmurs softly, his own anger subsiding.

  “It’s a great place to call home,” I gingerly answer, and Angelica comes up to take my hand while holding Grayson’s hand with her other.

  “I don’t see why you’re confused about Brazen. He’s awesome, but this guy is a jerk,” she whispers.

  Fuck my life.

  I have to educate these newbies on the exceptional hearing they’ll one day acquire. Sheesh.

  “I’m not confused about Brazen. I know what I do and don’t want. This guy is a jerk though. You’re right about that,” I whisper back knowing full well Hale can hear me.

  He rolls his eyes while opening the door for us to walk out of the school, and I almost fall apart when my hand accidentally grazes his. I see something stir inside him, and I look away before it distracts me.

  We walk through the courtyard, and then we quickly make our way to the central building where Hale holds the door once more, our eyes connecting by accident this time. His body brushes up against mine as he moves to return to the lead, and his hands slide over my waist to move me to the right so he can get by.

  I feel him grip me a little tighter than necessary, and I feel his reluctance to let go. I just want to pull him to me, kiss him, hell… fuck him, but I refrain.


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