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Fake Fiancé

Page 5

by Jessa James

  “They’ll be certain we’ve already slept together, but we need to make it seem like we have insane passion. This is supposed to be a new romance,” she said. “Young love. And like you said, you’re not the kind of guy who proposes and then waits until the honeymoon to bed the bride. They’ll assume we can’t get enough of each other.”

  “You’ll stay over?” My heart raced thinking about having her in my bed.

  She nodded. “I’ll leave early in the morning and take a taxi to my place so I can change for work.”

  “You’re going to the office?”

  “You’re going to practice and team meetings?”

  “Of course. There’s a game this weekend. Day after tomorrow.” In fact, I was pumped for it.

  “I have tons of work to do. I’m running your PR. My intern will help. Saturday, I’ll be watching, like a good fiancée. Quitting my job isn’t part of the engagement plan. If we were to really marry, I wouldn’t give up my career and be a stay-at-home wife.”

  No, she wouldn’t. I liked knowing she had a life of her own. Outside interests.

  “Tonight, I’ll bring a suitcase over.”

  “You’re moving in?” Outside interests, but at the end of the day, she’d come home to me.

  She frowned. “That’s how they’ll expect it to go. Going back and forth all the time… what’s the point? We’re pretending that the courtship was a secret. Until now.”

  I chuckled. “This will be cozy.”

  That was one word for what it would be like when she was in my bed every night.

  When we got out at my place I noticed other cars parked along the street. Two others found places to stop so photographers could hop out and scramble to get around us as we walked to the door. I felt a surge of anger at the pricks waiting like vultures for a good story, then quickly changed my tune because this is what we wanted to happen in the first place.

  “Care to make a statement, Blake?” a man shouted as he took pictures.

  “I just made one,” I said as we headed into the house. Boom, chew on that asshole, I thought to myself. The reporters were swarming now, hurling more questions at us both. Chloe never said a word, just smiled and held my arm.

  I felt a sense of relief as we closed the door behind us. We could see reporters moving outside the house and I went around closing the blinds. “Good,” she said, settling on the couch.

  “What now?”

  “Since we’re home and relieved at letting the world know that we are madly in love, we rush into bed.”

  “I could handle that,” I said. Her lips twisted into a smile. I thought for a second maybe she was enthusiastic about this after all.

  “So, we wait a little longer before we order food. Do you like Indian?”

  “Not particularly.”

  “Shame. Chinese? How about pizza?”

  I could eat pizza for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

  That earned me a shrug as she glanced around. “Where is your bedroom?”

  I nodded at a door. “Right through there.” I grinned at her but she just rolled her eyes.

  “Come on.” She got up and walked to the door, going into the room. I followed her watching the swaying of those hips and wondering what she had in mind. I was pretty sure it wouldn’t be what I wanted. I licked my lips and tried to use x-ray vision to imagine what that ass looked like naked.

  She sat on the bed. I found it irritating how much seeing her on my bed fully dressed aroused me. Being around her constantly would be hell, a torture I wasn’t prepared for nor was I used to. Most chicks couldn’t keep their hands off my dick for two seconds. I didn’t know how to react to a woman who didn’t want to throw herself at me the minute she saw me.

  “So, we just sit here?” I asked. I thought about how I’d have to jerk it in the shower later to release some of this sexual tension.

  She shook her head. “We have an audience out there and they need some theater so they can jump to the conclusions we want.”

  “That we’re in here humping like crazy.”

  “They can’t just write that we stayed inside. We need to give them a little something.”

  “You’re really doing this one-hundred percent, aren’t you?”

  “I never do less than that. That isn’t how you succeed.”

  I sat down next to her. Being around her turned me on every time, no matter how I wanted to feel about her, no matter how much I told myself she was trouble. It was almost impossible for me to think of her as I had any other woman I’d brought into my bedroom—or anyone else’s bedroom. Chloe was complex, strong and intoxicating. Chloe was different. Part of it was that strength of hers.

  Instead of coming between us, it drew me to her. She was, in her own way, a lot like me. She was doing what she loved, doing it very well, and it had taken a toll on her personal life. I could relate and I felt drawn to her because of that similarity we shared. Like me, she didn’t seem to have a personal life. She had no time for one. Maybe she enjoyed one-night stands or maybe she just avoided entanglements of any kind. I knew that I’d been around her for days and she never once made or got a personal phone call. She talked to her boss, her intern at the office, to Ralph, and Tom Lassiter…that was it. She’d taken on this role without needing to rearrange anything in her life.

  She was making me think about my emotions, instead of just flying blind and not worrying about any ramifications of my actions. I was cautious and wary around her. I still lusted after her, but sitting beside her on my bed I knew that my plan, my intention to get her to beg to have my hard cock inside her, was foolishness. It made no sense.

  What did I want?

  Amazingly, I wanted her to like me…to think well of me. I felt the need to impress and wow her. I wanted her to care what my image was, and I wanted to make sure she didn’t think I was some asshole by the end of all this. Of course, that didn’t mean that I didn’t still want her to beg me to fuck her. Every time I looked at her, every time she did some simple thing that made me aware of her presence, like clear her throat, a lust rose up in me. And yet… Being alone with a woman and not at least trying something was not my style. But my style had never met Chloe Hansen before.

  We sat in silence for a time. I was lost in my thoughts. The afternoon had been exhausting, stressful and my emotions had me confused. Then she smiled. “Have you got a large t-shirt?”

  “Sure. What for?”

  “If we’re supposed to be in here screwing, I want something to wear during dinner. I should let the reporters get a glimpse of me, just a glimpse, wearing nothing but one of your t-shirts. Maybe when dinner arrives and I answer the door—the pizza.” She wrinkled her nose.

  I smiled. “How about a hockey jersey? It’s got my number on it.”


  I went to the closet and got one out. She’d definitely thought of everything, no detail of this plan was lost on her. It was foolproof and I admired that.

  “You give these to groupies, right?”

  I nodded. “Used to be like that.” Step one of trying to get her to think better of me.

  She laughed. “Before you found true love?”

  “Yeah.” Somehow that didn’t seem as funny at that moment.

  “Then it’s perfect. The girlfriend usurps the groupie awards.” I watched her stand up, holding the shirt. “I better get changed.”

  I looked at her. She looked at me. It took me a moment to realize what she meant. She had no intention of changing in front of me. “Oh, sorry. I’ll be in the living room.”

  “Give me five minutes,” she said. “Then come back.”

  I felt the ground shifting under my feet. I’d agreed to this charade because it seemed I had no other choice. I’d insisted on her taking the role so that I could fuck her—so I’d get something more than her PR services for making me do this. It was backfiring. Increasingly, she was even more in control, steering things. And I was losing whatever focus I had, just going along…being a good little boy
and not even getting upset. It was like being swept up in some powerful current.

  It was unsettling.

  When I returned precisely five minutes later, I found her standing by the sliding glass doors that led to the patio wearing my shirt. Her clothes were scattered about the room, as if they’d been torn off. The bed was messed up. She looked at me. “Get undressed.”


  “I want you to add your clothes to this mess, and then get on the bed.”

  “You want me to get naked?”

  She laughed. “That’s usually how people are when they’ve taken their clothes off.”

  There was nothing sexy about the situation. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m going to open these shades and walk out onto the patio.”

  I frowned. “You do remember that there are reporters out there?”

  “That’s the point. I’ll wander out and act like they surprised me, catch me off guard and take photos of me following an intimate moment.”

  “A number of moments, please,” I protested.

  “They’ll be able to confirm their speculations and have salacious photos of us to share with their readers.”

  “And sexy pictures of me naked in my bedroom with yet another girl helps my image how? Fixing my image is the point, right?” I was angry because she was calling shots that I didn’t agree with. And why did I have to be naked and she didn’t? It didn’t seem fair.

  “This is transition. The idea isn’t to pretend you’ve become a neutered choir boy, Blake, just that you found the right girl. I’m not even sure you get that at all.” She was right. I didn’t get this whole concept and I was growing increasingly frustrated. “You’re still a hot, macho hockey player. That part of your image is a keeper. All we’re telling them is that the wild partying is over. You’ve discovered me and true love. We don’t want them to think I cut your balls off, just that you are sticking with me. Then you get boring enough to be a role model. That you’ve got a new girlfriend is nothing, but you being faithful to her is something else. But first they need a little more convincing this is real, especially since I’m a different kind of woman.”

  “So, you want me to get naked, why?”

  I caught an involuntary twitch of her eyebrow. “For the cause.”

  “The problem is….” I undid my pants and opened them. My hard cock poked out through the fly of my boxers, looking far more hungry than satisfied. She stared right at my dick and I saw her thin, amused smile creep over her face. “…if I’m naked, anyone photographing me is going to see rather clearly that we haven’t been fucking.”

  Her eyes were fixed on my crotch. “I’m aware of the mechanics. I want you to finish undressing and lie on the bed on your side with your back to the door, as if you’re asleep. No one will see that thing.”

  Ouch, she called my dick “that thing.” That hurt. I sighed and began undoing my tie and taking off my shirt. I knew for a fact that if at that moment she were to walk over to me and touch my dick, if she were to wrap her long, lovely fingers around it and squeeze, I’d come right on the spot. The thought struck me that having gobs of my cum splattered over the front of that shirt would be even more convincing, but I said nothing. I was doing what I was told.

  The contract, I reminded myself.

  She was still looking me over when I got on the bed. I felt her gaze on my back. I wanted her to touch me more than I could remember ever wanting anything before, but then lust makes your thoughts more than a little fuzzy. “Show time,” she whispered.

  Chapter Eight


  As I watched Blake get on the bed, I couldn’t take my eyes off the way that muscular ass moved. I tried to suppress a sigh. Not only was he physically attractive, in the short time I’d known him I’d had to revise my rather critical opinion about him. I was still attracted to him but now it amazed me to think that I’d seen him as nothing but a bad boy jock. Of course, that was the image he projected. There was more to him than that, and I didn’t think he was even aware of his potential. He was different behind closed doors, or maybe he was still just acting the part as he was told.

  I couldn’t deny I’d been playing a game, getting him naked. It wasn’t necessary at all. I was taking advantage of my leverage over him and enjoying the tingle I got from seeing him naked. He was even more of a hunk than I’d thought and being with me had gotten his long, thick cock rigid. I had to admit that made me feel sexy. Staring at it got my pussy wetter than it already was, and I couldn’t shake the fantasy of that cock slipping into my tight pussy. I had to force myself to not think what it would be like for him to fuck me, because I didn’t want him to know that I desired him. I had to remain in my part as the dominating one who called the shots.

  I wanted him and my mind was in a frenzy over it, because I had to keep my poise and self-control.

  I steeled myself to get back to work. We had a job to do. I pulled open the curtains and saw a flurry of motion in the yard.

  I heard a whisper from the bed but didn’t catch the words. If it were Blake saying that he wanted to fuck me, I might have melted into a puddle right there, I was sure of it. I took a breath and stepped out. It was late afternoon and still light. As I went into the yard, I became surrounded by men and women brandishing cameras and cell phones. I gave them a deer-in-the-headlights look and prayed they bought it. “What the hell are you doing?” I screamed at them. “Get out of here.” I raised my arms in the air for added effect.

  Several shouted questions at me at once, so I didn’t understand what they were asking. It didn’t matter. I had no intention of making any sort of statement. Anything I said would be twisted around. Words didn’t matter for this. When the time was right, I’d create a forum where I could control the message.

  “There he is,” a woman said, stepping into the doorway and shooting a picture of Blake. I grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her away. “This is private property. Leave us alone!” Then I stepped back inside, closing the door and the shades.

  “They jumped on it, just like you predicted,” he said, sounding impressed.

  I leaned against the door, looking at his back. I was trying to come down from that adrenaline. The praise was unexpected and pleased me, but at that moment the only thing I wanted in the entire world was to get on that bed with him. I wanted his hands running over my body. I was dizzy with lust for him that was clouding the job I’d been hired to do.

  As he rolled over and faced me, his gorgeous erect cock had the pull of a powerful magnet. I wanted to stare at it, but I couldn’t. I wanted to touch it, but I knew that was completely off limits.

  “I’ll be in the living room. Get some clothes on and come out and we can order food,” I said. He started to get up and I turned and forced myself to run away from that gorgeous hunk and walk into the living room. It might have been one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my entire life, to walk away from that gorgeous naked man. I deserved a fucking medal for this amount of self-control.

  My plan was working, but unusually for me, that wasn’t enough. As I walked away from the bed I half expected that Blake would call me back. He’d call out my name and, in his deep voice, order me to get into his bed. That would’ve changed everything between us because despite all my instincts, against all professional reason, I would’ve done it. I wanted the man too damn much.

  I couldn’t tell him, but if he acted up to his bad boy image, he would get what he seemed to want. I’d let him have me any way he wanted. If only he’d tell me to. Now I understood why he seemed irresistible to all the other women out there.

  The silence rang in my ears as I walked into the spacious living room and sat on the couch. I felt almost wounded by the silence, which was worse than if he’d yelled at me instead. The feel of the soft leather was a shock on my bare ass.

  He wanted me. I knew he did. And certainly, I’d gotten him aroused. I hadn’t planned to, not at first. I’d dreamed up going out on the patio in his shirt,
then it was just so delicious to make him strip for me that way. It amazed me that he did it. He fell for my trap and I got to see the goods. He had to flaunt his rigid cock, of course. He’d wanted to see if he could shock me and pretend he wasn’t surprised when I told him to undress.

  By being petty, trying to make the macho guy jump through some hoops I could’ve tipped my hand. He knew it was bogus and probably realized that I wanted him naked for my own reasons. But he’d done what I’d asked. Somehow, he seemed to be thinking of me differently now than when this started, just like I was thinking differently of him.

  Things were a bit out of control. I’d wanted him from the beginning, but that public kiss had almost melted me. He hadn’t tried to be sexy. He’d been nervous, just like I was. But when our lips touched, when he pulled me against his body, it had been as if everyone in that room and their cameras all disappeared. I’d turned to jelly.

  I can lie to myself like that. I’m a good liar.

  Seeing him naked yanked my emotions back to those moments—the molten kiss, his hand tantalizingly close to my pussy in the limo and wishing he would move it a little further south and rub me there. Watching his marvelous body turned me on more than I could’ve believed possible.

  And now…I’d been so close to climbing into his bed with him that I was wobbly, unsteady with the heat of desire. The idea of his hands on my bare breasts or ass, his mouth on my pussy had me wanting something I didn’t want. Shouldn’t want. But I did want it. I wanted him making love to me. I wanted to know the feeling of that thick, swollen cock thrusting inside me.

  I told myself that it was just that I was horny—I hadn’t slept with a man in two years. I pretended that I was a workaholic, which was true enough, but the reality was that I was picky when it came to men.

  And now… what did I know about Blake Collins?

  Superficially, I knew almost everything about him and a lot of it wasn’t good. It suggested that even if he fucked me I couldn’t expect him to care about me in a real way. All I’d be to him is a one-night stand—a piece of ass. I knew that and it was a measure of my desperation that I was willing to take that. I was willing to settle for having him shove me up against the wall and fuck my brains out. That’s how lonely I was. I couldn’t expect him to care about me in any capacity. I’d just be another fuck buddy to him, so I was making the right decision by not trying to get him in bed.


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