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The Baby Plan

Page 47

by Tia Siren

I pressed my lips to her head. “Your parents are going to be terrific grandparents.”

  She grabbed my other hand with hers and laced our fingers together. I knew I never wanted to spend another day of my life without that feeling. I wanted to spend the rest of our lives with our fingers laced together.

  “I agree,” she said. “They were so excited for us. I can’t wait to see all the things they are going to do with this little guy or girl.”

  The happiness in her voice was heartwarming.

  “You think they’ll babysit for us so we can travel the world?” I asked her.

  She laughed. “The baby isn’t even here yet, and you’re already planning on ways to get rid of it?” she said, teasing me.

  I laughed. “I’m only kidding. But I do hope they will baby sit so we can have time alone together.”

  “Oh, I’m sure they will.”

  “You’re going to be the best mom, ever. You know that, don’t you?” I asked her. I held her closer to me, wrapping my arm around her a little tighter. I didn’t want to ever let her go.

  “And you’re going to be an amazing father,” she said. I couldn’t’ see her face, but I could hear the smile in her voice. She sounded so happy. Which was exactly how I was feeling.

  “I’m going to teach him or her all about sports. I don’t care if it’s a girl, she’s going to learn how football works.” I said and felt her body shake against mine from her laugh. “I’m serious. I want to teach him or her everything. I don’t care if it’s a boy or if it’s a girl. I just want a healthy baby.”

  “Me too.” She lifted my hand in hers, and I felt her lips brush my knuckles.

  I was lucky to have found Paige. Not only were her parents amazing and everything I had ever wanted my parents to be, but she was also mind blowing. Sexy, smart, confident, independent. She was everything I had ever wanted in a woman and so much more.

  I thought about how everything had changed between Paige and me over the last month. She was once just a bartender that I thought was hot but too good for me. I never wanted to hit on her or sleep with her because I was afraid to lose the sort of friendship we had. And then after she agreed to be my surrogate, I found the woman with whom I wanted to spend my entire life with.

  “I have to tell you something,” I said, and she shifted so she could look at me. Our fingers unlaced, and I moved my other arm from around her and grabbed her right hand with my left hand, re-lacing our fingers as she looked at me.

  “Okay.” She hesitated. “What is it?” She seemed nervous, and those hadn’t been my intentions at all.

  “It’s about the contract,” I said and gauged her reaction before continuing.

  She cocked her head to the side and looked at me like she was trying to figure out what I was going to tell her before I said anything.

  “What about it?” she finally asked.

  “Well, when I first found out you were pregnant, I ripped it up.”

  Paige’s face quickly changed from confused and worried to surprised and possibly even shocked.

  “Why would you do that?” She asked.

  I smiled at her. “Because I knew we would work better as a family. I knew you would want to stay in the picture, and I knew the baby would have a better chance if both you and I were in its life.”

  Tears sprang up in the corner of her eyes and she tried to use her fingers to wipe them away before they escaped, but one slipped down her cheek. “Damn hormones,” she said.

  I laughed and pulled her into me. I kissed her before she had the chance to say anything else. I wanted to feel her lips pressed into mine. I kissed her hard, and she kissed me back just as hard. Our mouths fell into sync as they moved around. Our tongues touched and danced together.

  When we pulled apart, she looked me in the eyes and said, “I’m so happy with you.”

  “I’m so happy with you, too,” I said as warmth filled my chest. She was everything I wanted in my life and then some. I was beyond lucky that things had turned out as good as they had.

  Her lips found mine once again, and we were lost in another passionate kiss. We rode in the back of the limo, making out like two teenagers on prom night. I could feel how much she really loved me as we deepened our kiss, and I hoped she could feel the same coming from me. I wanted her to know how much I loved her. I wanted her to never question how I felt.

  We kissed all the way until we pulled up outside of our home. Even then we only pulled apart until we were in the elevator and no one was around. My body hardened and ached for hers, but I could tell she was a little tired. As much as I didn’t want to, I backed off. I’d have her pressed beneath me or wrapped around me soon enough, and we had forever.

  When we got into the penthouse, Paige wanted to take a nap. She went into our bedroom and laid down on the bed. I left the room to do some work. But I couldn’t focus I just kept thinking about my child, our child.

  Was the baby going to be a boy or a girl? Was he or she going to look more like Paige or me? I wondered what color eyes the baby was going to have. My blue ones, or Paige’s gorgeous green eyes? But most of all I wondered if I was going to measure up. Was I going to be a good father? Or was I going to turn out like my own? Maybe because I know what it’s like, I knew I could stop that from happening.

  When I went back into the room an hour later, Paige was still asleep. She was curled up on the bed, completely passed out. I went into the kitchen and whipped up a cup of tea for her. Then, I walked into the room and woke her up.

  “Sweetheart,” I said, softly. “It’s time to wake up.”

  Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled at me. “Just five more minutes.”

  “If you sleep any longer, you won’t be able to sleep tonight,” I told her and held the cup out to her. She sat up and reached for it.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “You’re welcome. I know you get nauseous when you first wake up.” I was proud to know that about her. It made me feel like I was doing something right when I helped take care of her.

  She smiled up at me. “You know, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, right?”

  “Yes,” I said. Knowing she was being honest and feeling totally happy with that. I had never been the best thing to happen to anyone before, and this was an amazing feeling. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” I made sure to put emphasis on the word “ever.” I wanted her to know how much I meant it.

  “I love you, Michael,” she said.

  “I love you too, Paige,” I responded and took her cup of tea. I placed it on the nightstand beside the bed, got onto the bed and pulled her close to me.


  One Year Later


  Michael Jr. yawned and wiggled against me as I held him in the rocking chair. It was his bed time, and I had started his bedtime routine thirty minutes ago. I couldn’t believe he was almost six months old. The last year had gone by so fast. Just flown by as if it was nothing. I looked down at my beautiful son as his breathing began to slow, and he slipped into a peaceful sleep. I rocked him just for a few more minutes. I wanted to make sure he was sound asleep before I attempted to lay him back down in his crib.

  I stood up, careful not to knock the rocking chair into the wall or wake up Michael Jr. I walked over to the crib and just as I was about to lay the baby down, Michael came into the room. He was quiet and smiled at me. He walked over and stood next to us, he looked down at our son and smiled again. I loved the look he got on his face when he looked at or interacted with Michael. He was such an amazing father, and I was so proud to have him by my side while learning to be a mother.

  “He looks more and more like you each day,” I whispered to Michael, trying hard not to wake our baby.

  Michael leaned down and gently kissed our son’s head. I did the same thing and paused when he stirred some. Relief flooded through me when he didn’t wake up, and I gently laid him down in the crib. Then I followed Michael out of the baby’
s room, monitor in hand, and we went into our room.

  “You know how much I love you right? And how fucking gorgeous I think you are?” Michael asked as soon as the door was closed.

  “Yes. You tell me every day,” I said and kissed him.

  “I’m so excited for tomorrow,” he said.

  “Why?” I asked, teasing. His face fell, and I laughed. “I’m only kidding. You know how excited I am, but we aren’t supposed to be sleeping together tonight. You know that’s bad luck, right?”

  He kissed me again, but this time there was more passion, more heat. He pulled back and looked at me.

  “I know. I’ll be leaving soon. But,” he paused and kissed me once more. “I wanted to fuck you one more time as my fiancée before I fuck you tomorrow as my wife.”

  The way he was talking to me turned me on so bad. Our mouths crashed back into each other, making sure not to be too loud because we don’t want to be interrupted. We both removed our clothes and made our way over to the bed.

  I laid down on my back on the bed, fully naked with my legs spread. I watched Michael as he got between my legs, wrapped his arms behind my knees and pulled me closer to him. He put his mouth on my clit and started to tease me with his tongue. He flicked his tongue softly across it, and I couldn’t sit still.

  “Mmm,” I moaned, and I moved my hips.

  He licked around my clit, softly, and I couldn’t help but move my hips, trying to grind my pussy on his face. I needed it to be harder. Not necessarily faster, but harder.

  He pulled his head back and said, in a seductive tone, “Good things come to those who wait.”

  I laughed. He slid his finger inside of me and put his mouth back to my pussy. I writhed beneath him, unable to keep still. I sucked air in through my teeth and held my breath. It felt so good the way he was moving his tongue around my pussy. He sucked on my clit and licked it moving in circles. It was painfully slow and light, which only made me crave him more.

  He pulled his finger out of me and sat up. He scooted his body over me more, and I spread my legs, making room for him to be able to slide inside of me easier.

  I felt his cock press into my pussy. He pushed a little more and slid inside of me just as his mouth found mine. Our tongues danced together as his cock slid in and out of my pussy. He went slow, I wrapped my legs around him and arched my back up toward him.

  “Oh fuck,” he moaned. He kissed my neck, sucking and biting it a little bit and he picked up the pace with his cock.

  His body was pressed into mine, holding me down onto the bed. I felt his cock sliding in and out of me, and I moaned gently and quietly in his ear.

  “I love your pussy,” he whispered to me.

  “I love your cock,” I whispered back.

  He sat up, removing the skin to skin contact we had but took both of my legs and placed them on his shoulders. My body ached to feel his cock shoved back inside of me. I wanted to get fucked hard and deep. I wanted him to make me cum.

  I watched him as he held his cock in his right hand and rubbed it around my pussy.

  “You want it?” he asked.

  I nodded my head, quickly. I needed to feel his cock inside of me. I needed to feel him fuck me hard and drive me crazy.

  He pulled his cock back, away from my pussy and then he pushed himself inside of me. Shoving his cock deep in my pussy.

  “Oh, my,” I moaned, unable to get the final word out. It felt too good. I couldn’t get my mouth to form any more words.

  I could feel my pussy clinging to his thick cock. Wrapping around it tightly, holding on for dear life as he started to fuck me harder. He groaned, and it drove me wild. I loved knowing that my pussy brought him so much pleasure. He pulled out and put my legs down. I left them spread open on either side of him. He leaned forward and placed his hands on the bed, one on each side of my head, and he looked me in the eye. He thrust his cock back inside of me.

  I loved the way he looked at me while he fucked me. Moving his cock in and out of me while staring into my eyes. It was an overwhelming feeling that made me want to cum even more.

  I moved my hips with his, helping to get myself even closer.

  “Don’t. Stop,” I moaned, and he moved in and out of me faster.

  I closed my eyes and let the pleasure take over. He continued to fuck me until my eyes rolled back and my body went tingly and then numb.

  “Ooo. Ooo. Ooo.” I moaned for him as my orgasm built up and then crashed back down.

  “Get on top. I want you to ride my dick,” he said.

  He pulled his cock out of me, and I winced. He got onto the bed and laid down. His hard cock sticking straight up, waiting for me to slide onto it. I moved and swung my leg over him. I straddled him and then slowly lowered myself down until I felt his cock touch my pussy. Then I pushed down and felt him slide right in.

  “Oh fuck,” he moaned and placed his hands on my hips.

  I rocked my body, slowly, back and forth. Grinding my pussy into him and feeling his cock move deep inside of me.

  “Oh, fuck.” I moaned as he helped me rock my hips back and forth.

  “I love the way you ride my cock,” he said.

  Just him using the word “cock” really got me going. It made it hotter, somehow raunchier.

  I squeezed my pussy around his cock. I had learned how to do Kegels when I was pregnant, and since had used it to drive Michael crazy every time I squeezed his cock with my pussy.

  “Mmm.” He moaned. I did it again, and he moaned again.

  “You like it when I squeeze your cock?” I asked him.

  “Uh huh.” He moaned. His hands left my hips to go toward my tits. He rubbed them gently, feeling his way around, and then he started to rub and squeeze my nipples. Tugging on them. We both laughed when milk dribbled out. But then we got right back into it.

  I leaned forward and started to bounce my pussy up and down on his cock. I went slowly at first watching him go crazy when I stopped at the tip of his cock and then shoved my pussy back down on it. I could feel him so deep inside of me every time I did it.

  I felt my pussy grip him when it would slide up. Almost like my pussy didn’t want to let go of his cock. It needed his cock.

  “Is my fiancée going to cum for me?” he asked, moving his hands from my tits to my ass. He spanked me.

  “Mmm.” I moaned and then nodded my head to answer his question. I was starting to crave my orgasm more and more. I could feel myself getting closer and threatening to tip me over. I sat back up and leaned back some, arching my back in the process. When I leaned back like this, his dick got deeper inside of me. Deeper and angled. His cock hit the certain spot in my pussy that drove me wild.

  “Oh, my God.” I moaned and started to move faster. I used my right hand to start rubbing my clit while he helped me ride him. It felt so good. The sensations mixing together inside of me. Chills ran through my body causing it to feel almost numb. My toes curled, and I shut my eyes tightly as I felt the pleasure deep inside of me threatening to spill over and break out. I wanted to fucking cum more than I had ever wanted to.

  He was so hard and hitting every little spot in my tight pussy. I felt the jolt of overwhelming feelings rush through my body. I felt hot, and my body was tense. As I started to come down from my orgasm, I felt Michael’s arms wrap around my lower back. He pulled me forward and down onto him. Our chests pressed together, and his legs bent at the knee. He started to fuck me hard and fast. His cock was sliding in and out of me. It was deep and hard, and it hurt a little bit, but I felt myself getting closer to another orgasm.

  I had never been this close this fast. I already wanted to cum for him again. His movements quickened until he shoved himself deep into me and held it there. I felt his cock throb inside of me, and it was more than enough to send me spiraling into another orgasm. The feeling taking over. Our bodies trembled together. I loved cumming at the same time as him. It always made mine feel so much more intense.

  “Damn. Three times, huh?
” he asked as we laid there in our post-coital after glow.

  “Yeah, that just means you’re going to have to top that tomorrow,” I said and bit his shoulder, gently.

  “That gave me chills,” he said and then spanked my ass.

  I sat up and climbed off him. I laid down on the bed and watched him as he got out of the bed.

  “Guess I better be going.” He sounded like he wanted me to ask him to stay. But I wasn’t going to do that. This was the last night before we were to be married. I didn’t want to start our marriage off with bad luck. There was no way I was going to give in to him.

  “Yep,” I said and smiled at him when he faked looking hurt.

  I watched as he got dressed and then double checked for his wallet, keys, and phone. He then leaned down, rubbed my head gently and kissed my forehead.

  “I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow when you become my wife,” he said.

  “I love you too. I can’t wait,” I said, and our lips met and we shared a sweet kiss.

  He told me goodbye, turned and walked out of the bedroom. He closed the door behind him, and a few minutes later I heard the front door open and close. It felt lonely without him here, but I was going to be his wife tomorrow. I was going to be Mrs. Adams, and it was so exciting to me.

  I picked up the baby monitor, plugged it into the charger and looked at our beautiful sleeping boy. I reached up and pulled the string on the light above our bed and laid down. It didn’t take long before I was fast asleep.



  Double Doctors

  Two hot surgeons want to play double doctor with me. This will be the naughtiest examination of my life.

  It was my first day at work as a nurse.

  The most famous plastic surgery clinic in L.A.

  I tried hard to be professional.

  Care for the patients. Learn from the doctors.

  But I just couldn’t concentrate.

  My two new bosses were hot as hell.

  Double dirty.

  Double demanding.

  Sinfully tempting.


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