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Two Hotties Next Door

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

The only time his dick didn’t seem to play was during work. None of the women he worked with could get him excited or even the littlest bit interested in them. He knew some were pissed at his complete lack of desire when it came to them, but he didn’t care.

  The only person he wanted was upstairs getting dressed.

  Entering her studio, he saw several canvases set up. One had a splash of color, but it didn’t showcase any of the work she’d been doing.

  He and Brett had been helping her all week for the sketches.

  “I’m so sorry about that,” Meredith said. “I went out to the park, lost track of time.” She entered the studio dressed in a pair of shorts and plain white vest shirt. He could clearly make out that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her tits bounced with every step that she took. His dick went from flaccid to hard in the blink of an eye.

  “Don’t worry about it.” He cleared his voice as it went high-pitched. “Brett should be here soon.”

  “Great.” She turned her back on him. The vest was sheer enough that he got to see the dark ink of her tattoo. The outline was doing shit to him. “Are you okay?”

  “Look, Meredith, there’s only so much a guy can take.”

  She tilted her head to the side.

  “I like you,” he said.

  “I like you too.”

  “Right now, I need to go home.”

  Her gaze ran down his body, and she paused at his dick, which seemed to get harder.

  “Me being dressed like this affects you, Ace?”


  She didn’t take a step back. She moved closer. Within touching distance. Her hair was still slightly damp, and she was the kind of woman who didn’t need makeup. Her face was clear, and there was a glow to her, an energy that he couldn’t look away from.

  When she lifted her shirt up over her head and tossed it to one side, he was fucking shocked. Especially as her shorts followed soon after.

  “Do I make you nervous?” she asked.

  “You don’t make me nervous.”

  “Good.” She placed a hand on his chest. “They’re just clothes, Ace.” She tugged his shirt, and he helped her to pull it off. “No ink?”

  “I don’t like needles.”

  “I hate needles, but I did it anyway. I don’t like being afraid.” She touched his stomach, tracing one of his abs before taking his hand. She placed it on one of the designs curving up her stomach toward her breasts.

  His cock strained against the front of his pants, and he wanted her.

  “Do you like what you see?” she asked.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  Unable to resist another moment, he sank one of his hands into her hair, pulling her close. Smashing his lips against hers, he slid his tongue across her mouth. She gasped, opening up for him, and he plunged in deep. Her hands went to his shoulders, stroking down his back. Her nails felt so good against his skin. Walking her back until she hit the wall, he captured her hands and locked them above her head.

  She moaned.

  “You’ve felt this as well?” He pressed his cock against her stomach.


  “I want to fuck you, Meredith. I want to drive my cock so deep inside your tight pussy that I can’t think straight.”

  “Then let go of my hands. Let’s get you naked.”

  He let her go and she attacked his pants, releasing the belt and the zipper, pushing them to the floor. He kicked them away, groaning as she wrapped her fingers around his length and began to work his dick.

  Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, and he gritted his teeth to stop himself from coming, thinking of anything that would stop the excitement from building.

  Pushing her hand away, he took her to the floor, spreading her thighs. Then he slid two fingers between her slit, feeling how wet she was.

  When he touched her clit, she cried out his name, squirming against his touch. “Feels so fucking good.”

  “That’s right, baby, so good. Yeah.” Thrusting two fingers inside her cunt, he felt how tight she was. She fucked his fingers, and he teased her clit with his thumb.

  Within seconds she came, screaming his name, begging for more.

  Kissing the pleasure from her lips, he pulled his fingers from her pussy, grabbed his cock, and placed the tip to her entrance. Breaking the kiss, he stared into her eyes, and slowly began to sink inside her wet heat.

  They both cried out, and as he was getting to his last couple of inches, he filled her hard. Their bodies slapped together, echoing off the walls along with their cries of pleasure.

  “Feels so fucking good. I knew you would.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he pulled out of her only to drive back within her. Over and over he fucked her, feeling her tight heat swallow him. His balls felt heavy, and he stared into her green eyes, completely lost to everything but her. She was a beautiful woman.

  Taking her hands, he locked their fingers together, and he fucked her hard, driving in deep. He couldn’t contain his desire for her.

  Meredith had become a need that he no longer wanted to deny.


  “Ace, you okay?” Meredith asked. He had this weird look on his face as she stared at her. It was like he was seeing something else.

  She continued to dry her hair on the towel. The park was one of the rare places that still held the magic of when she was younger. Before her parents had moved to the city to continue to pursue their careers, she’d lived in a small town, not too different from this one. She’d hated living in the city. The parks were always too crowded and loud. The streets were always filled with people who didn’t care about anyone but themselves.

  To Meredith, the city had been a slow and painful death. Sitting there in the park today, watching the few mothers and fathers with their kids had brought back so much love, so much happiness that time had simply slipped her by.

  Ace, however, was concerning her. He’d not looked away from her clothing. She wasn’t wearing a bra as the one she wore today was a little tight and left red marks that were itchy from rubbing.

  He shook his head, and she frowned. “Are you okay? Do I need to call Brett or something?”

  “Sorry, I completely zoned out there and not in a good way.”

  She saw his body was flushed, and one look at the front of his jeans, and she figured out straight away that he was aroused. “Would you like me to go and change?”

  “No, no, it’s fine. Just ignore me.”

  Meredith only wished it was that easy. She’d found herself thinking more and more about her two hot neighbors. Watching them, sketching them daily, her nights were filled with all the hot delights that a woman like herself craved and yet she was repeatedly let down with no follow-through. She was filled with constant need. Right now, her pussy was so wet, and it pulsed as she moved and the seam of the shorts grazed her pussy.

  She loved to cleanly shave her pussy as she liked not having anything in the way, and also, it made her hornier throughout the day, desperate. The vibrator she kept in her drawer was getting a lot of use, and even though she came, it wasn’t earth-shattering or even helping her in any way. She found herself aching even more, wanting more, desperate for more, begging for more.

  “Are you dating anyone?” he asked.

  “No. Are you?”


  She stared at him. “I’ve never been good with these guessing games, Ace. Tell me what you want.”

  He stepped closer toward her, the intent clear in his eyes. Her nipples hardened, and as he stepped close, his gaze was on her lips. She purposefully licked her lips, giving him a glimpse. The heat built in the room.

  “You know what I want.”

  “I’d like to hear it.”

  “Am I interrupting something?” Brett asked.

  She didn’t turn to look at the other man, keeping her gaze on Ace the whole time. “No, you’re not interrupting anything.”

  “I want to fuck you,” Ace said.

  “Ace! You
can’t speak like that to her.”

  Again, she didn’t look away. There was no need to. “Is that why you zoned out? You imagined fucking me?”

  “Yeah, I did.” He reached out, cupping her cheek. “And I want to, so badly. I want to feel your tight cunt wrapped around my dick.” He ran his thumb across her lips. “I want these on my cock, sucking me.”

  “Ace, seriously, buddy, this is…”

  “I don’t mind,” Meredith said. “Actually, I kind of like it.”

  She finally looked toward Brett. Both men were hot. Her “two hotties next door” was what she labeled the sketchpad that she was using to draw them.

  “I guess I’ll leave you two to it,” Brett said, stepping out of the room.

  “Why do you have to leave?” she asked.

  Looking from Ace then to Brett, she raised a brow and smiled.

  She’d always been open about her sexuality, willing to try new things. She’d never been with two men at the same time, but Ace and Brett featured together in her fantasies. “What do you say?” she asked.

  “I don’t know what to say right now. I don’t have a clue what I’ve stepped into,” Brett said.

  She smiled and grabbed Ace’s hand, leading him close to Brett. Taking his other hand, she pulled him in.

  This felt completely natural to her as she took their hands and placed them on her breasts.

  “I’m saying that we don’t have to put a label on anything and that if you want, we can just have a bit of fun. It’s just the three of us.”

  With their hands on her breasts, she cupped their dicks. Both men were hard, and it felt so good to have them there, exactly where she wanted them. Their cocks were long and wide. Brett still wore his workout clothes, so she slid her hand inside his pants with ease, feeling his silken hard cock. The moment she wrapped her fingers around his length, he moaned.

  Ace opened the button of his jeans, helping her ease inside.

  Holding both of their cocks, she turned her head, left, then right, staring at each of them. She was so wet, so horny, and she wanted both of them, without a doubt.

  This felt right to her. It didn’t matter how long they’d known each other. She needed them.

  “I’m yours for the taking if you want it,” she said.

  Brett was the first one to cup her tit, his thumb tracing across the beaded nipple, sliding it back and forth, twisting the bud through her vest. She cried out at the pain but also the pleasure as it seemed to go straight to her clit. Ace followed, teasing her breast.

  The strap of her shirt fell down her arm, and both men pulled the shirt so that her breasts appeared over the top. This time, Ace sucked on her nipple while Brett ran his fingers down her stomach, the tips of them resting against her shorts.

  She wasn’t above begging if that was what it would take to get him to touch her.


  Walking in the room to see Ace and Meredith so close together, Brett had been overtaken by arousal. He’d not been jealous, but he’d wanted to watch, to see what happened. He should have known something would, seeing as they’d all been coming together a lot over the past week or so.

  Meredith was such a wonderful woman.

  So alive. She laughed about everything and was willing to take chances. He’d seen some of the pictures that she’d taken from her life in the city and the few bits of traveling she’d done, going from city to city, promoting her work. There really was no stopping her. Inside, he saw a caring woman, a loving woman.

  He found her a joy to be around and also sexy. He wanted to fuck her, no doubt about that. It was more than that, though. There was no way for him to explain it.

  These feelings were just there, and he couldn’t stop it.

  With her fingers wrapped around his dick, he closed his eyes, enjoying each touch and every stroke. He had to look at her, to see what she was thinking. Her eyes were dilated, her cheeks flushed. She wanted this. Running his hand down her body, he toyed with the edge of her shorts as Ace licked and sucked at her nipples.

  He pushed past her shorts and found her wet, silken pussy, shocked to find her completely bare. There wasn’t any hair present on her pussy. Cupping her mound, he slid a finger between her slit, plunging one inside her, feeling how tight she was before pulling back, and stroking her nub.

  Meredith opened her legs wider, and he teased her clit, watching her and at the same time feeling her touch on his dick.

  Needing her naked, he pulled his hand from between her thighs. Quickly tugging his clothing off, he kicked it toward the corner. Ace started to remove her clothing, and in no time at all, all three of them were completely naked. The studio room had so much space, and Meredith smiled as he and Ace stood side by side.

  She sank to her knees before the two of them.

  “Tell me, boys. Have you ever shared a woman before?”

  “A couple of times,” Ace said. “You want to be our little toy?”

  She raised her brow. “That depends. Do you think you can handle me?” She covered Ace’s cock as she worked his balls. He watched her hand running up and down his length. She pumped him into her mouth before moving to him, taking him to the back of her throat.

  Back and forth she worked, sucking on each of their cocks. It wasn’t enough. Brett wanted to taste her pussy.

  Pushing her hand off his dick, he moved toward the floor. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Sit on my face. I want to taste your pussy.”

  “Brett, you do surprise me.”

  He helped her so that she was kneeling over his face, and with his hands on her hips, he moved her into position so her creamy cunt was right above his lips, the scent of her already driving him wild for a taste. Spreading her pussy lips open, he stared at her pink hole and swollen clit.

  Sliding his tongue across her nub, he heard her cry out. With the way he was lying, Brett couldn’t see what she was doing, but it wouldn’t be hard to guess that she had her mouth on Ace’s cock.

  His friend was moaning, encouraging her to keep on going, to keep licking his dick.

  Pushing two fingers inside her cunt, Brett began to pump them in and out, feeling her walls tighten around his digits. He wanted so badly to thrust inside her, to stick his dick deep, but he held himself back.

  Sucking on her clit, he used his tongue and his teeth to build her pleasure. Every time he did something she liked, her pussy would get even wetter, which he loved.

  “That’s right, baby. Fuck yeah, that’s it. Shit, baby, if you’re not careful I’m going to come.”

  He bit her clit, causing her to cry out, and he soothed out the pain at the same time thrusting his fingers inside her, driving her to the edge of bliss.

  She came with a few strokes, and he loved the sounds of her cries. Not long after her orgasm ended, he heard the sound of Ace coming as well, the male hiss and grunt as he filled her mouth with cum.

  Brett’s cock was fucking lonely.

  He didn’t have to wait long, though, before Meredith moved down his body. She licked her lips, and he looked up to see Ace on the chair, his cock flaccid and spent. “I need a minute.”

  Meredith smiled down at him. “What do you want?” she asked.

  “Your pussy.”

  She lifted up, and he gripped his cock, aligning the tip to her entrance. She sank down on his dick, and she was so wet from her orgasm that he slid inside her with ease. He wasn’t a small man, and without the extra lubricant of her release, it would have been a tight fit.

  Running his hands up her stomach, he cupped her tits, teasing her nipples, playing with her. He loved her body, couldn’t get enough of it.

  Sliding his fingers across her tits, he moved down, stroking her clit.

  Glancing down at where she was fucking him, rocking up and down, he saw how slick his cock was from her. It had been so long since he’d been with a woman that within a few thrusts, he felt the need to come.

  He tried to hold it off, to count sheep or to do someth
ing that would mean he wouldn’t come, but it was too much.

  Gripping her hips, he slammed up inside her, drawing her down onto his dick as he erupted his spunk, filling her to the brim.

  It was the best three minutes he’d had in a long time, but it certainly wouldn’t be the last.

  Chapter Five

  “That was incredible,” Meredith said.

  Ace stared down at where she lay next to Brett. His best friend hadn’t lasted long at all, which kind of made him feel just a little better knowing that he’d been unable to resist his own orgasm.

  He’d been wanting Meredith so badly that he’d even fantasized about fucking her and she’d been drying her hair.

  Climbing out of his chair, he lay down beside her so that she was between him and Brett. She smiled up at him.

  “Hey, you.” He winked at her.

  “This was not what I thought we’d do tonight,” she said.

  “It wasn’t on my mind either,” Brett said.

  “I’ve not been able to think of anything else,” Ace said, admitting the truth.

  Him, Meredith, Brett, fucking, making love, it was all he could think about, even in the gym with clients or supervising them.

  Meredith chuckled. “You think about sex often.”

  He turned over, facing her, and rested his head on his arm. Tracing a finger across her stomach, he slowly teased her flesh. “All the time, actually.”

  “I think about the two of you. I’m going to admit I’ve never done two men before.” She looked up at him, then turned to Brett. “Never.”

  “We’ve shared women. Nothing has been long-term though. It has always been over before it has begun, to be honest,” Brett said.

  “So, what do we do now?” Meredith asked. She moved so that she was kneeling. Lying back down, Ace rested his head on his hand, watching her. He was distracted by her tits. They were nice and big, just the way he liked them. “I don’t want anything to change. We’re neighbors, and sex can complicate things. I’d hate for that to happen.”

  “Wait, are we having a talk now?” Brett asked.

  She laughed. “Yeah, I guess we are. I like both of you. You’re awesome to hang out with, and you’re doing me this huge favor with my work, and I appreciate it so much. I don’t want us to lose that, you know?”


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