Worthy of Magic (The Ancient Magic Series Book 4)

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Worthy of Magic (The Ancient Magic Series Book 4) Page 23

by Stephany Wallace

  My heart began to race with the emotion behind his words. Could Art have feelings for me? His eyelids lifted and he looked into my eyes once again.

  "Is that all?" I asked breathlessly, the intensity in Art’s eyes made my whole body shudder.

  “No.” His gaze fell to my lips. “There is another part desperately begging me to kiss you.”

  Before I could respond Art claimed my lips, and the room began to spin. Cupping my neck, he lifted my head and deepened the kiss. His tongue decadently stroked mine, while my world shattered and came back together again. Then he was gone. Art pulled away, leaving me panting, and pressed his forehead to mine again.

  “Shit. I’m sorry, Lia. I can’t do this to you. Please forgive me.”

  I cupped his cheeks trying to regain some clarity. "It's ok." I blinked lifting the fog, and blocking my heart. I looked into his eyes, hopelessly wishing Art would kiss me once more.

  “Thank you.” The back of his fingers stroked my cheek. “Will you spend the morning with me? I want to show you something.”


  Art smiled and kissed my nose. “Thank you.” He said again, getting up from the bed.


  * * *

  We crossed the portal into Glacier Park International Airport and walked towards the gate where the Delta flight was just arriving. I held Lia’s hand in mine while we walked towards the metal detectors.

  "Let me know if you see Peter and Max," I said, looking over the crowd.

  “Ok, Chewie. Wait. What are we going to tell them when they ask how we got here?”

  I smiled. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “Hey C! Max, check it out. The sexy girlfriend is here!”

  I groaned while Lia chuckled.

  “Dude, seriously?” Max added admonishing Peter.

  “Hi, Clark. Hey, Lia, pleasure to see you again.”

  “You too guys.”

  "Dude we didn't see you on the plane this time either. We are going to have to join you in first class next time. We are missing all the fun, and frankly, I'm starting to feel left out."

  I chuckled at Pete’s words. If he only knew. “Is someone waiting for us this time too?”

  Max nodded. “Yeah, he should be just outside. Let’s go.”

  * * *

  I looked at Lia while the beautiful Montana landscape flew by our window. I didn’t need to look at it. I was admiring something more glorious. Lia turned and narrowed her eyes at me. I chuckled tightening my grip on her hand.

  “So how long until we get there?” She asked looking out the window.

  "Oh, not much longer," Max said. "We just have to drive a stretch through the mountains, but we are only about three miles away from there. The land is located between the Glacier National Park and the Blackfeet Indian reservation."

  “Awesome.” She looked at me. “How many times have you visited?”

  “Four times with his one.” I leaned closer to her, lowering my voice. “I wanted you to come with me when I first saw it, but things between us were… complicated.”

  "Aren't they always?" Sadness filled her eyes, and my heart tore.

  I kissed her cheek. “Not today, Bòidheach.”

  She smiled, and looked out the window again.

  * * *

  I got out of the truck, and walked around opening the door for Lia. Holding her waist, I carried her down and kissed her nose. I missed doing that. I missed so many things with her.

  "Be careful. The terrain is being leveled now for construction, so there are a lot of rocks around you. I don't want you to fall and hurt yourself."

  “Ok, Father,” she answered, giving me her back and I chuckled. I missed her snarky remarks.

  Her hand lifted, protecting her eyes from the sun as she tried to focus her gaze. A gasp left her when she began to take in the sight before her. “Whoa, Chewie this place is spectacular!”

  I smiled, taking a deep breath. I agreed with her. This place was special. There was something about it. I could feel the magic on the ground, in the rocks, on the rushing water of the river a mile away. It had been unused for so long it had become dormant, yet I knew it was just waiting to be awakened again. I allowed my eyes to roam the landscape that surrounded us, and peace filled me. It was the most magnificent sight I had ever seen.

  The grass was a beautiful green, tall and adorned with small wild flowers. It was vast, and if I urged my eyes to look beyond the machines and crew, I could imagine the terrain already leveled for miles. The large trees with healthy green vegetation almost formed a wall all around us, and the majestic Montana Mountains completed the masterpiece. Their blue and red hues framed the valley we stood in, beautiful blue sky and white, puffy clouds finished the painting nature had offered us.

  Lia looked back at me. “How much land do you guys have?”

  “Everything the sun illuminates is our land, Simba," I said gesturing to the landscape. Lia laughed, smacking my chest. I chuckled. "Pretty much though. Max has a bit over six hundred acres here." She frowned, not able to picture it. "Ok. New York City is three hundred and four acres, this is double that size, so I'd say it's is pretty big."

  "Holy pigs in a blanket. That's huge."

  Max laughed. “Yep. This land has been in my family for generations, and now it belongs to Clark.”

  I smiled and walked forward, leaving them behind as Max kept Lia company. My gaze once again wandered the land, and it slowly began to change in front of my eyes. As though a movie was playing in my mind I saw the structures start to form. The rocks and trees transformed, becoming tall structures. One by one the beams built houses and buildings, schools, and even a temple. The pieces fell into place like a puzzle until a full City stood in all its grandeur before me.

  “Can you see it?”

  Lia asked once again reading my mind. She always did that. I turned to look at her as she and the guys joined me.

  “In all its grandeur,” I answered taking her hand and pulling her to me.

  “What does it look like?” She wrapped her arm around my waist. I hugged her closer.

  “Like nothing you’ve ever seen.”

  “I can imagine. This place feels almost like being in heaven.”

  “That’s what I’m naming it. Baile Na Nèamh, it means City of Heaven.”

  A brilliant smile curved Lia’s lips as she looked up at me. “Is that what you are building here? A city?”

  “A Magical City,” I corrected.

  The guys chuckled.

  My eyes took a last glance at the valley while the breeze blew over my skin. The peace enveloped me once again. The houses and buildings slowly transformed back into trees and rocks all around me. Letting out a relaxed breath, I turned to look at Peter bringing Lia with me as I moved.

  "So, what makes your ‘magical city’ so unique?" Peter asked.

  I smiled, caressing Lia’s cheek.

  “It’s made entirely out of glass.”


  * * *

  The light I had seen in Art’s eyes as he spoke about his City of Heaven was contagious. It had filtered into my being and illuminated my heart.

  Even now that we were back at the hut, I could see an entirely different Art in front of me. His body was relaxed, and he seemed lighter. Like he wasn't weighed down by the responsibilities, and duties he had placed up on himself. I walked up to him as he sat on the bed, and extended my hands to him. He took them, kissing them both.

  I smiled. Art was right. Today was a different day between us.

  “Do you have to go see…” I stopped myself, not wanting to mention her. I didn’t want to lose this feeling yet. “Do you have to go soon,” I amended. “Or can you spend some more time with me?”

  Art stood and kissed my nose. "Not until tonight." He answered, knowing exactly what I had failed to say. "I can stay with you, if you want me to."

  I smiled again. “Will you go with me to see Cyn? I want to tell him about my ability.”

t nodded, and I could see in his eyes that he was pleased by my request. "You want me there with you?"

  “I always want you with me, Art.” My chest tightened. That was more than I should have answered, but it was the truth.

  He leaned in, cradling my cheeks in his hands and pressed his forehead to mine. His lips lightly brushed mine, and then he pulled away. Turning around, he took the portal stones and threw them in the air.

  We crossed into Cyn's hut, and I smiled. Bri was there.

  "Hey, sweetie. What are you guys up to?" She asked, closing an ancient looking book and stood from the table where she sat with Cyn. She walked towards me, and we hugged.

  "Well, I asked Art to bring me here. I wanted to talk to Cyn. I'm ready to tell him about my gift."

  “Crapola! Are you sure?”

  I chuckled. “I think so.”

  “Gift?” Cyn asked from the table. He seemed to be writing on the parchment paper in front of him.

  I looked up at Chewie as he still stood behind me holding my waist. He smiled encouragingly. Taking a deep breath, I faced Cyn.

  "Yeah. Um, it might end up not being anything important, but Seima said you should know, and Art told me you might be able to help me learn more about it so…"

  Cyn frowned. "I do not understand. What are you referring to?"

  I took a deep breath. “I can see people’s Auras.”

  Cyn stood from the table abruptly. “You are still able?”

  Still able? What the hell did he mean by that? I nodded. "I was kind of closed to my ability for a couple of months, because my emotions were all over the place after... um, but it slowly woke up in me again."

  “Is that how you knew I was next to Bri the time I was in her office?”

  I blinked remembering I had seen what I thought to be the Aura of a spirit. “That was you?” I had completely forgotten about it.

  He nodded, and his gaze became serious. He strode towards me with purpose. “I was invisible.”

  “Oh,” I said, understanding.

  “Are you able to see everyone’s Aura, or just a few? Is it something you can do whenever it pleases you, or is it accidental? How long have you had that gift? Who did you inherit it from?”

  "Damn, your man doesn't play, does he?" Bri chuckled, but Cyn remained silent expecting me to answer. His gaze was stern, and he seemed tense. "Um, ok. Well, let's see." I touched each of my fingers as I addressed every one of his questions. "Yes, I can see everyone's Aura. No, it is not accidental, I can open myself to my ability whenever I want and use it. I've been able to do this pretty much since I was born. My mom says that when I started speaking, all I did was point at people's heads saying ‘pretty colors’, and finally, I inherited it from my Grandmother, who I recently discovered was Irish."

  “Sweet mother of all things unexpected,” Bri said gasping. “She was?”

  I nodded. “Apparently she was only born in Venezuela because her parents traveled there, and fell in love with the country. Dad said she used to tell him bedtime stories about Druids and their magic powers, and Mom said she called herself a…”

  “Fiosaiche Fàil,” Cyn said interrupting me, and his eyes filled with a brilliant light. He smiled, dimples in full flashing mode. Bri stuck her little finger in one and Cyn chuckled, blushing.

  I smiled. These two were seriously cute. I looked back at Cyn and shook my head focusing on our conversation. “Yeah. She died when I was a child so she only got to teach me a few things and I honestly don’t remember her talking about the magic, but mom said Grandma swore she had magic.”

  I stumbled back, startled as Cyn hugged me with such emotion that it expanded in my chest and reached my eyes.

  “Thank you Mother Goddess,” he whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.

  Cyn stood back, and I looked into his eyes as sadness filled me. "I'm sorry. I know this is exciting for you, but I'm not what you think I am." Cyn frowned and I sighed. "I can't do everything a Fiosaiche Fàil is supposed to. I only know what my Grandmother taught me, but she died too soon."

  Cyn looked at me pensively. "What was she able to teach you, while she was still with you?"

  "Well, she taught me all the colors of the Aura. Even the rarest ones that barely anyone gets to see." My gaze shifted towards Art, who now stood beside me. I smiled remembering the beauty of his Aura. "She taught me what each color represented, and how the combination of them altered their meaning. She also taught me what it meant when each color was located in either an inner or outer layer. Um… I guess that's it. Grandma died when I was six."

  Cyn smiled again. “Then she used her time with you very wisely.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “What do you mean?”

  “She taught you everything you required to know.”

  I shook my head. “No, Seima said that a Fiosaiche Fàil, could see beyond the colors, and know the person's fate. I can't do that. All I see are colors."

  Cyn smiled and took my hand. "The gift your Grandmother carried and passed on to you is an ancient one. It is an ability not often seen, and that requires to be nourished. You were born with this ability, but you cannot see past the colors because its magic force it's not thriving within you."

  Cyn took my hand, and began to walk towards the table. I looked at Art over my shoulder, confused. Bri and he seemed as confused as I was. Cyn stopped and reached for the old looking book. It shimmered in his hands and opened, causing me to gasp. He winked at me and placed his hand above what seemed like a journal.

  “The prayer I seek has not yet been revealed to me. Mo meantóir, please aid me in my quest.”

  The journal shimmered again, and the pages began to flip on their own, flying in front of my eyes. I leaned closer as it stopped on a blank page. I frowned, that wouldn’t help. Just as the thought crossed my mind, flickering gold lines appeared on the paper swiftly tracing the words and turning black as they filled the page.

  “That was legit the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Bri chuckled. "I love it when it does that."

  Cyn read the words as though memorizing them and faced me. His hand moved towards my breasts, and I stepped back. He pulled his hand away noticing the same thing I had.

  “Whoa, calm down boy. I’m not going to let you go to second base just like that.”

  Bri chuckled, while Cyn’s frown deepened as he thought about his predicament.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “The magic is inside you, however, it is dormant. I can help you bring it forth, and awaken, but I must…” He looked towards Bri worried. “I must touch her chest, place my hand over the center of her essence.”

  "Oh," I said looking at my cleavage. "I guess this way easier with a man, right?" Cyn nodded clearly uncomfortable with what he had to do. I sighed. "Where exactly does your hand need to be?"

  Cyn faced Art and placed his hand smack in the center of his chest. Like right between his pectoral muscles. “Perfect,” I said sarcastically. “His hand needs to go between my breasts, just perfect.”

  Bri cringed. "I don't like this anymore."

  I chuckled. “Right.”

  "Is there no other way, brother?" Art asked, adding to the awkwardness of the moment.

  Cyn shook his head.

  “I guess my push up bra is not making things any easier.”

  I took a deep breath and walked towards the partition. Lifting the back of my shirt, I pulled at the closure and unhooked it, then dragged the straps down my arms and out the sleeves, until I removed my arms from them and took the bra off from underneath. Ahh, sweet relief. Thank God my shirt was thick cotton, and black so it still blocked every part of my breasts from their gazes. I walked back out and stood in front of Cyn.

  "Fill me up, butter cup."

  Bri laughed, and Art groaned. Cyn just seemed like he wanted to crawl under a rock.

  "Oh, for goodness sake," I held my breasts up and apart, so there was enough space between them. "Go ahead."

  Cyn turned to Bri,
and she nodded. Taking a settling breath, he placed his hand between my breasts, and his skin instantly began to glow.

  “Repeat after me.”

  I nodded.

  “Here and Now, I reach deep within myself

  to evoke the Aura.

  I call onto the force connecting me,

  to life and the whole of existence.

  The thread running back through my blood,

  and the ripples spreading out from my actions.

  I call on the vision that has inspired me.

  The kindness that has lifted me.

  The love that I have given and received,

  and the past lives that have created me.

  * * *

  Song of life,

  Expression of my spirit,

  Powers of the Aura,

  I call on thee.”

  The warmth of Cyn's hand increased until it radiated pure heat into my body, but it didn't burn. The light intensified on his hand, until it became so bright it lit the hut around us. Cyn pulled his hand back and swiftly brought it back, slapping my chest. The light burst out of him and into me, illuminating me completely. I gasped as ribbons of blue light rushed over my body as though they were tracing my veins. The light reached my eyes and suddenly rushed back into my chest, disappearing the next second. I took a deep breath. The oxygen seemed to have left me. My eyes closed as I felt the air return to my lungs.

  “What the hell was that??” I looked at Cyn and gasped, covering my mouth.

  The colored layers of his Aura disappeared right before my eyes turning into beams of light that shot out of his chest and engulfed him. There must have been something different about a High Priest's Aura, because I had always seen Cyn's colors almost covering the full spectrum but this… I held my chest, feeling Art wrap his arms around my waist before my knees gave out. The beams of light once again shot out of his chest, but this time they went above his head and transformed right before my very eyes. The light shimmered and took the form of a jaguar. It stood tall and graceful, demanding respect. My eyes followed its movements stunned, as it growled and jumped disappearing into thin air. I gasped again seeing another beam shot out of him, but this time it took the form of a man. His silhouette shimmered as he whirled around kicking the air, and pulled a bow and arrow from his back. He aimed at the sky, and the arrow flew out of his grasp. As it hit its mark, a shower of sparkles fell over him, and he disappeared into it. One more ray shot out and another man formed, this time he wore a long robe, and when his hands lifted to his sides smaller light beams flew out of them. He looked up into the sky, and once again the shower of sparkles fell over him, and he vanished. The light receded, and the colored layers returned, except this time they weren't just a hazy layer of color over him. They were fluid light waves, shimmering and enclosing him whole. It reminded me of the Aurora Borealis.


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