by Weijian Shan
Du Pont, Pierre Samuel, 414
Earl F. Cheit Award (UC Berkeley), 396–397
Earthquake (1976), 325–327, 336–337
Economics (Lipsey, Steiner), 381
Edmonds, Harry, 391
Education (China) college entrance examination system eliminated/reinstated, 40, 331, 333, 365
denial of, during Cultural Revolution, 88, 107, 311–312
elementary schools (early 1960s), 23–33, 38–41, 51, 71
“re-education,” 80, 107 (See also Countryside movement)
Shan Yi on, 80
“69ers,” 88, 107, 311
“worker-peasant-soldier students,” 311, 343, 350
See also Beijing Institute of Foreign Trade; College entrance (China)
Education (United States). See University of California at Berkeley; University of San Francisco; Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Eight Model Plays, 174, 175
Elementary School for Children of the Ministry of Foreign Trade (Beijing area) academics, 27–29, 38
lifestyle of young children in, 23–27
punishment in elementary schools, 25, 32–33
summer activities and, 29–31
Young Pioneers and, 38–41
English 900 (Voice of America), 312
“Eradicate the Four Pests” campaign, 8–12
“Er Gou” (Zhang Zhiqiu), 269–272, 442–444
Feinstein, Dianne, 374–375
“Firing at the Command Center—my big character poster” (Mao), 54
The Firing of Hai Rui (Wu, opera), 37–39, 53–54
First Foreign Language Institute (Beijing), 337–340
First Half of My Life, The (Pu-yi), 52
First National Bank of Chicago, 390–391
First National City Bank (China), 361
Ford, Gerald, 306
Foreign Language Press (Beijing), 9
“Four Olds,” 42–43, 47, 55
Franklin, Benjamin, 403–404, 413
Friedman, Milton, 426, 427
Fu Dingyi, 52
Fu Heng, 75–76
Fu Shenglin, 75–76
Gadfly, The (Voynich), 238–239
Gang of Four arrest of, 238, 328–329
goals of, 315
“There is a bridge on the Huangpu River” (poem), 320–321
trial of, 346
Gao Jianjing, 29, 38
Gao Xiaorong, 196–197, 204–206, 210–212
Garn, Jake, 422
Garvey, Jack, 351, 354, 355, 363, 375
Gates, Jamie, 410
Gender roles Confucianism on, 267–268
interaction between teenaged boys and girls, 166
in Liushengyuan (Shandong Province), 70
marriage practices, 97–98
romantic relationships forbidden among youth, 269, 272–274
women’s/girls’ modesty and, 182
Germany, reunification of, 427–432
Glavin, Bob, 367
Gobi animals, insects, and wildlife cows, 116–117, 154–155, 222–223, 229–230
horses, 179–180, 222–223, 245–247, 440
insecticides used in agriculture, 129–130
mosquitoes, 182
pigs, 250–256, 260–265, 440–441
See also Diet
Gobi terrain and weather agricultural conditions and, 123–125, 127–135
night walking in, 177–182
overview of, 89–90
rainstorms, 227–229
sandstorms, 90, 141, 154, 215, 223, 227, 398
winter conditions, 140–141
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 423, 424
Graham & James, 361, 374, 390, 397, 419
Great Networking movement in Fuzhou, 57–59
in Ganzhou, 62–63
in Huangyangjie, 63–64
mini-Long March of, 59–61
mission of, 55, 65
in Ruijin, 59, 61–62
in Shanghai, 56–57
Zheng and, 58–61, 73
Guasha (folk medicine), 253
Guo Yujin, 350
HaBai (Army Corps friend), 149, 216–220, 222–225, 231–232
Habor, Dick, 396
Hai Rui, 36
Hart, Sir Robert, 19
Harvard Business School, 412, 415–416
Hatch, Orrin, 420–422
Hawink, Vin, 394
Hengdeli Time Pieces Store, 43
Henry, Ralph, 372
He Yuzhou Beihai Park encampment by, 51–52
Great Networking Movement and, 56–65
in Xiniang Province, 66–67
Holton, Dick, 377, 383, 390
Hou Baolin, 153
Hou Erman, 49–50, 56, 59, 76
Housing bricks used for, 215, 235–236
in China, 1960s, 17–19
college dorms, 313, 326–327
at Inner Mongolia Construction Army Corps, 84–85, 153 (See also Brickmaking)
inn near potato field, Inner Mongolia, 102–103
on Lake Wuliangsu, 143–144
in Liushengyuan (Shandong Province), 69
for newly married couples in China, 341
in Philadelphia suburbs, 411–412
at UC Berkeley, 382, 391–392, 397
in Washington, D.C., 405
Hua Guofeng, 327–328, 331–332
Hua Jianmin, 433
Huang Liqun, 32, 40
Huang Shurong, 98, 100, 106, 188, 252–253, 260–262, 294
Huang Yuliang, 236
Hua Zhenhao, 243–247, 293–294, 296
Hu (blacksmith), 132–133
Huntsman, Jon M., Jr., 420–422
Huntsman, Jon M., Sr., 419–422
Hurley, Patrick J., 5
Hu Yaobang, 48–49, 393, 422–426
Imperial University of Peking (Peking University), 282
Inner Mongolia landmass of, 89
Nadam (festival) and horse racing in, 179–180
peasants of, 70–71, 203–205, 229–230, 241
Shan’s return to Gobi (2005), 437–444
water access in, 92, 95–96, 124–126, 164, 201–202, 218–219, 265
See also Diet; Gobi animals, insects, and wildlife; Gobi terrain and weather
Inner Mongolia Construction Army Corps air-raid shelters built by, 112–113, 119–121
Beijing Military Regional Command, 276
blacksmith shop of, 132–133
as command economy, 160–161
countryside movement assignments to, 82–92
cow dung collected for fuel by, 154–155
dismantling of, 331
entertainment in, 104–106, 173–183, 223
fighting among members of, 242–243
Fourteenth Regiment, 230–232
headquarters of, 89, 175, 181–182, 438
home leaves and returns, 207–208, 313–314
hygiene at, 85, 103–104
lake reeds cut for paper mill by, 139–154, 158, 443–444
Li’s letter to Mao about countryside movement, 237–238
military drills by, 109–121
modern-day state of location (2005), 437–444
organization of, 83, 88, 110
People’s Commune system and, 93–94
Pig Squad, 250–256, 260–265 (See also Yi Kong (“Old Yi”))
political study sessions of, 112
potatoes dug by, 94–108
sexual exploitation and rape by leaders of, 199, 275–279
Shan’s letters to Mao and Zhou about, 238–247, 293–294, 296
uniforms, gloves, and clothing of, 82, 91, 116, 134, 157–158, 233
Urat Farm location of, 124, 202, 438
veterans as leaders of, 87, 273–274
volleyball popularity in, 289–293
wheat planting and har
vesting by, 124–135
Yihe Canal construction by, 161–171
See also Barefoot doctors; Diet
Inselbag, Isik, 428
Inspector Calls, An (play), 334
Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires (INSEAD), 421–422
“Internationale, The” (De Geyter, workers’ anthem), 169–170, 321
“I want to cry but noisy devils are yelling” (poem), 320
Jackson-Vanik Amendment, 335–336
JAI Press, 426
“January Storm,” 55
Japan Anti-Japanese War, 3–5, 52, 249–250, 361–364, 388
economy of, late 1980s, 416
Russo-Japanese war, 3
World Table Tennis Championships (1971) in, 213–214
Jefferson Starship, 357
Jiang Qing arrest of, 328–329, 332
Cultural Revolution role of, 37, 173–174
Gang of Four and, 238, 315, 320–321, 328–329, 346
imprisonment of, 74–75
Leading Group and, 77
public opinion of (1976), 324
rumored treatment of, 313
“There is a bridge on the Huangpu River” (poem), 320–321
trial of, 346
Jiaotong University (Shanghai), 433
Jin Jian, 99, 101, 106
Johnson, Herb, 426
JP Morgan (bank), 436, 437
Kang (bed), 102
Kang Li, 50, 76
Kazakhstan (modern-day), China-Soviet clashes in (1969), 109–110, 121
Khrushchev, Nikita, 13, 22, 36
Kissinger, Henry, 215, 284
Klein, Laurence, 409, 426–427
“Knock down,” 55, 66–67
Kogut, Bruce, 407, 411, 419
Korean War, 1–4, 6, 22, 109, 115
Kosygin, Alexei, 110
Laboe, Norman, 375–376
Labor camps, in northeast China, 81, 99, 101, 158, 245, 306. See also Countryside movement; Inner Mongolia Construction Army Corps
Lenin, V., 159–160, 175
Lenin in October (film), 175, 182–183
Lessard, Don, 407, 408
Lexis Nexis, 375
Li Baoquan on agricultural practices, 125, 132
Army Corps entertainment and, 182
brickmaking by, 219, 221–224
characterization of, 86–87, 114–116, 118, 156–157, 221–222
on Commander Zhang’s arrest, 275, 276
on medical practices, 193, 197, 198, 200–201, 210
on potato-digging expedition, 95–108
Shan’s departure from Army Corps and, 302
Yihe Canal construction and, 166
Li (elementary school principal), 26
Li Guozhong, 299–300
Li Lun, 74–75
Lin Biao, 112, 138, 282–285
Li Ning, 398
Lipsey, Richard G., 381
Li Qinglin, 237–238
Li Rongtian, 132–133, 188, 224–232, 243–247, 293–294, 296
Little Red Book (Mao), 50, 285
Liu Bing, 317–318
Liu Fengliang Army Corps’ military drills and, 113, 115, 118–119
arrival of soldiers at Inner Mongolia camp, 83–85, 87, 92
brickmaking and, 215, 220–221
lake reeds cut for paper mill by, 145–146
on potato-digging expedition, 95, 97–104, 106–107
in romantic relationship, 97, 273
Liu Jingyi, 249–250
Liu Shaoqi death of, 38, 138
economic policy and, 160
as Mao’s No. 2, 36, 305
Party expulsion of, 315
as president, 19, 21, 54, 67–68
removed from presidency, 43, 54
wife of, 75
Liushengyuan (Shandong Province), agricultural production in, 69–71
Liu Wanyi, 28
Liu Xiaotong Army Corps arrival by, 84, 127
Army Corps entertainment and, 174–175
food obtained by, 84, 156–157
health of, 202–203
lake reeds cut for paper mill by, 147, 148
letter to Mao and, 245, 247
Liu Ying, 193
Li Yan, 311–312
Li Yongzhi, 439–441
Li Yue, 398
Long March, 48, 59, 268, 305
Low, Frederick F., 379–380
Loyalists (Revolutionary Rebels), 77
Lu Dingyi, 53
Luo Ruiqing, 44, 53
Lu Zuwen, 323–324
MacArthur, Douglas, 1
MacMillan, Ian, 421
Maddison, Angus, 6
Ma Lianliang, 39
Manual for Barefoot Doctors, 187
“Mao suits,” 42
Mao Zedong Agrarian Revolutionary War legacy of, 61–64
assassination attempt on, 282–285
as chairman of Communist Party, 19, 35
China-US relations (1970s) and, 214–215
Cold War and, 138–139
colleges reopened by, 282–286
on countryside movement, 79–82
criticism of, 70–72, 257–259
death of, 327–329
Deng’s relationship with, 306
early career of, 282
educational system criticized by, 39–41
The Firing of Hai Rui (opera) and Yao’s critique, 37–39, 53
on gender equality, 258
Great Famine and, 10–19, 26–27
Great Leap Forward and, 7–10
Great Networking movement and, 55–65
“highest edicts” of, 275
on intellectualism, 281–282
on law, 360
Leading Group and, 77–79, 174
Li and (imprisoned principal), 74
Li’s letter to, 237–238
Little Red Book, 50, 285
Long March of, 48, 59, 268, 305
Mao Zedong Thought, 190–192, 206
Meeting of 7, 000 and, 21
Nixon’s visit to China, 285
People’s Republic of China founding and, 3–4, 5–6, 305
on promoting production, 137
Red Guards encouraged by, 42, 45–46, 54–55
Research Center for Culture and History, 52
Selected Works of Mao Zedong, The, 112, 114, 256–257
self-rectification campaign and Anti-Rightist Campaign, 35–37
Shan’s letter to, 238–247, 293–294, 296
Shazhouba well and, 62
on socialism, 160–161, 175
Soviet-China relations and, 22–23, 110
US citizens’ support of, in Berkeley, 382–383
Wang Enmao and, 65–66
Zheng Lian and, 58
Zhou’s illness and death, 305–306, 315–316
See also Cultural Revolution
“Market for Lemons, The” (Akerlof), 385
Martin, Bernie, 352, 364
Marx, Karl, 8, 12, 36–37, 159
Masonry work. See Brickmaking
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 406–411
Ma Yaxian, 27
McCarthy, Joseph, 6
McGill, Brian, 419, 420, 422
Meeting of 7, 000, 21
Meng Jianzhu, 433
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York City), 373
Meyer, Bob, 390
Model Plays, 174, 175
Modigliani, Franco, 408
Mongolian gazelle, hunting of, 26–27
Monument to the People’s Heroes (Tiananmen Square), 319
Murray, Bill, 351–352, 362–363, 369, 377–378, 381, 395
Nanjing Women’s University, 75
National Council for US-China Trade, 373
Nationalists (China) air force of, 249–251, 255–256, 263–264, 266
ongoing war with Com
munists, 57
People’s Republic of China founding and, 3–4
Newbridge Capital, 327
New York Stock Exchange, 372
Nixon, Richard in China, 215, 275, 285, 306, 313–314, 364
inauguration of, 79
Soviet-China relations and, 110
Vietnam War and, 139
Williams, Haydn and, 347
Nobel Prize, 380, 385, 409, 426–427
Obama, Barack, 421
October Revolution of 1917, 175, 182–183
“Old Hou,” 273–274
Olympics (1984), 397–398
“On Contradiction” (Mao), 190–192
O’Neill, Monique, 372–373
O’Neill, Tom, 372–373
Opium Wars, 2–3, 379
Outing Liu Movement, 67–68
Palmer, Russell (“Russ”), 410, 418–419
Patterson, Bob, 375, 419
Peking University (Imperial University of Peking), 282
Peng Dehuai, 14, 36, 44
Peng Zhen, 44, 53
People’s Congress, 238
People’s Daily (People’s Republic of China) on revolutionary committees, 78
on Revolutionary Rebels, 55
on sparrows, 11
on Tiananmen Square uprising (1989), 424
People’s Liberation Army class enemies in, 276–277
founding of, 3
Wang Hongwen and, 328
People’s Republic of China China-Taiwan relations, 6, 57, 349–350, 377
China-US relations (1960s), 109–110
China-US relations (1970s), 213–215, 332 (See also Carter, Jimmy; Nixon, Richard)
Chinese medicine vs. Western medicine, 190
economic reforms under Deng, 380–381, 393–395, 434
The Firing of Hai Rui (opera) and, 37–39, 53
founding of, 3–4, 5–6, 305
Great Famine, 10–19, 26–27
Great Leap Forward, 6–10, 36