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The Kurtherian Endgame Boxed Set

Page 72

by Michael Anderle

  “Not even on the day Hell freezes over.” Bethany Anne took her side of the loveseat and checked the scenario menu. She had Alexis and Gabriel's activity bios pinned to the background.

  Parental controls were awesome.

  The twins were asleep, as they should be after an action-packed day with her and Michael. Bethany Anne hadn’t noticed any physical changes in them yet, and she wondered how she would feel in a couple of weeks’ time when the months inside the game began to fly by and it became obvious they were getting older.

  She hesitated over the icon for Tabitha for a second. Bethany Anne had no clue which scenario Tabitha and Peter were running, but they were together. If anything happened with Tabitha, she would know immediately.

  Michael returned carrying an ice bucket. “We should enjoy this moment before chaos ensues again.”

  Bethany Anne hid her disappointment and smiled at her husband. “No glasses?”

  Michael smirked and put the bucket on the floor by the table. “We won’t need any.”

  “You’re my hero.” Bethany Anne reached into the bucket and picked up one of the two bottles nestled in the ice. “It’s like you read my mind or something.”

  Michael kissed the top of her head on his way to his seat. “I aim to please, my love. Now, what are we going to do about this war?”

  Bethany Anne looked at the label before removing the cork and handing it to Michael. “This war and the one after,” she amended. “I’m not walking into this blindfolded. I learned the hard way with the Leath. It dragged on for a hundred years because I played the reactionary instead of using my brain to beat them.”

  Michael pressed his lips together in understanding. “You were young and angry. Nothing you had experienced before could prepare you for the magnitude of that war.”

  “Not this time. I’m going to make this short and sweet.” Bethany Anne removed the lid from the Coke Michael had snuck into the ice bucket and wiped the condensation off on her jeans. “We’re getting close, Michael. I can feel it. After all this time, I’m finally going to make it so Earth is safe.”

  “It does appear that we are getting nearer to clearing out the Kurtherian infestation. There is definitely a link between the Ooken and the Kurtherians. It’s a shame we burned everything on the last planet.”

  Bethany Anne raised an eyebrow. “Okay, next time I have a few thousand sets of nasty-ass poisonous tentacles coming at me I’ll just allow them to get on with it. Would that be easier on your conscience?”

  Michael chuckled. “You know I meant from an information standpoint. I advocate that we wipe them out completely with no apology. They are too dangerous to the innocent to be allowed to live. But we should do that after we’ve gotten everything they know about Kurtherians out of them.”

  Bethany Anne covered his hand with hers. “You’re right. Leaving them just gives them a chance to rebuild and cause more misery, so we fight the Ooken on one front while preparing on another to act on the leads we find.”

  “You never make it easy on yourself, my love.” Michael raised his bottle. “But it’s good to see you fired up again. Here’s to moving forward.”

  Bethany Anne lifted her bottle and touched it to Michael’s. “That is something I can drink to.”


  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  November 25, 2018

  THANK YOU for not only reading this story but these Author Notes as well .

  (I think I’ve been good with always opening with “thank you.” If not, I need to edit the other Author Notes!)

  RANDOM (sometimes) THOUGHTS?

  So, life has been crazy. Good—mostly—crazy, but crazy nonetheless. Three weeks ago, we were just about to hold the second annual 20Booksto50k Indie Writers convention. It is the convention Craig Martelle got off the ground (HUGE shout-out to him, since it has gone worldwide now), and during the event, I was able to meet some of the JIT (Just In Time), Beta Readers and collaborators (second time for a few, first time for a couple of members.)

  What you might know, or might not, is LMBPN (my company) engages with people from all over the world. At this event, I was able to meet people who are now friends who came from Canada, the US (of course), Scotland, England and other places (I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten because I suck at face and names… And countries.)

  Cooler than me meeting these fine folks was the nice feeling of them meeting each other. There are some friendships which have grown up between people from all over the world because of just one woman.

  Bethany Anne*.

  Bethany Anne has given a legacy of friendships, love, work, and opportunity to so many people that I just have to give her a HUGE SHOUTOUT to being damned awesome.

  When I grow up, I hope I’m like Bethany Anne.

  We even had an English couple (Mickey Cocker and her husband) who came to Las Vegas for the Con and met everyone. They then had their wedding vow renewal (by Elvis no less!) The party that was put on for her by so many people in the group who pitched in with supplies and cleanup and well wishes was one of the highlights of the week itself.

  I’d like to shout-out also to Nat Roberts, who I couldn’t do this book without. She has helped take a huge load of the story, and we hope you understand that sometimes life throws a curveball and it took us both a while to get this book finished.

  Right now, we have ten percent of TKE04 written (and about twenty percent of that reviewed). I hope to have the next Bethany Anne book in your reading hands by the end of December 2018…

  Yes, you read that right… December. Like, the month after the day we released TKE03.

  I don’t KNOW if we are going to make it. Life throws those damned curve balls, but we are trying.

  There are an additional nine books so far scheduled for the Kurtherian Endgame. We shall see what happens at that time for Bethany Anne.

  I’m not saying we believe she is done. Nope, already had that discussion with the fans of The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone and I don’t need a new tsunami of comments from wonderful fans threatening me with all sorts of ugliness for even suggesting BA might end sometime in the future.

  She will end when its time.

  If we have the ideas—and the stamina—we will continue if you want us to.


  We are able to support our efforts with you reading our books, and we appreciate you doing this!

  If you enjoyed this or ANY book by any author, especially Indie-published, we always appreciate if you make the time to review a book, since it lets other readers who might be on the fence to take a chance on it as well.


  One of the interesting (at least to me) aspects of my life is the ability to work from anywhere and at any time. In the future, I hope to re-read my own Author Notes and remember my life as a diary entry.

  Back at home, in the Vegas Condo.

  I sometimes think about how other authors have these cool names for their writing location. The dungeon, the nest…you get the idea.

  I don’t have a cool name for my Las Vegas place. I write all over this town (although typically close to the Veer, so at the Aria restaurants or something near me.)

  I could just name it “The Condo” and leave it at that. Those of you who know the Condo is in Vegas would now know… But that seems a little bland?

  Condo Nest? No, that sounds like Conde Nast. I’m not into magazines…yet.

  The ZOO? Nope.

  Although, did you hear The ZOO is Coming? If not, I’ve sucked at my marketing (#probably.)

  We have three series all starting right now. The first, The Birth of Heavy Metal (about a merc company which eventually creates and uses body armor, then mech armor) is coming out Monday December 3rd. (Amazon URL is here: My Book )

  In all, we will have six or seven ZOO books come out in December.

  These are different stories, all around one tough sonofabitch area in the Sahara that is both the darkest of dark place
s and yet offers the answer to all of mankind’s problems…

  Healing and food for everyone.

  The problem? The ZOO is where you go to get rich or die trying.

  Sometimes, you don’t even get asked if you want to go. You just get snatched by government agents and tossed on a C-130 and sent to the Sahara.

  That will teach Salinger Jacobs to be good at what he does… NO Ph.D. FOR YOU!

  Salinger starts off as a reluctant hero. Perhaps one with a questionable compass, but we see across his stories that in his heart, he has a compass that points true north.

  NOTE: Salinger’s stories are by penname MICHAEL TODD, not Michael Anderle.

  The stories tend to be a little racier than Michael Anderle —just warning you.


  If you would like to find out what LMBPN is doing and the books we will be publishing, just sign up at When you sign up, we notify you of books coming out for the week, any new posts of interest in the books and pop culture arena, and the fan pricing on Saturday.

  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle

  *And my wife, who will still ask me what I think about her outfits even though I don’t have a stitch of fashion sense to my name.

  No, really. I like black t-shirts and blue jeans.

  All’s Fair in Blood and War


  Immersive Training and Recreation Scenario: High Tortuga, Southern Continent, Plains (Eight Months of Real Time/Nine Years of Game Time Later)

  Tabitha woke up at the crack of dawn with a dull ache at the base of her spine. She pushed away the obvious reason for the pain and crawled out of her tent on her hands and knees, grumbling at the thought of trying to do such a simple thing in the real world with what her real body looked like right now.

  She didn’t even want to think about stretchmarks.

  Any longer in here and she would be giving Gabrielle a run for the longest pregnancy in human history. Which seemed like an awesome idea when she expected it to last for five years.

  However, things had gone a tiny bit differently than planned. When the neurological issues that came with adjusting time for long periods inside the game had come to light, it had been too late to just pull the three of them out.

  The only solution had been to extend their time inside the Vid-docs from twelve weeks real time and five years game time to the eight months real time and nine years that Tabitha, Alexis, and Gabriel had experienced so far.

  Tabitha hummed as she placed a few pieces of fire log on the dying embers of the fire and waited for it to catch.

  You’re chipper this morning, Achronyx remarked.

  Yeah, well, my confinement is almost over.

  I still do not understand why you were so happy there was an issue in the first place.

  Because, Tabitha told him, I got to spend my whole pregnancy without any of the restrictions women have to suffer through. Fuck! She doubled over as the cramp that had been building bloomed in her lower abdomen. Shit. I can’t avoid this one, though.

  Braxton-hicks again? Achronyx asked.

  I don’t think so. My boy is impatient to see the world. He's not going to wait much longer. She reached for normality as the universe fell out from under her feet, grabbing a pan, which she put over the fire to heat. I'm pretty sure he'll hang on until after breakfast.

  Achronyx was silent for a moment while he checked her over. You're right. All the indicators are pointing toward an impending shift in your hormonal balance. This looks like early labor. We should return to the base and exit the game as soon as possible.

  Tabitha had come to that conclusion when the cramp hit, but she wasn't in such a hurry that she had to upset the twins. Besides, she'd added maple smoked bacon to their inventory for that morning. You should inform Eve, but I'm not leaving Alexis and Gabriel without telling them where I'm going.

  I already have, and Eve is putting your birth plan into action, Achronyx told her calmly.

  She doesn't hang around. Tabitha tapped on Alexis’ and Gabriel's tent, chuckling at the sleepy protests from within. “Rise and shine, kiddos. It’s a brand new day, and you've still got some fun planned with Addix before you go back to the base.”

  Alexis poked her head out, her dark hair obscuring her face. “That sounds like you're leaving.”

  Tabitha winked. “It's almost time.”

  Alexis squealed at that ear-shattering pitch almost exclusive to teenage girls. “Really?”

  Tabitha nodded. “Yup. Pretty sure I just had a contraction.”

  Gabriel's head appeared next to his sister's. “Does that mean Mom and Dad might let us out of here at last? I miss them.”

  Tabitha did her best not to be amused by the way his voice slid around. “I don't know,” she admitted. “You'll have to ask them.”

  “I'm calling Mom right now.” Alexis pulled her head back inside the tent, causing Gabriel to stumble forward.

  Gabriel rolled his eyes at his sister and crawled all the way out of the tent, enticed by the smell of bacon. “Oh, good. Breakfast.” He wandered over to check the pan.

  Addix emerged from her tent, rubbing her eyes in bewilderment. “It's not like you to be first up.” She read the tension in Tabitha's shoulders despite the rude awakening. “Is everything all right with the children?”

  “Sure, but I'm in labor, so Eve will be getting me out of here soon.” Tabitha put a brave face on, a hand straying to her flat stomach as another cramp began to wind itself up inside her.

  Addix’s mandibles twitched in concern. “I still do not understand why you would choose to endure this or why Eve would allow it.”

  “Trust me,” Tabitha ground out with something between a chuckle and a gasp, “it’s not fun. But this is part of the bonding experience.” She nodded toward the tents. “Do you mind coming up with something to do with Alexis and Gabriel? I could use the time to think while I get their breakfast ready.”

  Eve’s avatar appeared beside them. “Breakfast will have to wait. It’s time to go. Everything is waiting for you, just like we planned.”

  Tabitha hesitated. “What about Alexis and Gabriel?”

  “We’re fine with Aunt Addix,” Gabriel called.

  “Yeah,” Alexis chipped in from inside the tent. “Call us when he’s born so we can meet him at last.”

  Tabitha reached for Eve’s outstretched hand for a quick exit.

  Chapter One

  High Tortuga, Space Fleet Base, Michael’s Offices, Vid-doc Suites

  The first thing Peter heard when he entered the room was Bethany Anne talking in hushed tones to Alexis on the side monitor. “What do you mean, she’s in labor?”

  “Tabitha’s in labor?” His hands dropped to his sides, releasing the bag holding his quick and dirty dinner without a second thought.

  Eve sighed at the puddle of spilled Coke coming from the dropped bag at his feet. “Yes, Peter. We can’t delay the birth any longer; the baby is on his way. Don’t worry, they're both in good hands.” She wiggled her fingers at him, then went back to typing instructions into Tabitha’s Vid-doc console.

  A moment later a cleaner bot appeared and nudged Peter’s foot gently. He stared blankly at the bot when it bumped him a second time, which Peter thought was a little insistent.

  Bethany Anne left the console and walked over to steer Peter over to the couch. “I know we’d hoped to give them all another month or two, but Baby’s not giving us an option. We’re going to take care of Tabitha, then Alexis and Gabriel.”

  Peter appeared to be paying more attention to the cleaner bot than what Bethany Anne was saying. She looked at him with concern and waved a hand in front of his face, startling him.

  “Peter, you okay?”

  Peter ran a hand over his head. “It’s just sudden, is all. I’m good.”

  “You sure? You zoned out for a moment.” Bethany Anne noted Peter's trembling hands. “Just take a minute. Eve is pulling Tabitha out of the game, and tha
t takes some time.” She reached out to pat Peter's shoulder. “It’s all going to be better than fine. Just wait and see.”

  Eve pushed a gurney over to the side of Tabitha’s Vid-doc. “She’s in the rejuvenation cycle now. Three minutes.”

  Peter straightened his shoulders. “There’s no time for that. We’re about to become parents.”

  High Tortuga, Space Fleet Base, Medical Unit, Corridor

  “My nanocytes had better fix,” she indicated her distended stomach with a hand, “this!” She gritted her teeth against another contraction. “Fuuuuck!”

  Bethany Anne winced when Tabitha grabbed her hand and squeezed hard.

  Tabitha growled at Bethany Anne as the contraction peaked. “Serves you right for not telling me how much this fucking hurtssss!”

  Bethany Anne took the pain of her crushed fingers without complaint. “Um, about that. I had TOM and ADAM dial down most of my labor pain.

  Tabitha glared and squeezed a little bit harder.

  “Twins, Tabitha,” Bethany Anne stated. “Wait until you’ve had one baby and tell me if you want to go through the experience a second time right after.”

  Tabitha turned away, pouting when she realized through the fog that the person on the other side of her moving gurney was Peter—the cause of all her pain.

  She pulled her hand free of Bethany Anne's and pointed a wobbly finger at him. “This is all your fault, you… You…”

  She would finish telling him later. She felt really sleepy, which was weird since she’d technically been asleep for the last eight months.

  Peter waited for the slip into Spanish that told him Tabitha wasn’t really too mad at him. Of course, when she did do it because she was mad, it meant he’d better clear out of the way before Mount Tabbie exploded in his face.


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