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Black Tide [Panther Key 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Scarlet Day

  Diego squeezed her hand and smiled. “Come on, let’s do this.”

  Emma managed a weak smile and squeezed his hand in return. She turned to Kate and Emma. “Each of you needs to put a hand on Diego and concentrate on your power.”

  The moment the three women made contact with Diego’s skin and called their power, Diego gasped. Emma instinctively withdrew her hand, but he grabbed it and put it back in place. “No! I’m all right. It’s just a shock, that’s all. Keep going.”

  Emma reluctantly left her hand on him and reached for her power again. She no longer had to search for its source. The force appeared to her as an endless black sea spread out before her. As she concentrated on it, its surface turned from calm and smooth to rolling waves. The surface glowed slightly, as though from a light source deep under the waves. She imagined herself flying over the surface of it, reaching her hands toward it to scoop it up.

  And then she saw them. Kate and Abby soared toward her with their arms outstretched, just as hers were. She gasped, suddenly understanding. This sea of power wasn’t just hers. Kate and Abby didn’t have their own seas of energy within them, either. There was only one source. They all shared one source. But without a conductor between them, they couldn’t see each other. They couldn’t work together. Diego’s psychic ability must somehow provide the link that allowed them to join together.

  The three women met above the vast, black surface, their feet hovering only inches above the roiling waves. Diego stood in the center of them, his eyes wide with awe and wonder. None of them spoke. They didn’t need to. Their thoughts were Emma’s thoughts. Her thoughts were theirs.

  She called the power to her and knew her sisters did the same. The glow grew brighter, and Emma felt it flow up through her, its strength greater than anything she had ever felt before. It consumed her and flowed through every part of her. She still couldn’t feel Kate or Abby’s power, though, and it concerned her. She could hear their thoughts, so she knew they had summoned it, but she couldn’t touch it herself. Frustration bubbled up inside of her. How could they join together if they still couldn’t feel the power flowing through each other?

  “Through me.” Diego hadn’t actually spoken, but Emma heard him all the same.

  She knew what he was telling her to do. And it scared the hell out of her.

  “Trust me.” Diego’s assurance resonated through her.

  Emma forced her worry aside and concentrated on the power coursing through her. She felt its weight and the way it pulsed and writhed. She imagined lifting it and throwing it out toward Diego.

  And then it happened, just as she imagined it. The power flowed through her as though it was a great, black tide. It surged out of her and into Diego. Emma watched as Kate and Abby’s powers did the same. Diego’s body convulsed in a spasm and then froze as the three black tides flowed through him.

  Emma could feel the three massive tendrils of glowing power within Diego. They surged and pulsed. Their energies mixed together and grew even brighter. Then, with a massive pulse of blinding light, three tendrils of glowing power shot out of Diego and back into Emma, Kate, and Abby.

  Emma jerked her hand away from Diego and opened her eyes. Diego blinked several times. Emma could feel the awe rolling off of him and mixing with her own.

  “What the hell was that?” They looked up at Cash and then looked around to the other men. They all wore the same shocked and scared expressions.

  Emma shook her head. “What did it look like?”

  Cash knelt down and cupped her face in his hands. “It looked like the four of you were about to go nuclear, that’s what it looked like! You were fucking glowing!”

  Emma covered his hands with hers. “We’re okay. All of us.” She looked around at Kate and Abby, who nodded, and then her gaze settled on Diego.

  He shuddered and looked as though he were trying to shake his skin back into place. “Yeah…fine. That was…” He shook his head. “Damn, I feel…different. Good, just…different.”

  Emma knew why he felt different. She had realized what she could do the instant their power had flowed through him. She hadn’t followed through with the idea that had struck her, but she knew she would. Now wasn’t the time to discuss it, though. They had much more pressing matters to deal with.

  “I know what we’re going to do.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  As soon as Emma had felt the combined powers of her sisters enter her, she had known what they were capable of doing. The knowledge was as humbling as it was earth-shattering. To hold that much power was not something she could take lightly. The three of them possessed the strength to decimate their enemies, if they so desired. Emma knew it must have taken great strength of character for her ancient ancestors to refrain from doing just that when they were abused by the vampire clan so many years ago. Unfortunately, her ancestors had held that restraint for too long and had paid with their lives.

  The knowledge that her father and all his kin were hunted and exterminated through the ages didn’t make it easy for Emma to take the high road now, either. But take it she would, as would her sisters. They were united in this, in the determination that they would not let the crimes committed against them and their kin turn them toward vengeance.

  Emma’s thoughts turned to Tiberius. Some were beyond salvation, however. While she and her sisters would not let the wrath of vengeance consume them, justice would be meted out.

  Emma, Kate, Abby, and Diego sat on the blanket in the sand, just as they had this afternoon. The sun no longer shone over them, replaced by the black velvet sky and pinpoints of distant, bright stars. There was no moon, which added to the dark mood surrounding them. Abby had lit a nearby campfire earlier without the need for matches. It wouldn’t be long now. Brad and Bryce had been on lookout on the other side of the small island and had reported back when they spotted their visitors. Four large boats approached from the northwest. Diego was convinced Tiberius was on one of them and that he would personally disembark, unable to contain his desire for the women and unwilling to leave their capture in the sole hands of his thugs again. The fact that the attack was coming at night led credence to Diego’s assertion. If the attack were lodged during the day, Tiberius would be unable to emerge into the sunlight, since he was one of the original vampires stricken with the darkness curse. But the blackness of night would afford him the opportunity to personally ensure success.

  Emma was determined to make sure he failed. She had not discussed the details of her plan with anyone except her sisters. They had been fairly surprised by the scope of the plan, but now that the three of them had felt the true immensity of their combined powers, they had no doubts about accomplishing it. The results would be felt far and wide and would change everything.

  The men had initially pushed her to divulge the details of her plan. She understood they wanted—even needed—to know what the full outpouring of the sister’s powers would mean. Cash had been the one to put an end to the prodding and arguing. He had stepped forward and put his hands on Emma’s shoulders before gazing hard into her eyes for several long moments. Emma had thought he was going to press her harder and demand an answer, but instead he had simply nodded, wrapped her in his arms, and declared, “Enough.”

  She still didn’t understand what had made Cash do what he had done. Her relationship with him was probably the most complicated of her three mates. The physical attraction between Emma and Cash was undeniable—hell, it was surface-of-the-sun hot. But she wasn’t sure how Cash felt about her on a more emotional level. She could sense that he cared deeply for her. She just couldn’t tell how much.

  The full weight of what she and her sisters were about to do pressed down on her. She hadn’t wanted to tell Cash and Chase because they were both such fiercely independent men. Their whole clan was the same. But she could think of only one way to ensure that the vampires never hunted or abused the black panther clan again. She just hoped it wouldn’t cause her new mates, as well as her new ext
ended family, to resent her for it.

  She had actually gotten the initial idea for the plan from Diego. She glanced over at him and anxiety clawed at her insides. Granted, Diego hated Tiberius with a burning intensity, and was perfectly justified in doing so, but he was still a vampire. She didn’t know how he would respond when he realized what the full outcome of tonight would be.

  Cash, Chase, and their brothers and cousins were tasked with one thing tonight. They were to keep the attackers away from Emma, Kate, Abby, and Diego until the sisters accomplished their goal. Emma had assured them that they would all know immediately if the plan was successful.

  Cash emerged from the tree line where he and the other men were waiting. He approached Emma and knelt in front of her. He didn’t say anything but just took her face is his hands. His lips descended on hers in a crushing kiss. His tongue parted her lips and ravished her mouth. The raw force of it left Emma breathless. He pulled back and held her gaze with a fierce expression.

  “Emma Walker, don’t you dare die tonight. I need you—I love you. And I can’t live without you.” Cash pressed his lips to hers again, more gently this time. He stood up, put one hand on Diego’s shoulder, and squeezed. “Be safe, my brother.”

  Without another word, Cash strode back to the tree line. Emma watched his back through unshed tears as he disappeared into the palms and underbrush. “I love you, too, Cash.” Her words were barely a whisper. She knew he couldn’t hear her. But she knew he could feel the emotions she sent after him.

  As she sat in stunned silence, the faint rumble of boat motors carried over the salty ocean breeze. The tension around her ratcheted up several notches. She cast anxious glances at Abby and Kate. Fear shone in their eyes, but she saw the determination reflected there as well. Their expressions mirrored her emotions. They knew what tonight would mean. Her sisters knew their lives, and the lives of their mates, would be changed forever. Emma turned her attention to Diego, who was watching her with an odd look on his face.

  Emma squirmed uncomfortably. “What?”

  Diego cocked his head as he studied her. “Stop worrying about us. We’re big boys. Whatever comes from tonight, we’ll handle it—together.”

  “But what if—”

  Diego stopped her. “No, Emma. No what if’s. No doubts. We trust you.”

  Emma closed her eyes and felt Diego’s trust through their link. She opened her mind and felt Cash and Chase lend their trust through their mating bond as well. She sensed no doubts there.

  Emma opened her eyes and nodded to Diego. “Thank you.”

  “Anytime, mi belleza.” He turned and looked out to sea.

  Emma followed his gaze. Two large boats approached from around one end of the island. Emma searched farther down the beach and saw two more coming from the other end. The sound of their motors grew louder by the second. She could already see men on the boats, packed to capacity. Low, menacing growls sounded from the dark tree line. The men knew there would be no sneak attacks tonight. This was designed to be an all-out frontal assault.

  Emma shivered as the once warm night breeze seemed to turn cool. There was no turning back now.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Diego closed his eyes and mentally blocked out the approaching boats. He had no room for distractions. He calmed himself with deep breathing and sent reassurance to Emma through their link. He didn’t know what she had up her sleeve, but he sensed she would need all the strength he could channel to her to pull it off. He could tell Abby and Kate’s mates were sending positive thoughts to them as well. He could also feel Cash and Chase as they crouched low in the underbrush. Their presences shone as bright, warm lights in his mind. What he had told Emma was true. They would face whatever happened tonight, and they would face it together.

  He could hear the roar of the boat motors getting louder. When the attack came, his natural instinct would be to stand and fight with his new brothers, to protect the woman who had changed his life so profoundly. But that was not to be his role tonight. He would have to remain in the center of the circle, providing the conduit for the sister’s power to flow and combine. He knew what to expect this time. When the sisters had tried joining their powers earlier, he had been completely unprepared for the sensations that tore through him. But he was ready now. Or at least as ready as he was going to be.

  The sound of the boat motors died. For a moment there was only silence, other than the sound of the breeze rustling through the palm fronds and the gentle surf rolling onto the beach. Then smaller motors roared to life. Dinghies. He knew only short moments remained. The sisters would wait until the last minute, until all of the vampires were on the beach, to summon the power. The only part of the plan Emma had shared with the men was that, once the vampires reached the beach, they would not be leaving again until the sisters allowed them to leave. He prayed quick prayers to every deity he could think of that Tiberius would show himself tonight. And if he did, Diego had no intention of letting him leave.

  The dinghy engines revved and then scraping sounds grated in his ears as the small boats beached on the sand. His body tensed as he heard the thump of feet—many feet—hit the sand. He was so tightly wound that he actually jumped when three small hands rested on him, one on each shoulder and one on his chest—Emma’s—and the tingling prelude began.

  Snarls ripped through the night as Diego heard Cash, Chase, and the other men, all in their panther forms, tear across the beach toward the vampires. Diego squeezed his eyes shut, knowing if he saw the melee it would be near impossible to remain seated. Once the power took him he would have no choice. He would be frozen in place for the duration.

  Only a fraction of a second passed, and then it hit. Three glowing, black tendrils of raw power entered him through the hands pressed to his skin. The energy streams surged through his body and raced to his mind. Diego felt as though he had been swept away in a great, black tide. He was consumed—mind, body, and soul—with the ferocity of the tempest within him.

  He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even lift a finger to defend himself or his mate. He was completely dependent upon Cash, Chase, and the other men to provide defense. Diego was not accustomed to having to depend on someone else for protection, but he trusted these men with his life. He had to.

  As the legendary black panther energy rushed though him, he was once again overcome with awe at the immensity of the power. He realized how foolish it was of Tiberius to ever believe he could harness or tame such a power for his own selfish goals. This power was pure. It was unlike anything he had ever encountered. And he instinctively knew that the three women surrounding him were the only beings on the planet capable of controlling it.

  The sounds of battle raged around him. Yells and snarls ripped through the night air. Diego felt sharp stabs of pain several times and knew that attacks had found their marks on his new brothers. But he sensed the blows were not fatal. He could feel Cash and Chase’s confidence and determination and knew their ability to fight had not been diminished. He hoped they could hold out long enough for the women to accomplish whatever plan they had set their minds to.

  The tide within him changed. The streams stopped surging into him and instead coiled around themselves, combining into one mass of glowing energy. It seethed and writhed, growing brighter and brighter. And then it exploded, as though a shining star went supernova within Diego’s mind.

  The radiant mass separated into three streams once again, but this time they remained as bright as the previous explosion. They shot back out of Diego’s mind and travelled through him to the three small hands still pressed to his body. Diego watched, fascinated, as a tiny sliver separated itself from Emma’s stream just before it left his body. That one tiny spark raced back to Diego’s mind and lodged there, shining inside him.

  He wondered about that small light, but he didn’t have time to think about it. His mind followed the stream of Emma’s power as it left him. In his mind’s eye, he could see it travelling back through Emma and fl
owing into her mind. He sensed it doing the same thing in Abby and Kate, but it was Emma’s energy stream that his consciousness followed. The power circled within her, gaining speed and strength. Then, with the force of the mightiest wind, it blasted from her mind and body.

  Diego still couldn’t move, and he knew with absolute certainty that his eyes were still closed, but his mind seemed to travel with the stream, allowing him to see all it encountered. With perfect clarity, he could see the battle around him. Chaos reigned on the beach.

  The panthers were up against at least thirty vampires, although several headless bodies strewn along the beach gave testimony to the panther’s fighting ability. They were heavily outnumbered, though, and they were taking a beating. Deep, jagged gashes covered the panthers’ bodies and dark blood matted their fur. They had formed a protective circle around Diego and their mates and were holding off the vampire hoard through sheer strength and determination. But Diego knew they couldn’t last long. Frustration welled up inside of him at the knowledge that he was powerless to help them.

  Before desperation had a chance to overcome him, Emma’s energy stream grabbed Diego’s attention. It splintered into at least a dozen brilliant ribbons. His consciousness splintered with it, travelling with each new stream. The energy shot into a myriad of directions. He saw the streams from Kate and Abby do the same. With unerring precision, the energy bypassed the panthers and slammed into the chest of each and every vampire on the beach.

  The vampires reacted as though an electrical charge had hit them. They stiffened and backed away from the fight, their hands flying to the center of their chests. Diego instantly recognized the reaction. He knew immediately what had just happened, or at least part of what had happened. The energy streams that hit these vampires were much stronger than the surge he had felt when he first touched Emma, but he somehow knew the result was the same. Their hearts had just begun to beat again.


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