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A Dangerous Moon [Tales of the Werewolf Clan]

Page 7

by Luna, Sabrina

  Deep down, Allison knew Jeni was telling her the truth. She only wished she could tell her friend what she'd experienced was all true. Tragic, but true. Some folks really did change into wolves. But this was neither the time nor the place to do so.

  "Allison?" A deep male voice came from the open doorway. Doctor Cary stood there with a concerned expression on his face.

  "Maybe Doctor Cary should give you another dose of –"

  "No!" Jeni shook her head animatedly. "I don't want to be drugged up."

  "But you need to get some rest, Jeni." Allison reached over and patted her friend's hand again. "Thanks for telling me what really happened." She leaned in, giving Jeni a light kiss on her forehead. "I'm going to leave you in Cary's care while I go speak with Taylor and the emergency crew again. Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise."

  Jeni drew another deep breath, and then rested her head back on the pillow, closing her eyes. Allison turned and crossed the room. "Doctor, please take good care of her. She's all yours." Cary merely nodded, and then she headed out the door and down the hall to where the emergency staff had gathered.

  Chapter Seven

  The sun was rising over the horizon. Its golden rays filled the small waiting room which was now crowded with the members of the wolf clan's council. Allison entered the room and all heads turned to face her.

  "Allie, over here." Rick offered her the seat beside his sister, Megan. The younger McShaw sibling was wearing a frumpy jogging suit, but it didn't conceal her swollen, pregnant belly. Allison smiled over at her as she sank down into the seat and glanced around at the other familiar faces in the room.

  Rick was standing beside his brother, Ray, who was speaking to someone on his cell phone. "Thanks," he said into the receiver. "Keep it up and contact us as soon as you find out anything. Got that?" Ray snapped the phone shut, and then faced the gathered clan members.

  "It's like we thought, whoever this guy is, he's a rogue sithech shifter, so he's not one of us." Ray frowned, folding his arms over his chest. "And we won't stop until we find him either."

  "How's Jeni?" Megan turned to Allison and took her hand. "Bruce said she was pretty shaken up and the wolf bit her on the hand. Is that right?"

  Allison drew a deep breath, and then proceeded to tell the council everything Jeni had told her. "And, what's really sad is that I can't tell her the truth. Maybe, with the council's permission, we should tell her. It will help ease her mind."

  "Not right now, Allie." Rick shook his head. "First, we have to locate him. Jeni said he asked for you. Why?"

  "I don't know." Allison shrugged. "Maybe, since I'm the clan healer, he needs my help. Maybe…"

  "No!" Rick stepped over to her and bent down, looking her in the eyes. "Until Bruce and the boys tranquilize him and take him into custody, you're in danger too." Allison blinked, and then glanced around the room. Several council members murmured in agreement.

  "Ritchie has a good point," Ray nodded. "You need to be protected at all costs. If this rogue is looking for you in town, then it puts all of us at risk…including the regular townsfolk like Jeni."

  "What do you suggest?" Allison frowned. Her stomach twisted with nerves as she glanced around the room.

  "As pack guardian, I want you to go out to our family's cabin until we catch this rogue wolf. It's far enough from town that I believe it'll be a safe refuge. Megan, do you have the key to Dad's cabin?" Ray turned his attention to his sister.

  "Yeah, sure. Derek and I have done a little work on it. You may need some groceries and clean clothes, but everything's in pretty good shape."

  "And don't worry about your schedule here at the center. I've already spoken with Michael and he's approved an urgent 'leave of absence' for you," Ray assured her. "Everything will be covered and your patients will be taken care of too."

  Rick reached over and took Allison's hand from Megan's. "And don't worry, I'll go with you, doc, to the cabin, and make sure you're safe until this rogue is found and under control. Okay?"

  "Fine." Allison closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. "I'll leave town so no one else is at risk." She opened her eyes again and flashed Rick a soft smile. "Thanks for offering to come with me. I know I can count on you."

  * * *

  Rick waited outside the urgent care unit at his truck for Allison. She'd wanted to check in on Jeni one more time before they headed back to her place to pack. He tossed up a hand and waved as Megan and her husband pulled out of the parking lot in their car and headed down the road. Even though he was tired, a fiery mix of adrenaline pumped through his veins.

  "Hey, I just received some good news," Ray said as he crossed the lot to where Rick stood. "I just heard from Slim and his cousin is still locked away, so he's not the rogue sithech we're searching for."

  "Then who is?" Rick raised an eyebrow. "And why is he looking for Allison?"

  "Beats me." His brother gave a casual shrug. "I'm just glad you're in town and can help to protect her."

  "Me too." Rick smiled over at him, and then turned to see Allison step out the clinic doors and head towards them. He heart skipped a beat. She was lovely…and smart too. He'd be crazy to leave her again. But, with his damn empathic abilities, he could pick up on everything she was feeling.


  "Well, Jeni's resting now. Ernie's volunteered to stay with her." Allison flashed him a relieved smile. "You know, if I didn't know better, I'd swear he really likes her."

  "Oh?" Rick smirked. "You don't say." Allison laughed. He was glad it raised her spirits a bit, considering everything that had happened. "So, are you ready to head out? Megan already gave me the key to our family's cabin. She also brought along a spare tranquilizer gun too. I'm taking it with us. Well, just in case…" His voice trailed off.

  Allison frowned, folding her arms over her chest. "A tranquilizer gun? Aren't those things dangerous?"

  "No more dangerous than a rogue wolf on the loose," Rick replied. "Don't worry. When we get to the cabin, I'll show you how to safely use it."

  "But —"

  Rick reached out and gently placed his hands on her shoulders. "There are no 'buts' about it, doc. I want you to know how to use the tranquilizer gun just as a precaution. Okay?"

  She gave a heavy sigh. "Oh, all right."

  "Good. Well, let's head out. We'll drop by the house, grab some clothes and provisions, then head on out to the cabin. Come on." He draped his arm protectively around her shoulder and steered her towards his truck.

  No one was going to harm Allison while he was around.

  No one.

  * * *

  By the time they'd reached the cabin, it was just after high noon. Allison had caught a nap in the truck and was feeling more refreshed by the time she and Rick hauled their clothes and supplies into his family's one room cabin. She couldn't help but think that under different circumstances, the cabin would have been the perfect place for a weekend rendezvous away from town.

  "Remember how we used to come out here to swim?" she recalled with a wistful smile. "Megan and Derek have really put some work into the place. It's so much cozier now."

  "Yeah, it does look nice. Derek's done some repair work around the place, but he hasn't got around to the old well yet. I believe it was Megan who started remodeling the inside…well, before her pregnancy. But they got a good start on the place, if I do say so myself." He nodded, and then changed the topic. "Well, while we were packing, Bruce already came out and checked the grounds for any suspicious activity and all's clear." He sat down on the edge of the double bed. "Oh, and if you don't mind, we'll have to share this bed while we're here. Okay?"

  "That's fine with me…as long as you don't snore," she added with a quick wink.

  "Me? I don't snore!" he mockingly protested. They both laughed while Allison began to put away their provisions into the cabinets and get settled in.

  After a quick lesson on how to load and use the tranquilizer gun, Rick smiled over at her. "Hey, tell
you what, I'm going to lay down and catch up on a little sleep. Wake me in about an hour, okay?"

  "Sure thing."

  Allison's heart pounded hard in her chest as she watched Rick pull off his t-shirt and spread out onto the double bed against the back wall of the cabin. With all that was happening, she mentally chided herself for even thinking of sex. Oh, that crazy moon! She shook her head and drew a deep breath.

  After putting everything in its place, Allison pulled her cell phone from her pocket and quietly slipped out the front door onto the porch. She called the hospital to check in on Jeni's progress, and then phoned her aunt to let her know what was going on.

  "Oh! Allison, sweetheart, please be careful." She could hear the worry in her Aunt Jean's voice. "At least Rick's with you, but still, this other wolf shifter sounds really dangerous!"

  "Well, I hope they find him soon enough too. But I have no idea who it is or why he's even asking for me."

  "Remember, dear, we aren't the only clan of wolves who escaped the wolf hunts centuries ago," her aunt reminded her. "Other clans, besides ours, spread out into parts of Europe and some came into the States. And, nowadays, I'm sure some of them are even working together. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if there are even shifters in top levels of government too!"

  "The government? Oh, come on, Auntie!" Allison chuckled. "That's crazy!"

  "It's no laughing matter, young lady. You should know that." Her aunt's tone grew serious. "We're not the only shifters in the world. Our clan is small, but a fair and pretty well-organized one. However, there may be other ones who aren't…and they could be really dangerous too. Now, please, just promise me, you'll be careful."

  "I will," Allison said in her most soothing tone. "I promise."

  After saying their good-byes, she ended her call and sat back in the lawn chair on the porch, watching the sun sparkle out on the lake. Even though the humidity had started to rise, there was a gentle breeze, and the shade of the surrounding trees seemed to cool the secluded area.

  She closed her eyes, letting the serenity of the moment flow over her and soothe away her tension. "Hey, are you okay out here?" Rick asked, swinging open the screen door and stepping out onto the porch.

  Allison sighed and opened her eyes. "Yeah, I'm fine. I called and Jeni's still resting, and then decided to call my Aunt Jean to let her know what's going on."

  "Oh, that must've been the uneasiness I was picking up on." He took a seat on the front step and smiled over at her. "And you told her you're safe and will be home soon, right?"

  "I did, but when I told her about the rogue wolf that attacked Jeni, she started talking about other shifter clans and warned me about how dangerous some of them may be. It sort of wigged me out."

  "Well, she's right. There are other shifters out there." Rick nodded. "When I was out in Phoenix last summer, I met a few members of a band of coyote shifters. And while working on a construction site in upper North Carolina, I heard rumors about a dout of wildcat shifters. Honestly, I wouldn't want to tangle with either one of those clans." Rick chuckled, shaking his head.


  "Let's just say that some shifters are more territorial and guard their secrets real well. I think they can be quite dangerous, if not deadly, when crossed." The expression on Rick's face grew serious. "I just hope Bruce and the boys track down this wolf shifter soon. I don't like the idea that he was trying to sniff you out."

  "Maybe, after he attacked Jeni, he left town," Allie suggested.

  "Doc, you know all about us male wolves. We can be very persistent. We won't stop until we get what we want." He smiled over at her. A shiver went down her spine when she saw a familiar gleam in his eyes.

  She slowly ran the tip of her tongue over her dry lips. "So, what do you want?" Her voice was low and husky. Once again, the moon was simmering in her blood. And, from the look on Rick's face, the feeling was mutual. Despite all that was happening around them, the attraction between them was still present.

  "Well, how about we go back inside and I'll show you exactly what I want, doc." Rick stood and extended his hand.

  It was an offer she couldn't refuse.

  * * *

  Rick escorted Allison into the cabin and locked the door behind them. Sure, they were alone, but he wanted to play it safe. He drew her into his arms and held her close, pressing his nose against the softness of her chestnut hair. "You smell good enough to eat," he playfully growled, then captured her lips in a hungry kiss.

  She returned his kiss and his senses reeled. Rick lost himself in the velvety softness of her lips. And when her tongue flicked into his mouth, he took their kiss even deeper. Dark need rippled throughout his body. His cock thickened and hardened, pressing tight against the crotch of his jeans as Allison ran her palm over the bulge. Rick gave a low groan in the back of his throat and broke free of their kiss to gaze into her eyes.

  "Are you reading my mind?" He grinned.

  "No. I just happen to know what you want," Allison replied with a saucy smile. There was a twinkle in her eyes as, without another word, she slipped free from his embrace and slid down onto her knees on the hardwood floor before him.

  She quickly unfastened his pants and ripped the zipper down to free his cock from the confines of his jeans. "Oh yes!" he gasped as Allie encircled his cock with her fingers and drew it to her luscious mouth.

  Sheer pleasure bolted up his spine as she began to suck his cock. Rick's eyes fluttered shut. The sensation of her hot mouth on his member drowned out the world around him except for the steady, hard pounding of his heart against his chest.

  She certainly did know what he wanted…and how to do it too.

  The slick warmth of her mouth explored every inch of his cock, and then dipped lower to his balls. Rick moaned again. The alpha wolf buried deep inside him grew more and more restless, wanting to take control. But he stifled the impulse. His empathic senses were open to her and sensed her real, honest enjoyment in giving him pleasure…and his heart swelled with happiness.

  Allison was certainly one of a kind. No, she was his. It was in that moment he realized that she was his mate.

  Always had been, always would be.

  "I'm going to…I'm going to cum!" he gasped as his whole body tightened with heightened emotions. "Oh, baby!" And, with a loud groan, he came.

  * * *

  Allie pulled back and gave a startled laugh when Rick shot his load. It was streaked over her face – wet, sticky, and somewhat amusing too. "What are you trying to do, wolfman? Mark me?" She giggled as he opened his eyes and gazed down at her.

  "Something like that."

  Even though she knew he was kidding, the tone of his voice was deeper, tenderer than she expected. Her heart skipped a beat. She quickly rose to her feet and crossed over to the small bathroom. "Let me wash up, okay?" she called over her shoulder, but her insides quivered like Jell-o. "Be right back."

  "I can hardly wait."

  She turned on the water tap and placed a clean washcloth under the stream. From the main room of the cabin, she heard the squeak of mattress springs and knew he'd be waiting for her…in bed.

  Allison quickly tidied up, and then headed back into the room, when Rick's cell phone buzzed. He frowned and jerked up his pants, picking up the phone off the nightstand beside the bed.

  "It's Bruce." He answered her questioning look, and then flipped it open. "Yo!" Rick got up from the bed and began to pace around the cabin with the phone pressed to his ear.

  Allison sat down on the edge of the bed, only catching bits and pieces of the one-sided conversation. Yet hope fluttered in her heart. Please, oh, please let them catch the rogue. Not only would a measure of justice be served, but she could get back to her life. She just wanted things to settle down and return to normal. Well, however one would define normal, under these circumstances. Allison let out a soft sigh.

  After ending his call with Bruce, Rick returned to where she was still seated on the side of the bed.

  And h
e didn't look happy.

  "Well, we now have an I.D. on the rogue wolf." Rick said. "Ernie has been searching on his laptop all day online. His sources finally came up with some information on a wolf shifter from a German clan who matches Jeni's description."

  "Oh, really? That's fast."

  "You gotta admit, when Ernie uses a computer, he's hooked into a network of info which boggles the mind." Rick nodded in agreement. "Anyway, his name is Hans Schmidt. And according to Ernie's sources, this Schmidt could be a very dangerous shifter and we are warned to proceed with caution."

  A shiver rippled down her spine, and then something dawned on her. "You know, this might be connected to the hacking of the clan's computer files at City Hall a while back." Allison raised an eyebrow.

  Rick gave a heavy sigh, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck. "Yeah, I heard about that. Ernie seemed to think it was a fellow geek just testing their computer hacking skills, but you never know." He shrugged. "But, better safe than sorry, doc. You're going to stay here until Schmidt is found and detained. Okay?"

  "All right." Allison nodded, and then rose from the bed. "I guess I'll go ahead and fix us a bite to eat. I don't know about you, but I'm starving." She crossed over to the small kitchenette area and got busy. Yet her mind was still buzzing with all that had happened in the past twenty-four or so hours.

  * * *

  Between grabbing bites of the delicious Philly steak and cheese sandwiches Allison had fixed them, Rick spent the late afternoon getting updates on his cell phone from Bruce, Ray and Ernie on what was going on in town.

  All of Heather Grove had been notified – both about a dangerous man at large and about a wild animal on the loose. Clan members knew what this meant, but most of the 'normal' townsfolk were just informed to stay alert and to be extra cautious.

  They did have one lead, though. Someone matching Schmidt's description was spotted in the urgent care center's parking lot just before sunset. By the time security had been notified, however, he'd disappeared. Vanished. Gone.


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