Just Can't Let Go
Page 24
He cried. I cried, then punched him in his chest as hard as I could several times.
“It’s all your fault! This is all your fault! You shouldn’t have had her out here this late!”
Phoenix held me. I yelled, “Don’t touch me! Go find our daughter.”
I wasn’t faking. My tears and hostility were for the truth I knew. Phoenix was the ultimate liar.
“Ma’am, calm down. I’m going to check with the clerk to see if I can watch the surveillance camera footage,” the officer said, then left.
Phoenix stopped breathing. A third patrol car drove into the station. When the officer got out, Phoenix turned his back. “I can’t believe anyone would do this to us,” he said.
Rolling my eyes at him, I walked over to Dakota.
The officer told me, “Ma’am, we’ve got the details. I’m going to go inside the store and tell the sergeant. We’ll play this out with you.” He called out, “Mr. Watson. Can you come here please?”
Phoenix didn’t turn around.
This time the officer spoke with authority. “Mr. Watson.”
My fiancé faced us. Slowly he moved in our direction.
The last officer who had gotten out of his car spoke low. “Now it makes sense. I stopped him an hour ago. He was a few blocks away from here in a car with Ebony Waterhouse. That’s why he didn’t say what he was doing. I’m gonna have fun with him.”
Dakota mumbled, “Give his ass a hard time, Officer Remick.”
Phoenix finally made it to where I was. I stood so close to him, I could feel each time he exhaled. Vehemently, I told him, “Don’t come home until you find my child.”
I got in my car and drove off.
Ieagerly entered Kendall Minter’s office, needed to hear the details of my trust.
He greeted me, “Hi, Alexis. Have a seat. How’s your mother?”
Small talk was not what I was here for, man. What was up with my money? I smoothed the hem of my strawberry halter minidress, crossed my pink high heels at my ankles.
“She’s good. Got a nice promotion to corporate in Charlotte,” I said, being polite.
“I’ll have to call and congratulate her. I know you’re anxious to hear the details. Here’s the big picture. If you are pregnant—”
I interrupted him to confirm, “I am.”
Kendall smiled, then continued, “Congratulations. That’s great. You inherit everything. The house, cars, yacht—”
“Yacht?” Really? Well, I knew where my birthday bash was going to be come July 28! My theme was going to be swimsuit and stilettoes. Goldie probably wouldn’t come, but I had to invite her and Marcus Darlin.
Kendall emphasized, “If your baby is born on or before December 31, it’s all yours.”
Now I was confused. If I wasn’t getting it all now, I had to ask, “What happens to the house, cars, yacht, and money between now and then?”
Praying he didn’t say something outrageous, I crossed my fingers and my legs. I had $7,500 of the cash left at my apartment.
“You get five hundred thousand immediately. It’ll take about two weeks for you to get the check. I’ve already requested the other attorney, who happens to be my colleague and he was your father’s lawyer, start the process. He’s a trustworthy, by-the-book guy. Once you have the baby, the remainder is all yours, my dear.”
“What happens if the baby is born say, New Year’s Day?”
I was certain Bishop was hawking and praying he’d inherit the rest. If I hadn’t lied about being pregnant, I probably would’ve walked out of here with all my daddy’s riches.
“The bishop doesn’t inherit anything directly, but everything will go to his church if the baby is born one second after midnight on New Year’s Eve. I’ll arrange for a cashier’s check to be delivered to you or you can pick it up at my office. I’ll call you when I have it in hand.”
He stood, extended his hand. Took me a minute to get up on my feet. I shook his hand.
“Oh, one more thing, Alexis. If for any reason, heaven forbid, your baby is stillborn or you have an involuntary abortion, that’s a miscarriage, then you spilt everything equal shares with your brother, Spencer Domino.”
Wow. I recalled how Spencer had offered to pay to find my father. That was before we discovered we were related. Would Spencer have inherited it all if my mother hadn’t asked Kendall to locate Conner?
“Thanks, Kendall.”
“One last thing I recommend is that you hire a financial consultant immediately. Louise can give you the names of a few good ones. If you’d like, ask her on your way out. People who are not accustomed to having a lot can lose it quickly. Everything your father has left you is free and clear.”
Wow! Well, at least I’d get a half mil now. So much for my twenty-seventh smash on the yacht. Waiting for Louise to provide the contacts, I text Sandara, I’ma need the Porsche back. I’ll explain later.
Leaving Kendall’s, I went to the mortuary and confirmed Conner’s arrangements. I hoped everyone would make it to the services. The total cost was $11,000. I only had $7,500. I could have his ashes spread over the ocean for five grand and call it a day. To let Conner go out like that seemed heartless, but where was I going to get the rest? James was my only reliable or I’d have to put Conner’s homegoing off for two weeks.
I was going to be rich. I was going to inherit everything. I was having this baby by December 31, if I had to . . .
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Straight up I was taking a chance showing up without hitting her up prior. Underneath all her sexy, she was emotionally unpredictable. Moody. More crazy than sane at times.
“Spencer, what are you doing here? Unannounced,” Alexis said, leaving the door open.
“Checking on you, my sis.” I invited myself in. Stood at the foot of the stairs.
Solid as usual. She had on a strawberry halter minidress and pink high heels. Her hair was flowing. Makeup flawless. I felt bad for leaving her hanging, but if I explained my conflict, she’d definitely understand. I copped a seat on the opposite end of the sofa from her.
“I’m good. Nya and I are getting ready to meet James for lunch.”
“Pause. Nya? You? Babysitting? James? So y’all back together?”
“I’m kinda like the safe house for my niece right now.” Flatly, she said, “As for James, something like that since I’m having his baby.”
“Are you serious, Sis? How is that feasible?” I mean, she’d just miscarried. Could she get knocked up again that fast?
Sarcastically, she replied, “How else do you make a baby?”
I wasn’t trying to piss my sister off, but she was known to tell a lie or two. Or three. “That was nano split quick, though. Didn’t know you could get pregnant that fast after losing a baby.”
LB and I weren’t back to chill yet. Now that Alexis didn’t need him to donate seeds, I’d slack up on trying to get my friendship back on track with dude. Let it happen on his terms. The reverse of things usually worked faster, especially when it came to dealing with females. If I were sweating Shorty, Ebony would’ve probably lost interest in me.
“I didn’t know either,” she said. “Nya, come let me do your hair, sweetie. We have to go.”
I asked, “So what did Kendall say? You’ll collect the two mil now or after you have it?”
“I knew you came for a reason other than just to see me, chick,” she said, then called Nya again. “If I have it on or before December thirty-first, everything is mine.”
“That’s impossible. You’re having a March or April baby.”
Man, what was Conner’s point for real? If Sis was a liar, she didn’t deserve his cash flow? If he hadn’t disowned me, he might still be live. He was dead and I still hated that man for how he treated me and my mom.
“Kendall didn’t mention any stipulations about my having the baby prematurely. I might schedule a C-section
,” she said, looking at me.
I stared back. Doing that two weeks early wasn’t as risky. Three months. The kid might not survive. I couldn’t cosign on that.
“Then I’d have to split it with you,” she said.
A frown was definitely on my face. I may have been a lot of things but a murderer or an accomplice to, wasn’t one of them. “He should’ve just left you the money without all the cobwebs.”
I was hoping she’d offer me something, and I didn’t have to inherit shit by default although I didn’t need it. I was his child, too. Long as his bitch ass brother didn’t get shit. I was cool.
Nya came hopping down the stairs. She was a pretty little girl. My first time seeing her. Max was right behind her.
“No more ponytails,” Nya said, skipping to Alexis.
Max repeatedly jumped on me, started gently scratching my leg. Happy to see dude, I picked him up.
I tucked Max under my arm, texted Ebony, Wanna go rock climbing, then have lunch?
“Nya, where’s your manners? Say hello. This is your uncle Spencer.”
Softly, Nya said, “Hello.”
“Hi, Nya. I like your dress. How old are you?”
Nya sat between Alexis’s legs. She held up three fingers, then said, “Two.”
“She’ll be three next week,” Alexis said, unclipping Nya’s bows.
“Her hair looks fine to me.”
“Now that Sandara is modeling, I’m the only one who has time. And since Nya is hanging with me, she has to look like a little Alexis. I hope I have a boy. Girls are a lot of work.”
“And you have Max, because?”
“Let’s not go there,” my sister said staring at me.
I clicked a few photos of Alexis combing Nya’s hair.
Alexis put up her hand. “Do not make those public. Wait until I’m done; then you can take social pics.”
A text came in from Ebony, On set until eight.
I had to be at work by then.
She sent another, Rain check? Saturday? What are you doing?
I texted, Chilling with Alexis and Nya and Max. Saturday is cool. You still wanna go to Miami?
Alexis said, “Spencer, you’re welcome to join us for lunch.”
“Who’s going to watch Max?” Nya’s hair was cute. “Can I take a pic now?” I asked.
Nya flashed a smile, Alexis rolled her eyes? “Max can watch himself until we get back.
Raising my brows, I told her, “Since James is going to be in the fam, I might as well get to know this dude.”
Alexis posed with Nya. Clicking a few pics, I texted Ebony the best shot.
Ebony replied, Is Alexis your sister? Did you fuck her and her mom?
I hit her back real quick, What difference does that make? I fucked you in front of your husband.
My husband is gay.
On that text, I dropped my cell. Picked it up. Hit her with a, You B-i-t-c-h!!!!
That muthafucka was jacking off watching me?
That bitch went from friend to foe in zero point one second.
#canttrustbitches #watchyourback #mymainside #onset #SSCATL #iamebonywaterhouse
Wow! Now I got it, but I still didn’t get it. The three years I’ve had my place no one had violated my space. Brookhaven was a safe neighborhood. There wasn’t an alarm when I bought it. Didn’t feel the need to put one on. Rekeying all my locks was happening tonight. I wouldn’t dare tell Buster any of what had happened and we talked about almost everything. It was time for me to chill at the Conyers location for a minute.
Devereaux had the balls to come in my house? Had she sent the cops to stop Phoenix and I? I didn’t give a #fuckaboutthathoe if her baby was in one of my beds and her baby daddy was in the other. You knock, bitch. You call, ho. You do not cross my threshold without my #permission. That was invasion. She could get time for that #ish if I could prove it. What I didn’t need was consent to #whupherass! Off set.
Soon as Spencer texted me that pic of Nya and Alexis, I took a break, stepped outside, called Phoenix.
He answered, “Thanks for checking on me.”
“Nigga, get the fuck outta my house now. You best not be there when I get off or I’m going to pop off on your ass!”
There was a Colombian street side of me no one had or wanted to witness. Underneath all the pretty, I was straight ratchet.
“What the hell are you pissed off about? I’m the one with a missing child,” he said defensively.
I texted him the pic Spencer sent me.
“Where did you get this and what does this have to do with the fact that Nya is missing?”
“You can’t be that damn stupid. Then again, yes, you are. Devereaux is playing you. But you know what, she’s not going to play me. Go get Nya from Alexis’s house.”
A voice from behind me said, “How do you know where my baby is?”
I turned around. Devereaux was three feet from me. How long had that #kidnapper #ho been listening to my conversation. I ended the call with Phoenix.
“Woman-to-woman, tell me why I shouldn’t fire you!” she yelled.
I stared in her mocha face. All of her makeup was the same earthy bland-ass tone, including the gloss on her lips. Her dark brown hair was parted more to the left. She was only two years older than I, looked more like five to ten. Obviously she could write her ass off. She needed to learn how to break off some of that ass to her man.
This was not her set. Banking on what Marcus Darlin told me about Buster financing this production, I fired back.
“Bitch, kiss my ass!” I hadn’t forgotten how she got all up on me at the read. I turned around, put my bodacious round behind in front of her, patted it, then turned around. “We both know who has the real power to pull the plug on every damn thing and I’m that #bossbitch. See you inside. Don’t be late.”
I brushed by her. Just what I thought. She didn’t do a damn thing.
When I heard Devereaux say, “How about I call immigration and tell them you’re not a United States citizen,” I felt like she’d stabbed me in my back. Not giving her the satisfaction, I stared her down. That might have been true #threeyearsago #beforeimarried buster.
Calmly, she said, “I know what you’re thinking.” She came closer. “Hashtag. Newsflash. Buster married his husband in San Francisco.” She smiled, politely continued without raising her voice. “Before he said I do to you.”
Sitting in my high chair, I felt like I wasn’t in control of anything, not even myself. I had to check the validity of my marriage certificate? I needed to relax and ride a dick after all of this was over.
I texted Spencer, Can you meet me tonight? Assuming he could, I sent him a message to meet me at the Brookhaven location.
Locking my cell, I placed it on the vanity in my dressing room. It was almost time for my next scene with West-Léon. My makeup artist touched up my face. Marcus Darlin made sure all strands were in place.
“You look mad as hell,” Marcus Darlin said. “Somebody must be about to get it. Let me take a pic of your mug for social.”
Normally, I wouldn’t mind. I held my palm up facing him. He lowered his phone.
Getting out of the chair, “Thanks,” was all I said. If he knew so damn much, why hadn’t he told me Buster made his man legal?
The day dragged along. The second the set was over, I went directly to my home. Phoenix’s car was in my driveway. My heart pounded with anger. I unlocked my door; he was sitting on the sofa watching television.
I snatched the remote, turned that #bitch off. “Why the fuck did you give her a key to my house!”
Phoenix hung his head, then shook it side to side. “You really think I’d do that, Goldie?”
“I gave you access to me and . . . Get the hell out!”
“Don’t do me like this. I can’t just go home and pretend nothing happened.”
“You said, Devereaux said don’t come home without Nya. Well, now you know where Nya is, go get
her, and take your ass home, too, bitch.”
“I am at home.”
“No, home with Devereaux is where you belong, Phoenix.”
He stood in front of me. Stared down at me. “Is it true that you have a husband?”
I backed up. “What the fuck difference does it make who I have?”
His head moved sideways. “So you just a ho.”
“I’ll be that ho, but I ain’t broke, bitch! I’m only going to ask you one more time. Fuck that.” I opened my front door wide as it would go, held the knob, tapped my stiletto to the floor.
He didn’t move.
I called the police, put my cell on speaker.
“Brookhaven police, is this an emergency?”
I asked Phoenix, “Is it?”
Bypassing me, he said, “You ain’t shit bitch.”
Ending the call, I told Phoenix, “Yeah, I’d rather be a bitch than to not have shit, #broke #bitch,” then slammed my door.
I hit up Spencer. My call went straight to voice mail. Redialed. Phone rang once, then I heard, “Smooth, you know what to do.”
My pussy had to get stroked real good tonight. I took a shower, changed into a sexy sleeveless maxi dress with a split up to my left hip, then headed to the Cheesecake Factory to get my dick.
Good intentions could ruin a productive moment.
Siting in my fourth meeting of the day, I took copious notes on my iPad. Bing had made noteworthy suggestions. Most of what he recommended was what I’d always done. There was no need to express that to him. One thing I knew for sure in negotiations and conversations, men did not like women who challenged them on every little thing.
My supervisor, Jordan McCall, an African-American Harvard cum laude graduate who was fifteen years my junior, asked, “Blake, what’s your thoughts on your counterparts’ responses to how Obamacare will impact the banking industry?”