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Golden Torment

Page 25

by Janelle Taylor

  “I’m not sure I should accept your challenge.”

  “You’re an adventurer, Landis. You live for danger and challenges. Afraid you’ll lose this one? Or just afraid to find out?” she taunted, knowing there was only one way to get to him, one way to prove to him he was wrong and too cautious. Once these two weeks were gone, she had to know one way or the other if Landis’s heart could be won. She loved him and wanted him desperately; she must bravely take this chance, as she felt it would be her last one. Once he realized what it could be like between them, some of his barriers would be broken down. She had to prove love was worth the risk; that she was worth possessing for a lifetime.

  He eyed her skeptically. “You’re a brazen hussy,” he jested, hoping for one last stab at self-defense from her heady appeal.

  “It isn’t my fault; you made me that way,” she lightly parried his attempt to change her mind. “Just give me two weeks,” she coaxed.

  “If you fail, you’ll hate me,” he warned. He had offered a mock marriage, then tricked her. He had forced the secret about her father from Bill Thomas. She needn’t worry; he would locate Jake, but not for her. Afterwards, she would despise him, for it would cost her her father once more…

  “Will I?” she fired back, smiling seductively.

  “Defeat has a way of inspiring such emotions, love.”

  “What if I win?” she unflinchingly speculated.

  They stared at one another. “What if I say no?” Landis asked.

  “I’ll leave today for Dawson,” she vowed seriously.

  “I see…” he murmured thoughtfully. “Even if I say yes, you still can’t win, Kat. The timing’s all wrong. Two weeks or two months couldn’t make a difference right now. I would be lying if I allowed you to believe it would. I need more time, time you refuse me.”

  “I’m not demanding a commitment, Landis. I want to learn if there is a chance for us. To date, we’ve been at each other’s throats every time we meet. Isn’t it about time for a truce? Is that too much to ask?”

  “You’re fooling yourself, Kat; you want far more.”

  “And you don’t?” she asked apprehensively.

  “I can’t afford to fall into this golden trap.”

  “Why do you always refer to me as a trap?”

  “That’s what you are, woman, a golden trap to lure me into your clutches,” he teased. “Even if you prove whatever it is you’re trying to, I can’t yield. We’ll be back to battling again.”

  “Can’t? Or don’t want to?” she scoffed.

  “Can’t, for certain,” he confessed.

  “I promise you won’t be sorry. Afterwards, I won’t make any demands on you or your precious time. I want you to learn that sharing love and yourself aren’t so terrible. Just this once, give us some time and effort.”

  “It’s the sharing I can’t do at present. I’ve already told you I can’t reveal my business or personal life, not even to my wife.”

  “I don’t give a damn about your secrets! Only you. I won’t ask a single question. If I say anything that annoys you, just tell me and I’ll hush.”

  “Mighty tempting terms, woman. I just wonder if you can keep them.”

  “Try me. The minute I fail to keep my end of the bargain, you can kick me out. What have you got to lose?” she anxiously bargained.

  “What if you become habit-forming?” he jested.

  “That’s your problem,” she stated with a silvery laugh.

  “That’s been my problem ever since I met you.”

  She laughed and approached him, moving her hands provocatively up and down his firm chest. “Is it such a despicable one?”

  “You’re asking for trouble, Kat; you know that, don’t you?”

  “Perhaps,” she acknowledged seductively, easing up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “But you certainly make a stirring bundle of it.”

  He savored the sweetness of her mouth and touch, then leaned back and stared into her liquid eyes. “Two weeks, then you’ll go back to Skagway to wait for me there?” he prompted.

  Wait for him there? Why not here, or go with him? She smiled, feeling a heady sense of victory already. “I promise.”

  “Then you’re on,” he quickly accepted her challenge, covering her receptive mouth with a stirring kiss. “You realize breakfast will have to wait? I’m starved for more than food right now.”

  “So am I,” she huskily concurred.

  He slipped the straps from her shoulder, then unfastened the ties on her camisole. Kathy shamelessly allowed him to fully undress her, then himself. He lifted her in his arms and returned to the bed. He lay her there and joined her, stretching out beside her, where he reached for the covers and drew them over their nude bodies.

  “You’re so beautiful, Kat. Every time I look at you I want you. I must be the biggest fool around, but I’m going to rashly surrender.”

  She smiled as she offered her lips and body to him. Nothing mattered now, except having him. His lips tenderly ravished hers and he revelled in this newfound treasure. His hand slipped down soft skin to cup a firm breast and gently fondled it. It left to explore the full length of her body for as far as it could travel. His hand moved slowly over her chest, arms, and down her flat stomach. He deftly visited every curve and mound which came to his seeking fingers. Her flesh was so silky and yet sleekly firm. It was warm and pliant beneath his eager touch.

  The enflaming expedition continued down her shapely hips and over slender thighs, to return by the inland trail to find a peak as yet unexplored. He lingered, testing and mapping his claim. His mouth slipped to her breasts to excite her beyond control, his warm tongue climbing each summit, to leisurely circle it and retreat to form another heady assault. His mouth and hands roved freely and wildly, stimulating her to a boldness of her own.

  Kathy’s trembling fingers wandered into his soft black hair. She drew him closer to her aching body. Her hand slid down his neck and played over the rippling muscles which flexed with his movements. His body was splendid, like a work of art. The flesh was hard, yet vital and smooth. She stroked his brawny shoulders and powerful arms, finding a small scar here and there.

  Her exploratory trek took her over his supple buttocks and slim hips. Such power and passion could be felt within him. She moaned as her own passion heightened. His mouth came back to hers, nibbling at her lips and pressing kisses over her closed eyes. He whispered arousing words into her ears, teasing at the lobes so his warm respiration thrilled her. Her hand touched something, a hard object, which drew a groan from his lips…

  Her hand closed around Landis’s manhood, relishing the warmth and feel of it. He moved slightly, easing it back and forth within her gentle grasp. How intoxicatingly wanton and wonderful she felt. He eased between her thighs and guided himself into that warm, moist canal. Kathy arched to meet the entry which her body demanded to possess. He began moving provocatively, tantalizing her with the ecstasy of their contact. She gave herself over to this compelling dream-come-true.

  His kisses became seductively savage, almost desperate in his attempt to give free rein to her passions as he tightly restrained his own. The blissful tension increased until she could stand no more. She cried out and clung to him as passion claimed its prize. He dismissed his control, to simultaneously travel the far reaches of pleasure with her.

  Kathy mentally catalogued the stirring words he helplessly whispered into her ear as passion thundered through his body, “Kat, my love, my treasure more precious than gold, more wanted than freedom.”

  She tightened her embrace and rode the wild and carefree waves with him. His mouth claimed hers in a tender and lingering kiss as his drumming heart and ragged respiration slowed to normal. He rolled over, pulling her atop him, unwilling to release her. She curled against his body, both relaxed and satisfied. She dropped light kisses upon his shoulder as she fingered the furry covering on his chest. She listened to his thudding heart and smiled happily, sensing that even her inexperience in love had not fa
iled to please him.

  “Are you sorry you yielded, my intrepid guide?” she murmured contentedly. “I’m not such a terrible wife.”

  “You’re a wily vixen who’s cast her magic spell over me.” His hand stroked her hair, then moved down to pull her more tightly against him. “I’m a possessive and demanding guide, Kat. Think you can tolerate me?”

  “Completely, my love, completely.”

  “Hungry?” he asked after a while.

  “Not anymore,” she gaily remarked.

  “I meant for food,” he chuckled, enjoying her new spirit.

  “Ravenous,” she replied.

  “Think we can join forces and rustle up some chow?”

  “I think I can manage alone. I must prove my value.”

  “You just did, and most enjoyably.”

  She cocked her head to meet his twinkling eyes. “As I said, some dreams are free. I’ll take good care of you while I’m here, Mr. Jurrell. You might discover I’m nice to have around for many reasons. The last time you were in Moore’s camp, you did rant about expecting good service for your pay. And you did just pay me a very high salary.”

  “Is that a fact, Mrs. Jurrell?” he crooned, smiling.

  “Indeed it is. Naturally I’m not as skilled as the women you’re accustomed to, but I will try hard not to disappoint you. With time and effort, and a lot of tutoring from my dashing guide, I think I can keep you from being bored or restless.”

  He feigned dismay. “If you get any better, I know I’m in trouble. As far as I can see, you’re the only temptation around these parts.”

  “You flatter me, kind sir.”

  He laughed. “Show your husband what other talents you possess; work me up a sturdy breakfast.”

  “At your service, Mr. Jurrell,” she said, kissing him.

  He eyed her suspiciously when she began to snuggle against him and boldly roam his body. “The stove’s over there,” he huskily muttered.

  “I know,” she responded, but continued her enticing game.

  “You trying to tell me something, woman?”

  She glanced up and laughed. “Only that I love you and love being here,” she fearlessly answered, then rolled off the bed to dress.

  “Halt!” he commanded. “You’ve got a few things to learn, woman. You don’t heat a man up, then toss cold water on him.”

  She looked at her hands, then innocently told him, “I don’t have any cold water, love. I was just going to fix your breakfast, even if it is midday. I can’t allow my husband to starve.”

  His smoldering gaze scanned her naked body, then fused with her amusing one. Before she could playfully avoid his grasp, he seized her hand and yanked her back into bed. He pinned her squirming body beneath his, then kissed her until she was breathless. Holding her imprisoned, he worked feverishly on each breast until she cried out for mercy. He placed his taunting face within inches of hers and reprimanded, “Tease me, will you?”

  Between giggles and thrashings, she vowed, “I didn’t.”

  “To promise a venture, then to stop in your tracks isn’t safe around me, woman. I take promises and challenges seriously.”

  She eyed him mischievously and mockingly asked, “You mean I can’t kiss you without making love?”

  “Not the way you were touching me while doing it.”

  “Then, I won’t touch you when I kiss you.”

  “That’ll be a feat to witness!” he exclaimed merrily.

  He watched her give that exclamation some thought. Her eyes were soft and alluring, her manner was inviting. “You know something, Kat? It’s good to have you here,” he rashly admitted.

  Surprise crossed her face. “You really mean that?”

  “Yep. Let’s eat, woman. I’m starved and I’m one meal up on you.”

  “You rogue! You let me sleep while you were stuffing!”

  “I tried to rouse you, but you just wanted to sleep. I’m sorry I had to be so rough on you yesterday,” he apologized again.

  “Next time, you won’t have to,” she promised.

  “If we get in the same predicament again, I most assuredly will be the same way. You owe me, woman, and I plan to keep you around to collect. If I have to be rude to force you to survive, then I will,” he warned, his expression serious.

  “You are possessive and demanding. Maybe I’m getting into more than I realized. Maybe I should give this deal more thought.”

  “Not on your life. A bargain’s a bargain. You’re here for the duration of your challenge, my golden torment.”

  “Golden torment? From the way you were enjoying yourself earlier, I’m anything but that,” she corrected him.

  “For the next two weeks. But what about after you leave?”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to deal with that when the time comes. If I’m to be miserable and lonely, you should be too.”

  “You’re spiteful, Kat. Why would you want me suffering like that?”

  “Because you bring it on yourself. It doesn’t have to be…” Hastily recalling her promise to him, she smiled and stated, “I can’t cook breakfast here, my charming gold-digger.”

  He caught her slip and hesitation. “Need any help? I’m experienced.”

  “You’re skilled in many areas, my love. Thanks, but I can manage. I’ve certainly had lots of practice since coming here.”

  “In cooking?” he devilishly hinted.

  “In lots of areas, Mr. Jurrell. But you do seem to be my tutor most of the time. Whatever would I do without you?”

  “Any regrets there?”

  “None. At least not yet,” she added, biting his shoulder.

  “Ouch! You trying to punish me for something?”

  “No, just branding my property. You see, Mr. Jurrell, I’m also possessive and demanding.”

  “I was afraid of that. What female isn’t?”

  “Do you mind? After all, it’ll only be for two short weeks.”

  “Don’t remind me,” he murmured, kissing her soundly.

  He rolled aside and waved his hand for permission to arise. She grinned and stood up. “Any water to freshen up with?”

  “On the stove. I’m a mind-reader,” he warned with a sly grin.

  “I hope not,” she threw over her shoulder. She bathed and dressed while he stretched out on the bed to allow her some privacy. Odd, she didn’t feel embarrassed. But then again, the area where the beds were was partitioned off with walls of hewn logs.

  As she pulled on her clothes, Kathy studied her new surroundings. The cabin was large and homey looking. It was composed of two small bedrooms and one large room used as the kitchen and living area. At the far end was a storage closet. The windows were covered with heavy curtains, displaying a pretty pattern in deep blue and bold yellow on a dark tan background. She was astonished to observe several plush chairs and one short sofa! There was a handmade table near the brown sofa and beside one of the royal blue chairs. A wooden desk was in one corner of the living area, but the roll-top was down and no doubt locked.

  The room was neat and clean. Several pelts were secured to the walls here and there, but no pictures could be seen. There was a lantern on the top of the desk and one on either small table. Another oil lamp was suspended from the ceiling in the center of the circle of chairs and sofa. She noted a wooden bookcase near the side wall, containing many books which she would scan later. She would later learn the windows had barred shutters, both inside and out to combat the harshest weather.

  She noted the bar across the door, along with a sturdy lock. Her exploratory gaze roamed the kitchen area. There was a square eating table with four chairs. A row of cabinets lined one wall, holding dishes and staples. There was another working table next to the stove for preparation of meals and for washing dishes. Secured to hooks above that table were cooking pans and another larger one for dishwashing. Beneath the table she could see a few barrels which probably contained flour and such. A door opened off this area into a storage shed used for a large supply
of firewood and gear for trapping and gold-mining.

  She closed the door and went to the stove. A glowing fire was burning there. She smelled the coffee and sighed appreciatively. Kathy reached for an apron, but suddenly found Landis tying it around her waist for her. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “Find everything you need, love?” he asked, observing she hadn’t started the meal yet.

  “You have a nice home, Landis. I bathed and dressed first. I haven’t looked for things yet. Save me time, and point them out.”

  Her study would have to continue later. Evidently the other room belonged to this Ben Weathers. No doubt it was much like Landis’s: a large bed, one tall chest, one chair, one trunk at the foot of the bed, and a triangular closet built into one corner. Sufficient for a man alone, she decided. Oddly, there was a picture hanging on his bedroom wall, an oil painting which depicted a winter scene of this territory.

  The cabin squared off, Landis’s room opened into the eating area while Ben’s opened into the living area: side by side with two doors, but only one closed. She wouldn’t go in there unless given permission for cleaning. The cabin was well constructed, snug and cozy. She was standing near the fireplace, where rocks reached from floor to ceiling and spanned over seven feet from side to side.

  “You like it?” he pressed anxiously.

  “Yes. I must admit it’s quite a surprise for a bachelor’s quarters. I didn’t realize loners fared so neatly or comfortably. I can see you do very well on your own. It has a warm and friendly atmosphere.”

  “I take it you won’t mind your stay here after all?”

  She glanced around and sighed. “I think it will be most pleasant, and enlightening,” she surmised, winking at him. “Now, how about a guided tour of your kitchen before we starve?”

  It didn’t take long working together to have fragrant biscuits cooking in the black stove’s oven, cured ham frying in an iron skillet, and gravy simmering in another smaller skillet. They sipped coffee as they worked, each enjoying this genial setting. It seemed as though they were alone in the world. Landis took dishes from the cabinet and Kathy placed them on the table. He passed her tin salt and pepper dispensers, then joked about not needing the sugar. She giggled and told him to set it out anyway.


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