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Page 6

by Samantha Keith

  Her eyes went wide. “Oh my. I don’t even know where to begin.”

  He raised his eyebrows. Edward Vanderpoel was a self-made billionaire and one of the wealthiest men in the country. “That much?”

  She sighed. “He started out years ago in e-commerce, he’s written several books, and he’s a partner in Hathway Suites, the hotel chain. They just expanded across Europe.” Her lips tucked in as she thought. “Then there’s Vanderpoel Homes and Realty. I’ve gotten really involved in that division recently. Outside the businesses, he has his stocks and investments, which I don’t know much about. I’m sure I’m probably forgetting some smaller things.”

  Holy hell. He’d known Edward was a rich man, but he never knew the depth of his business dealings.

  “That’s a hell of a lot of businesses.”

  She shrugged. “I’ve never known him not to work. He’s always coming up with new ideas, but he knows what he’s doing, obviously.”

  “Is Tanner involved in his businesses at all?”

  She nodded. “He has an office at Dad’s building. Like me, he’s interested in the construction side of things. I prefer the residential aspect and have started helping with home and interior design. He and my father have gotten close, and I think Tanner wants to expand into other areas of the business.”

  “With such an empire, your dad must have a lot of colleagues and associates. How many people does he employ?”

  She snorted. Coming from her, the sound brought a laugh to his lips. “In total, like around the world? My God, I wouldn’t even begin to guess. He has a plant in China for the importing of goods, plus the hotels.” Her eyes lifted to the ceiling. “Tens of thousands, at least…”

  Jesus. “So, a disgruntled employee could be a possibility,” he mused aloud. She wrinkled her nose at that.

  “I can’t see it. Other than in his building, the vast majority of workers wouldn’t ever see his face. He doesn’t have anything to do with hiring or firing—he has managers and people to oversee all of that. The last few years, he’s spent most of his hours in the office. He’s able to communicate easily with Skype and FaceTime.”

  “So, if there’s a pressing matter in China or Europe, does he go or does he have someone else he would send?”

  “He has Shawn and Vanessa. They do a lot of the legwork and act in place of him whenever possible.”

  “Has he ever had any projects fall through? Pissed anyone off?”

  “All the time.” She shrugged. “He’s very straightforward, and people don’t always like that. But to my knowledge there hasn’t been anything huge.”

  Pinpointing a suspect was looking less and less likely. Anyone could have hired Stamos to hurt Lana to get back at Edward. Not just anyone in the city, but anyone in the world.

  “I know he’s received death threats against me before. That’s just part and parcel of being the wealthy man he is. He doesn’t always tell me for fear of scaring me, but all of a sudden he’ll hire a bodyguard and check in a million times a day.” She twirled a lock of her hair that had come free from the bun as if such a thing was normal. “It’s always been brief, though. The FBI would get involved, track down the person, and that would be it.”

  “When was the last time that happened?”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Years ago.”

  He was going to need help. Lana’s life was an intricate web of people and scenarios. He couldn’t make the wrong move.

  “What’s your plan?” Her eyes searched his face, hesitant and uneasy. He could see fear in her eyes.

  He laced his fingers together on the table in front of him. “We need to tread carefully. I want to compile a list of as many suspects as we can.” He slid a pad of paper and a pen across the table to her.

  “Whoever your last boyfriends were—no matter how long ago—write their names down. As well as any men who have shown interest in you lately, or if someone sticks out in your mind. Also write down Tanner’s full name and anyone else you can think of.”

  She reached for the pen and began writing. “Are you taking this list to the police?” She kept her eyes on the paper as she wrote.

  “Hell, no,” he said. Her eyes snapped up to his. “We can’t go parading this around. If whoever is behind it gets wind that you’re safe, they could bolt or do something drastic.”

  “But how are we going to find out who did this if we don’t talk to the police?”

  He leaned forward. Ah, such a fresh, naïve perspective. If she only knew how flawed the justice system was. Police, judges, politicians, almost anyone could be bought. He had no idea the lengths to which whoever was behind this had gone.

  “I have connections with the FBI. A friend of mine knows what has been going on and is expecting a call from me today. Other than him and another colleague, I don’t trust anyone. Police included.”

  Her eyes grew wide. The tip of her small pink tongue jutted out to lick her lips. A groan lodged in his throat. Fuck, she was torturing him, and she had no idea.

  “What did you mean by ‘if whoever is behind it gets wind that I’m safe’? Once my family knows I’m gone, they’ll report me missing,” Her brow furrowed.

  “Yes, but the person who hired me wants you dead, not missing. It was supposed to be a clean kill.” Her lips parted, and her breath sucked in. He cleared his throat. Shit, his words were pretty insensitive.

  “Last night, I told Stamos you put up a fight and I thought it was best to complete the job elsewhere.” He left out that Stamos had been pissed that he’d deviated from the plan. Stamos would have to wait to be paid until her body was found and his contact had confirmation of her death.

  A low, grumbling sound made him frown at her. “Was that your stomach?”

  Her shoulders shrugged. “Yeah, I guess I’m hungry. What time is it?”

  He flipped his wrist to check his watch. “It’s after one in the afternoon, so you must be starving. Want me to make you a sandwich?”

  She shook her head and unfolded her legs from the chair. “No, I can do it myself.” She got to her feet. The large sweatpants she wore slid down her hips. Not far, but far enough for her to gasp and yank them back up.

  He chuckled. “You can lose the pants if you want. I’m pretty sure this sweatshirt”—he tugged at the excess material—“covers more of you than the towel.”

  She slapped his hand away. Her brow creased with annoyance. “Bite me.”

  His insides warmed. The image of her laid out, naked, for him to bite wherever he wanted, seared into his brain. “Be careful what you ask for.”

  Her eyes flew to his. The heat had changed. Her temper had vanished, but desire, hot and ready, flashed across her face and then disappeared.

  He was going to need a vow of celibacy to get through the next few days. Better yet, a cold shower. His voice was gruff and a little more clipped than he intended, when he said, “Everything is in the fridge. I’m going to shower and then make a call.”

  Chapter 10

  She didn’t belong in his world.

  What kind of lame rejection was that?

  Okay, so his reasoning wasn’t lame. It was realistic. Lana’s hands shook as she searched the cupboards for plates. He shouldn’t have this effect on her. All it took was one suggestive look from him and her stomach tied up in knots. He’d seen her attraction, read her like a damn open book. And he had a lot of nerve pointing it out.

  Her stir of interest in him unnerved her. But it wasn’t attraction, just hormones and adrenaline. He would be out of her life in a day or two when all this was over, and she would never hear from him again.

  Besides, men sucked. Her last boyfriend had been back in college. And although now, at twenty-six, there had been many other possible suitors, none had sparked her interest.

  Except Cal.

  What was wrong with her? Was she craving a wa
lk on the wild side or something? Intrigued and allured by his dangerous and sexy disposition? Probably. It had been almost three years since she’d last had sex. That would muddle anyone’s judgment. The fact that someone wanted to kill her was messing with her mind too. Dread bubbled in her stomach like bile. Fixing food kept her hands and mind busy. Not busy enough, though. Her mind raced, trying to piece together something—anything. A reason, a motive, an enemy…but she had nothing.

  Being in the spotlight had its curse. People were envious of the rich and famous, sometimes enough to do drastic things. She stayed active in the community and raised money for numerous causes. Her platform, ironically, was battered women and children.

  Aside from that, she worked. She wasn’t just a socialite who shopped all day and dressed like a Barbie doll. She put in full-time hours and then some at her dad’s office. He’d always insisted she be well educated and work hard. It didn’t have to be in his business, but that was where she’d found her fit.

  It was challenging, being a billionaire’s daughter. People treated her differently everywhere she went—at work and in her personal life. How in the world was she supposed to single out one individual who would have a reason to want to kill her?

  She pulled open the refrigerator. Avocado, alfalfa sprouts, spinach, tomato, cheese, and lettuce.


  Not what she had expected. The sugar fiend did eat well. She took everything out, including the package of lunch meat and condiments, and began to fix a sandwich. The water still ran in the bathroom. Surely he was just as hungry. She took out another plate and a couple extra pieces of bread to fix him one too.

  The pipes rattled in the wall. He’d shut off the water. A lump lodged in her throat.

  Lord, please don’t let him come out in a towel…

  The mental image of those rock-hard muscles moist and wet made her mouth salivate.

  The door opened, and he emerged in a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. He went to the dining room table and picked his phone up. Her eyes fell to his tattoos. She couldn’t make out the words written across his skin in thick Gothic writing.

  “Nate, what’s up, bro?” He paced around the small cabin as he spoke.

  Lana busied herself finishing the sandwiches, then remembered the clothes Cal had put in the wash. She set the plates on the table, then switched the clothes to the dryer. It would be a relief to get her own pants on. Pulling out a chair, she sat and began to eat. She wished she had a bra to wear. The oversized sweatshirt covered her well, but it was unnerving that beneath it she was naked. Cal crossed the room again and sat at the table.

  “When does his flight get in?” He paused. “No, that’s fine. It’s late in the day now, anyway. I wouldn’t mind resting before making the drive back in. We’ll meet up tomorrow.” He disconnected. His eyes landed on her just as her mouth closed around a large bite. A smile touched his mouth, making small crinkles around his eyes.

  “You didn’t have to make me one, but thank you.”

  She tried to swallow the lump of food, but spoke over the mouthful. “No problem.” She swallowed and chased the bite with a drink of water.

  “Was that the FBI agent you know?”

  “Nate? Yeah.” He took a bite of the sandwich. “Ethan is another friend. You’ll meet him soon. He’s flying in from Vegas. His flight was delayed, so he won’t land until late tonight.”

  “What’s your big plan?” She watched him carefully as she took another bite.

  He shrugged. “I plan on paying Stamos a visit with some backup, beating the shit out of him until he tells me who hired him. Pretty simple.”

  She swallowed hard. He spoke so casually, as if such a thing didn’t bother him in the least. Cal’s thick, massive fists could do a lot of damage.

  “Great sandwich.” He stood, went to the kitchen, and started making another one.

  She patted her mouth with a napkin. “Will that work? Beating him up?”

  Cal grinned at her. “I can be very persuading.” His arm flexed as he piled on his toppings.

  She shifted in her chair. She had never witnessed a fight, and violence didn’t sit well with her. “I don’t think I’d be able to watch that.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be right here.”

  She swung around to face him. “Here? You mean at the cabin?”

  “’Course. There’s no way I would bring you along. You never know what could happen.” He came back to the table and dove into his food.

  “You can’t leave me here. I’m coming with you.”

  “Not happening, babe.” He wiped his mouth while he chewed. “Ethan is driving here in the morning and staying with you. I’m driving in to meet Nate and get to the bottom of this.”

  Her heart thumped at the endearment that fell so easily from his lips. But who did he think he was? He couldn’t just leave her with a damn babysitter. She had every right to know who was behind this. She glared at him through squinted eyes. “Don’t call me that.”

  He winked at her. Her blood simmered.

  “I’m coming with you, whether you like it or not. I’m not a child, and I won’t be left here twiddling my thumbs with a babysitter.”

  “Lana, it’s dangerous. I’m trying to keep you safe, that’s the whole objective to this. If you’re with me, it will be that much harder for me to protect you. Trust me, okay?” His voice was gentle, pleading.

  “I won’t be breathing down your neck or glued to your side, but I am not staying here.”

  He crossed his arms on a long sigh. “Does everything have to be so difficult with you?” His tone was irritated, but his eyes sparked with amusement.

  She’d won.

  She smiled and cleared the table.

  “I sing in the car, just so you know.”

  * * * *

  “It doesn’t make sense for you to sleep in the La-Z-Boy. I’m a lot smaller than you. You take the bed.” Lana hovered by Cal as he arranged the logs in the fireplace.

  The expansive view of his shoulders crowded her vision as he crouched down. He straightened and turned to snag one of the pillows off of the bed. They had discovered that the futon mattress was still damp, and the chair was the only other option besides the bed.

  “I can sleep anywhere,” he said as he pushed the La-Z-Boy closer to the fire. “This is perfect.”

  She crossed her arms tightly over her chest. He acted as if she had cooties or that she would sexually assault him if he came near her.

  “Fine.” He could toss and turn in the chair if he wanted. She had a king-sized bed all to herself. Only she wouldn’t have the warmth and comfort that she’d had last night from Cal’s body.

  She climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. Cal had found a blanket in one of the closets and settled in the chair. He looked ridiculous. His feet hung off the edge, and no matter which way he shifted, his body folded in an awkward position.

  He would be sore tomorrow. She closed her eyes and let the gentle roar of the ocean lull her to sleep.

  An hour passed and she was still wide awake. Her thoughts churned like the brewing ocean outside. She wasn’t safe anymore. That was obvious, but after this, how could she possibly go back to her “normal” life? Okay, her life was far from normal, but it was hers, and at the very least, she hadn’t been worried that someone was going to jump out and kill her at any moment. Now she was. Did her family even know she was missing yet? Her father and Grace wouldn’t return for another couple of days. No one would miss her until she didn’t show up for work tomorrow. Even then, she doubted anyone would be concerned enough to bother her father about her absence while he was on a business trip.

  Cal’s flirtatious smile filled her mind’s eye. What was the matter with her? He’d kidnapped her, for God’s sake, and yet her stomach did flip-flops with every glance from him.

  The chair squeaked
for the thousandth time as he tried to get comfortable.

  She huffed. “Would you just get in the bed? I can’t sleep with all the moving around you’re doing over there. I won’t bite, I promise. This bed is big enough for the both of us to have some distance.”

  He was silent.

  Shit. Did she sound that desperate? Her pulse thumped in her throat.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  “Sorry, I’ll be quieter.” His voice was gruff and sleepy.

  Tears stung her eyes. She shouldn’t be upset. She didn’t even know him. He was a stranger to her—a dangerous one. His distance was for the best.

  * * * *

  The warm, tantalizing scent of coffee drew her out of her sleepy haze. She had tossed and turned all night, her mind spinning over who could want her dead. And on top of that, a tingling sensation demanded release. A release she wouldn’t get until she was far away from Cal and alone.

  “We’ve had a change of plans.” Cal’s voice made her eyes pop open. He was on the phone in the kitchen, freshly showered, shaved, and dressed.

  “We’ll both be coming back to the city. Lana will stay with Ethan at my house, while you and I do some investigating.” He paused, listening to the speaker, whom she assumed to be Nate. “Yeah, I know. We’ll just roll with it, though.”

  She threw back the covers, sat, and stretched her arms above her head as she rested on the edge of the bed. Cal’s eyes found her as he sipped his coffee, the phone pressed to his ear. His Adam’s apple bobbed, and he turned his back when the toaster popped. She’d removed the bulky sweater in the night when the fire had gotten the room toasty. The air in the room was brisk now that the fire was out, and the sun was just coming up, its rays streaming into the window. She wore only a thin white T-shirt of Cal’s, and the cool air chilled her skin. She snagged the sweater off the end of the bed and tugged it on.

  Her toes touched the floor first, turning them to ice.

  “Coffee is ready,” he called from the kitchen. “I made some toast and we have fruit. We can grab something more substantial on the way.”


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