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Forgotten Curse

Page 11

by Owens, C. M.

  “I’m sorry for the damage to your apartment as well as the other. I’ll pay for the repairs, and I’ll also move my things to another room to prevent any future occurrences. I apologize for any inconvenience my irrational and rash outburst caused, and I assure you I have myself under control now,” I very formally state, and I treat them as two officials rather than a lover and a friend.

  “Araya, you don’t have to apologize,” Hale says with his heartbreaking tone. “You sure as hell don’t have to pay.”

  He takes a step toward me, and I take two back.

  “I want to do both. It’s the proper and professional way to act in the situation we find ourselves in. We’re not engaged, lovers, or even friends. I’m an interrogator and an officer, and you’re a captain. I’ll treat you as such from this point on, Sir,” I utter like a subordinate soldier, and Clay seems almost heartbroken now as he stares at Hale’s drooping eyes.

  “Please don’t do this, Araya. This isn’t what I want. Just give me some time, please,” Hale pleads, and I swallow against the hellacious knot climbing up my throat.

  “I’m sorry, Sir, but I can’t. I’d like to be dismissed now, Sir,” I say while saluting him very seriously, and he drops back to the wall behind him before giving me a dismissive salute.

  Just before I turn to go, I feel Brazen’s arm possessively draping around me. Hale’s eyes teem with streams of pain as he stares at us.

  He salutes Clay, and Clay does the same to him before Brazen speaks.

  “I’ve gotten the tally of how many have arrived and how many are to come. I’ll have more in the morning, Sir,” he says very formally, and then his hand slides down my back.

  “That sounds good, Captain. If you don’t mind, I’m a little tired of the formalities. If you could just act at ease, it would be appreciated.”

  “No problem. Would you care to enlighten me on the situation that brought all of us here?” Brazen asks casually, and he intentionally keeps me from being directly in Hale’s line of view.

  “Not until tomorrow. We’ll be leaving the humans out of this meeting. Please keep that in mind,” Clay murmurs very suspiciously, and I feel a little left out now.

  “Why?” I muse out loud, and Brazen’s grip tightens on me.

  “We just have to keep this conversation private. They believe it to be about our breeds finding a way to end the feuds, so let’s keep it that way.”

  “I’ll head on up to my room now. Wendy gave me the information, and I noticed there was plenty of room for Araya and the newbies. I’ll just accommodate them all.”

  Hale’s eyes tense up as though this news is tragic, and I quickly look away.

  “Grayson and Angelica have all their things already stored in the other apartment,” Clay says in objection.

  “We can move them,” Angelica chirps from behind me. “With so many people coming in, you might need that apartment. There’s a man up there fixing the wall right now, so it should be habitable in no time.”

  “Go grab your stuff,” Brazen gloats, and Angelica gives him a sweet hug before Grayson walks over to check me out.

  “You okay?” he whispers.

  “I’m fine. I told you it’s not always easy being me.”

  He then turns to Brazen and sighs, “I’m glad you’re back around. I need someone to teach me how to shoot a damn gun.”

  Clay stifles a laugh, and I smirk at the huffed plea.

  “I think I can manage that,” Brazen chuckles out, and then Grayson and Angelica rush up to start packing their things.

  “The newbies seem rather familiar with you considering you only knew them for a day,” Clay says.

  “Nothing bonds you better than a death match. It was pretty gruesome,” Brazen shivers out while brushing my hair from my shoulder and staring into my eyes.

  “We heard,” Clay grumbles.

  “We’ll see you in the morning, Clay,” I murmur softly, and then I salute Hale once again before muttering, “Captain Banner.”

  He just looks away without offering the salute in return, and Brazen tilts his head curiously at me before ushering me away.

  “So you blew up an apartment?” he muses.

  I just sigh, and then I lean into his perfect body while we walk into the main building. Hale and Clay blaze by while we keep our slow stroll, and Brazen tilts his head curiously before kissing my brow.

  “What did he say to you?” he asks softly.

  “Nothing much. I just had to check in since they didn’t see us come in,” I mumble.

  “I meant, what did he say to you to make you blow out the wall of an apartment?”

  I didn’t blow it out. It just blew out when I threw him through it.

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Just tell me what he said,” he gently prompts.

  “I thought you said it didn’t matter,” I grouse.

  “I said it didn’t matter why you were back. I’d like to know what he said to upset you that badly. It just has me worried.”

  “Don’t worry about anything. I’m fine. He only told me what I needed to hear in order to put him behind me.”

  Tears sting my eyes, and Brazen pulls me closer to him while we make our way down a few doors from where I was staying.

  “We’ll go grab our stuff,” Angelica chirps.

  I nod to her, and she tugs Grayson’s hand to lead him into the old apartment. Brazen grabs me up to whirl me around, and I laugh while my feet dangle as he carries me through the door with the one arm wrapped around my waist.

  “Are you hungry?” he murmurs while closing his lips over mine.

  “Just sleepy,” I yawn. “Very, very sleepy.”

  He smiles as he sits me back down, and then he drops his bag to the ground with a thud.

  “Let’s go to bed then. I just need to change,” he murmurs softly.

  “I don’t,” I grumble, and he laughs lightly at my silky pajama set which I traveled all the way to Berimond in.

  “I can go grab your stuff,” he murmurs gently.

  “No. I’ll go in the morning. I just want to snuggle into you for the night.”

  He tries to suppress his grin, but it’s pointless. He’s loving the fact I want him so badly right now, and I smile like a fool to mimic his goofy grin. He pulls his shirt off, and then he grabs a pair of shorts from his bag before jogging toward the room where I’m standing waiting on him.

  “The meeting is at noon tomorrow, but I’ll have to be there at nine with the other advocates and commanding officers,” he murmurs with a slightly disgruntled air.

  “Will you find me?” I smolder out while tangling my lips with his.

  “You know I will,” he seduces, and then I hear the door opening.

  “Sweet digs,” Grayson murmurs as he walks in.

  “It’s a captain’s suite. It wasn’t available last time due to all the officers here. I suppose I should feel privileged to be able to obtain it this time,” he jokes.

  “No offense, but Hershian is seriously lacking,” he mumbles to Angelica.

  “Seminole is a much larger facility, therefore it has a larger revenue circuit,” Brazen explains. “Araya and I are getting some sleep. We’ve got a meeting tomorrow, and then I’ll take you to the range to work on your shooting. How many tests do you have left?” he asks Grayson.

  “Five more. Long distance scope shooting is in two days,” he sighs out.

  “That’s my niche. I’ll have you looking like a pro,” he murmurs confidently, and Grayson cocks up a smile.

  “Good luck with that,” I mumble too low for Grayson to hear, and then I feel Brazen scooping me up to toss me on the bed.

  I laugh lightly, and he goes to shut the door before pulling off his shorts. He dives into the bed beside me, and I laugh again at his silliness while he pulls me into his arms.

  “That’s the sound I love more than anything,” he sizzles out.

  “My laugh?” I chuckle out.

  “Your happiness,” he
smolders, and then the humor leaves my face as I pull his lips against mine.

  “You’re the reason I’m happy right now. I’d be falling apart without you,” I murmur with more honesty than I intended, and his lips devour mine instantly.

  “I’m always here for you, baby,” he coos, and then his lips gently reclaim mine before he pulls me to his body. “Go to sleep.”

  I smile as I nestle into him, and I hear the shushed giggles coming from Angelica and Grayson. Hearing them together is so refreshing because it reminds me of that initial flirtatious period. At the same time it’s heartbreaking because it reminds me of the initial bond between me and Hale.

  Brazen’s lips stroke mine lightly to cure my troubles, and then I close my eyes to the world that has tainted me. I revel in his scent, his touch, and his ability to make me forget the pain I’m always in as I feel the comfort his arms so willingly bring.

  The girl staring at me has too much anxiety, pain, worry, and fear drenching the blue of her eyes. The purple hue lining the undertones of my eyes makes me different than all the others, but I dismiss it. I’m so tired of being different. I’m tired of being in pain, and I’m tired of… I’m just tired.

  I look away from the mirror after assessing my very unprofessional wardrobe. I hadn’t prepared on a meeting with the formals, so I only packed casual wear. I stride toward the door in my low cut purple halter top that shines my cleavage and at least an inch of my stomach. My sexy jeans are tucked into my black boots that rise to my knees while my gaudy jewelry begs for attention.

  I walk out the door, and I’m instantly intimidated by all the business suits. I had snuck out early to grab my stuff from my previous room, and I had been lucky to avoid anyone else. Right now, everyone is clambering in the halls on their way to the meeting that starts in ten minutes. I was hoping to arrive almost late and then hide in the back row. I don’t think there’s going to be enough room in the back row for all of us, and I have no idea where Brazen is. I’ve been texting him all morning to no avail.

  I slink in behind a group of men heading into the oversized conference room that slants at a casual angle to put the speaker talking up to us just barely. Just as I’m about to sneak in, I feel someone tugging at my back belt loop. I smirk as I turn around to see Brazen’s pale eyes dancing menacingly as he pulls me into his arms. His lips cover mine, and his hips pin me against the wall as the respectable members of the United officials continue to pour in. They offer me their disapproving gazes, but I don’t really give a fuck.

  “I told you I’d find you,” he murmurs against my lips.

  I smile my girly grin while returning his showy affection, and then he presses my body against the wall as I grip his black collared shirt. The crisp fabric wavers beneath my grasp, and the black buttons shiver at the thought of being ripped from their placement.

  “Do you think we can find a back spot?” I ask hopefully.

  “You have something planned?” he menaces, his eyebrows dancing up and down.

  I stifle my laughter while playfully slapping his chest.

  “No. I was just hoping to evade the eyes of all the professionally dressed people here. I wasn’t ready for something like this, and you look so good,” I grumble.

  He smirks cockily before bending down to kiss me lighter, and I wrap my arms around his neck while smiling against his perfect lips.

  “You look incredible, baby. Don’t worry about the meeting. I’ve seen some people sneak in with their pajamas still on. It was spur of the moment.”

  I laugh again, and then Hale’s incredible scent rushes my nose, forcing me to turn and see him walking toward us. Brazen stares him eye to eye. They exchange a silent, burning conversation through their locked gaze. Hale shakes his head, fighting off a vicious thought, as he turns to enter the large room. Brazen just rolls his eyes and then turns back to face me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask curiously.

  “I tried asking him what he did to upset you, and he told me just to enjoy it while it lasted. We sort of… had a tousle.”

  “A tousle? You fought?” I gasp.

  “We might have thrown a few punches, but it wasn’t anything major. I promise. We both feel better, and Clay dismissed the charges against both of us while saying we needed to get it out our systems. He’s right.”

  I roll my eyes now, and then I scowl at him.

  “If I wanted you to know, I’d tell you. You shouldn’t be going to him and asking for answers,” I lightly scold.

  “Baby, I just want to know what he said which upset you as bad as it did. I’m happy you turned to me, but I need to know if he crossed a line.”

  He didn’t insult my entire species.

  “Just drop it. If you want to be with me, then be with me. If you don’t, then don’t,” I growl, and his lips claim mine once more briefly to try to bring me out of my tantrum.

  “You know I want to be with you,” he smolders out.

  “Then drop it,” I mumble against his steamy kiss as he grips my hips.

  “I hate you don’t feel like you can tell me,” he huffs out.

  “I know I can tell you, I just don’t want to right now. I’m not trying to keep secrets, I’m just not ready to talk about it. Please just give me a damn minute.”

  He takes a deep, cleansing breath, and then he shakes his head.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I just hate he hurt you all over again.”

  “You knew he would, and I didn’t listen. You were always the better person for me, and I was just too stupid to realize it.”

  I start to feel the tears burning in my eyes, and his comforting hand cups my face as he tilts my head up so my eyes meet his.

  “Don’t do that. I don’t want you to cry over him,” he murmurs softly.

  “I’m not crying over him.” At least I don’t think I am. “I’m crying because I’m an idiot for believing he would be better when he was actually worse.”

  So, so much worse.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” he sighs out, and then his eyes cut to the open doorway before he shifts uncomfortably. “We have to go in. We’ll find a seat in the back.”

  I just nod, and he takes my hand in his. He pulls me over to one of the side corner rows, placing Hale directly across from us. His eyes burn against me, and they seem to be filled with guilt and pain when he sees my blue eyes that have been streaked and stained because of him.

  “Are you on probation or anything?” I ask softly.

  “For fighting with another captain?” he chuckles out sardonically. “We have to keep silence and distance between us for seven days, but that won’t be a problem. We’re not allowed to speak directly to each other, and we can’t be in the same room without at least two people present for a month. If we break the rules, we could both lose our stripes.”

  “Wow,” I gush in disbelief.

  “No worries, babe. I have no intentions of being around him past tomorrow. Clay assured everyone we wouldn’t be at Seminole past this meeting, and he told me Grayson passed all his tests other than long distance shooting which is today - though I don’t know how because he’s terrible,” he groans in distaste.

  I laugh lightly at his exasperated comment, and then I lean over to rest my head on his shoulder. I decide to keep quiet about the unethical influence Clay had on Grayson’s test scores. I’ll tell him later.

  “I’m sorry you got into a fight. We should be able to leave today since Grayson’s tests were hurried along. His last test should be in an hour, and he’s raving about how great your help was.”

  “I showed him all the beginner secrets I barely remember,” he snickers, and then his lips brush mine just as Clay takes the center to speak.

  “Thank you all for showing up on such short notice. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we need your help. As most of you know, I’ve excluded the humans from this meeting due to the contents involved. We’ve been aware for a while the humans’ life spans are shortening very rapidly. Few live past the a
ge of forty, and those who do are riddled with cancer from the radioactive atmosphere their lungs can’t filter they way ours do. We change as many as possible, but eventually, the life span of a human will be less than twenty years. Soon after that, humans will cease to exist at all. That’s not good for any of us, and we’re working very tirelessly on a solution to save them and ourselves from extinction. It’s not looking promising though, and we’re no closer to finding a solution to their problem than we were nine hundred years ago.

  “Their metabolisms and need for nourishment can’t thrive on the synthetic or cloned meats, fruits, and vegetables the hybrids can, and eventually their natural food source will also dry up due to the same thing killing them. The reason I called you here is because we’ve possibly stumbled upon something which could change our fears and shape our futures that seem so grim. We can clone so many things, but nothing as complex as human blood - at least not in a way that can sustain or heal a full blood. An undercover officer found this during one of his interrogations, and it has the potential to save at least one species from extinction - the full bloods.”

  Clay pauses his speech while pulling up the monitor to show a complicated series of blood samples. I have no clue what I’m looking at because I intentionally flunked biology so I never had to work in a lab like a rat.

  “As you can tell, this blood is almost identical to blood from a vein. It has proven to heal, feed, and sustain full bloods we’ve tested it on in the past three weeks. The problem is, we can’t duplicate it. The combinations of synthetic processes are far too advanced and complicated for the technology that should be all we have in existence. We need to find the source of this so we can find the process in which this was made. That’s where you come in. Our trail has run cold, and though we have a list of names for leads, it’s not very easy to find them. They’re hiding in the unaligned nations, and entry is not always allowed when you’re a member of the United. I’m going to disperse a list of names, contacts, aliases, pictures, and files on each of these leads to all of you, and I hope together we can pool our resources to find these people and make this happen.

  “We still have the best interrogator in the network at our disposal, and should anyone find a lead, take them to Araya Crush at Hershian.”


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