Jason and Azazel Extras

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Jason and Azazel Extras Page 6

by V. J. Chambers

  3-Sun energy theory?

  -don't worry about it. Can use it another book if needed. But leave it open as a possibility.

  4-Alcohol or lack thereof. Should Jason drink moonshine? YES

  5-Several hints that all is not well with the OF...???

  -Epilogue Azazel refusing to return power to the OF, using her armies.

  -Drop mention from Sutherland, drop mention from Jason

  6-Destroyed bridges? Nuff?

  -Think so. See if betas complain.

  7-Reaction to Agnes' prophecy.

  -add to scene before Az finds Chance missing.

  8-Jason's birthday is soon in the story.

  9-Impressionable minds

  10-Epilogue includes Az having the grimoire squirreled away, not telling anyone she has it.

  Before scenes

  -Azazel learning to use her powers with OF, people protesting OF outside building, feeling the darkness inside it.

  -Azazel watching people react badly to her magic


  -Jason/Chance scene (already written)

  Stillness Draft Outline

  This is the outline for the book. One line per scene.

  Cutting up firewood for heat, light, cooking... what do people eat? Who makes it? etc.

  Jason has been captured or something and he taunts Azazel while demanding she back off on the Order's westward expansion.

  Kieran tries to advise az, but she tells him to shut up, that one fuck does not make them buddies or a couple or whatever.

  Receives body parts from group going west

  Discovery of the missing person and the missing grimoire

  Azazel has a dream about baby Jenna. And flies.

  Azazel tries to find a pregnancy test in a dilapidated drug store.

  Radio contact tells them that they need to wait it out. There's another force north.

  Hallam pushes Azazel to use her magic to stop Jason. Azazel refuses. Discuss nature of magics. A military tactic is instead used against his people.

  Discussion of where grimoire might be

  Family member of the group that is being cut up begs Az for help

  Azazel has a dream that she and Jason are together and are torturing people. Kieran comforts.

  Azazel and Kieran discuss what happened with Jason.

  Az and Kieran search for missing grimoire

  Kieran finds a baby in an abandoned house. He and Az talk about the possibility of children.

  Azazel has a dream about babies and flies.

  Discussion with Columbus resident who is following Jason. also tells them Jason has the grimoire

  Az & K find two lesbians willing to help. They also take the baby. They return to camp.

  Azazel and Kieran lament the loss of TV. Wonder what's happening out west. Why no help, etc.

  Hallam and Marlena talk to Azazel about the state of resources, etc.

  The lesbian-oracle chick heals someone

  More body parts arrive. Azazel and Marlena decide to break in to Jason's camp and free the prisoners. Hallam and Kieran insist on coming along.

  While looking for prisoners, az breaks off to find the grimoire. Faces off with Jason.

  Fire fight getting into the camp. Some casualities. Force a person to give them the prisoner's location.

  Further scuffle at prison. Marlena is wounded. They get prisoners out, except one, who is dead.

  Convinced Jason has the grimoire, Azazel heads back to his camp. Kieran follows.

  Jason and Kieran fight. Grimoire IS in Jason's camp.

  Kieran gets hurt and the lesbian-oracle chick has to heal him.

  Lesbian-oracle wants to know why this is happening. Hallam talks about symbols and magic.

  Jason has magic, they now know. Is that why he might want the grimoire?

  Chick says she can teach az what's in the grimoire. Az still wants it back.

  Kieran and Az argue over whether or not she should get rid of her magic.

  Hallam discovers Az wants to get rid of magic and demands she leave.

  Kieran talks to azazel about what happened to his family.

  Az and K pack up and leave, but run into...

  Jason sends a huge number of armed people to storm the OF encampment.

  They can fight their way out or in. Azazel chooses out.

  Az decides they need to make one last pass for the grimoire, while Jason's people are busy.

  Sees Jason with another woman. sees red, much to her chagrin

  Azazel uses her magic to confuse Jason's men and feels guilty about it.

  Azazel refuses to see anyone. Kieran comes to talk to her. They talk about little Jenna.

  Marlena thanks Azazel for her help. Azazel confides she might be pregnant. Talks about jealousy over Jason.

  Chick tries to convince Azazel that she can help people, with oracle. She tries, but makes things worse. The oracle has to heal all the wounded people.

  Azazel and Kieran kiss

  Jason comes to talk to az, first trying to get back together. He is drunk. Az tells him she's pregnant. He flies off the handle, telling her she will cave and use magic. She's angry about what she saw in his camp.

  Azazel has a dream that she and Jason are married and everything is perfect.

  Kieran comes into contact with the gang that killed his family. He wants Azazel to kill them.

  Azazel is cold towards Kieran. He demands to know if it is because of Jason.

  they discover that jason's people have destroyed their motorboat

  Azazel tries to take pregnancy test, but it's ruined somehow.

  Azazel talks to jason's new gf

  Radio contact lets them know that the forces north have disappeared and didn't make it over. It's up to them now.

  Kieran tries to convince the remaining people in the camp to go after the gang. They don't want to.

  Kieran isn't jealous. Azazel is surprised and pleased.

  Hallam and Marlena go in search of a replacement motor boat.

  Azazel has a dream about Hallam and Marlena

  Grimoire chick tries to teach az some magic. Az gets angry.

  She and Kieran try to go after them to warn them, but they find his gang.

  Azazel manages to make contact with Hallam, who won't back off

  Azazel has a dream about flies

  Az finds out Jason has kidnapped Hallam and Marlena

  Azazel and the oracle talk about a dream they had.

  Grimoire chick tries to explain that magic is a choice, like Agnes said.

  Azazel no longer cares about using her magic, because of what she's done and because there is no baby.

  They sneak into the the encampment, but Jason muddles everyone's brains and turns them to his side.

  Jason and Azazel face off. She begs him to stand aside. He says no.

  Azazel takes Jason's hand and the heads of all his followers blow up.

  Jason offers Azazel the grimoire. She doesn't want it anymore.

  Azazel uses her magic to contain Jason. He struggles, but is triumphant that she's given in.

  Azazel frees Marlena and Hallam

  Marlena and Azazel tearfully discuss what's happened to Jason and if there's any hope for him.

  Azazel and Polly talk. She and Kieran offer her safe passage back to an OF encampment.

  Azazel watches the boat head west. Kieran comes to tell her that Jason has escaped. Big surprise.

  Chance arrives to try to convince her to use magic. (Legistics of arrival worked out later.)

  Flashback explaining why A & J are apart.

  Azazel gets her period. She is surprisingly devastated. Kieran comforts her and...

  Azazel and Kieran are attacked while trying to get it on. Azazel makes the men shoot each other.

  Polly reports to Az that she can't find the grimoire, but she's trying. Jason is scaring her. She wants to get away from him. She wants Az's help if she can get the grimoire.

  Sees people going towards Jason's camp -no
t 1000 word scene

  Marlena and Hallam don't show back up in time. Az is convinced Jason has them.

  Azazel takes off into Jason's camp. She can't find Hallam or Marlena.

  Jason shows her the info he has on Sutherland and the ransom message he's recieved. He tells her he's gathering an army based on intel he's received. asks for her help. She refuses.

  Oracle shows up with a message from Agnes

  Az and Kieran radio the OF for help with the Sutherland situation. They send as many people as they can.

  Sutherland's people capture Chance.

  Azazel agrees to work with Jason.

  Azazel assures Kieran her alliance with Jason is short-lived. She also tells him she loves him.

  Planning scene with Jason and Kieran. Discussion of when Sutherland will attack, etc.

  Gus challenges Az's power. She tells him to do what she says or she'll fuck him up.

  Azazel makes contact with Polly. Tells her to forget about the grimoire. She promises to get her away from Jason once this is all over.

  Arrival of more of Jason's army and the OF forces.

  Oracle asks Az if she and her gf can help with fight. Az says no, but she can dream, and they can take the kids and women someplace safe.

  Army arrives. Sutherland says they can solve it easier. He, Jason, Azazel (and Kieran, dragged along) go to meet with him. (in graveyard?)

  Azazel tries to make Sutherland kill himself, but Sutherland tells her he doesn't have "an impressionable mind."

  Jason and Azazel cue their armies to attack mentally. Within their minds, they can monitor what's going on. Sutherland has communication. They swear at each other a lot.

  Kieran breaks away and manages to free Marlena and Hallam. In a rage, Sutherland orders the death of Chance. No one can get there in time.

  Azazel and Jason aren't getting the most destruction out of their armies. He suggests they kiss. Azazel refuses.

  Azazel kisses Jason. The tide immediately turns. She finds she can control Sutherland's mind just fine now, thank you very much. Carnage city.

  Demands made by OF (Watkins) to return forces. Azazel refuses. "I'm in control of the OF now."

  Jason teases about the kiss. Azazel tells him to fuck himself and watch himself. The next time she sees him, she'll kill him.

  Azazel and Kieran set about using Sutherland's resources to bring order back to the world, fix transfomers, etc. Kieran asks if she thinks they've seen the last of Jason.

  Between the Heaves of Storm Extras

  Draft Notes

  Questions for Kieran

  Draft Notes

  Here are some notes I made for this book. They may not make much sense to anyone except me, but you can get an impression of how the book was crafted.

  Book Two—

  Azazel has amnesia, and she encounters a strange new world. Perhaps she has been in a coma for several years, or else she has changed the world in several years.

  The book would be a bit of a departure, with the characters we love not appearing again until the end of the book?

  Azazel goes on a pilgrimage along with other new characters to find Jason, and when they do, he recognizes her. When he finds out what happened to her (that she lost her memory), he plucks her out of the crowd and sets her up as his paramour/consort, during which she uses her time to help the both of him and they get married or try to have children. Or she gets pregnant.

  But then, Kieran shows up, and is able to undo what he did with the grimoire and give her back her power and memories, at which time, she kills the baby and tries to kill Jason.

  Jason and Azazel fight like dogs and cats in a huge final showdown, during which Kieran is killed in the cross fire.

  They end up with guns to each other's heads, daring each other to pull the trigger. But then Jason reminds Azazel of something she taught him while she'd lost her memory, and she stops.

  Together, they use the grimoire to purge their powers, since they realize they've destroyed the world.

  Azazel stalks out of Jason's life, tugging his son along with her, and swears he'll never see either of them again. Jason crumples to the floor, sobbing and begging her to reconsider.


  Possibility of journal entries from Kieran—or letters that he wrote to her beginning each chapter.

  Or first part from Kieran's POV??

  Several issues here:

  a-What do the new characters bring to the story and how will we write about them without getting bored? (Possibly begin with Azazel seeing Jason or intersperse her experiences with someone else's so that we have some idea of what's going on. After all, Azazel will not know she is Azazel, making things even stranger. Possibly, we hide this from the audience. Will they read if they don't know where the hell Azazel is??)

  b-What is that Azazel tells Jason that makes her stop trying to kill him?

  c-There should be some kind of main outside conflict to keep things going, like a threat from the OF or something.

  d-Can Jude please come back? I miss Jude.

  1st scene: Azazel and her new friend see Jason. He has a beard and scraggly, longish hair. Everyone is worshipping him like a God, because they are all drawn to him.

  Kieran has Azazel's powers now, and continues to use them. There are scenes from his point of view, which is also kind of a weird Azazel POV, because he has all her memories.

  Scene: Jason with Azazel. Az: I'm not who you think I am. She should have a new name.

  How do the flies factor in now?? LoftheF references, including perhaps a parallel Simon scene involving Kieran. I also want to reference Heart of Darkness. This means we're going to need heads on sticks. I'd say much more at this juncture, flies=death.

  "A continuous shower of small flies streamed upon the lamp, upon the cloth, upon our hands and faces. Suddenly the manager's boy put his insolent black head in the doorway, and said in a tone of scathing contempt:

  "'Mistah Kurtz -- he dead.' "

  This book is about Jason and Azazel being evil, but there's never much showing people being evil in books, because I wager being evil is about as boring as being good. No struggle, right?

  So, you have two options. One is to showcase Jason's struggle with good. The other is to create some kind of external struggle. Probably, we will do both.

  The external struggle with Az's powers is boring, because they're perfectly matched and so they just go back and forth.


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