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The Baby Plan

Page 63

by Tia Siren

  Mark left to get me wash cloth.

  “For clean-up,” he said, with a smile.

  I wiped away Jake’s cum from between my legs. Then, I lolled my head in the direction of Mark.

  “You thinking what I’m thinking?” he asked.

  “I definitely am,” Jake said, stroking his hands up and down my ass.

  “Oh fuck,” I groaned, as Mark’s fingers joined him in between my legs.

  Mark patted me with an evil grin.

  “Oh this? This is nothing, Brookie. Just you wait.”

  “We’re going to have you screaming,” Jake growled into my neck as he dipped his finger into my ass.

  In and out, further and further Jake probed my ass, while Mark fingered my pussy. Ughhhh, it felt incredibly good having both holes stimulated.

  Suddenly, both paused. I opened my eyes to see them looking at each other.

  “I don’t know, what do you think?” Jake said.

  “I think you need some lube,” Mark said, reaching for the drawer in the bedside table.

  Jake dipped his finger into me deeper, stroking my g-spot.

  “Shit,” I gasped.

  Mark tossed the lube to Jake. I closed my eyes again.

  “Now?” Mark said.

  “Ready?” Jake said.

  And with that, Mark entered me. Just as my pussy smarted with the pleasure, Jake started easing himself into my ass.

  “Oh fuck no,” I groaned.

  “Oh fuck yes,” Jake growled back, grinding his dick into me further.

  Mark paused.

  “I can stop if you’d like—if you’re too filled.”

  He shoved his dick in deeper and I groaned. He was right—I was so incredibly fucking filled—and I loved it.

  “No, no, please,” I moaned.

  “No please what?” Jake asked.

  He slapped my ass and stuck his dick in the deepest yet.

  It felt so good, I could barely talk.

  “Please—I— more—in me. Please, please, please.”

  My voice was an unrecognizable whine by now, but the two men happily obliged. Mark pumped my pussy faster and harder, while Jake did the same to my ass. It was unthinkable, unbearable, this perfectly in sync pounding of both my holes at once. I was completely filled, completely pleasured. Already, my body was out of my control, flailing around, being used for pleasure. Animalistic noises that weren’t mine were tumbling out of my lips. Meanwhile my whole body had been swept up in the rhythm, the pleasure, the building—the fucking need. The urge. Everything was the urge, building and more, and everything was a light. My eyes were squeezed closed and everything was red. Red thrusts, red groans—red more and more and more!! And now I was screaming with it. In and out. More and more. Fuck and fuck. The throbbing was my body, and my body was the throb. Everything was obliterated. Pleasure so big it killed you. I was coughing with it, howling with it, crying with it. The orgasm to end all orgasms. As they spilled into me and I spilled back onto them.

  And even once we were finished, we were still entwined, one gasping, trembling body.

  Chapter 25


  I woke up with her in my arms—and his. Brooke was beside me, fast asleep—and so was Jake. They both looked peaceful. I stared at them for a minute, trying to process what had happened last night. It had been insane, like porno-hot and crazy-steamy. But still, it had been with the girl I liked and my best friend. How did I feel about it?

  Looking at Brooke now didn’t help. She looked how she had as we were both inside her, happier than I’d ever seen her. That had gotten her off like nothing else before, that was for sure. The inhuman howls that had shrieked out of her dirty mouth last night. So hot. And after, she’d looked so incredibly satiated. I wanted her to look like that more, all the time. But that was because we’d both been in her. Me—and Jake.

  I got up and padded downstairs to make coffee. There hadn’t yet been a situation so fucked-up that coffee couldn’t make more sense of it. Back upstairs in my bedroom, I was just setting two coffees down on the bedside table for Brooke and Jake, when Jake’s alarm went off.

  “Fuck,” he groaned.

  He slammed his palm on his phone until it shut-up. Peeking open an eye, he gazed dumbly at the mug of coffee.

  “You got coffee for me?”

  “No, dickface, they’re both for Brooke,” I retorted.

  Silence, while sleepy stupid Jake actually considered what I said. Then I cracked up and he cursed, heaving the pillow at my head.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Nooo, fuck you,” I said, catching the pillow.

  Sitting up, he lifted the mug to his lips. He glanced at Brooke’s still sleeping form, then at me.

  “So last night was—”

  “Weird,” I said, taking a sip of coffee myself.

  I’d already had a full mug-full of the deep nearly-black Ethiopian liquid. While I definitely felt more buzzed now, I didn’t feel any less weird about last night.

  “And yet, it was really fucking hot, wasn’t it?” I said, with a sigh.

  “Yeah,” Jake said, nodding sullenly. He made a face.

  “But still, last night—and even now— didn’t it feel like, wrong?”

  “What, you mean like morally wrong?”

  He nodded.

  “I mean seeing her with you, it made me angry—but horny too. And then a bit ashamed. I felt like I was failing my manly duty to beat you over it, or something.”

  I took a long slurp of my coffee.

  “Yeah, whatever you say, Doc,” I said.

  “Whatever, you know I’m right,” he replied.

  Silence. I didn’t want to admit it, but Jake probably was right. He was looking at me expectantly, as if reading my mind, the nosy dick. He wasn’t going to drop this—I’d have to do something.

  I lifted my mug to his and we toasted.

  “To weird fucked-up, yet hot nights with my best friend and the girl I have a crush on.”

  As our mugs clinked, Brooke peeped open one eye.

  “What’re you guys doing?” she mumbled sleepily.

  “Enjoying the morning, silly,” I said, “It’s Saturday. We slept all through Thursday and Friday.”

  For half-a-second Brooke bought it. Then, glaring at me, she flounced upright.

  “You jerk.”

  I smirked at Jake.

  “I’m on a roll this morning.”

  My gaze returned to Brooke. Even in the bright light of day, she was as hot as ever. Those full beautiful breasts, that generous sweep of her waist. Even the sweet light in her upturned hazel eyes. I was getting a boner again just looking at her.

  “Stop it,” she said, playfully covering herself with her hands. She flopped back onto the bed and covered herself with the sheet. Her gaze going first to Jake, she shyly said, “So, seriously though, what did you think? About last night.”

  Jake sighed.

  “Mark and I were just now talking about that.”

  “We thought it was hot, but potentially haunting,” I said, giving Brooke a chaste kiss on the cheek.

  She giggled.

  “Don’t pout Jake,” she said, turning to Jake, who was indeed, pouting, “Kiss me on the other cheek.”

  He did so, and she giggled some more.

  “I don’t know, I had even more fun than I expected,” she said, her face still lit up with an undeniable glow, “It all felt so steamy and slutty and just, I don’t know, hot. Makes me feel a bit weird that I enjoyed it as much as I did, but—I don’t know.”

  She threw her arms around us. I closed my eyes, and breathed in her scent. The singular smell her hair had—like cherries. Would this be what it was like if we were a throuple? Hot nights like last night, then awkward yet amicable mornings like now? And, more than that, would it be like this feeling now—feeling so warm and cared-for?

  I glanced over to see that Jake was looking at me with a piercing gaze, probably thinking the same thing. I drew away. Opening her eyes
, her smile fading, Brooke looked at me with concern.

  “So, what do you guys feel right now?”

  “I don’t know,” I said, then shook my head, “Okay, I feel pretty good. But also weird as hell.”

  “Same,” Jake said.

  Her gaze flicked between us, at once devilish and expectant.


  Jake patted her.

  “We don’t have to decide right now, do we? How about we get to work and see how it goes?”

  She nodded, her face registering disappointment.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  She got off the bed and then paused.

  “But you guys did enjoy it, right? I mean, you’re not just saying that to avoid hurting my feelings.”

  Jake smiled, sadly shaking his head.

  “I was kinda hoping I wouldn’t like it as much as I did, to be honest.”

  As Brooke beamed, he added “But that doesn’t mean I’ve agreed to this whole throuple thing.”

  “Me neither,” I said, “One thing at a time. First let me get my head around the whole threesome insanity of last night, and then I’ll start considering any more than that.”

  “That’s fair,” Brooke said.

  “Oh, but one more thing,” I said.

  “Yeah?” she asked.

  “Can I motorboat you, just one last time before work?” I asked.

  As my gaze plastered longingly onto her full pendulous tits, Brooke laughed.

  Rising, she got off the bed, letting the sheet fall to the ground. My breath caught in my throat. No matter how many times I saw those glorious tits of hers, it never got old.

  “Fine, but only if Jake gets to, too,” she was saying.

  “Fine, but I go first,” I said.

  The next second I was diving my head between her tits. Mmmm. As I shook my face back and forth and the wonderfully huge mounds mashed into me gloriously, it occurred to me that I was happy. Happy how I hadn’t been for months—years, maybe. This was ridiculous as hell, weird as fuck—I was motorboating a woman I’d fucked with my best friend last night as he watched and yet—it was undeniable—I was happy.

  Even after, watching Jake shake his face between her bouncing boobs with the same exuberance I had, all of us cracking up, I was. Happy.

  Although with her naked like that, it was hard to stay focused on the whole getting-to-work thing. Automatically, my hands snaked around her waist and my lips locked onto hers. Brooke pulled away, wagging a scolding finger in my face.

  “Don’t start with me,” she said, her eyes glinting mischievously.

  I smacked her ass and she let out a little whoop of surprised glee.

  “She’s right though,” Jake said, “We really do need to get to work. Getting there’s going to be a hassle as it is.”

  As we finished our coffees, Jake explained the situation and posed his plan to us.

  “We should get to work separately. The Marlin Street boys have been getting ravenous for a good story—it’s been months since they’ve gotten a good hit. Deidre’s told me that they’ve even started wandering around the clinic, trying to harass old patients. If they got the slightest whiff of us—”

  “It would be insanity,” Brooke said, her eyes widening with horror.

  “Okay, maybe it wouldn’t be that bad,” I began.

  “Drop me off at my apartment, I might have to be 15 minutes late if that’s okay,” Brooke said, in a strained voice.

  “Yeah, sure, if that’s what you want,” Jake said, “I really meant that you could go with one of us, just all three of us not showing up together, but—”

  “I’ll get there myself,” Brooke snapped.

  She raced over to find her dress and yank it on.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  She was throwing on her dress with a rapid insistency that was stress-inducing to watch.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” she said, in a voice of forced cheerfulness, “I just can’t have this getting out, okay? I don’t do well with public attention, especially not the negative kind. That’s all.”

  Jake patted her.

  “Yes, sure. Of course. We’re all very discreet, you know that.”

  Brooke paused, assuming an apologetic expression.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry, I just—it’s like I said, I don’t do so well with being made a spectacle of — it’s my biggest fear, actually.”

  I draped my arms around her, and, on the other side, Jake did the same.

  “Don’t worry,” I said, “We’ll protect you.”

  Although, as we left my house, I couldn’t ignore a very pertinent furrow of worry. Jake and I could only do so much. When it came down to it, if there was a good story to be had, the Marlin Boys usually fished it out eventually, whether those involved liked it or not.

  Chapter 26


  Thursday and today had gone better than I would have expected. Sure, it was a bit weird, bumping into Jake or Mark, glancing at them, and remembering what we’d done. But it was also a whole lot better than how things were before. Even though nothing had been decided yet, things were much more relaxed than before. Jake and Mark joked with each other, and ordered the whole office Chinese food—even Deidre, too. They’d invited me out tonight, but I’d turned them down. They’d been disappointed, but I’d made some excuse about girl time—an excuse I planned to make real.

  I’d made four attempts at a text to send to Karly, before I decided on this.

  ‘Sleepover tonight?’

  Once again, I badly needed her advice. The whole threesome thing had worked better than I’d hoped, but there were still a lot of things up in the air. Namely, whether Jake and Mark would actually agree to try out my proposal of being a three-person couple. And then there was this whole media thing. There was no way I could handle that being broadcast all over LA—what if my Mom found out?

  I flicked to my Mom’s number, then decided against it. What was I going to tell her? Hey, I know this sounds crazy, but what would you think of me having two boyfriends at once? The proposition was ludicrous.

  “Hell yeah, girl” Karly responded.

  An hour later, she was at my door, a whole bag of food in hand.

  “You have to tell me what happened!” she declared, as soon as she was inside.

  I sighed, accepting her bag of food. It was heavier than it looked.

  “Can we just eat and chat first, and then I tell you?” I asked.

  Karly rolled her eyes.

  “Sure, whatever. Though you’re going to have to help me with these cakes. I’m going to kill myself with cake overdose at this rate.”

  As Karly extracted the two cakes out of the brown paper bag, my tummy did a turn. Those were some big-ass cakes. And nice too, with their luxurious vanilla and chocolate rippled icing. One even read, ‘Dearest Karly’ in elegant blue icing script, which I couldn’t help but crack up at.

  “Wow, they really went all out.”

  “Yeah, they must really like you or something,” Karly said, nudging me with a shit-eating grin.

  We each took a cake, grabbing the biggest forks I had, and in no time we were digging in.

  Just five minutes into the cake-fest, I spilled.

  “Oh my God! You actually fucked both of them at the same time? That’s insane!” Karly cried.

  “I know,” I said.

  She flicked me with the back of her hand.

  “Cut it out, Brooke. Stop pretending you’re ashamed because you think you’re supposed to be.”

  I glared at her.

  “But I am supposed to be. This isn’t normal—or natural.”

  Karly shrugged. She went into the kitchen and returned with a bag of Doritos, which she immediately opened.

  “So?” she said, “You can’t help how you feel. What would you rather have—a sad dull half-life? Or a full life where you get what you really want, with whoever you choose, in whatever way you like.”

  I threw a bunch
of Doritos in my mouth and tried to lose myself in the spicy nacho goodness.

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  Karly tossed some chips in her own mouth.

  “That’s because things tend to be more obvious when you’re the outsider looking in.”

  “I guess,” I said, “It just scares me, all of this. I mean, the bigger picture, the implications. What if they don’t agree to it? Worse, what if they do and we all end up breaking up anyway?”

  Karly examined a half-broken Dorito in between her two neon pink fingernails.

  “I dunno, what did you really lose then? I don’t know about you, but for me, the things I end up regretting are the things I didn’t do—not the things I tried.”

  I nodded.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. But even without that, what if the media gets wind of it and publishes a big expose? You know, ‘Hot Docs Share More than a Medical Practice’ or something stupid like that.”

  Karly nodded, biting her cheesy lip.

  “Yeah, or ‘Two Rich Doctor’s Team Up to Give Nurse Her Holiday Bonus!’ Ha!”

  “Oh God, why did I start that? I knew better,” I said, only slightly horrified at our lame attempts at humor.

  Seriously Brooke, I was actually just about to mention the media thing to you. Did you hear about the new MTV reality show ‘Throuples?’ It looks absolutely scandalous, I can’t wait!”

  I groaned.

  “Kar, I’m being serious. This is my real life we’re talking about here. Not some hyped-up reality show.”

  “But actually,” she said, bouncing up and down on my couch, “Just imagine—the media picks up on your story, they interview you all and you end up getting cast on the show, making it go viral, naturally. Then, you’re rich and living happily ever after!”

  She clapped her hands together, her eyes bright and shiny with dollar signs.

  I grabbed the Dorito out of her hand and tossed it in my mouth.

  “Yeah, sorry but I don’t think it works like that?”


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