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Page 8

by Drew Elyse

  I was pondering what to do with myself when I heard the sound of metal clinking against metal and the lock on the door unlatching. A moment later, Gauge, looking worn out, but still sexy beyond sense, filled the entryway. His eyes heated immediately as they took me in, and the combination of that look and the sight of him left me breathless. Silence prevailed as we stared at each other, the temperature in the room seeming to climb to sweltering levels.

  Finally, I mustered up something to say. “I wasn’t expecting you for another hour.”

  “Sped the whole fuckin’ way,” he answered, his voice heavy.

  “Oh,” I voiced stupidly. What the hell did you say in a moment like that?

  “Darlin’, come here.”

  Apparently, that was the permission my body had been waiting for. I practically ran to him. When my body collided with his, he lifted me up. My legs wrapped around his hips and his mouth came slamming down on mine. A growl vibrated out of him, and his hold on me tightened, until I whimpered at the overwhelming sensation of his body pressed so tightly against mine.

  Gauge devoured my mouth, his lips immediately prying mine apart so our tongues could meet. He kissed me like he was hungry, like he was absolutely starving. I kissed him with the same fervor, losing myself in the feeling of it. He unleashed something wild in me, something I hadn’t even known was there. I nipped at his tongue and lips, pulling the soft, full bottom lip between my teeth and biting down until he grunted and pulled my hair. We danced along the line between sensuality and punishment, receiving and giving, feeding off each other’s intensity. It was not about savoring or exploring, it wasn’t about sweet or gentle or nice—it was need. It was pure, raw, animalistic lust, and there was no containing ourselves.

  I hadn’t noticed he was moving until he bent over and pressed me into the bed. He pulled his head back, looking down at me with eyes dark as night. His breaths came quickly as he said, “I fuckin’ need you, Cami.”

  He was looking for my assent, for me to tell him I was ready. There was only one way to answer. “Yes.”

  His hands immediately went for my shirt. The moment it cleared my head, his face was in the curve of my neck, licking the skin before digging his teeth in just hard enough to send a shock through my body. My hands went to his head, and I loved the way I was able to grab onto the longer sections of his hair. I buried my fingers in the length, gripping it none too gently as his teasing licks and bites followed the line of my collarbone until he was nuzzling between my beasts. Then, his hands cupped the sides of each breast, and he furiously shook his head between them.

  “Did you just motorboat me?” I asked, flabbergasted.

  He looked up at me, darkly sensual amusement in his expression. “I’ve got two months of fantasies built up in my head, two months of yanking my own cock to thoughts of the shit I wanted to do to you. Now, I’m doing fuckin’ all of it.”

  “All of them?” I asked. “What exactly does that include?”

  “Everything I could come up with,” he answered. I knew his imagination would extend well beyond my own, but I was pretty damn sure he would be able to convince me to try anything he wanted.

  Done talking, Gauge returned to exploring my breasts as he roughly shoved his hands beneath my back to yank the clasp open to free them. I tore at his shirt until he wrenched back and whipped it off. I stared in a sex-drunk haze at his shirtless torso as he went for the button of my jeans. His was ripped, a wall of hardened muscles under tan skin. I wanted to feel every contour beneath my fingertips, beneath my tongue. I wanted to trace the dark lines of his tattoos that only made me hotter, despite the fact that I was too engrossed in the whole picture to pay much mind to what they were of.

  All finesse was lost as he roughly jerked at my jeans and underwear, forcing my hips toward him so he could pull them off. Still wrapped in my near-drooling perusal, I watched as he frantically tore at his belt and jeans while his eyes blazed a trail down my body. I was distantly aware of the clanking sound of his belt buckle meeting the floor, but it hardly registered. My focus was entirely on Gauge, on following the slow movements of his hand wrapped around his cock.

  His huge, intimidating body standing over mine had built me up, but the sight of his huge, adorned cock in his hand had me ready to explode. Yes, adorned. I no longer had to wonder if his penchant for body jewelry extended below the neck. Besides the barbells through each nipple, there were one, two, three—three piercings through his cock. A Prince Albert through the tip, a frenum right below the head, and a pubic piercing consisting of the two end beads of a curved barbell protruding from his skin right at the base of his shaft. I felt faint just imagining how those two little pieces of metal would feel.

  Gauge cleared his throat, and I looked up to a smirk tilting that devilish mouth of his. “Like what you see, darlin’?”

  Oh, so that was the game he wanted to play? Fine.

  Slowly, as seductively as I could, I bent my knees and spread my legs. I ran my hands across my stomach, and then shifted directions so one inched toward my breast while the other headed down to the aching spot between my legs. “I don’t know. Do you?”

  Before either hand could make it to their respective marks, Gauge was on me. He gripped my wrists and pulled them above my head, clamping onto them with one large hand. He didn’t just pin me there, he pushed my arms into the mattress until I could feel the burn of the muscles stretching. I whimpered. Whether it was at the slight discomfort in my arms or the throbbing it caused down below was anyone’s guess.

  His free hand cupped me a moment later, and I cried out at the overwhelming sensation of finally having pressure where I needed it. He wasted no time sinking two fingers deep inside me. Even his fingers were huge, stretching me as he guided them in and out slow enough for me to feel every nuance of the movement.

  “This is mine, Cami,” he said, his voice rougher than I’d ever heard it. “You try to tease me with it, and you’ll be too sore to walk tomorrow.”

  Why did that sound more like something worth begging for than a threat?

  His fingers felt incredible. Before I knew it, I was grinding myself against them, desperately chasing the orgasm building faster than I ever could have imagined. “Please,” I begged. I needed more.

  In answer, he grunted and pulled his fingers free. The disbelieving, frustrated sound he brought out of me might have been embarrassing if I weren’t so worked up. I squeezed my eyes shut, my hips rocking into the empty air as I tried to keep myself at the edge, as I tried to fall over it.

  Gauge’s body filled the space between my legs after a moment, his hands grabbing roughly onto my hips to stop my movements. He brought me flush to him and I could feel his hard cock rubbing against the lips of my pussy. He’d slid a condom on at some point, but I could still feel the steel accessories he had down there. I tried to wiggle in his hold, to delight in the friction he provided, but his grip tightened.

  He leaned over me, bringing his face close to mine. “Look at me,” he demanded. I did, and him sinking into me with one forceful thrust was my reward.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, pressing his pelvis against me until he was as deep as possible. I could feel him stretching me as I clenched around him, the slight twinge it caused only exciting me more. The piercing at the base of his cock lined up right at my clit. Its teasing presence caused me to shift, desperate to experience the feeling of those two little balls rubbing against me. It was unlike anything I’d ever known. I could have come from just rubbing there for another second, but Gauge had other ideas.

  He sat up so he was kneeling between my legs, pulling me with him by my hips. Holding up the lower half of my body, he began thrusting. I could do nothing but take each sharp movement as they grew faster and faster. I was hurtling toward an orgasm, the strength of which I was actually afraid of. I had never had anything consume my mind and body the way Gauge did in those moments.

  He shifted then, adjusting both our bodies so he could continue his short, fast t
hrusts while keeping the pelvic piercings rubbing against me. I was coming immediately. My whole body locked up, then shattered into a spasming mess. I think I might have been screaming out his name, but I couldn’t hear a thing.

  When sense returned, slowly but surely, I realized Gauge was now laying over me. He braced on his arms to keep some of his weight off, but it seemed like even that was almost too much effort. If I could have felt anything but absolute bliss, I would have been disappointed that I’d obviously missed him coming. Though, I’d have more opportunities to see it, I was sure.

  My muscles were completely languid, left useless by his rough treatment. My lungs and heart were still trying to catch up, and I was certain it would be days before I could move at all. All I was capable of was whispering an awed, “Holy shit.”

  Gauge chuckled, stimulating my oversensitive body and causing me to jerk. “Relax, babe,” he said as he rubbed a hand along my side, pressing firmly to keep my nerves from freaking out again. “Fuck, that was incredible.” Unsure of what one was supposed to say after completely earth-shattering sex—thank you, that was fun, you’re good at fucking?—I stayed quiet, which caused him to laugh again. “Too much?”

  I started to nod, but then had a frantic moment of fear that he would never do it again if he thought I was saying yes to that, so I shook my head wildly. He smirked in a way that told me he knew exactly what I was thinking and he had every intention of us winding up back in the same spot.

  With a brusque, though still sexy, kiss, Gauge climbed off me. He stretched a bit as he stood, then disappeared into the bathroom. I briefly considered searching out my discarded clothing before he came back, but my body lodged a formal protest at the idea of moving. I heard the pipes groan before the sound of the shower filtered into the room, surprisingly clear. Gauge’s voice was as well when he called, “Babe, get your ass in here.”

  Looking toward the bathroom, I realized Gauge hadn’t closed the door. “What?”

  He appeared in the doorway, looking amused. “Need a shower, want you in there with me.”

  I grumbled something unintelligible as I shifted to my side and snuggled into the mattress. He was a grown ass man. He could shower by himself. I was going to sleep.

  Suddenly, he was back and lifting me. “You’re a real pain in my ass, Cami,” he said in an amused voice.

  “You can put me back down if you think you’re getting laid in there,” I said.

  He snorted. “I need a bit longer to recover from that. I’ve barely slept in two days. I want to shower with your sweet little body against mine and then crash.”

  Well, that didn’t sound like a bad plan. “I can do that.”

  So, that was what we did. Gauge carried me into the shower. We took turns washing each other, but held back from doing more than that, then we crawled back into his bed and settled in to sleep the day away.

  We had plenty we needed to talk about, but it could wait. For the first time in years, I was content. I was happy. Spending an uncomplicated day wrapped up in Gauge was exactly what I needed. Everything else would come in time.

  “Dammit, Cami. Where the fuck are you?” I snapped into the phone.

  “Well, hello to you, too,” she replied.

  “I’m not screwin’ around here, darlin’. Where the fuck are you?”

  “At the mall,” she said, “shopping.”


  “Yes, Gauge, shopping. I need more clothes.”

  Lord fuckin’ help me. I took a deep breath, but I knew it wasn’t going to help. “You didn’t think you might come by the shop and tell me before you took off? And how the hell did you get to the mall anyway?”

  “Roadrunner loaned me the keys to his car.”

  “Still doesn’t answer my first question.” I was barely holding my shit together, and she was starting to sound snippy. Things were going to hell quick.

  “I didn’t realize I had to check in with you,” she snapped.

  Wrong answer.

  “Darlin’, don’t play these fucking games with me. You don’t take off and leave me to come back to the clubhouse to find my room empty. For all I knew, you were halfway back to that fuckin’ jackass ex of yours.”

  She was silent for a long moment, then, “You did not just say that to me.”

  “Yeah, I fuckin’ did.”

  “You’re such an asshole. I’m not some whore who bounces from one fucking man to another! And I’m not your goddamn property. You don’t own me. I can do as I please. I already had one controlling dick in my life, I don’t need to replace him!”

  With that final statement yelled into my ear, the line went dead.

  Hell no. She did not just hang up on me.

  I dialed her back, damn close to losing my mind. It rang until it went to voicemail. I tried again. It went to voicemail after only ringing twice. I hung up and tried a third time. The voicemail picked up right away. She’d turned her phone off.

  Suppressing the urge to drive my fist through the wall, I grabbed my keys off the dresser where I’d dropped them when I came in and headed out front to my bike. She could ignore my calls if she wanted, but she wasn’t going to be able to ignore me face to face.

  Cami had been there for three days, and we’d spent nearly all of it in bed. Fuck, we would have still been there if the boys hadn’t asked me to go down to the garage for a few hours. I spent the whole time I was down there thinking about getting my cock back between her thighs and trying to keep my erection that kept popping up hidden. She was testing my restraint more than ever. It was harder to keep my mind off her when I knew exactly how sweet that pussy tasted. Then, she fucking took off like that?

  Maybe we needed to lay this shit out.

  The mall was about a half hour out, a half hour I spent getting more pissed. She thought she could just fucking disappear on me? She wanted to be outraged when I thought she fucking left me? Well, she was the one who led me on for so damn long. Maybe after the marathon fucking I’d given her over the last few days, she’d gotten her rebellion out of her system. How should I know? I was the one all fucking in from the start.

  I parked my bike outside the damn mall, a place I hadn’t been since my mom dragged me along as a kid, and stomped my way to the entrance. Normally, I might try to turn down the asshole biker vibes when there were families with little kids around, but I couldn’t give a fuck at that moment. My pissy woman was in there, and she had some shit to answer for.

  It wasn’t until I made it inside that I realized storming around the mall looking for her was more likely to get me in a scuffle with some rent-a-cop on a segway than it was to work. I didn’t know my way around, and I had no idea where Cami would be.

  Losing any semblance of patience I might have had, I grabbed my phone and dialed her. It rang, which was something, but she didn’t answer. I started walking through retail hell anyway, looking around for her as I dialed again, and again. I glanced in one entryway and saw nothing but pink and mannequins in skimpy underwear. And damn it all, there she was. Cami was standing near the wall on one side, stringing up a tiny pair of panties between her fingers like she was considering them. My blood flooded my dick as I walked toward her.

  She’d switched out scraps of lace by the time I reached her, looking at a little red pair. I imagined her light skin and pink pussy against the red fabric. Damn, that was a nice image.

  “Get them,” I ordered from right behind her.

  She jumped and turned to me. For a moment, she looked amused, but that fled and my girl’s attitude took over. “Get them?”

  “Yeah. Get them.”

  “I don’t think you get much say.”

  “You gonna be letting some other man get in there?” I didn’t give her a chance to answer. In some way, that might piss me off more. “Hint, darlin’, the answer is no. No man but me is getting in those or any other panties of yours.”


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