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The Game

Page 5

by A. J. Carella

  Not wanting to appear too eager, Kyle had left it until the last minute to arrive at the Game. Opening the door to the unit, he knew what to expect so he wasn’t surprised when he came face to face with a powerfully built man standing there with his hand outstretched. He’d counted on the muscle being local and let out a breath when he realized he’d been correct. He didn’t know if they would have recognized him but it wasn’t a chance he had wanted to take. Smiling, he handed over the cash and made his way over to the table. The nine other players were already at the table and he nodded to each of them as he took his seat. His stomach was churning and he had never felt more nervous but he couldn’t afford to let it show. Putting his poker face on, he waited for the game to begin.

  The first couple of hours were uneventful with everyone assessing each other’s capabilities and trying to spot individual weaknesses. Everyone had them. Kyle was lucky, he’d spent many of his off duty nights playing all-night poker games with his buddies so was aware of his own faults which he skillfully hid. One after another, the other players ran out of cash and he lost track of time. The strain of concentrating not only on the cards but on not letting anything show on his face had given him a headache. He was cold and stiff, and in desperate need of coffee.

  The eighth player had just been knocked out when Kyle heard the tell-tale sound of a car approaching. It had to be Tara. Careful! He could not afford to lose focus now. With only one other player in the game it was between the two of them. He refused to let himself imagine what would happen if he lost. It wasn’t an option. But this guy, he was good. He was in his late fifties, about 5’2” and very fat. But his face was completely impassive. He gave nothing away.

  The last two hands, he’d been dealt crap cards and as the dealer dealt a new hand he prayed that his luck would turn. Making sure to keep his face unreadable he looked at his cards. He’d been dealt a pair of kings, not a bad hand. He was down to his last few hundred. He had no choice. Bluff it was, then. He pushed what remained of his cash to the center of the table and said a silent prayer.

  The fat man called it. Flipping over their cards, Kyle was stunned. Fat man had a seven-two off suit, the worst possible hand a player could start with. Everything rested on the dealer. He turned over three diamonds in a row. Despite the temperature, Kyle felt sweat trickle down his back and pool at the base of his spine. The fat man already had a diamond in his hand. One more and he’d have a flush. Kyle would lose. He felt everything change to slow motion as the card turned over, everything else in the room apart from that card going out of focus.

  He’d lost. The fat man had won with a flush.

  Kyle felt sick. Staring at his hand, he couldn’t believe he had lost. He had never seen anyone have luck like that. What was he going to do now? The fat man was smiling widely and making his way outside. Pushing his chair back he stood up, his legs barely holding him, as he watched the back door of the limo open and Tara step out. It felt like a punch to the gut when he saw her and when the man put his hand around her waist proprietarily, it was all he could do to make himself stay where he was. If he went rushing in there now, it would all be over. He couldn’t risk her seeing him. If she reacted they would know something was up. Realizing they would soon be leaving, Kyle quietly crept back to where he had parked the car outside the entrance to the warehouse and started the engine. He would wait until they left and follow them. He still didn’t know what he was going to do but at least he would know where she was.

  Chapter Fifteen

  As Tara sat in the back of the limo her stomach was churning. She couldn’t do this! She felt the bile rise in her throat as she looked at the man she was expected to satisfy for the next month and at his fat sweaty hand that now rested on her knee. As she watched, his hand worked its way up her leg and under her skirt. Swallowing hard Tara tried to smile, to not let the disgust show on her face. His fingers pushed the fabric of her panties aside and, not caring if the driver could see, he pushed his fingers inside her.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said. She could feel his hot breath on her cheek as he slid closer to her. Closing her eyes, she fought back her tears. Taking a deep breath she opened her eyes and smiled at him. Taking hold of his hand and putting it back on his lap she whispered coyly.

  “Shall we wait until we get to your place?” He nodded enthusiastically. Feeling like she had dodged a bullet, she turned to look out of the window at the streets of London as they flew by. She knew she couldn’t avoid it forever, but for the next few minutes she could pretend.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kyle followed the car closely through the streets of London and to the West End, his hands gripping the wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white. The luck that had abandoned him during the game had found him again as it was the early hours of the morning and the roads were quiet. Noticing the brake lights of the limo, Kyle slowed down and then pulled over when it was clear that the car was going to stop. It had pulled up outside a terraced house in an exclusive square. The square had houses on all four sides, all of which overlooked a park in the center. The house was three stories high and judging by the expensive cars parked in the street, very expensive. With mixed feelings, Kyle watched as Tara and the winner stepped out of the car and walked up the front steps, entering the house. He had been worried that the winner would whisk her away on a plane to some unknown destination so was pleased that they were still in London, but knowing what was sure to happen in that house tonight was killing him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tara took in the opulently decorated entrance hall and the antique furniture lining the walls. Her heart had never been in it, but before she would have appreciated her surroundings. Not anymore. Never had she felt the desire to turn and run as strongly as she did now. She’d always had her plan to focus on and, while she never enjoyed it, she always tried to give that appearance so that the customer would be happy and she would have something else to add to her safety deposit box. An image of Kyle popped into her head then and it almost made her cry out. She had to be strong. Kyle was part of her past. A part she would never, ever, forget but past all the same.

  Forcing herself to smile, she followed the winner, who’d introduced himself as Frank, as he showed her up to the bedroom. “It’s late. Make yourself comfortable but don’t bother to unpack,” he said, as he put her case on the bed. ‘I’m taking you to my villa in the South of France so we can make the most of our time together. We leave in the morning.”

  “That sounds lovely,” she said, keeping up the act. She opened her suitcase and took out her nightgown. She was just heading into the bathroom when she heard him come up behind her and felt his hands on her hips.

  “Let’s finish what we started, shall we?” he said as he yanked up her skirt. Reaching round he slid his fingers into her panties again.

  “You liked that in the car didn’t you?” Nodding, Tara kept her face turned to the wall. Turning her around, he pushed her up against it and, grabbing at her shirt, ripped it open. Not bothering to undo her bra, he pulled it down, exposing her tits. Grabbing one in each hand he squeezed them together and started licking and sucking her nipples which hardened under his tongue despite herself. Reaching down he pulled her panties off altogether and shoved his fingers inside her.

  Taking her hand, he lowered it to his crotch and rubbed it against his hard-on. Breathing heavily now, he dropped his pants to the floor and kicked them aside. Pulling her toward the bed, he pushed her down on her front and spread her legs.

  She felt him lie down on top of her and then his cock was inside her. Burying his head in her neck and grabbing her ass, he started pounding his cock into her, grunting loudly. She suddenly felt him pull out of her and flip her over. Removing the condom, he took his cock in his hand and straddled her. With a load moan he came all over her tits.

  With tears streaming down her face, Tara scrubbed at herself, making her skin raw. She had never hated herself more than in that moment. One man. And that man had t
urned her whole life upside down.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next morning found Kyle parked outside the house watching and waiting. He had no big, clever plan but he was hoping that at some point the winner would leave and Tara would be left in the house alone. Movement caught his eye and he sat up straighter in his seat. The front door was opening. A cold finger of disappointment ran down his spine when he saw that both Tara and the winner were leaving carrying suitcases. Fuck! They were obviously going somewhere and he had no idea where. It didn’t matter. Wherever they were going he was going to follow. He was not losing her again.

  He watched as they got in a taxi and then pulled out behind it as it drove past. After several miles he started to recognize the roads and with a sinking feeling he realized they were heading to the airport. His mind was spinning furiously. Nothing had gone according to plan and he was out of time. He had no idea what to do next.

  He watched as they were dropped off outside the terminal and hurriedly parked the rental car in the short term parking lot, running back to the terminal as quickly as he could. Scanning the sea of thousands of faces frantically, terrified that he had missed her, his eyes finally picked out her face. He let out a breath. All was not lost.

  He toyed with the idea of just storming over there, taking her by the hand and just walking away. But that wasn’t an option. The airport was swarming with armed police, as most airports were these days. If he caused a scene, Tara would end up arrested for prostitution and he wouldn’t do that to her. He had to think of something before they went through security. She would be lost to him then. He couldn’t believe his luck when, after a few minutes, she made her way, alone, to the female restroom. Not caring who was inside, and ignoring the indignant looks and cries from the women inside, he followed her in.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Touching up her make up in the mirror, Tara doubted her own eyes when she saw Kyle’s reflection. Turning, she saw him standing there and had to hold on to the sink for support as her knees went weak and threatened to fail her.

  “What are you doing here? If Sergei finds out he’ll kill you,” she managed to gasp.

  Reaching for her before she fell he pulled her into his arms. “I love you, I wasn’t about to let you go,” he said simply.

  “How did you find me?” she said, still not believing that she was once again in his arms.

  “I’ll explain everything to you later. We don’t have much time, we need to go.” Looking at him she realized that she loved him, too, with her entire being. Could it really be that simple?

  “But I can’t!”

  “Why not? What’s holding you here?”

  Tara shook her head. “You don’t understand! Sergei owns me. You don’t just walk away from a man like him. Don’t you think I would have done it years ago if I could?”

  “It’s different now, you’re not alone.”

  Tara wanted to believe him but he was naïve. He had no idea what he was up against. “No, it would be putting you in danger too, and I won’t do that. I care about you too much.”

  “Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t love me,” he demanded.

  “I do love you Kyle, more than I ever thought it was possible to love anyone, but I can’t just walk away. Wherever we went, he would find us.”

  “That’s a risk I’m willing to take. I’m not losing you.” This was crazy, but she knew she had made up her mind the minute she had seen him again.


  They decided that Kyle would walk out first and make sure that the coast was clear. Confirming that it was, he took Tara by the hand and they quickly made their way to the exit and to his car.

  It took a few minutes for their breathing to return to normal. ‘”I can’t believe we just did that.’ Tara grinned. The grin didn’t last for long though. “You know it’s only going to be a matter of minutes before Sergei finds out, don’t you?”

  Kyle nodded. “Yeah, which is why we need to get ourselves on a flight out of here as soon as we can. Not from here, though. We’ll drive over to Gatwick and catch a flight there.”

  Facing forward to start the car, he stopped when Tara put her hand on his arm. “We have to go to my apartment first.”

  “What on earth for?” he asked.

  Tara explained about the safety deposit box and, knowing they weren’t in a position to walk away from that kind of cash, he agreed.

  She gave him directions across town and he drove fast, knowing time was their enemy. Aware that Sergei may well be already on his way there, she grabbed a couple of pairs of jeans and some t-shirts and flung them in a bag. Taking the key for the deposit box from her bedside table, she closed the front door behind her without a second glance and ran down the steps to where Kyle was waiting in the car.


  After going to the bank and emptying her deposit box, they headed to his room at the hotel. As he closed the door behind them, what she was doing suddenly hit her and she started to tremble. “What do we do now? He’ll find us, you know.”

  “We leave town. Tonight.”

  “But where do we go? Sergei has contacts everywhere. Wherever we go we won’t be safe.”

  “Geneva. He’ll be expecting us to go back to the states. Geneva’s also probably the best place to sell some of that jewelry.”

  Tara nodded. “Okay.”

  They drove to the airport in silence, their fingers entwined between them. They were in luck. The next flight to Geneva was leaving within the hour with British Airways and they managed to get two seats. Anxiously watching the departure lounge doors, they were first on when the boarding call came.

  As the plane took off Tara turned to Kyle. “Thank you,” she said. It didn’t seem enough somehow. He was risking his life for her but it was all she had.

  Smiling, Kyle looked at her. “Try and get some sleep.” She rested her head on his shoulder and within minutes, Kyle heard the change in her breathing as she fell asleep.

  He had no idea what they were going to do next. He still had some contacts from his time at the LAPD and they may be able to help but, for now, they needed to stay off the radar. They would be okay for funds, the jewels and cash in Tara’s carry-on would more than cover their expenses. But Geneva was only a short-term solution. Where they would go from there he had no idea.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sergei could barely contain his rage. How dare she? Frank had contacted him demanding his money back and threatening to get his many contacts to boycott his games. She had completely humiliated him. All these years and she had never let him down. She had been one of his best girls and now all of a sudden she was going off the rails. Well, he couldn’t, and wouldn’t, let her get away with it. Though far from the only income from his business, the Games were one of the most lucrative ventures, bringing in well over close to $30 million a year. Now, all of that was at risk just because of her.

  He’d been stupid. Because she had been with him for so long, he’d given her far more freedom than the others. He should have dealt with her properly after L.A. Usually his punishments were much more permanent. It was not enough for him now to simply have her dealt with. He was going to get her back. And he had an ace up his sleeve that was going to help him do it.

  Chapter Twenty One

  Watching the ground drop away as they took off, they both relaxed. It was over. After clearing customs at Geneva airport, they’d taken a taxi to the town center. Splurging, they had checked into the Hilton on the shores of Lac Leman and were now sitting in one of the many café’s that dotted the waterfront.

  “This is surreal. Am I actually free?” She couldn’t believe it. “Three weeks ago I hadn’t even met you. You’ve turned my life upside down.”

  “In a good way I hope?” he asked gently, smiling at her. “Yes, of course. It’s just such a lot to take in,” she sighed. “And there is a lot about me that you don’t know.” “Whatever there is won’t change the way I feel. I felt it the first time I met you,” Kyle sa

  Tara wanted to give herself to this man and for the first time in her life, wanted to do it freely. Taking him by the hand, she stood up. “Shall we head back?”

  Hand in hand, they walked back to their hotel. She turned to him once they were inside their room and lifted her face for his kiss. Taking her face in his hands he gently kissed her, gently nibbling on her lips. With a groan, she put her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her, opening her lips to him. She had never been kissed with such tenderness, such feeling.

  Gently she undid the buttons on his shirt one by one and lowered it from his shoulders. Without taking his lips from hers, he shrugged it off so it fell to the ground. With her hands, she explored his chest and the tuft of hair that ran from his chest to his navel, disappearing into the top of his jeans. Breathless, she reached for his belt buckle. He grabbed her by the wrists, stopping her.

  “Not so fast.” He smiled. Gently, he took her hair in his hand and pulled her head back, burying his face in her neck. Pulling away, he took hold of the bottom of her t-shirt and gently lifted it over her head. She was not wearing a bra and her breasts sprang free, the nipples immediately hardening.

  “Oh, my God. You’re beautiful.” Cupping a breast in each hand he lowered his mouth first to the right breast and then to the left, licking and sucking the nipples which hardened under his touch. Taking her by the hand, he led her to the bed where he sat and pulled her to him.

  Tracing feathery kisses across her belly, he undid the button of her jeans, undid the zipper and pulled them to the floor. Tara held his head to her as he teased her with his tongue through the fabric of her panties. Standing up, Kyle spun her around and laid her on the bed. She was panting now, the desire clear in her eyes as he removed the last of her clothing.

  Parting her legs, he lowered his face and gently started lapping at her pussy. With a loud moan, Tara started writhing on the bed, thrusting her hips to him.


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