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The Kurtherian Endgame Boxed Set

Page 48

by Michael Anderle

  F’roxan listened to the strange children go back and forth, detailing ever more inventive ways their Ixtali “aunt” was going to make the three of them wish they’d never been born.

  Eventually, it became too much to bear. “What the hell are your parents letting you watch?” she screamed over her shoulder. “Dillar, shut them up.”

  Dillar got up and bent over to gag Alexis. “There, that should keep you quiet,” he mumbled sourly.

  “You’ll be quiet when my aunt rips the tongue from your head and eats it,” Gabriel promised as Dillar moved toward him to shove a cloth in his mouth.

  The thug sat back down on the bench heavily and shook his head. “The imaginations on kids these days.”

  The twins looked at each other and snickered. What imagination?

  Alexis looked at Gabriel hesitantly. We should do something to slow them down. I have an idea, but I know we’re not supposed to do it.

  Gabriel understood immediately. There weren’t too many things that gave his sister pause, but breaking their father’s rule was one of them. I don’t think we’ll get in trouble for it this time, he replied.

  Alexis gave her brother a mental shrug. Okay, then. Here’s the plan…

  High Tortuga, Southern Continent

  Peter had a head start on Michael and Akio, but the two vampires had the speed and strength to catch him if they hurried.


  Peter’s hyperdetermination was back, and this time no order was going to bring him back to the ground.

  “I always forget how…enthusiastic he is in Pricolici mode.” Michael chuckled as he and Akio raced to catch Peter. They grabbed a clump of hair each and followed Peter up the creature’s flank.

  “We could let him have his moment?” Akio suggested. “He can’t do much to a beast this size with just his claws and teeth, right?”

  Michael considered it for a moment. “I don’t know. If he decides to dig his way in he could do a lot of damage. To the meat, I mean.” He began to climb a little faster.

  The beast’s skin rippled beneath Peter and the two vampires as though they were fleas it could shake off. Peter swung upward and grabbed the next clump of fur before the beast could succeed in its efforts to rid itself of the irritation.

  He hauled himself up until he stood on the beast’s back. A quick glance down showed him both the dizzying drop and also Michael and Akio swarming up the side of the beast.

  He ran along the beast’s back toward its head, howling his war cry. His piercing claws drove the beast into a frenzy, then it stopped, sat suddenly on its haunches, and lifted one of its back feet to swipe at the itchy spots Peter was creating.

  Peter leapt out of the way as the gigantic claws came down and raked deep furrows in its fur. He landed roughly on its neck and leapt again as the claws came at him a second time.

  Peter scrambled up between the beast’s ears. When it bent down and rubbed its head on the ground, he ducked inside one of the ears and hung on grimly as the creature shook its head in an attempt to dislodge him.

  Peter had an idea, and he took his chance when the shaking stopped for a moment. He dodged out of the ear and caught a glimpse of Michael and Akio crawling down the beast’s neck toward him.

  It’s cool! I told you, I’ve got this.

  “Peter!” Michael yelled, although it was hopeless to try to be heard above the crashing thunder and the grunts of the beast.

  Peter waved and grinned, then dropped onto all fours and disappeared into the thick fur of the beast’s neck.

  Michael and Akio shouted in unison, realizing finally that Peter’s “plan” was the Pricolici instinct to tear the throat out of anything even remotely more powerful than they were.

  “Peter, NO!”


  Their warning came too late. Peter had already sunk his teeth into its neck. Unfortunately for Peter, his bite had no discernible effect except to piss the maddened beast off even more, which the two more experienced men could have told him would happen if he’d stopped to listen.

  The beast rolled when Peter bit down, then tossed its impossible head. Peter was thrown into the air. At last, and at the worst possible moment, the beast appeared to notice the Pricolici sailing past its face.

  Michael didn’t pause to consider the danger. He swung himself down onto the beast’s back and regained his footing just in time to see Peter swan-dive into the beast’s mouth.

  Michael sighed. That dumbass had the biggest shit-eating grin plastered on his stupid snout…

  It snapped its jaws shut, and Peter was gone. The beast rolled again in triumph at ridding itself of the pesky creature that had bitten it, pushing its skin into ridges that resembled the terrain Michael and the others had crossed to get to the plateau.

  The beast’s body undulated beneath Michael and Akio, and they had to work to keep their footing while they dashed to rescue Peter.

  The beast flopped onto its back and continued using the ground to scratch, giving Michael and Akio a clear run up its stomach and throat to its mouth.

  Michael reached the neck first and extended a hand to haul Akio up behind him. The two were almost thrown when the beast suddenly shifted, but Michael’s enhanced reaction time saved them from a long fall. He swung Akio up to land on the beast’s head and then hauled himself up as the beast struggled to its feet once more.

  Akio shook his head as they looked down from the head. “Seriously, the situations that kid gets himself into.”

  Chapter Five

  High Tortuga, Southern Continent

  The storm was reaching its crescendo, transforming the plateau into a cauldron of destruction. Driving rain had joined the lightning and thunder.

  The mud trapped the beast’s feet, and its continuing efforts to free itself made Michael and Akio’s climb even jerkier. The darkness was punctuated only by brief streaks of too-brightness as the lightning tore fresh holes in the roiling storm clouds overhead.

  Michael had loosed his control of the tempest when Peter had vanished into the beast’s mouth. He and Akio were now in a race through the deluge to rescue the pain-in-the-ass Pricolici before the beast they fought realized it was no longer restricted by the lightning and made a break for the lowlands.

  The beast was having some kind of trouble, no doubt caused by Peter tearing it up inside. It jerked and made odd barking coughs between angry roars that blew up waves of mud.

  Michael didn’t think Peter had fully considered the consequences of being ingested by a creature whose stomach was undoubtedly equipped to deal easily with a bite-sized snack like him.

  Consequently, he and Akio were now working their way toward the beast’s mouth using the stinking, slimy hair to control their descent through the rivers of rainwater that turned its fur into High Tortuga’s grodiest slip ‘n slide.

  Akio was wrenched to a stop, tangled in the beast’s hair. This is like wet dog times a million, he complained.

  Michael looked back at him. Do you need me to cut you free?

  Akio worked his trapped arm deeper into the tangle to support himself as the beast flopped around beneath them. I can cut myself free. Go get Peter. He needs you more. He pulled a knife from his belt with his free hand and waved it at Michael. Go. I’ll be right behind you. Why aren’t you changing to Myst?

  Where would the fun be in that?

  Michael continued his haphazard approach to the beast’s mouth. He caught a particularly long strand of hair and swung himself out in a wide arc that covered most of the distance between him and his goal.

  He paused on landing, a speck on the shoulder of the giant. He had to work out his next move and give Akio a chance to catch up. The question still remained as to how he was going to kill a creature this size.

  This would be a lot easier if Peter weren’t inside the damned thing. He sensed Akio approaching. He could also hear Peter making a mental ruckus.

  Michael! Akio! You made it! Party’s inside, guys. I’d come and see y
ou both in, but I’m a little preoccupied in here…

  The beast let out another hacking roar.

  Peter, what in the seven circles of hell are you doing in there? Michael didn’t wait for Peter to tell him. He swarmed up the beast’s neck at vampiric speed, charging his gauntlets as he climbed.

  Akio appeared at the base of the beast’s neck as Michael reached its jaw. He clung to the hair and hauled himself up and over the edge of its bottom lip.

  Its mouth was clenched shut, but there were places someone could get through if they didn’t mind tight spaces.

  Michael didn’t have any problem whatsoever.

  I’m going in, he told Akio.

  Go. I’m almost there, Akio replied.

  Michael turned to Myst and filtered into the creature’s mouth. Once past the lips, he had to search to find the gaps between its clenched teeth. He remained in his Myst form while he took stock of his surroundings and tried to find Peter.

  The mouth was more than cavernous and dark enough to make Michael glad he could create his own light. He couldn’t even see from one end of the tongue to the other. The thing was so huge that the individual papilla towered over Michael like trees. He was in awe at the sheer size of it all as he streaked toward the beast’s throat, a translucent layer a few atoms thick lit by a soft red glow. He couldn’t see Peter, but he could hear him over the rustling papilla forest beneath.

  A second later there was a bright flash from the back of the mouth, and the beast went wild again. The walls of its throat constricted as it tried to remove the irritation. Michael flowed around the muscles as they clenched and unclenched. There was an ominous rumble from farther inside the beast that gave Michael the seed of an idea.

  Peter, where are you?

  “Up heeeere!” came the echoing reply. “This is fucking insaaaaane!”

  Michael looked up to see Peter swinging from the creature’s uvula. He gripped it with one hand and the claws on his feet while he waved that ridiculous rifle of Tabitha’s around. He was too far away for Michael to make out his grin but he knew sure as shit that the younger man had a big stupid one plastered across his face.

  Michael shot upward, reforming his body as he reached Peter. He used the Etheric to steady himself, then clamped one hand on the scruff of Peter’s neck and grabbed the rifle out of his hand before Peter could fire another plasma charge into the thrashing beast’s throat.


  Michael ignored his protest, hauled Peter off the uvula, and lowered them both to the nearest gum ridge. He deposited Peter beside him and held up a finger to stop his argument. I expect this kind of reckless behavior from Tabitha, but not you. What were you thinking?

  Peter growled as he was jerked around by the movement of the beast. I wasn’t thinking, obviously. I was busy trying to kill this fucker before it kills innocent people.

  Akio interrupted, Whatever you are going to do, it should happen soon. The creature has noticed the lack of lightning at the edge of the plateau, and it is heading that way again.

  This was exactly what Michael had hoped to avoid.

  He pointed at the closest gap between the beast’s teeth. Peter, wait out there with Akio.

  Peter was going to argue until he saw the cold red heat of Michael’s eyes. He nodded once and loped off, muttering to himself as he picked his way through the enormous teeth. I could have helped, but sure, send me outside where I’m no use to anyone…

  Michael knew better. Just go as high up as you can and get ready to jump clear when it goes down. Tell Akio to do the same.

  Why, what are you going to do?

  Michael clapped and released a bright crackle of Etheric energy. Just make sure you’re ready to jump clear. If this works, it’s going to be messy. His determined grin did not reach his eyes.

  We’re clear, Akio sent a few minutes later.

  But you need to hurry, Peter added. It’s about to leave the plateau.

  There was a sudden downward lurch that almost threw Michael to his knees. He steadied himself against a tooth. This will not take more than a moment, he assured them. Be ready.

  He gathered the Etheric energy within himself and rose from the gum to make his way back to the creature’s throat. Now that Peter wasn’t attempting to burn holes in the beast’s throat, the wall of muscle behaved normally and his passage through the creature’s gullet was without incident.

  Michael lowered himself halfway down the yawning chasm, taking care to avoid the drips of mucus from where the beast’s defenses had activated to take care of the plasma burns Peter had given it. He was surprised to see that the burns continued this far down the esophagus.

  There was a long, slow rumble from below, and the smell of rotten eggs drifted up toward Michael on the beast’s foul breath. He dialed down his sense of smell. Peter must have done more damage than Michael had realized. The beast’s upset stomach worked in Michael’s favor, but it wasn’t an odor he wanted to take home with him.

  Michael’s nanocytes worked to keep the toxic methane fumes from killing him while he wound the Etheric energy up and created a large spark that hovered over the palm of his gauntlet. The spark was coated in yet more energy, a shield to prevent the reaction he wanted from happening until he was safely on the outside of the beast’s body.

  He fed the energy in and grew it until the rippling ball over his hand was larger than his head.

  Are you both clear?

  We’re up on its head, Akio replied.

  Good. I will join you in a few seconds and we can make our jump from there. He sent the spark down and stepped into the Etheric at the instant he released the energy.

  The action brought a brief smile to Michael’s lips as the memory of practicing this with his love danced across his mind, followed by Alexis and Gabriel’s faces. If for some reason he did not survive this encounter, Bethany Anne would keep their children safe.

  He also had a fair suspicion that she would tear the universe to pieces to find him. Which he had no doubt she would, and then she would beat his ass from one end of it to the other for dying on her a second time.

  No dying today, then.

  He materialized beside Peter and Akio. JUMP!

  There was no opportunity for Akio or Peter to obey.

  The beast jerked to a stop and let out something between a pained roar and a fiery belch as the spark lit the gases in its stomach. Michael’s concerns on whether the ratio of gas to acid in the stomach chamber would be sufficient to cause the reaction he was looking for were proven to be unfounded when there was a rapid swelling in the creature’s middle.

  The beast shrieked and threw its front feet up in panic as its stomach expanded almost too fast to be seen with the human eye. Without warning, the beast exploded in the middle of its final ear-splitting scream.

  The upper half of the body was blown free of the bottom and flung in pieces head-first down the slope. The three men flew in different directions from its head in a hot spray of blood, guts, and fuck knew what else.

  They landed roughly, tossed like ragdolls by the force of the methane explosion. Michael’s first thought was to check that the others were okay. He had already healed from most of the injuries he’d taken in the landing. The burns to his skin had healed instantly, and all that remained as evidence of his injuries was the ache of his newly-knitted bones.

  OH, DAMN! He put a hand to his head to check his hair. Still there.

  Michael scanned the meaty landscape and saw Peter about a hundred feet away. He was back in human form, clutching his ribs with an arm as he struggled to his feet. Akio had landed against a tree a similar distance down the slope and was leaning against the snapped trunk tending to a broken leg.

  Both he and Peter made their way carefully to Akio, avoiding the bubbling pools of stomach acid mixed with blood, shit, and rainwater that had formed wherever the land dipped enough to hold it.

  Michael held out his hands to receive Akio’s foot, and Akio gritted his teeth while Michae
l pulled his broken bone into place to speed the healing process.

  Akio grimaced at the momentary pain. “Thank you.”

  Michael shrugged, then winced a twinge of pain from the healed collarbone he’d snapped on impact. “Don’t mention it.”

  Peter grinned at Michael and snickered as he indicated the huge slabs of smoking meat dotting the slope. The bottom half of the beast’s body was burning merrily up on the rim of the plateau despite the heavy rain, and the top half lay in goopy chunks all around them. “I don’t think any of this is salvageable.”

  Michael raised an eyebrow at the gory landscape. “We will skip the video on this. It might put some off eating.”

  Akio made a face. “It’s making me consider vegetarianism.” The six-hundred-year-old vampire looked at them with a straight face for a moment, then the corner of his mouth quirked. He pointed at Michael’s and Peter’s twin expressions of disbelief and broke into a deep chuckle. “Help me up. We should call for a ride home.”

  Michael and Peter held out a hand each and hauled him to his feet.

  Peter looked down at himself. “I’ll go get some pants on before the transport arrives.”

  Michael smirked. “That might be a good idea.” He eyed Peter. “Not that anyone will be able to tell you’re naked under all that gore.”

  Akio wrinkled his nose as he pinched the leg of his trousers between a thumb and forefinger before letting the sodden fabric drop. “Or that we are wearing any under all of this. A hot shower would be welcome.”

  Michael nodded. “Very true.”

  Colonnara, Warehouse District

  “Can you go any faster?” Addix asked the taxi driver. Her mandibles worked overtime in her anxiety for Alexis and Gabriel’s safety. Given the speed at which the trackers were moving previously, Addix hadn’t been too worried about the gap while they were on the highway.

  However, the trackers had stopped moving, and the intensity of her need to get to the children increased with every passing second.


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