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Taboo Desires: Dirty Forbidden Secrets Bundle (The Complete Miranda Cougar Collection)

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by Miranda Cougar

  Taboo Desires Bundle:

  Dirty Secret Forbidden Fantasies

  (The Complete Miranda Cougar Collection)

  By Miranda Cougar

  Copyright © 2016 Miranda Cougar

  All rights reserved. This sexy story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places and events are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All romantically involved characters are over the age of 18 and not related by blood. This story contains raw hot action with graphically descriptive language. It is written for adults only.

  Table of Contents

  Taboo 1

  Taboo 2

  Taboo 3

  Taboo 4

  Taboo 5

  Taboo 6

  Taboo 7

  Taboo 8

  Taboo 9

  Taboo 10

  Taboo 11

  Taboo 12

  Taboo 13

  Author Note

  Taboo 1

  Taboo: GILF/Threesome


  Chapter 1: Carl

  “Mmmm…these cookies are delicious, Mrs. Tuckhale.” I shoved another two chocolate chip cookies inside my mouth before starting to head out of the kitchen. The bear in my belly is always hungry, but today he’s more ravenous than usual. Must be because of the full moon coming tonight.

  “It’s an old family recipe.” She dropped her oven mitts on the kitchen counter and turned to face me. “You don’t have to address me so formally, you know. We’re both adults, plus we’re business partners now. Equals. My name’s Gina. Please call me Gina, Carl.”

  “Yes Mrs. Tuckhale, I mean ma’am, I mean Gina. Yes, partner.” I felt my cheeks burn hot as I stood up, ready to dash out of the kitchen with the manuscript for our newest cookbook collaboration tucked under my arm.

  Gina gifted me a sweet knowing smile, and my heart lurched forward in my chest. My racing heart beat so fiercely, it felt like a wild honky-tonk concert raging inside my ribcage.

  Damn it. I have no control over my body when I’m this close to Gina. Being here with her in person is making my bear tear at me from the inside. His push for me to take her in my arms and claim her is too strong. His lust for her is why I make sure I’m never alone with her. It’s why we usually conduct all our business over the phone.

  I don’t know why I agreed to meet with her in person, today of all days. With tonight’s coming full moon my bear is difficult to control. His power over me is growing in strength.

  Maybe I said yes to meeting Gina because I secretly want to give in to my desire to mate her. I want to tell myself I had no choice but to claim her – my bear made me do it.

  Or maybe it’s her sweetness that drew me in. I could never say no to her. Her voice sounded so kind over the phone when she invited me. She said she needed a hungry bear’s help taste testing some of the recipes for our next cookbook. And I was the hungriest bear she knew.

  I couldn’t refuse her. So, against my better judgment, I’m here. I’m all alone with her inside this cozy cabin, my cock twitching against the zipper of my jeans, demanding to be released.

  I usually keep my emotions well-guarded. It’s a must. The set of skills I use to keep myself fed are often at odds. I’m a local chef, a cookbook publisher, and our grizzly bear clan’s head security enforcer. Whenever the alpha tells me to crack a few skulls, I do the job with gusto.

  I should be keeping my feelings for Gina under wraps. But, when I so much as even think of her, my control leaves me. I can’t stop my flushed cheeks from turning colors or my hungry lips from stumbling over my words. Especially, now that I’m finally here with her, scenting her mating heat, I’ve abandoned my ability to hide my lust.

  My body wants hers. Hot fire burns the surface of my skin. I can’t stop my heart from beating like a drum through my veins. And I feel like I have a fever of 105.

  This must be the mating heat my werewolf cousins warned me about. It’s how you’re supposed to feel when you’re in the presence of your fated mate. As a bear, it’s something I never thought I would get to experience. Female bear shifters are rare, so it’s unusual for a male bear to find a fated mate. We usually have to settle for trying to make do with someone who seems compatible– just like the humans.

  As a result, most male bears become man whores. Bed-hopping and one-night-stands are usually our thing. For the last decade, it’s been my thing. But, maybe meaningless sex won’t have to be the focus of my life for very much longer. I’ve finally found my mate.

  I can’t deny what my body is telling me. I’m in the presence of my fated mate. My entire soul burns with the need to become one with her. But, something is wrong here. Gina already has a fated mate, and he’s our local bear clan’s alpha. He’s our leader.

  Every cell in my body is screaming that the alpha’s mate is actually my mate. She’s mine. My bear is pushing to get out of my skin, huffing at me to claim her right now as ours. “Mine! Mine! ” He keeps screaming inside my head. But, she’s not mine. She’s the alpha’s. That means she’s off limits. I can’t claim her. But, my heat is burning me up. The need to mark her as mine is overwhelming.

  This torture is tearing my body apart. I have to get out of Gina’s kitchen before the agony of being so close to her, but not being able to mate with her rips me open and destroys me. My bear growls just under the surface of my flesh, ready to tear my human body limb from limb if that’s what it takes to get to his mate.

  “Gotta go,” I lied as I grabbed my helmet, dashed out of the kitchen and raced through the tiny cabin’s living room. I paused at the front door before turning to say. “Thanks again for the cookies. They were as delicious as I remember…Gina.” Just saying her name, made pre-cum leak from the tip of my dick. I have to high-tail it out of here before I lose my load inside my jeans or lose my flesh, and my bear comes raging out.

  “But, Carl—” Gina screamed as I gripped the doorknob and swung open the heavy white washed wooden door.

  I didn’t give her a chance to finish her sentence. I slammed the door closed behind me, ran over to my cruiser, revved up the engine and kicked off. As I raced down the dusty road toward my cabin, I couldn’t escape thoughts of the past. My bear wouldn’t allow me to.

  He was furious with me for leaving our mate all alone. He was nearly impossible to fight. The brute was pushing at my skin, raging to burst free into the world. But, I refused to allow him to gain control of our shared body. I knew if he did, he would run back to Gina’s cabin, demanding to claim her as his mate.

  Chapter 2: Carl

  My schoolboy behavior just now was downright unprofessional, not to mention rude. The way I always fall to pieces around Gina bothers the heck out of me. I’m a grown man. One who has a reputation for being a cowboy Casanova. Women don’t make me nervous. I make women nervous.

  What was it about Mrs. Gina Tuckhale that had me so off balance? Her sexy. Hands down. The woman was sex on a stick. She had a curvy, banging body that just begged to be used. It was the hot bod I’d lusted after since I was just a teenage cub working on her husband’s ranch, nearly a decade ago.

  I’d first met the hot-as-hell brunette beauty when she was a forty-year-old rancher’s wife. The first time I saw her, I was hot, sweaty and smelled like crap after a full day of shoveling manure. I was still working hard to complete my chores before sundown when she strode up to me.

  My eyes roved
up and down her brunette loveliness the second she came into view. It was love at first sight paired with instant lust. I had to pause my work to take in and savor her beauty.

  The way her soft brunette locks cradled her face. The intense sway in her wide hips as she walked. The bounce of her round, plentiful bosom as she strode toward me. Everything about her gorgeous form captivated my soul and made my loins burn with desire.

  But, I didn’t dare pursue my lust for her. She was already mated to the alpha. And from what I’d heard, they were fated, mates. Theirs wasn’t a marriage of convenience like so many of the people I knew had settled for. Like the marriage, my parents had settled for.

  Gina and the alpha’s marriage was a true mating. They were fated mates bound in an eternal bond of love. So I knew sexy Gina could never be mine. She was already bound to another in love – for always and forever.

  Even if I’d wanted to steal her away from her fated mate, it wouldn’t have been possible for me then. My bear wasn’t ready to mate. Although I was technically an adult, my bear hadn’t matured enough yet to be able to scent and claim his mate. And then there’s the fact that Gina wouldn’t have wanted me anyway.

  Because my bear was still a cub, I was nothing but a scrawny pipsqueak. Tall and lanky. My muscles were so underdeveloped; it was a wonder I could do any physical labor at all. Every day after the sun was nearly set and all the other farmhands had finished their jobs; I’d still be working away at my chores.

  But, that first day I met Gina, she was kind to me. I was still working, while all the other ranch hands were sitting around the outdoor dinner table eating the delicious meal she and her daughter’s had cooked and enjoying her famous chocolate chip cookies. Gina took pity on me.

  She sauntered up to me with a wet, glistening glass of lemonade in one hand and a handful of chocolate chip cookies in the other. Since I was a dirty mess, she insisted on hand feeding me my snacks.

  She stood so close to me that the heat of her breath scorched the skin on my neck. Her heat burned into my flesh like she was tagging me, letting any future female who might scent me know that I belonged to her – only to her. I still have the small scar on my neck to prove it actually happened. I didn’t imagine it.

  I parted my lips for her, and she took advantage of my hunger. She slipped her bite-sized chocolate chip cookies between my lips one at a time. My cock hardened and throbbed inside my pants. Unable to control my lust, I came on myself. It was the first time I had ever come in the presence of a woman. She inhaled me, and her eyes flashed gold when she scented my seed. Her bear approved of my display of passion.

  The act of being hand fed in public by the gorgeous Gina was the most erotic experience I’d ever had. She made that first time sweet for me. She made me feel wanted that day. Gina had cared enough about my well-being to feed me cookies and to pour cool refreshing lemonade down my parched throat. She not only made my cock explode with lust for her. She made my heart pulse with love.

  The truth between us was undeniable. Her bear wanted mine, even then. At that moment, when I came with her fingertips on my lips, I knew there would never be another woman for me. Her sensual and mature body had baptized my innocence in the pool of her desire. I arose a new man.

  That evening when Gina fed me her cookies, was the first time in my young life I’d ever felt a woman lust for me. ‘Woo-Hoo!’ I remember cheering like the inexperienced lightweight I was. ‘She wants me. A smoking hot woman actually wants me. I must be a sex god.’

  Gina’s desire for me changed my life. She gave me the confidence to make something of myself. I wanted to be worthy of mating her—or a woman like her since I knew she was already taken and could never be my mine.

  She was the alpha’s wife. I couldn’t betray him by pursuing her. He was my alpha, the leader I was committed to respect. He was also the only man who had ever believed in me.

  When my criminal parents skipped town, and I had no one, the alpha took me under his wing. He hired me as a manual laborer on his ranch, even though at the time my scrawny body was ill-suited for the hard work. He introduced me to the crew. He even made me part of his security enforcement team. The man had faith that one day my body would grow into the tough-guy role. And it did. Now, I’m one of the brawniest, toughest bears in our clan— the alpha’s beta and head of the security enforcement team.

  When I finally decided to become more than a brawler, the alpha supported my aspirations. When I chose to nurture my love for food and cooking by going to culinary school, the alpha was the main man rooting for me. He saw to it that one of his corporations awarded me a scholarship. His business connections even helped me win my first culinary internship.

  As soon as I became a success, I offered to repay the alpha for his kindness. But, he refused to accept any of my offers of repayment. ‘Your loyalty to the clan is thanks enough,’ were his exact words, the last time I raised the subject.

  A lot has changed for the alpha, Gina and me since our days on the ranch. Now that he’s a billionaire, alpha’s given his ranch to two of the other shifters on the enforcement team. He’s always looking to give young men in the clan more responsibility. Also, he doesn’t have time to run the ranch anymore. His billionaire responsibilities are too great—and they regularly keep him away from our clan’s territory.

  Now Gina runs her dessert catering business with one of her daughters and is the famous author of multiple cookbooks. I’m Gina’s cookbook publisher, chef at the local breakfast joint I own, head clan enforcer and an infamous ladies man.

  I bed a different sexy woman every night. But, none of those ladies tempt me like the lovely Gina. No woman will ever be as desirable to me as her.

  Gina is fifty years old now, but she’s still a stone cold fox. Her massive double-d tits beg for my hands to squeeze them, and her wide-voluptuous hips call out to me to fondle their fertile curves.

  When I was standing inside her kitchen earlier, I couldn’t resist sniffing her scent. I could tell by her delicious scent that she’s still fertile. I could spill my seed inside her gorgeous body and put my cubs inside her if she’d allow me to.

  We could have babies. We could make a family. She and I could fill my spacious cabin home full of adorable cubs to spoil and to love.

  Gina already has two grown daughters. But, I overheard her say to a friend recently that she wants to become the mother to another set of cubs. It’s not uncommon for female bear shifters to continue bearing cubs into their sixties. They remain fertile for much longer than other shifters.

  Since Gina wants more cubs, she should have them. Her sweet, loving bear deserves to become the mother to a houseful of cubs. My bear huffs inside me in agreement. He wants to fill her with our seed and give her babies. She deserves so much more than the lonely life I know she’s been leading all alone in her cabin.

  Her husband’s a workaholic. Because of his responsibilities as a billionaire businessman and our clan alpha, he’s never at home. He should be giving Gina the love and the sexual heat she deserves, but he isn’t. He’s so committed to caring for the needs of the clan that he’s not meeting the needs of his mate. Maybe that’s why fate has given her to me, to be my mate. I can give her the attention and love I know she craves. My bear grunts in agreement.

  My bear reminds me of the way her luxurious hair swayed as she baked cookies inside her kitchen today. Her dark, shiny bob that bounced whenever she moved made me want to grab a fistful of its black beauty and use it to pull her in close to me for a kiss. My bear pants for her.

  The taste of her lips on mine. I can only imagine how delicious she is. Her mouth’s flavor is probably warm and comforting like the warm chocolate chip and cinnamon sugar cookies she bakes.

  I lift one muscular hand to the corner of my mouth to wipe away the drool that collected as I imagined tasting Gina’s sweet lips. What I wouldn’t do just for a taste of those two plump sugar dusted lumps of heaven.

  Damn it. I cursed fate as I pulled my cruiser out be
hind my riverfront cabin. The home the alpha and the boys on the enforcement team helped me build piece by piece over the last four years. The alpha’s been good to me – too good to betray. My lust for his wife has finally gotten completely out of hand, and I must put a stop to it.

  Gina’s a married woman. Period. I’ll never claim her as my mate. She’s already taken. The sweet, sexy woman I love can never be mine. She’s already been claimed by her fated mate. He’s the powerful alpha of our clan – and a good man. I must stop wanting her.

  ‘She’s off limits,’ I say to myself with finality as I strip off my clothes and jump into the calm waters of the river. The frigid water eases the pain of my mating heat as it washes over my fire hot muscles. Just a moment ago they were burning up. But, with the cold river water enveloping them, their fire has cooled, and both my bear and I feel calmer than we have all day. As long as we stay away from Gina and her bear tonight, we’ll make it through the full moon and our mating heat without betraying our honor, or our place in the clan.

  Chapter 3: Gina

  “What are you doing here?” A naked and dripping wet Carl jumped out of the river as he questioned me. I watched first the hard angled lines of his chest emerge from the water. Then his firm six-pack appeared. Finally, his hard, fully erect cock and tight muscular thighs arose.

  We shifters see each other naked all the time. We’re always losing our clothes when we switch from human to bear and then back again. So, watching a naked shifter male climb out of the river and stride toward me is nothing unusual. It shouldn’t feel dirty to gaze at his nakedness. But, it does. My eyes follow every bounce of his turgid manhood while he strides closer. My core overheats.

  “You forgot the cookbook manuscript. That’s why I’ve come to your cabin.” I lied while bending down and picking up the damp pile of his clothes that lay on the riverbank’s edge.


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