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Ruled by Shadows (Light and Darkness Book 1)

Page 36

by Jayne Castel

  The pounding of drums echoed across the square. Like the year before, men dressed in wolf costumes sat beating upon drums, while folk dressed as imps, sprites and ghouls, danced around the Altar of Umbra.

  Lilia stopped, her gaze settling upon the great, black obelisk. Her buoyant mood ebbed.

  Someone should tear that down.

  “There you are.” Lilia turned to see Dain striding toward her across the snow. Dressed in his Port Guard uniform, black leather armor and a jade-green cloak, he cut a striking figure. Lilia noticed two girls dressed as brownies eyeing him appreciatively. He’d cut his hair since joining the guard; it no longer flopped boyishly over one eye but was now cut close to his scalp. It made him look older, harder … until he smiled.

  Dain was smiling now. He carried two steaming wooden cups. Behind him, at the southern edge of the square, a woman was ladling out spiced wine. The perfume of cloves and stewed plums drifted through the dank air.

  Lilia smiled back. “We finished later than usual; I had to help Maeve bake extra Moon Cakes for this eve.”

  Dain stopped before her and handed Lilia a cup of wine. Their fingers brushed and Lilia felt a familiar frisson of heat. It surprised her, for she’d heard that the attraction between couples usually waned once the initial excitement passed. Yet ever since returning home, the passion between them had grown. Perhaps it was because they were no longer focused on survival, or because they’d both grown and changed in their time away—whatever the reason, Lilia had never been happier. The best part of her day was each evening, when Dain walked in the door.

  She raised the cup to her lips, but the wine was scalding hot so she refrained from taking a sip. “Good day?”

  He nodded and linked his arm through hers. Together, they began a slow circuit around the edge of Port Square, weaving amongst the crowds of revelers. “A new company of lads just arrived from Waybrook and Green Vale, so I’ve started hand-to-hand combat training with them.”

  Lilia glanced at him. “Does the Guard need more men?”

  “No, but King Nathan has sent a request for Orin to join him against Anthor—it appears the Prefect and Elder Council have agreed. They’re going to send a company to Rithmar in two months’ time.”

  Lilia’s belly twisted at this news—it was proof that you couldn’t hide from trouble. Even here upon this misty, green isle, the outside world intruded. She stopped, her gaze meeting Dain’s. “Will you join them?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “But you want to?”

  Dain glanced away, raking his hand through his short, light-brown hair. “I’m not sure I do.” He looked back at her, smiling. “Once, I would have jumped at the chance, but now that I’ve seen war I’m in no hurry to put my hand up.” His smile faded. “However, if it comes to it, I will have to fight … you realize that, don’t you, Lily?”

  She nodded, her throat closing as she fought a welling sense of panic. “If you leave here, I’m coming with you.”

  He shook his head, and opened his mouth to disagree but she cut him off. “Don’t even try telling me I’ll be safer here. I won’t stay behind.”

  Dain’s gaze narrowed before his mouth quirked. “Stubborn wench.”

  Lilia bit back a smile of her own. “It’s what you love about me, isn’t it?”

  “One of the many things,” he replied, his voice taking on a husky edge. His gaze widened then, his mood shifting. “I almost forgot. A goshawk brought this for you this afternoon.” He reached inside his leather jerkin and withdrew a slender scroll, fastened with wax.

  “Really?” Lilia passed him her cup of wine and took the scroll, peering down at it. The seal hadn’t been broken and her name was written in tiny letters. “Who’s it from?”

  “The wax bears the Rithmar royal seal, so it must be from the capital.”

  “From Ryana or Asher?”

  “Open it and see.”

  They moved away from the crowd and stood under one of the lanterns burning around the perimeter. The lantern cast a warm, orange hue over them, but it was bright enough to read by. Lilia broke the wax seal and unfurled the parchment, peering at the tiny writing inside. A smile broke over her face. “It’s from Ryana.”

  “Really—what does she say?”

  Lilia held the parchment close, narrowing her gaze so she could read properly. Then she began to read the letter aloud:

  Dear Lilia,

  I hope this letter finds you and Dain both well. The time has flown since you left the capital, and I fear the situation here is worsening with each passing month.

  There are times I wish that I’d returned to Orin with you. Folk are afraid of the unrest to the south and fear that Anthor will soon attack. The king is working to rebuild his armies, while Asher and I are scouring the kingdom in search of young men and women who show signs of the Light or Dark. After a slow start, we’ve managed to find ten new apprentices.

  Irana now leads the Order. She was voted in by the High Council, which was a surprise since everyone believed Asher was a clear favorite. I thought he would be disappointed to miss out, but he hardly seems to care.

  For myself, despite my wanderlust I am pleased to be here. After my pardon, I can now live freely in Rithmar, and Irana (reluctantly) allowed me to rejoin the Order. I head the Enchanters of the Dark, and the Hall of Charms, and am enjoying training the new apprentices. I like keeping busy—my mind is best kept occupied.

  I miss you and our conversations, and hope you’ve managed to settle back into your old life. It can sometimes be difficult going home.

  Love to you and Dain both. I hope to visit Port Needle in late spring.


  Lilia lowered the parchment, her eyes misting over. “I miss her,” she murmured, glancing up at Dain. “Do you think she’s happy?”

  Dain smiled. “Ryana’s too fierce, complex and troubled to find contentment easily.”

  “Not as troubled as Saul.” Lilia’s buoyant mood ebbed slightly. “I wish he’d made it.”

  “I know you do.” Dain’s smile turned wistful. “He wasn’t that bad in the end.”

  He passed Lilia back her cup of wine. It had cooled so she was able to drink it without burning her tongue. She took a sip, sighing as the hot liquid slid down her throat and warmed her belly. Then, she tucked the parchment away in her cloak and linked her arm around Dain’s once more.

  They continued their circuit around Port Square, each lost in their own thoughts.

  A short while later, it was Dain who broke the silence between them. “Do you ever wish you could make one moment last forever?”

  Lilia inclined her head to him, and saw that his expression was wistful, his gaze clouded. It was unusual to see him so pensive. “Sometimes,” she replied. “Why?”

  “If I could, I’d freeze this moment.”

  They stopped and Dain turned to her, reaching out to stroke her cheek with the back of his hand. “You look so beautiful this eve, wrapped in fur, your hair tumbling over your shoulders, your cheeks flushed with cold.”

  She grinned at him. “And wine—”

  “I’m being serious, Lily.” His fingers slid down her jaw, and he cupped her chin before leaning in for a kiss. The snow fluttered down, and revelers howled and danced around them, paying the lovers no mind. When Lilia pulled back from his embrace, her pulse was racing and her lips tingled. If they’d been alone, she would have thrown herself at him, but since they stood in the midst of a crowd she restrained herself.

  “I’m a happy man at this moment,” he murmured, still staring into her eyes, “and that’s how I wish to keep it. Remember, whatever may come, that I love you.”

  Lilia’s vision blurred. She didn’t want him to talk of the future, for they lived in an uncertain world. Like him, she wished their life to remain as it was, for their happiness to last. “And I love you, Dain, son of Ailin,” she whispered back. She took hold of his hand and squeezed it, drawing him with her as she turned them toward the edge of the crowd,
away from the revelry. She met his eye and smiled. “Come with me, and I’ll show you just how much.”

  The End

  Author’s Note

  I hope you enjoyed RULED BY SHADOWS. This story meant a lot to me. It took a while to write—a year and a half from the beginning of the first draft till the day of its release—but it was the novel I’ve always planned to write. Mixing Romance and Epic Fantasy has been hard work, and great fun.

  I’m a huge Epic Fantasy fan, but I also enjoy a strong romance/love story in my books. Whenever I discover a book with both these elements I devour it, but they always seem few and far between. Sometimes, I’m frustrated by the portrayal of women in Epic Fantasy (the romances as well as the more traditional novels). Female characters in these books are often portrayed as superhuman, ass-kicking warrior beauties, or cold, untouchable ‘princess in the tower-style’ beauties—not characters that most of us can identify with!

  With that in mind, I deliberately wrote a book where the heroine is a normal girl. I’d like to think most of us know someone like Lilia—a woman who is capable of far more than she realizes, who lets fear hold her back. Likewise, Dain was never meant to be a stereotypical hero either; he’s too flawed and human (and short!) for that.

  This novel is the first of three in the LIGHT AND DARKNESS series—three standalone romances set within a continuing three-part epic fantasy adventure. The Shadow King might no longer be a threat, but Reoul of Anthor’s about to make a lot of trouble for our characters. Plus, as you might have guessed, Gael isn’t done yet either!

  Book #2 will be Asher’s story, while Book #3 will focus on Ryana.

  Join my mailing list and keep updated!

  Follow my progress as I write Book #2 of the LIGHT AND DARKNESS series (currently planned for release mid-2018). Just click on the banner or link below to join my mailing list (no spam, I promise!).


  Once again I’d like to emphasize just how many people are actually involved in putting a book together. Few of us write a book in complete isolation!

  Firstly, I’d like to thank my readers—who gave me the confidence and encouragement to start this new series. I’d also like to thank my beta-readers, in particular Emma and Eugenia, for their invaluable feedback.

  I’m hugely grateful to RWNZ (Romance Writers of New Zealand). The first three chapters of RULED BY SHADOWS reached the finals of their Great Beginnings contest this year—and although the final version of this novel is quite different to those three chapters I submitted, the awesome and encouraging feedback I received from the first-round judges gave me the enthusiasm I needed to press on. Plus the final-round judges’ feedback helped me make some necessary changes!

  Last but not least, thanks goes to my fiancé (soon to be husband!) Tim. He structurally edits all my novels, but I was particularly nervous about giving him this one to read as he’s an Epic Fantasy fan and knows the genre very well. I had to do some extensive rewriting after his edit, but each change made the novel stronger. Not only that but Tim listens to me babble on for hours about plotlines, characters and story-arcs—and for that the man needs a medal!

  More works by Jayne Castel

  I don’t just write Epic Fantasy Romance! If you enjoyed RULED BY SHADOWS, you might also like my Historical Romance set in Dark Ages Britain and Scotland. My romances are a little grittier than a lot of traditional Historical Romance—largely due to the harsh, and at times brutal, time period—but there’s plenty of historical detail, action and adventure in these novels too.



  Prequel novella: Night Shadows

  Book #1: Dark Under the Cover of Night

  Book #2: Nightfall till Daybreak

  Book #3: The Deepening Night

  The Kingdom of the East Angles: The Complete Series

  Click on the banner to find out more about this series.

  Get Jayne's FREE Starter Library and read the prequel novella and Books #1 and #2 to her first series, THE KINGDOM OF THE EAST ANGLES:


  Book #1: The Breaking Dawn

  Book #2: Darkest before Dawn

  Book #3: Dawn of Wolves

  Click on the banner below to find out more about this series.


  Book #1: The Whispering Wind

  Book #2: Wind Song (to be released in late 2017)

  Book #3: The North Wind Comes (to be released in 2018)

  Click on the banner below to find out more about this series.



  Book #1: Blood Feud

  Book #2 Barbarian Slave (to be released early 2018)

  About the Author

  Jayne Castel writes Historical Romance set in Dark Ages Britain and Scotland, and Epic Fantasy Romance. Her vibrant characters, richly researched historical settings, extensive world-building and action-packed adventure romance transport readers back to forgotten times and imaginary worlds.

  When she’s not writing, Jayne is reading (and re-reading) her favorite authors—Bernard Cornwell, Diana Gabaldon, Elizabeth Chadwick, George R.R. Martin and J.R.R. Tolkien to name just a few—learning languages and taking her dog, Juno, for walks. Jayne lives in New Zealand’s South Island, where she works as a freelance copywriter.

  Get Jayne's FREE Starter Library and read the prequel novella and Books #1 and #2 to her first series, THE KINGDOM OF THE EAST ANGLES:

  Connect with Jayne online:

  Read Jayne's blog.


  Twitter: @JayneCastel





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