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Perfect Harmony: A Vivienne Taylor Horse Lover's Mystery (Fairmont Riding Academy Book 3)

Page 23

by Michele Scott

  I don’t believe that Tiffany knew any of the details of what her daughter was up to. But I’m content in knowing that she’s probably not going to be living the happy life any longer. Apparently Joel’s dad made her sign a prenup. Now that he’s divorcing her—don’t think he’s the type to stick around through the “hard times”—she’s got practically no resources. Luckily for her, she can always make money as a trainer. Besides, knowing her ability as a gold digger, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear she was marrying Donald Trump next.

  I’m washing Harmony in the cross ties when Wills puts his gelding, Luke, in the wash rack next to mine.

  “How are you really? You good? No joking. We can do that at my party tonight,” I say.

  His face is black and blue from the fight he started with Chris in the parking lot of the rave. “I’m good. I really am. I’m happy that Chris and Paisley got theirs, finally. I wish I’d known that all of this time we had the same agenda, Vivienne.”

  I nod. “I know. But, I didn’t know who I could trust. I had to be careful. I even had my doubts at times about Riley, but he came through for me. I just wish that Haverly didn’t manage to intimidate everyone. Joel might still be here.”

  “He’s a scary guy and his family is even scarier. There’s a lot of money there, and a lot of power. I mean, the guy’s dad owns Haverly watches, his uncle is a senator, and his other uncle is a judge. I’m afraid he could be out before he ever spends much time in jail.”

  “I hope not. Justice can’t ignore the facts on this one, since James is giving testimony. Besides, there’s evidence they murdered Janna, so I seriously doubt they’ll be getting out of this.”

  “I hope you’re right,” he replies. “For Anna, for Joel, for Janna, and for anyone else they hurt.”

  “You know what I don’t get?” I say, turning on the hose and spraying Harmony down.

  “What’s that?”

  “Why do kids who have grown up with so much, who could really have anything they ever dreamed of—especially Chris—bother with such a scheme?”

  “I know what you’re saying, but I think it’s entitlement. I’ve thought a lot about it. Chris Haverly always viewed himself as above the law—and all he wanted was to control other people. He’s seriously disturbed. He doesn’t care about anything at all, except what he can gain, which is power.”

  “It’s hard to understand that kind of evil.”

  “It is, but hopefully it’s over now and Joel can rest in peace. I even got my sister to say she would get on a horse again.” He smiles. “She’s willing to try some therapeutic riding.”

  “That’s great news,” I reply.

  “It is.” He sponges down Luke. Then he stops, turns off the water, and comes over to me, putting an arm around my shoulders. “I’m glad we met this summer . . . I’m happy we’re friends. And I have some news. I’m thinking of transferring to Fairmont for my senior year.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “They don’t let in jokers, you know.” He smiles and I lean my head on his shoulder. “That’s great news. I couldn’t be happier to hear it.”

  CHAPTER fifty-three

  The candles are lit and Austen is at my side. My parents are at the end of the table. Yep—my parents: Mom and Holden. They’re filming this thing with their smartphones.

  The night couldn’t be any better. Riley is mixing the music and I haven’t seen him this happy in a very long time.

  He called me when I was getting ready for the party. He sounded out of breath and stressed. But it wasn’t stress! It was excitement.

  “Vivvie! You’re not going to believe it!”

  “What? You okay?”

  “Yep. I am good! Kayla freaking Fairmont is a freaking saint!” he said.

  “What are you talking about?” I laughed.

  “Melody! Melody is mine. Kayla just called me and told me that she wants me to have the mare. She also told me that Santos can retire at Fairmont and live there the rest of his life. She said that she wants all of us to be living our dreams and that she thinks Melody is the perfect horse to live out mine with. Oh my God, do you think she knows about me wanting to go to Europe?”

  “I don’t know, but I believe her when she says that she wants us all to live our dreams. I would agree that Kayla is a saint.” We laughed and I tried not to cry, because I didn’t want my mascara to run. But hearing the joy in his voice and knowing that Riley might still have a chance to go to Germany was some of the best news I could have ever been given, and on my birthday no less!

  I look around the room and see a wonderful sight. Tristan is back. He’s at my party! He was released from the hospital this morning, and before his dad could get there, Emily had borrowed Austen’s car and driven up to get him. She’s smiling from ear to ear.

  He’s bandaged around his chest and there are scars on his face, but he’s here. And the way he and Emily look at each other is proof that something real is happening between the two of them. I’m getting the distinct feeling that Emily has found a cure for her unhappiness that has nothing to do with alcohol or pills. Clearly, their idea to escape their horrible families by working at a horse farm in Ireland is giving them a future—although the plan is up in the air, given Tristan’s injuries. But looking at them now, sitting so close, with such happy expressions, I think the two of them are even closer after having rescued us the night of the fire. They seem bonded in a way that I recognize. Some bonds can’t be broken—like the one between Austen and me.

  I even see Lydia having a good time. She’s been chatting with Wills off and on, and now he’s sitting by her and the two of them are laughing about something.

  As my friends and family finish singing to me and insist I make a wish, I do so.

  My wish comes true. Austen kisses me in front of all of them. When we pull apart, I look up and say, “I’m eighteen, everyone, I’m eighteen!”

  The room busts out laughing, although I can tell my mom is crying a little bit. Holden puts an arm around her. I wrap my arms around Austen and we kiss pretty much like we’ve never kissed before. There is something even more permanent and real in this kiss, and I know my future. He is right here next to me.

  Obviously, we aren’t absolutely sure about what the next few years hold, but I believe in what we feel for one another. I’ve heard people say that you should never commit yourself to one person at such a young age. Maybe that’s true for others, but for us it isn’t. Austen is the one—the only one.

  Holden walks over to me and hands me an envelope. He’s smiling wide. “I have something for you too,” he says.

  “What’s this?” I ask.

  “Open it.”

  I do so and I have to read it over a few times. I look up at Holden—my dad—and say, “Really? Really?”

  He nods. “She’s all yours. Kayla and I agreed. Your mom agrees. Harmony belongs to you.”

  I read the transference of ownership from Fairmont Academy to Vivienne Taylor for Harmonious Movement, and I just can’t even believe it. How perfect.

  I have my mom. I have a dad who wants to be my dad. I have my future with the boy, now man, I’ve loved my entire life . . . and I have my horse. Harmony is mine. All mine.



  I want to acknowledge the entire Amazon team that I work with! They are all great people who support my work. There are too many to list, but the Amazon team in general makes being a writer a truly wonderful thing.

  Once again, writing Vivvie’s story couldn’t happen without the generosity and support of the horse women and girls in my life. I want to acknowledge them, in no particular order, because each one of them has contributed to this story in one way or another: Kaitlin, Terri, Luisa, Lexi, Gina, Bec, Haley, Neely, Tami, Debbie, Jessie, and Gayle. I’m sure there is someone I’ve forgotten. I hope not! We have an awesome community!

anks go to my mom, my husband, and my kids. I have a supportive, loving family and I am grateful for them.

  I also want to acknowledge a group of women who are the most supportive group of professional writers around. Not only are they amazing writers, but they are also dear friends. They know exactly who they are.

  And, finally—the horses. Thanks go to Mister Monty the wonder pony, Bronte, Will, James, Jamo, Patches, Toby, Krissy, Cruise, Hobbit, Mouse, Little Bit, Uiver, Sawyer, Ben, Peter, Tahoe, Kona, Mia, and Little Grey. They provide me with the inspiration!


  Photo © Denise Thomas of Thomas Photography

  michele scott lives in California with her family, which includes her husband, three kids, three dogs, a cat, and nine horses. With her days spent in the barn or at the keyboard, she has forged a flourishing career as a mystery writer who is also deeply involved in the world of horses and equestrian riding.




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