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Mary: Clover Springs Mail Order Brides 2

Page 9

by Rachel Wesson

  “Yes, Ma.” Davy threw his eyes up to heaven before grinning at his brother. He followed his mother out of the store. He knew better than to argue with her once she got a bee in her bonnet.

  Chapter 33

  Mary woke the morning of the harvest festival. The sun was shining. Jumping out of bed, she threw on a dress before racing downstairs to the kitchen.

  “Miss Mary, where’s the fire?” Mrs. H jumped as Mary came bursting into the kitchen. “Sorry, Mrs. H, I’m just excited. I’ve never been to a festival before. Katie made me a new dress. It’s gorgeous. I hope Davy will like it. I can’t wait to see all the contests and the dancing and... Oh everything.”

  Mrs. H’s smile brightened up her whole face. “You are a tonic, Miss Mary.”

  “What can I do to help?” Mary moved toward the dishes. “I can wash up. You have to come with us. There is no way you are missing out on the fun. Davy insisted.”

  “Did I?” Davy joked from the table where he had been sitting the whole time.

  Shivers ran down Mary’s spine at the sound of his voice. She put her hand to her mouth as she turned around. “I thought you were outside doing chores.”

  He grinned before rising. “They are all done.” Taking a last bite of his breakfast, he twirled her around the floor. “I am looking forward to dancing with my wife tonight, Mrs. Sullivan.” He kissed her lightly on the cheek before bowing and leaving the kitchen calling, “I’ll hitch up the horses. Hurry up now, we don’t want to miss anything.”

  Mary stood, her fingers moving to the spot of his kiss. She couldn’t wait to feel his arms around her later. Maybe he would kiss her thoroughly.

  “Come on, Mrs. Sullivan. You best get dressed properly or he will leave without you.” Mrs. H laughed as Mary gasped. Grabbing her skirts, she ran toward the stairs. He wouldn’t leave without her, would he?

  Mam, thank you. Katie offered up the silent prayer as she looked around her. Judging from the wide smiles on people’s faces, everyone was having a great time. The combination of good weather, delicious food and great music meant even Mrs. Grey of all people had a smile on her face.

  “It’s so exciting, isn’t it?” Katie poked Ellen in the side when her sister didn’t answer.

  “Ouch. What did you do that for?”

  “Stop staring. You don’t want to tell the whole town you like Johnny.”

  Ellen’s cheeks flushed making her look younger. “Was I that obvious?”

  Katie put her arm around the younger girl’s shoulders. “You look good enough to eat. He needs glasses if he doesn’t ask you to dance.”

  “Who needs glasses?”

  “Never mind. It’s ladies talk. Have you not eaten enough?” Katie eyed her husband’s plate.

  “I need to keep my strength up. I’m having a baby, don’t you know.”

  “Today, I wish you were having it, not me.” Katie smoothed her hand over her stomach.

  “Are you tired? Why don’t you go home?” Daniel handed the plate to Ellen. “Come on. I’ll walk you back.”

  Katie sighed. She didn’t want to miss the party but she didn’t want to make a spectacle of herself either.

  “Go on Sis, you are looking a bit peaky. Don’t worry about me. Mary is over there.”

  Katie pulled her shawl tighter before giving her sister a quick hug. “I hope you get to dance.” Turning to Daniel, she took his arm and together they walked slowly back to their home.

  “It was a very good day, Katie. You, Ma and the other women excelled yourselves. I can’t wait to see Petersen’s face tomorrow. He didn’t believe anyone would beat him, let alone a storekeeper.”

  “He didn’t seem that upset. He’s a nice man.”

  “Really, Mrs. Sullivan, tell me more.”

  Katie tapped her husband’s elbow. “You know I am a one man woman. I just feel sorry for Mr. Petersen. Losing his wife and boy in the floods last year was dreadful. I know he does his best. Jenny is a lovely little girl but she needs a mother.”

  “Are you matchmaking, my dear?”

  Katie grinned. “Maybe just a little bit. Mary’s friend, Sorcha, may be just a little young to take on a child. I wonder if Mrs. Gantley has anyone interested in coming to Clover Springs?”

  “Before you go writing to her, you need to speak to Petersen first. He might not take kindly to your interfering.”

  “I don’t think he will mind. I am very persuasive when I need to be.”

  Daniel burst out laughing. “I feel sorry for him already. He will be married before he knows what hit him.”

  Katie tried to smile back but couldn’t stop the groan of pain. Dear Lord. No. It’s too early.

  Daniel took one look at her face and lifted her into his arms and ran for home. He put her lying on the bed.

  “Daniel, don’t leave me please.”

  Terror engulfed Katie, the pain was so severe.

  “I’ll get Ma and the Doc. I’ll be back before you know it. Don’t you dare move off that bed.”

  Katie prayed fervently. The seconds ticked by, the pains getting worse. Daniel, where are you? Finally, she heard noises on the stairs. Mary and Ma arrived. Mary took her hand while Ma examined her.

  “Mary, go down and start boiling some water. The doctor will need it.”

  “Ma, it’s too soon. The baby can’t come now.”

  “Stop fretting, Katie Sullivan.” Ma’s tone was sharper than usual.

  Katie caught the glance Mary threw at their mother in law but another pain gripped her. She groaned again. Where was Daniel?

  Chapter 34

  Daniel paced up and down outside the mercantile. Davy stood watching him, powerless to do anything to help his little brother. Katie’s screams had mercifully stopped but the silence was worse. How much longer would it take? “I can’t lose her Davy.” Daniel wiped a tear from his face before he recommenced his pacing.

  “Stop thinking that way. She will be fine and so will your baby.”

  “You heard what the doctor said. He doesn’t think he can save both of them. I want my wife to live. This is all my fault.”

  “That’s bull. You both wanted a family. Katie is a strong woman, stubborn too. She is not going to let you bring up a child on your own. Nobody in their right mind would trust you to look after a kid.”

  “What was that?”

  They both turned toward the store as a baby’s wail rent the air. They ran in the door to see Ma coming down the stairs holding a bundle. “You got a little girl, son.” She said offering the child to Daniel.

  “How’s Katie?”

  Ma paled and appeared to struggle to speak. “Pray son. She gave everything she had to get her daughter born. She is very weak.” Ma looked down at the bundle she was carrying.

  Daniel didn’t even look at the child. “Ma, keep the baby or give it to Davy. I am going into my wife.”

  “But Doc doesn’t…”

  “Doc can go to blazes. I need to see Katie.” He took the stairs two at a time and burst through the door of the bedroom

  “Daniel, your wife needs quiet. It’s all we can do for her now.”

  Daniel ignored the doctor. He sat on a chair near the bed and took his wife’s hand. “Katie, don’t you dare leave me. I won’t let you go. You have a daughter downstairs who needs a Ma.”

  “Mr. Sullivan, that’s hardly …”

  “Get out of here Doc. I want to be alone with my wife.” Daniel turned back to Katie. “Come on darling. I need you. Please.” Daniel prayed harder than he had ever done before. Katie didn’t respond no matter what he did. He tried shouting, begging, crying and simply staring but she just lay there. At some point, his ma came into the room.

  “Daniel, son, take a break and meet your daughter.”

  “No. I’m staying with Katie.”

  “That little girl needs you.”

  “She’s the reason my wife is dying.”

  “Daniel Sullivan. What would Katie say if she heard you? That girl did everything she could to
make sure your daughter was born healthy. Don’t you dare make her sacrifice be in vain.”

  “Stop it, Ma. You are talking as if she were dead. She’s not going to die. She can’t.”

  Martha kissed Katie’s forehead. “I love you Katie Sullivan as much as I would my own child. Thank you for my granddaughter.” With tears streaming down her face, she walked out of the room.

  Ellen came to visit but was so upset, Davy had to support her leaving the room. Mary kissed her friend goodbye. She patted Daniel’s shoulder as she left but he didn’t look up. Reverend Tim also came in and said some prayers. Katie didn’t even flutter an eyelid. “I will pray for you too, Daniel. Let me know if there is anything I can do.” Daniel nodded, his eyes focused on Katie’s face willing for a sign to show she had heard the different voices. Nothing. Daniel lay on the bed, cradling his wife. Her breathing was so shallow. It grew darker outside. “Katie darling, do you remember what we promised. You weren’t ever going to leave me? I need you. I can’t live without you. Can you hear me? Squeeze my hand. Please.” He stared at his hand in hers, willing it to feel something. The tears started flowing as he pulled her closer and wept.

  Chapter 35

  “It’s bad, Ma, isn’t it?”

  Ma nodded, her eyes full of tears. “Doctor reckons Katie won’t pull through”

  Davy swallowed. It was rare for Ma to succumb to tears. “What can I do?”

  “Pray son. That’s all any of us can do.” Ma took Davy’s arm as they walked toward the boarding house. “Mary said she would look after the boarding house while I stay with Daniel and the baby. That alright with you, son?”

  “Yes, Ma, but wouldn’t Mary prefer to stay with her friend?”

  “Likely she would but she is more help if she looks after the guests. Mary hasn’t any experience of childbirth. Doc said it would be better for me to stay close.”

  Davy nodded, not able to answer. He couldn’t even begin to think of how Daniel would cope if anything happened to Katie. They may have met by chance but she meant everything to his little brother. Once Ma had checked everything was in order, Davy carried her small bag back to the store. “Mary, do you want to go home to pack your things or should Mrs. H pack a bag for you?”

  “No, I will come home with you if that’s alright.”

  Davy nodded. “I will be downstairs. Take your time.”

  Soon they headed out to the ranch. Mary was very quiet.

  “She will be fine. Katie is a fighter.”

  Mary nodded but remained silent. Davy moved closer to her and put his arm around her shoulders. He wanted to reassure her but the words failed him. Instead, he kept hold of her with one hand as he guided the wagon home. She didn’t take long to pack her things before they were heading back to town once more.

  “I will stay with you at Ma’s tonight but tomorrow I have to get back to the ranch. Will you be alright?”

  “I have to be. Ellen is upset and your Ma is worried too. She tries to hide it but it’s obvious.” Mary played with her fingers. “I just hope Katie gets better.”

  “She will.” Davy spoke with a reassurance he didn’t feel. Dear Lord, look after them all.

  Chapter 36

  Working at the boarding house was hard work but Mary was glad of the distraction. She cooked, cleaned and did laundry all day long. She helped a little with the baby but Ma liked to keep her near the new mother. She hoped the baby’s cries would reach Katie and give her the will to live. She watched the store to give Ma a break.

  Ellen helped some when the school day was over. She also delivered goods for the store. It seemed she had struck up a secret friendship with Mrs. Grey. Nobody in town spent time with the woman unless they had to but Ellen had taken to visiting her regularly. She said the older woman was lonely and if she was spending time with her, she couldn’t dwell on Katie.

  A couple of days after Katie had given birth, there was still no change in her condition. The doctor had said there was nothing further he could do. Mary prayed night and day for Katie and Daniel. Her brother-in-law wouldn’t leave his wife’s bedside. He still hadn’t named their daughter. This morning, Ma was looking after the baby so Mary was taking a turn watching the store.

  Mary looked up as the door opened. She smiled at Ellen, who walked in first, followed by an older woman. Oh, that’s all we need. Plastering a smile on her face, she greeted Mrs. Grey. The woman nodded in response before closing the door behind her.

  “How is Mrs. Sullivan?”

  Mary stared at Ellen first and then at the other woman. What was it to her? She hadn’t given Katie the time of day since she arrived in Clover Springs.

  “Cat got your tongue, young woman? I asked you a question. Ellen said she was sleeping all the time.”

  “Still the same.” Mary stuttered as the older woman fixed her with a piercing gaze.

  “Well, that just won’t do at all. What does the doctor say?”

  “He said there wasn’t anything else he could do.”

  “That is just typical of old sawbones. There is always something we can do. Where’s the baby?”

  “Martha has her. Daniel didn’t want the child to waken Katie.”

  “Stuff and nonsense. That is exactly what she needs. Ellen, go bring the baby here. Now.”

  Ellen nodded before departing for the boarding house. Mrs. Grey walked toward the living quarters at the back of the store, removing her coat and gloves.

  “Make some tea, girl, and something for Mrs. Sullivan to eat. Some broth would be good.”

  “Eat but she…”

  “Don’t stand around arguing with me. We don’t have time to waste.”

  With that, Mrs. Grey was gone, leaving Mary staring after her. Reverend Timmons said God worked in mysterious ways. Maybe this is what he meant. She went back to put the closed sign on the store door before heading toward the kitchen.

  Chapter 37

  Daniel didn’t look up as the bedroom door opened.

  “Go away.”

  “Self-pity never got anyone anywhere, Mr. Sullivan. Your wife needs your strength. Now, open the curtains and get some air into this room.”

  Daniel stared open-mouthed at Mrs. Grey. “What in blazes are you doing?”

  “Mind your manners, young man.” Mrs. Grey lifted Katie’s arm, found her pulse and started to count. A small smile lifted the edges of her mouth. Daniel pinched himself convinced he was dreaming. He watched as Mrs. Grey turned toward the door. Ellen came in carrying a bundle followed closely by his ma.

  “Ellen, good girl. Bring the babe in here. Come on, don’t be afraid. Martha get me some tea and some broth. That girl downstairs hasn’t brought it up yet.”

  Daniel watched in shock as his Ma nodded and went out again. Mrs. Grey took the bundle from Ellen’s shaking hands before turning toward Katie’s sleeping form.

  “Kathleen Sullivan, wake up this minute. This poor child needs her mother. Typical of you Irish to be lying around when there is work to be done.”

  “Mrs. Grey, that’s enough. Get out of here. Leave my wife be.”

  “I haven’t started yet. Now do us all a favor and either shut up or leave.” Mrs. Grey turned back toward Katie. She pinched the baby causing her to protest loudly. “Baby needs her Mama. Do you hear me, Katie Sullivan. You better wake up now or I will take your baby home and raise her myself.”

  Daniel took a step toward the older woman but Ellen stopped him. “Let her try, Daniel. She was a nurse in the war. She knows what she’s doing.”

  Daniel looked between Ellen and Mrs. Grey. A nurse? How come nobody else knew that? He watched as Mrs. Grey took Katie’s arms and held them around the baby. His daughter immediately edged closer to his wife’s body.

  “Come on, Katie, wake up now. Your baby needs her mama.”

  Daniel couldn’t take anymore. “Stop that now, Mrs. Grey. Can’t you see Katie isn’t going to wake up?”

  Mrs. Grey ignored him. Instead she took off the baby’s clothes, leaving her na
ked. She then loosened Katie’s nightgown before pushing the baby against her mother’s skin. “Katie, your baby needs you. Fight for her. Where’s that Irish spirit?”

  Daniel watched in amazement as his daughter rooted against her mother’s chest. His eyes flew to his wife’s. She’d opened them. He couldn’t see with the tears flowing down his cheeks. Katie moved slightly, her eyes fastening on their baby.

  “Stop blubbering, Daniel Sullivan, and help me lift your wife up a little. She’s been lying around long enough.” Mrs. Grey supported Katie and the baby as Daniel helped lift her up slightly. Katie looked from her baby to Mrs. Grey. A gentle smile lit up the older woman’s face. “You need to feed your little girl.” The smile disappeared as Mrs. Grey turned her attention on the other occupants of the room. “Off you go now. Mrs. Sullivan needs to feed her daughter and she doesn’t need the rest of you gaping at her. Out.”

  Nobody moved, causing Mrs. Grey to stand up and put her arms on her hips. “I said leave. My patient needs to be alone now. You all have jobs to do.”

  The others ran from the room leaving Daniel staring at his neighbor. “Mrs. Grey, I don’t, well the thing is...”

  “You’re welcome. Now leave. It’s not seemly for you to be here. Your wife needs tending. You can come back later.”

  She ushered Daniel to the door, closing it behind him. He stood in the corridor staring at the door. If he hadn’t witnessed it for himself, he would never have believed what just happened.

  Chapter 38

  Davy knew he should stay on the ranch rather than heading back to town. But he needed to be with Mary and the rest of his family. Why would God take Katie now? Her baby needed her. Daniel loved her. Mary would be devastated. Mary. He missed his wife. They had a fantastic time at the Harvest festival. She was the belle of the ball but hadn’t looked at another man. Only him. He was lucky. He couldn’t wait to make her truly his. But then what if she wanted a baby? He could be in Daniel’s situation. Stop it. Women have babies all the time. Yes, but some of them die. Could he live with losing Mary? The loss of Tilly had nearly destroyed him and he hadn’t been in love with her. Love? Oh dear Lord, when had he fallen in love with Mary.


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