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Earth's Mark (Lords of Krete Book 2)

Page 6

by Rachael Slate

  A chuckle crossed the female’s lips. “Just because he lost the hunt for you doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy such a delicious feast.”

  She pressed a finger to Kleo’s jaw and turned her head back toward Arctus. Me, refuse him? Ha. Everyone in the camp believed that was the truth. If only they knew, she’d been the one rejected.

  How their taunts would change then.

  Why didn’t Arctus correct them? She heard them jesting about his lack of prowess, yet he seemed to brush away the jibes.

  “No one’s enjoying their males right now.” During the females’ time of infertility, most of the couples didn’t interact. A dozen of the matings had been successful. Everyone else would try again this month. Except me.

  “Not true. Those two over there,” Ainia pointed toward a pair who openly flaunted their attraction to each other, “haven’t spent a night apart. Same as every year.”

  “Well, good for them.” She set aside her blade, instead plucking a broad sword. Amazons didn’t fall in love or wed, but there were more than a handful of couples who met each year during the mating season. It was the closest to a relationship they permitted. The only other way to pair with a male would be to leave, as Kyme had.

  She left for her bonded male. The possibility tugged at Kleo’s heart. This place, this life, meant everything to her. How could she give it up?

  “Oh dear, the breeding males have gotten themselves quite dirty.” Ainia snickered. A gathering of warriors flocked to the arena, beckoning their males to follow them to the pools. Tonight was the first Moon when they’d be deemed fertile once more. A fact those amorous couples appeared all too eager to celebrate.

  Kleo regarded her partner. Would he bathe also? Did he wish her to accompany him?

  He met her stare; his, hard and distant, closed off from his sultry warmth.

  Right. At some point, he’d determined mating with Kleo to be the precipitous edge of his doom. He’d avoided it accordingly.

  His dismissive glare irked her, though. Arctus was her male. He ought to be begging for her touch, pleading for her commands. How dare he dismiss her.

  She shot to her feet and marched straight to him.

  For this, he would pay.

  Chapter 7

  Arctus gulped at the fiery maiden storming toward him. Perhaps, he should have complied with the desperate request in her eyes. Or the dozen other times she’d glanced at him, hope glistening in her hyacinth depths. He hadn’t missed the desire coursing in her innocuous words and how she swayed closer to him when they stood together. He sensed them, too, a hundred times stronger than anything he could fight against. At least, for himself. Aye, he fought this for her.

  He would do anything for her, and not because she was his mate. Nay, she was so much more. These weeks, he’d had the chance to observe her, to speak with her, and learn who she was. The heart inside, which beat with a warrior’s drum. The compassion that brought the warriors to gather around for advice regarding fertility and childbirth. Even more, the way the others viewed her. They deferred to Kleo’s judgment on all things. With good reason. Like the jump over the False Cliffs, she had a kind of foresight and knowledge of inner workings. It was easy to place one’s faith in her.

  How steadfast she would be as a ruler at his side. His people would flock to one such as her. Hell, they would likely worship her over him.

  She was a blend of rare wonderment.

  He didn’t doubt why the goddess Artemis had gifted her.

  As she stormed toward him with incandescent censure in her eyes and punishment in her clenched fists, he feared he’d chosen the wrong moment to assert his relinquishment of their bonding.

  “You will bathe, now.” The words formed so succinctly on her full lips he had difficulty concentrating on anything else.

  He muttered his reply instead, “Aye, Mistress.”

  Victory flashed in her smirk and she spun on her heel, strutting toward the pools. Only, that placed his focus on her finely toned bottom, her curvy hips sashaying proudly. He suppressed the groan in his throat and dragged his survey upward, where Kleo halted abruptly and whirled toward him.


  She’d led him to the edge of the pool, away from the other males, whose females massaged their bodies with perfumed soaps while offering approving hums.

  He had an inkling, Kleo would do neither for him.

  Grudgingly, he tugged off his breeches, shrugged out of his shirt, and pitched his soiled garments aside. Bared before her, it took every ounce of his resolve to force his length to remain calm and unaroused.

  Which again, was unlike any other male present.

  Kleo scowled…at his cock?

  “It generally doesn’t respond to disdain.” He crossed his arms.

  She whipped her gaze to his, pink flushing across her cheeks. “I wasn’t staring at your…,” she twirled her fingers through the air, cleared her throat, and continued, “your leg. It has healed well.”

  He chuckled. “My leg’s far lower than your perusal, sweet, but aye, it has healed. I thank you for your concern.”

  “Get in the water,” she barked, her blush creeping ever brighter.

  A laugh resonated in his chest at her shyness. Though she’d bedded a male before, the way she studied him, first with unconcealed hunger, then bashful innocence, stole his breath. The waters swirled about his legs, too warm to fend off the twitching stirrings in his shaft. Damn, where were the frigid waters of the Aegean when one required them?

  How in Hades was he supposed to fight this unyielding temptation?

  He could, if she fought against this, too. But not when she regarded him with yearnings far deeper than lust in her eyes. Which left him with only one choice.

  Absolute surrender to her.

  “All the way.” She waved her hand before patting her mouth as though stifling a yawn. The curious flicker in her gaze wasn’t hidden so easily, however.

  Complying, Arctus dove under, and emerged again, tossing out his locks. Water sprayed everywhere. Kleo screeched, swatting at the droplets.

  “You swollen-headed centaur,” she sputtered.

  He smoothed a hand down his chest, along his abdomen, down to grip his width. “Hmm, not yet.” Then he cast her a wicked wink.

  “Argh.” She glowered at him and stamped her foot.

  By now, the other couples had enjoyed their flirtations and retired to their caves to pursue them further, leaving him alone with Kleo.

  Alone to face her wrath.

  He steeled himself and licked the droplet cascading down his lips. “Perhaps, that’s something you’d like to remedy.”

  Kleo gaped, but the desperation in Arctus’s gaze continued to smolder. He wasn’t jesting. Was he offering? “You said—”

  “Forget what I said. Tell me you don’t choose this, and I’ll stop. If not…” He stalked forward and snaked an arm around the back of her head, claiming her lips, his mouth hot and wet and demanding against hers.

  Flutters of longing spiraled through her core and she met his kiss, rising on the tips of her toes to duel with him. His tongue slipped inside her mouth and she tangled her tongue with his. A groan tumbled in his chest, the sound thrumming through her body.

  His desire was more than evident, more than the thick ridge pressing against her belly.

  What had changed his mind? She had to know.

  Kleo pulled back, panting. “Why, why now? What has changed?”

  “Nothing.” He whipped his head. “Everything. I see you, Kleo, and I want more than the bonding from you.” He placed his hand on her cheek and rubbed his thumb across her jawline. “I would have all of you, true, but if not, why can’t we both be content, like everyone else here?”

  “Your people, my people, what about them?”

  “We’ll adhere to your rules. My people will have to accept what I already have. I need you.”

  A tingle quivered through her. His declarations made everything seem possible. She leaned fo
rward, tilting her mouth to his, and brushed her lips lightly across his.

  His fingers twisted in her hair, a droning in his throat, but a horn blared in the distance, interrupting them.

  Kleo bolted from his grasp. “She’s back.” Equal amounts of excitement and dismay pounded through her.

  “Who?” Arctus growled.

  “Who do you think?” She patted his shoulder. “Brace yourself, centaur. Here’s your chance to present your request before my Queen.”

  He blinked twice and swung his head toward the clamor of the blaring horn. “Oh, gods.”

  “Indeed.” She raced toward the gates, Arctus’s pounding hoof beats behind her indicating he’d shifted into his centaur form. Hippolyta’s arrival meant everything. Whatever her Queen decreed would seal Kleo’s fate.

  Skidding to a halt, she bowed before the mighty sovereign. A fierce and ancient Amazon, Queen Hippolyta III towered above both man and woman. Framed by a lavish bear fur, her flaming hair flowed freely across her shoulders, marred not by a single grey hair. Just as her skin was vibrant and youthful. Nothing betrayed her age. And nothing withstood the cold cut of steel in her gaze.

  Hippolyta was infinitely formidable.

  “Many blessings upon your return.” Kleo dipped her head even lower. “May I present to you Lord Arctus of Krete.”

  “I thank you, Kleoptoleme.” Hippolyta cast her as warm a smile as ever spread across her stony features, before hardening them on Arctus. “Of Krete, you say?”

  “Aye, Queen Hippolyta.” Bowing with one front hoof beneath him and one outstretched, Arctus inclined his head with respect. Clever centaur.

  “I recently met another centaur of Krete. Rhoetus, his name was. Is he any kin of yours?”

  Arctus jerked. “Aye, milady. He’s my bloodsworne brother.”

  Kleo slanted her face to observe him. All his easy charm and calm temperament disappeared beneath those tightly clenched muscles. What was wrong?

  “Nice fellow. A shame he had no interest in accompanying me. But yes, I do believe he mentioned a Lord Arctus.”

  “He did?” Arctus bunched his brows together. “Perchance, did he seem well?”

  “Very. However, he didn’t stay long. Disappeared with some nymph.” A robust chuckle escaped her blood-red lips. Hippolyta strode toward the seating area and perched on a throne carved from a gigantic boulder. “Now, out with it. For I have journeyed long and am weary.”

  “Queen, though my brother might not have mentioned it,” he curled his lip, “my people are at war with King Minos of Krete. We seek to reclaim the throne.” Cautiously, he approached the Queen. “It is for this reason I have journeyed here, to negotiate with you and beseech your aid.”

  “Are you certain,” a sly curve twisted the Queen’s mouth and she sent a pointed stare at Kleo, “you don’t possess other motives?”

  Arctus cleared his throat. “My duty to my people comes first.”

  Kleo crossed her arms and examined the pair. Arctus’s answer sent a spiral of disappointment through her, which irked her even more.

  Damn the centaur.

  What in the bloody hell had Rhoetus been up to? Certainly not following their plan. At least, Hippolyta didn’t behave as if Rhoetus had.

  Fled, had he? With a nymph? Ugh. Arctus fought against wrinkling his nose. That centaur always did think too much with his cock and not his head.

  “Is something amiss, Lord Arctus?” The Queen’s penetrating scrutiny pierced him, missing nothing.

  “Nay, forgive me.” He set aside ponderings of his brother and focused on his own task. “Since venturing here, I have learned the Amazons are already pledged to the centaurs of Thessaly, yet, our army is meager and even a few warriors would greatly bolster our ranks.”

  Hippolyta barked a laugh. “Indeed they would. I’d wager one Amazon for five men.”

  “Ten.” He smirked at her and a quirk tugged at one corner of her mouth.

  “You were right in coming to us, Lord Arctus. Tales of your land have just begun to cross our ears. Mine own goddaughter was there and spoke of these horrid Minotaurs. A vile monstrosity which we would be glad to rid the world of.”

  He sank back on his hooves, more at ease. The Queen was daunting and brash, yes, but also compassionate in her calculations. He might procure her aid yet.

  “Yes, yes, indeed.” She tapped a finger to her lips. “Krete has long been beyond our reach. Do you know, ages ago, Amazons ventured to Krete?”

  “Aye?” He frowned, puzzling. “I remember a ballad, about a great warrior as lovely as the Moon. It doesn’t name her, though.”

  Hippolyta shifted forward. “Sing it for me.”

  He cleared his throat and sang,

  From faraway lands she came

  A fearsome band of creatures to tame

  In her eyes, the fires of a thousand battles blazed

  Only she stepped unscathed from the maze

  Men cower and livestock scurry

  To escape the great warrior’s fury

  Oh, heed well the sound of storm’s light

  And be ye safe inside, away from her wrath’s blight

  The last haunting note died on his lips and he lifted his head to catch a tear misting in the Queen’s eyes. Quickly, he averted his face.

  “Thank you, Lord Arctus.”


  “That song was of my sister. Whose fate I have never known. Now, I can be certain that if she died, ’twas a warrior’s death.”

  “Sister.” Sweet gods, there was more than one of them?

  “Antiope the second,” Hippolyta hummed. “The greatest fighter I have ever beheld.” She pressed her lips tightly together in a wistful smile. “Centuries ago, she traveled to Krete with a band of her warriors, never to return. None knew her fate, except perchance, the centaurs. Tragedy struck you and her destiny faded into your traditions.”

  Chapter 8

  “That’s why you were there, last year, when Kyme was.” Kleo eased forward. “You were searching for your sister.” Everyone assumed Hippolyta had traveled to Krete to keep a check on her goddaughter, but perhaps she had another purpose.

  “Yes. Sadly, I found no trace.” Pain clouded her features. “She abandoned my side after a great argument. I always had faith she would return to continue it.”

  What the argument was, Hippolyta didn’t reveal, and Kleo didn’t press.

  “In continuing her goal, we will honor her memory. Lord Arctus, I will agree to send you aid, if you will consent to my terms. Your race is rather lacking in females, is it not?”


  She linked her fingers and set them on her lap. “I propose a union between our races. I long to continue in the work of my sister, who sought to establish a colony of Amazons on Krete. If you will set aside a measure of lands for them, I will permit the interbreeding of our races. Under terms which will benefit both of our peoples.” Hippolyta straightened and perused Kleo. “What say you, Kleoptoleme? Should we aid this centaur in his task?”

  Kleo jolted. “Ah, yes, my Queen. The rule of King Minos has been harsh and tyrannical. He must be upended.”

  Hippolyta inclined her head. “Very well, then. I propose that you and a band of warriors will accompany Lord Arctus to Krete. Choose wisely, for this won’t be a short mission. You may be stationed there for years, decades even. However long it takes to establish a colony of Amazons on Krete.”

  Choose? How was it even a choice? Of course, her heart yearned to follow Arctus. Her instincts screamed this was her destiny. To lead her people was a great honor she’d never dreamed of.

  Wait. Kleo froze. Was her Queen implying…a permanent home for me? In Krete, but amongst her people. Leading her people.

  With Arctus not far from her side. The vast ocean between them suddenly became much, much smaller. She didn’t have to relinquish either of them. I can have both.

  “Well, Kleoptoleme?” the Queen intoned.

  “Yes.” Kleo shook herself and b
owed. “I will do as my Queen commands.”

  “Good, good.” Hippolyta waved them off. “I would rest now. Gather as many as will go. You shall depart on the morrow.”

  “Yes, my Queen,” Kleo murmured, backing away. This was incredible, and frightening. To leave her home, mayhap never to return? Ah, but she’d be with her people. She wasn’t relinquishing her ties as an Amazon.

  Plus, she would gain Arctus. If he still desired her…

  “Your Queen is a crafty one, heh?” he droned after they’d departed the Queen’s cave. Arctus clasped her hand and led her toward a secluded cleft in the rocks. Pressing his long, large body against hers, he nuzzled her neck.

  “Now, you see why she’s so feared. Hippolyta is always ten moves ahead.”

  He chuckled. “Indeed, she is. I for one am grateful. I would have begged that woman to allow you to come with me, and here she was, handing you straight into my arms.” Sighing, he framed her face in his broad hands. “I won’t ask you to be my mate, or my wife, merely to be with me.”

  His understanding warmed her and she placed her hand atop one of his. “I would like that very much.”

  Suddenly, this cleft was far too narrow for all of the things she wished to do with him. And far too public. “First, I wish to test this famed centaur prowess.” She tugged his head down and nipped at his ear. “And determine if the rumors are true.”

  His chest vibrated with laughter and he dragged her from the cleft. “Oh, they are, believe me, lass. They are.”

  They wound toward her cave, past the groupings of people engaged in various tasks. By now, the news of Hippolyta’s summons had spread, and many cast them curious glances. Who would brave this new land with her? Best to let them ponder their options for a few hours before inquiring. In the meantime, she had unfinished business with her centaur.

  “Kleoptoleme!” a masculine bellow thundered from the front gates. She froze, Arctus’s hand in hers, and squeezed her eyes, hoping to wash away the sound. It was all too real.


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