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The Baby Plan

Page 52

by Tia Siren

  “Morning sunshine, how’d you sleep?” Jake’s chipper tone said.

  “Shitty,” I grumbled back.

  It was true. I couldn’t get the image of Brooke—first dancing, and then bending over—out of my head.

  “So shitty that you wouldn’t want to do it again tonight? Same place, different time, a bit later?”

  I squirmed myself into a more upright position. A day in my bed morning to night sounded good right about now, but I knew from experience that it would only result in me feeling even worse the tomorrow. Besides, maybe I could get Brooke out of my system even more with one of those hot club rats I’d seen eyeing me last night.

  “Alright, I’m game,” I said.

  “Cool,” Jake said, “I’ll call Brooke and invite her too.”

  And before I could make a scornful joke, he’d hung up. I moved so that I was sitting up completely, so I could think. Yeah, as if these last few days and last night hadn’t been indication enough, Jake and I were definitely in competition.

  Sure, the other day Jake made that big old speech about brotherly love. But when it came down to it, we were still both going after Brooke. And me? I’d already past the point where I’d been dismissing the idea due to work concerns. Even today, a part of me had known I’d been bullshitting about taking refuge in another woman tonight. No, for the past few days, the realization had been growing like a cancer. I couldn’t have just any woman—I had to have Brooke.

  The rest of the day was spent waiting. Making a half-assed bread and butter sandwich thing. Ignoring the barrage of texts from various girls that had managed to get my number. Until, finally, it was time.

  I took a cab there and arrived just as Brooke did.

  “You look nice,” she purred, her eyes settling on my purple shirt approvingly.

  I held back my shit-eating smile. Girls always loved the purple shirt.

  For her part, Brooke looked hot as fuck. This time she’d chosen a red leather dress that looked so tight it could have been painted on. It shoved her cleavage into an alluring line I had to be careful not to stare at.

  “Jake’s not here, should we wait?” Brooke asked, as we lingered by the door.

  I shook my head.

  “Nah, he’d want us to come in and get the party started for when he arrived.”

  “Okay,” Brooke said gaily, unaware that I’d just lied through my teeth.

  As we strode through the door, I took her arm.

  Although Jake sure wouldn’t like it, he would understand. All’s fair in love and war.

  Today Natalia wasn’t working, so I was stuck ordering drinks the old-fashioned way—full-price. Although, once I’d returned to our booth, Brooke already had three full drinks in front of her.

  “You glutton you,” I joked, as I sat down and draped my arm around her.

  She grinned.

  “Actually, it was that man over there.”

  I turned to see Jake at a high-up table further into the bar.

  “He wanted me to ditch the booth, but I like booths.”

  After some gesturing, Jake came over. His gaze stopped on my arm around Brooke.

  “A booth, really?” he said, casting us a sardonic look.

  “A bar table, really?” I shot back.

  He wavered at the edge of the table for a second, then, frowning, took a seat across from us.

  “Generous of you to help get us started,” I said, indicating the drinks in front of us, and sliding one this way.

  “Yep,” Jake replied, not touching it.

  “Brooke looks really hot, doesn’t she?” I continued, patting her shoulder with the hand I had casually draped there.

  Jake’s gaze shot to her eyes.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, simply.

  Brooke giggled.

  “Thanks. You look quite handsome yourself.”

  And he did. Jake was wearing a dress shirt I’d never seen him wear before, with his Diesel luxury jeans he saved for special occasions. Yep, the fucker was giving it his all—just like I was.

  Jake still looked all pissy. Could he see that under the table, my leg was right beside Brooke’s?

  When Brooke lifted her purple-blue drink to her lips, I took her straw and slipped it in between my own.

  “Mark!” Brooke squealed, as I drank the yummy goodness.

  Playfully, she slapped my chest. I grabbed her hand.

  “Careful,” I warned her.

  “Or what?” she challenged me.

  Our gazes locked. Under the table, I slid my hand to her thigh, and squeezed. Fuck, did I ever want to show her just what.

  I placed the straw between her lips as, under the table, I caressed her thigh. It was so soft, yet firm and giving. If just her thighs felt this good, then how good did her breasts feel?

  “What’s the matter?” Brooke asked.

  I followed her gaze to Jake, who looked like he’d been kicked in the balls or something.

  “Yeah man, you don’t look so good,” I said.

  Jake lifted his stubbly chin and opened his lips, as if he was considering saying something. Then he closed them, with a shake of his head.

  “I’m just tired.”

  He rose.

  “I’m going to go. See ya guys.”

  And then he left before either of us could say a word against it. Brooke’s hurt hazel gaze sought out mine.

  “Should we go after him?”

  I stroked her leg up a little higher.

  “I don’t know—should we?”

  Brooke’s lips parted, then she gave a noncommittal shake of her head.

  “Besides,” I said, sliding Jake’s drink in front of her, “This way there’s more for us.”

  I brought the straw up to her lips and she sucked, all the while her fuck-me gaze was boring into mine. Oh fuck, was that how she would look when she was sucking my—

  Without a word, Brooke moved the straw that had been in between her lips to mine. I sucked just as eagerly, my hand grasping at her firm flesh. Under the table, her hand found my leg and I coughed, practically spilling the drink.

  “You okay?” Brooke asked, a picture of innocence.

  Drawing away a bit, I nodded. Now I had an uncomfortably raging boner pressed against my leg. I looked around. The place was busy, packed with a few patients and D-lister’s I vaguely knew. Grabbing Brooke and making out with her here wasn’t a great plan.

  “Should we dance?” Brooke asked.

  I nodded, rising with a grateful exhale, thankful for the distraction.

  Although on the dance floor, things just got worse. Brooke started shaking those hips again, back and forth, back and forth. They were like a hypnotist’s pendant, mesmerizing me. I finally had no choice but to grab them and press them against me. Now my boner was even more raging, and digging in between her generous ass cheeks. Together like this, we swayed, back and forth, both of us clasping and digging ourselves deeper against each other. Fuck, it felt good, so fucking good. I put my hands on her hips to guide her along to my beat, slower now. I could hardly take this as it was. But my hands didn’t listen to me, and ran up and down her sides, up over her head and down onto her tits. When they squeezed and I felt just how firm and fleshy those tits of hers were, I groaned.

  “Want to get a cab?” I asked, backing away.

  Brooke looked disappointed, but at the mention of a cab, her face brightened.

  “Okay,” she said.

  It was only as we left the bar, hand in hand, that it occurred to me I’d never mentioned where we were going.

  Inside the cab, the dance continued. My hand snaked down her shoulder to her breast again. Even over her dress like this, the feeling was exquisite. In the dark backseat, our lips found each other.

  “Where to?” the driver asked, an irritated male voice.

  Brooke and I exchanged a look.

  “My place,” she said.

  Seeing my dopey grin, she wagged a finger in my face.

  “I never said
you were going there.”

  “Oh yeah?” I said, and kissed that cocky smile off her face.

  Because really, we both knew she was full of shit. I took that wagging finger and used it to part the seam of her lips. Then I dropped it, and put my lips where her finger had been. Yes, Brooke wanted me just as much as I wanted her. It was obvious as our hands ran over each other, as our bodies shuddered together with barely restrained want.

  My tongue played and batted with hers, our heads bobbing back and forth. Fuck, she tasted so good, like some sort of cherry cake. I was so hard I could hardly control myself. My hands went for her dress strap, sweeping it aside.

  “You’re here.”

  The driver’s voice was curt, still clearly annoyed.

  I glanced at the meter, tossed him a twenty and climbed out. I helped Brooke out, clasping her hand. As soon as she was on the curb beside me, my hand snaked down to her ass.

  “Don’t go getting any thoughts,” she joked, “I don’t recall inviting you.”

  “Looks like I’ll have to take matters into my own hands then,” I said, sweeping her up into my arms. As she squealed and laughed, I carried her into the building, through the clear glass doors, and onto the boxy elevator.

  Once the metal doors had closed and she’d pressed the ‘26’ button for her floor, I shoved her to her knees and quickly unbuckled and unzipped my pants, releasing my hard cock that had been waiting for her all evening.

  “Suck it,” I said.

  Brooke wasted no time gulping it down.

  As the elevator floor light dinged from ‘10’ to ‘11’ to ‘12,’ she twirled her tongue skillfully around my dick. She moved her mouth and tongue together in a perfection I hadn’t even imagined.

  When the elevator chime signaled our arrival on the 26th floor, we scrambled apart. Groaning, I tucked myself back in my pants and took her hand. Out in the hallway, I cupped her face in my hand and hissed in her ear: “Don’t give me that look. I’ve hardly gotten started.”

  Chapter 8


  What the fuck was I getting myself into? That was my last worried thought as his hand caressed my ass while I turned the key in my door. As it creaked open, we staggered in and he swept his lips onto mine. Our hands were grasping, ripping, and peeling off clothes, all flung aside in record time.

  “My bed—in the back room,” I gasped.

  We kissed and felt our way there in the dark. There was no time for turning on lights, for thought, for anything really. There was only time for here and now. For this.

  In my room, we fell on the bed. Now we were naked, my bare back sinking into my cool silky sheets.

  His hands and lips were swirling over me as though it was the first time he’d ever felt a woman’s body. Although if a fraction of the stories he and Jake told of his adventures were any indication, it was far from the case.

  And yet, it was fun to imagine that the way he was delighting and savoring every touch was because this was as pleasurable for him as it was for me. He lowered his lips to my tit and I let out a groan. His lips and mouth were insistent—circling and sucking on my nipple with his broad flat tongue. In the dark, I could still make out that Mark’s eyes were closed, and I can feel his erection bulging and huge against me. I grabbed it, and he grinned as his eyes snapped open.

  While my lips delighted in the rippled collection of muscles of his chest, my hands pumped his thick dick, up and down.

  Our lips met again, our tongues swirled around each other. He tasted like sangria and me. I pumped him slower now. His hands were sweeping up and down over my body, taking care to squeeze my tits and ass, growing nearer to where I really wanted them, closer and closer. When his fingers finally entered me, I moaned.

  Both of our eyes fluttered open together, just in time for me to see the satisfied gleam his bore. Just then, his head bobbed down between my legs, to join his skillful hands in their stroking. As wet heat overtook my limbs, I dropped onto the bed. Right in front of me, was the hardness I’d wanted to suck all along. The second time it slipped into my mouth was even better; somehow even harder than before. Mmm.

  Already, the finger-pumping and mouth-sucking going on between my lips had me half-conscious with arousal. All I knew was that I wanted this hard thing and I was going to enjoy it fully. So, I tasted as much of him as my mouth could reach. I kissed and sucked the crease where his leg met his groin. I kissed all the way to his butt and back. The trail of my nibbling kisses brought me to his sack. I cupped his balls and sucked them softly, one at a time, running my tongue around them. He grunted in pleasure. His dick wasn’t as wet as I wanted it, so I spit on it, pausing as a spit strand dangled from my mouth to look Mark in the eye. He had paused his pleasuring to watch. The look on his face was utterly pleasured, and powerless with want. Good.

  I grinned and threw my mouth over his dick, gulping it down all the way until it hit the back of my throat. Mark groaned. I repeated the motion, this time using my hand to pump him. In response, he started pounding my pussy with his finger and sucking my clit with a renewed ferocity. I moaned, although my lips spread into a competitive smile. Clearly, it was war time.

  So, as Mark pumped and sucked my wet pussy and clit with all he had, I pumped and sucked his hard glory of a dick with all the concentration and vigor I could muster. In and out, up and down, around and around, it wasn’t long before both our bodies were shuddering with the building pleasure. We moved completely in sync, as if we were part of one body, one building want, one coming release.

  When Mark slipped out his finger, I froze.

  “Please,” I groaned.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, he flipped me so that I was on my chest, with my ass out. He gave my butt a loud spank and then kissed me where his hand landed.

  “I’m not finished with you yet.”

  Just then he shoved himself into me and everything exploded into color. Red. I was being fucked with red. Red-hot pleasure like a sort of madness, like a shaking of every part of me.

  “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck,” I moaned.

  He smacked my ass.

  “Yeah, you fucking like that, don’t you?”

  Then he slowed his thrusts, keeping me unbearably on the edge.

  “Please,” I moaned.

  He patted my ass, running his thumb up and down my crack leisurely, in time with his thrusts.

  “Sorry, sexy ass, we’re going at my pace. Not yours.”

  Enraged, I shoved my ass out further. His finger started circling my back hole. Amidst the frenzied thoughts of pleasure, one of fear entered my mind. He wasn’t actually going to do that, was he?

  As his cock strokes and finger circles picked up pace, when he burrowed the end of his thumb into my hole, I had my answer.

  I stiffened, and Mark paused. He patted my ass.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll go slow. You’ll like it”

  When I didn’t move, he slipped out his dick and thumb.

  “Or we can just stop if you’d rather.”

  A groan tumbled out of my mouth, while I shoved my ass out further. With a pleased grunt, he slipped his dick back into my pussy. In and out, in and—oh fuck yes. He was doing it nice and slow, fucking me smooth and deep and—was his finger probing my ass again?

  Right now, it felt so good, I hardly cared. Pussy being pounded, ass being fingered, whatever he was doing, it felt incredibly fucking good. Already I was back on the edge.

  As he fucked my pussy from behind, I swayed my hips in pleasure, grinding my ass onto his finger, onto his dick, onto pleasure itself. I didn’t just want more now—I needed it.

  Now he was railing me hard, our bodies slapping together, his finger now deep inside me. The rhythm swallowed me up with this feeling, this feeling, this motherfucker of a feeling.

  Until he slammed himself into me, hard, smacking my ass with his other hand. The feeling overtook me, flooded me and I came with a howl. As a tidal wave of pleasure crashed over me, my body shuddered with the glory of
it, collapsing on the bed.

  When I came to, Mark was still inside me, nice and hard. That wasn’t what was moving, however. No, he was stroking my back with his hand, up and down, head to toe. My legs still trembled, while the dance of his fingertips felt wonderful.

  “You’re really fucking hot, you know that?” Mark breathed into my cheek.

  Want rippled through me and I turned so our noses were touching. That was when I remembered.

  This was my boss who was still inside me. My boss from my dream job. Sure, it was also my sexy muscled boss who’d bought me drinks and come on to me in the club, but still.

  He seemed to sense my hesitation, because he kissed me softly now, tenderly. Then, taking my chin in his hands, with two fingers he lightly grabbed my lower lip. His hand snaked around to my ass and squeezed.

  Shit, I should stop, I know I should. But it felt too fucking good. My body was no longer under my control, even what I said next was provoked by this overwhelming feeling running through me: “We’re not finished now, are we?”

  His thick lower lip rose into a greedy smile.

  “You kidding me? Don’t you feel this?”

  He moved his dick inside me, and I groaned. Carefully sliding out, Mark kissed my cheek.

  “Don’t you worry, I bet your poor pussy is sore. It took quite a pounding. But don’t worry, I have something different in mind.”

  Now his fingertips were concentrated on my ass, up and down the cheeks. As much as it made me nervous, there was no denying the tendrils of pleasure that surged out from his fingers. Every touch of his body was wonderful, and this was no exception. It felt really fucking good. When his finger started tracing my ass crack, I couldn’t help it, I cooed with pleasure.

  But now he was teasing me, zigzagging his finger across my crack, sweeping it over my back hole, around it, never actually in it.

  Groaning, I pushed my ass out further onto his finger.

  “What’s that?” Mark asked, giving my butt a smacking kiss, “You want more?”


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