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One Simple Step (Journey Series)

Page 11

by Williams, C. A.

  “Ally, it’s not like that. I just—” I stopped him with my hand, and tried to plaster on a smile, but I knew it wasn’t much of one.

  “I don’t need an explanation, Nick. Go finish doing…whatever you were doing.” I walked back to the table and collapsed into my chair, not even bothering to watch him. I knew exactly where he was, though I kind of wished he would choose me over her, but he hadn’t. Was I really that bad that I would always be second choice? Jeez, I felt like a whiny fourth grader who got picked last for a game of kickball. Where in the hell had my self-confidence gone?

  The table was awkwardly silent when I came back until Danny brought up the subject of sports to Chase and everyone jumped right back in.

  “Hey, do I need to go kick someone’s ass? I’m not gonna stand by and let some guy treat you like shit again.” Leah nudged her shoulder into mine, and I attempted a smile because I knew she would do it for me in a heartbeat. That’s just the kind of friend she was. Leah never really approved of my relationship with Teddy, and I think she wished that she had spoken up about it more than she did.

  “I’ll join her,” Remy added from a new spot at the table across from her. Her eyes were still on Ben’s every move though, and I did a little dance inside for someone being happy.

  I shook my head, and took a deep, calming breath to clear the negative energy that was surrounding me, and just didn’t want to go away. “I’m good, really. I just thought that maybe…he would pick me. But, I know it’s not a competition or anything. At least I hope it’s not. He really is a good guy.”

  I changed the subject quickly, not wanting to dwell, and Remy, Leah, and I fell into an easy conversation like we had never been apart. Leah and Remy were comparing their jobs as nurses, filling me in on some crazy patient stories. I had no idea how they handled the day to day demands of being nurses. I never would have made it through the schooling.

  “And this night is just getting better and better,” Leah whispered in a sarcastic tone, her back going rigid as she leaned into me. “I tried everything to stop this, but he was persistent. I’m sorry.”

  I had no idea what she was talking about until I felt a hand on my back, and I slowly turned around. I was hoping that it was Nick, but what Leah said made no sense whatsoever.

  I sucked in a deep breath when I met a pair of warm brown eyes that were all too familiar, and I thought I had seen for the last time.


  I should have known when the restaurant had seemed to turn down a couple of notches. That tended to happen whenever Teddy was around. Probably at least half of the people here recognized him even without the rest of the band.

  Everything about him screamed rock star: from his brown shaggy hair that I used to drag my fingers constantly through, to the tattoos running down each arm. I knew every one by heart, including that “A” that was straight over his heart. I had thought that once meant something.

  He gave me that wicked, panty-dropping smile as if nothing had ever happened between us, and all was right in the world. I knew that he was anxious, though. I was probably the only one that could actually tell. Standing in front of me, his lip ring disappeared into his mouth as he chewed on the soft flesh surrounding it, a dead giveaway that he was actually nervous about something.

  He crouched down in front of me, his hands landing on the bare skin above my knees. “Hey, Ally-Cat, miss me?”

  Chapter 15


  “What in the hell is going on, Leah?”

  The second Teddy dropped down in front of my chair, I rushed past him, knocking warm hands that brought back way too many memories off my legs, and made a beeline straight towards the bathroom. Leah and Remy showed up seconds later.

  I splashed some cold water on my face, thinking that it would possibly wake me up from this bad dream I was stuck in, because that’s all tonight had been so far.

  “That was all Chase, Al. I’m sorry, we’ve been having this fight ever since we planned on coming here. You know how Chase is; he’s such a true romantic at heart. And he and Teddy have been best friends forever. They’re basically family. Chase was pissed about everything that went down, but he thinks that Teddy deserves a second chance.”

  I looked at Leah in disbelief. I hated the fact that things going on in my life were affecting her marriage, they had seemed fine this whole trip. Chase always did have a soft spot wherever Teddy was concerned though, so I actually shouldn’t have been too surprised.

  “So, when we planned our trip, Chase called Teddy to see if he wanted to meet up with us. I think he figured we could be a buffer between the two of you, so you could maybe patch things up. I told Chase he was an ass, and that there was no way in hell you two would work things out. I promised him I wouldn’t say anything, though. Do you hate me?”

  I turned to see actual tears running down Leah’s face, and I grabbed a tissue to wipe them away. Leah hardly ever cried, and I hated that she was doing it because of me. “Of course I don’t hate you, sweetie. And don’t be mad at your husband, he’s just trying to help, even if it’s a totally lost cause. But what am I supposed to do?”

  “I could find a back exit,” Remy suggested, “and I’ve barely had anything to drink, so I can be the getaway driver.”

  “Yeah, Remy has the perfect idea, let’s get out of here. The boys can handle themselves.”

  “No.” I shook my head, and closed my eyes briefly, trying to stop the slight spinning that I felt. “I need to put my big girl panties on and deal with this. Teddy and I have been together for a while, and I would think we can at least be civil, but we’re done. He’s not getting any more chances from this girl.”

  Teddy smiled at me when we rejoined the table, and it really felt like old times having everyone there. The only one missing was Mark, and I would take Ben over him any day. Being with Teddy like this was a reminder of the guy I had fallen in love with.

  Our relationship might have started off a little stranger than most. Things were casual when we first got together. I wouldn’t really even classify what we had as “together.” I knew Teddy was seeing other girls—well, not really seeing, more like screwing—and I had the occasional date or two.

  I was probably lucky I didn’t end up with some disease during that little stint, but I was adamant about the use of condoms, even though I had been on birth control since I was eighteen and Teddy hated using them. I started to get jealous after a while, though, and couldn’t handle seeing him with all of the groupies that followed him around to all of the college bars.

  So when Tyler joined the band, I moved on. Or at least I thought so. I think Tyler had pretty much been a substitute for Teddy, even though he was a really great guy and I didn’t see it at the time. I think Tyler and I having a steady relationship is what made Teddy realize that he wanted me all to himself. And that’s exactly what he got when we jumped feet first into marriage.

  After four years together, I thought he’d gotten his fill of the crazy man-whoring days, and that they were far behind him. He may have wanted me all to himself, but he still couldn’t be a one-woman kind of guy, and had proved exactly that when I caught him in the act.

  The first thing I did when I came to Florida was go to the nearest health clinic. I didn’t know if Teddy screwed around throughout our whole marriage or what, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Luckily, I had been in the clear.

  Thank God, I hadn’t stopped taking my birth control when Teddy first started mentioning kids. This mess would have been a lot stickier if a baby had been added into the equation.

  Getting lost in conversation with everyone, I didn’t even notice that Nick had left, without even a goodbye to me or to any of his friends. I wasn’t going to lie, it hurt, but I tried to push that feeling down and enjoy myself, even if Teddy being here was really awkward.

  He somehow managed to avoid every girl that was flirting with him. At least three of them had the guts to come over to our table, trying to give him their number, but
he avoided each one, keeping his eyes solely on me. I could tell he was trying to win me back, but it wasn’t happening.

  “Well, I think we need to head out, Al. We have an early flight to catch, and I need to get a little bit of sleep. You ready to go?” Leah and Chase both stood up and looked down at me. Ben and Remy had already disappeared together, I’m sure to have their own little goodbye, and the guys were headed to Clammy’s for a little more ‘drinking action’ as Danny put it. I wondered if Nick would be there.

  “I’ll make sure Ally gets home,” Teddy piped in, grabbing my hand that Leah had already latched onto. The two seemed to be playing tug of war with me as they both pulled in opposite directions, and I yanked my hand away.

  “No, she’s coming with us,” Leah answered through gritted teeth. Chase gave me a tight-lipped smile, probably knowing that his little spitfire of a wife was about to come unhinged, and reached for Leah.

  “Babe, I think Ally can handle herself. If she wants to come with us or stay with Teddy, that’s her decision.” Leah seemed to relax just a little when Chase wrapped an arm around her waist, but I definitely never wanted to be on the end of the look she was currently throwing Teddy’s way.

  “Please, Al. Let me take you home.” Teddy twisted his lips into a smirk while ignoring Leah, and gave me a look, his chocolate brown eyes pleading. “I think we need a little bit of alone time. There’s some things I want to talk to you about.”

  “Ally, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Leah pursed her lips at Teddy, whose focus remained on me.

  “Leah, it’s alright, really.” I stepped over to give her a hug. “I know what I’m doing, and we do need to get some things figured out. You go get some sleep so you don’t miss your flight, and get back to those amazing kids of yours.”

  “Ya sure?” She pulled back from our embrace, and looked at me, eyes filled with worry.

  “Positive. I am definitely gonna miss you. We’ll have to plan another one of these trips soon. My mom keeps bugging me to visit, so maybe I’ll do just that.”

  “Definitely, Al. I can’t wait. Let me know some dates when you get them, maybe I can get a few days off.”

  I gave Chase a hug before they left, and he pulled Teddy aside to say their goodbyes. They really were like brothers, and I know they wouldn’t ever admit it since they were guys and all, but you could tell how much they missed being around each other all the time.

  “So, what did you want to talk to me about?” I asked as Teddy dropped back down into the seat next to me and leaned in so our shoulders were touching. He had done that all night, made sure some part of our body was in contact at all times, and I knew it was on purpose. I don’t know why I let him do it. I knew I was giving him some kind of hope that just wasn’t there. I think, in a way, it was comforting after the night I had.

  “The talking can wait for a minute.” His hand shot up to signal for our waitress, who was there in under five seconds, giving Teddy a breathy giggle while pushing her chest into his face. It seemed like a few more buttons of her shirt had come undone since he arrived, and she always seemed close by, constantly checking on us.

  “First, I think we need a shot.” My eyebrows rose as he gave the waitress our drink order. She lingered for a second longer, obviously hoping that Teddy would pay her some kind of attention, but it stayed trained on me all night.

  That was something I wasn’t used to with Teddy anymore. Sure, when we were first married, I seemed to be his life, but after the band started to take off, I sort of took the backseat. It had definitely been something that I had to get used to, and after a while, I just assumed it was a part of the lifestyle.

  “Are you trying to get me liquored up or something?” I sat up straight in my chair when one of his fingers hooked a stray piece of hair and pushed it behind my ear. The buzz that I had going on earlier started to wear off, and I knew I really didn’t need to cloud my judgment when I was around Teddy.

  “I don’t need to get you liquored up, Ally-Cat. I just figured we could use something to drink. Unless that is, you don’t think you can handle it.”

  Oh, he was such an ass.

  He knew I hated to be challenged. So when the waitress brought our drinks, I threw my shot back quickly, letting the liquor burn its way down my throat, and slammed the glass on to the table with a rattle. Teddy watched me as I slowly licked my lips, groaning before he picked up his glass and did the same.

  “C’mon, let’s dance.”

  “I don’t think this is really that kind of place.” I tried to go back in the direction of the table, but his grip didn’t let up, and he was soon pulling me into his arms in a tiny space near the bar.

  He touched his lips to my ear as he quietly sang along to the Bruno Mars song that talked about “when I was your man.” It wasn’t really Teddy’s style, but it seemed to be pretty fitting.

  We ended up like that for at least three more songs, before he insisted we needed more drinks. Teddy caught me up on everything that had been going on with the band while they finished up their tour, and I couldn’t help but laugh when he pouted at me.

  “The bus looks like shit with you gone. Mark and Tyler have the place smelling like dirty old shoes, there’s not a scrap of food to be found, and we’re never on time for anything. The worst part is I don’t get to see your sexy ass every day.”

  “That’s not my fault, Teddy.”

  “I know, Al.” He dropped his face into his hands before pulling back and raking his hands through his hair. I could see the pain on his face. “Shit, I remind myself of the mess I made every day. I would do anything to erase the mistake.”

  “But you can’t,” I reminded him quietly, “and I’m trying to move on. I know that’s hard for you to understand, but we can’t go back to being us. I think I’m ready to go home, Teddy. I’ll call a cab for each of us.”

  “Yeah, alright, Al.” He gave me a defeated look and stood up, tugging me gently along with him. “But I’ll drive you back.”

  I scrunched my brows at him and shook my head as I pulled out my phone. “Not after everything you’ve been drinking tonight.” And I most definitely didn’t want to share a cab with him. I had a feeling that would just lead to trouble.

  He grabbed my phone out of my hand, and tucked it back into my purse before holding his hands out to the side of him. “Ally-Cat, I didn’t drink half of the shit that you did. See.” He walked a straight line from our table, all the way to the door, and turned around to wink at me before grabbing my hand. “Let’s go.”

  I let out a sigh, but let me him pull me towards the parking lot. He settled me into the passenger seat of his rental car before slamming the door, and walking around the front with his head hung low. Guilt was eating away at me for being the reason, but I had to keep reminding myself that he was the one that put us into this situation.

  I pulled my phone out to check for any messages, and felt even worse when I didn’t see any pop up from Nick. I thought for sure once he got rid of Kara for the night, he would call or at least send me a message explaining that weird encounter. But no. Maybe things weren’t really going in the right direction for us like I thought.

  “I’m gonna swing by my hotel real quick. I have something I need to give you before I leave town.” Teddy threw the car into reverse, and I crossed my arms tightly over my chest.

  Was it what I had been waiting for to come, and still hadn’t? Teddy hadn’t uttered the word divorce since he had shown up tonight, but he knew that’s what I wanted. The car was filled with an uneasy quiet all the way to Teddy’s hotel. Once we parked, he ran over to open my door and I reluctantly got out of the car.

  “Do I really need to come in? Can’t you just run in and get whatever it is?”

  He shook his head sharply without looking back at me and headed towards the main lobby of the hotel, jabbing at the button several times once we reached the elevator. I hurried to catch up with his quick pace once we reached his floor, and he slid his key into the
card reader.

  “What’s the rush?” I asked, rounding the corner into his room and letting the door shut behind me.

  I was quickly caught off guard when he twisted me around, and flattened my back against the wall. He sucked in a deep breath before smashing his mouth against mine and letting out a loud groan. I tried to free my body from the death grip he had on me, but he wasn’t budging an inch.

  “Stop fighting this, Ally,” he whispered hoarsely against my lips.

  “Teddy—” I shouldn’t have opened my mouth because that’s exactly what he had been looking for.

  His tongue pushed in quickly, and I couldn’t help the sigh that escaped at his familiar taste. Cigarettes and the mints he always used to cover them up because he knew that I hated him smoking, though he never once tried to quit.

  I attempted to pull away once more, but it was a lost cause. His hands were everywhere on my body as he reacquainted himself with my mouth. I wouldn’t say that I wasn’t willing, but I also couldn’t help but think about Nick. Nick and I were together, right? This was wrong, this would make me a cheater just like Teddy, and I hated cheaters. But at the same time, the image of Nick and his ex, Kara, popped into my head, making me sick to my stomach.

  My head tipped back on its own when Teddy’s lips and tongue dropped down to my neck. “You taste so fucking good,” he snarled against my skin before pulling my earlobe between his teeth. His hands dropped down from my hips and worked in a frenzy to find the hem of my dress, pushing the material up around my waist.

  His hand slid down, and he traced the edges of the lace between my thighs, before pushing a finger under the material. “Always so wet for me, baby.” My panties were soon sliding down my legs, and Teddy kicked them away.


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