Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)

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Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) Page 28

by Jude Ouvrard

  ''Abbie, are you okay?'' Presley asks in a concerned voice, cupping my cheek gently. ''Do you need to go to the doctor?''

  ''Presley, please, relax. I just need to go home and take a warm bath with that vanilla essential oil you have.'' I say, as I cough again for what seems the millionth time. ''Or maybe I just need a cold shower and to eat something.''

  ''You got me so scared.''

  ''Again, please relax. I'm fine. We were just jogging and I pushed myself too hard.'' I sneak a peek at Joshua. ''And your brother was nothing but nice.''

  ''Sorry, Josh. After all Abbie has been through, I can’t bear to see her hurting in any way.''

  Joshua nods and they shake hands. Problem solved. He then offers me his hands, and I place mine in his, without hesitation. I try to get up, but I'm not sure I trust my legs to hold me. They’re shaking, and I get the impression that if they could talk, they would be yelling at me to sit the hell down. I ignore them, and walk slowly to Presley’s car. I settle in the front seat and Joshua sits in the back. Joshua and I are both covered in sweat, and I know we must stink. Presley doesn’t even eat in his car; it’s his pride and joy, so it means a lot to me that Presley doesn’t say a word about how disgusting we both are. It feels so much better to be sitting now, but I know by tomorrow morning I will regret my overexertion. I’m going to be sore, so a nice easy day, starting with breakfast in bed, sounds like a good plan. A very good plan.

  When we get home, Presley runs a warm bath. I grab something to eat, a bowl of fruit salad. It's the only thing that I can work up any enthusiasm for right now. My stomach is still upside down.

  Presley walks me to the bathroom and helps me get undressed. I'm not going to laugh because it would hurt his feelings, but his over-protectiveness is getting out of control. He is more than perfect, he is beyond words, but I could have easily undressed myself. Nothing major here. I went out to run, I went too far, I puked. No danger. Just my plain stupidity. To my surprise, he joins me in the bath. This is getting better and better. I'm eating my fruit slowly, bite after bite. He pulls my legs towards him and starts massaging my left calf and then my right one. His touch still feels special, each of his fingers pressing gently on my hurting muscles, it hurts, but it feels so good at the same time. My thighs are next, followed by....oh, yeah. Exactly. God!

  Presley will always be Presley. Taking care of me had more than one purpose, and he proved that he would do anything to make sure I was feeling better. I'm feeling much better; utterly sated and feeling no more pain. For now, at least.



  I TRY HARD to understand Abbie, but sometimes I just don't. She looks great, I don't see any changes in her figure. I know she’s afraid that her dress won't fit, but she decides now that she needs to start running daily and only eating veggies with grilled chicken? It must be the wedding jitters getting to her.

  Three days ago, she went overboard and Joshua had to call because she had made herself sick. She took a day off from running and this morning, she left with Joshua again, half an hour ago to be exact, promising to take it easy this time. At least I know Joshua will be watching over her. She can try to hide it all she wants, but I know she doesn't feel good when she returns. She looks exhausted and out of breath. Yesterday, she ate her breakfast and had to lie down afterwards because she felt dizzy. She said she drank too much water. I don't want to argue with her, but she knows what I think about her daily jogging plan. If she was running and feeling great afterwards, I wouldn’t mind, but right now, I think she’s hurting herself more than anything. It’s worrying me. Why is she really doing this? I don’t believe she gained weight.

  While she’s out, I work on the photo album I plan to give her during the wedding ceremony. It includes all our best photographs. We have a lot. We have tons from New York City alone. We have some from South Carolina, but she isn’t smiling in those photos. She is thoughtful and pensive. It was a sad period in her life, but she was stunning nonetheless. We also have photos taken at home. Some of them were taken while she was sleeping. She looks like a heavenly star, I swear. I always have a camera nearby, ready to take a few shots. She's used to it now. The album represents all of our time together; the short, amazing period of time that we’ve known each other. It shows how happy we are together...I want this album to be the first of many.

  There is one thing that I think is missing from our lives. I wish Abbie had more guests to invite to the wedding. She must have had friends during her teenage years. She must have kept in contact with some friends. I wish she could spend this important day with people that she loves, other than my family. The only person who could help me with the problem now is Cameron. I don't know any of her extended family, so I will need his help. I will also have to advise Lucia about the changes if I manage to sort something out. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to add more guests. Lucia just loves to be surrounded by people.

  What about Dwayne? I should try and call him.

  I dial Cameron’s number first and it seems awkward, to say the least. While I’ve accepted his friendship with Abbie, I’m still pretty dubious about how Cameron feels about her. I’m not convinced he’s not still holding a candle for her.

  ''Hello,'' Cameron answers the phone, sounding nonchalant.

  ''Hi Cam. It's Presley Williams. I won’t keep you long. I just have a question ''

  ''Sure, let’s hear it,'' he says with no qualms.

  ''I was just wondering if you knew any of Abbie’s friends or relatives. I’d like it if some of them could come to the wedding, and I’m hoping you could help me to arrange it.''

  ''Oh...hmm...I guess I could ask my dad. He and Abbie’s dad used to get along well and hmm...I could ask a few of her old friends, too, but I have to be honest–she hasn’t seen or talked to them in over three years. They might not want to come.''

  ''Do what you can. I just want Abbie to be happy. It would mean a lot to her to see some of her old friends.''

  ''I’ll see what I can do. I’ll call you back later, to let you know. ''

  ''Perfect, thanks, man.''

  ''No problem.''

  I call Lucia to warn her we might have additional guests. She's excited for Abbie, and says she thinks it will be a great surprise. She warns me she’ll need the firm numbers soon. I know I'm doing this at the last minute, I should have thought about it before. We only have a week and a half left before the big day. I smile just at the thought of it. I can’t wait to see Abbie walk down the aisle, I'm certain she will be absolutely perfect. I hear Abbie coming into the apartment. I snatch up all the photos from my desk and hide them in a drawer. When Abbie appears in the doorway, her clothes are damp with sweat, her face is red and she’s breathing heavily. But she smiles and looks proud of herself.

  ''Better?'' I ask curiously.

  ''Yeah...'' She breathes in-and-out for a minute before she continues. ''I’m better today. I used to run all the time with Cam. It was part of our daily routine. I was in top shape back then.''

  ''OK. Now get that cute little ass of yours in the shower; we’re going out.''

  ''Really?” She throws me a playful glance. ''You’d better get your cute little ass in the shower, too, young man. We have business to attend to.''

  I roll my eyes at her. ''Always so romantic.''

  ''Always, and it’s your fault.'' She takes off her sport top, leaving her breasts bare. ''You make me greedy because you never cease to please me. Let me taste your lips, fiancée of mine.'' She kisses me. ''Mmm, I love your cologne. So masculine.'' She kisses my neck. ''And this.'' She grabs my crotch. ''I love this.''

  ''Abbie, stop the dirty talk, or we won’t make it to the shower.''

  ''Suit yourself, Mr. Williams.'' She takes her running pants off. She's naked in the middle of the kitchen, her eyes fixed on mine...and there’s no way I can stop her. I take off my sweat pants and the tension between us mounts. We’re looking at each other, wondering who will make the first move. I’m dying
to touch her and she’s grinning as if she knows I no longer have any willpower to even pretend like I could resist her.

  I wait as long as I can, which translates to maybe fifteen seconds, and then I give up. I grip her shoulders and I pull her into my arms. Our lips meet and I know my body is losing control. I’m always reacting to her, so strongly. Her small hands are holding me against her, as she moans into my ear.

  “Couch or bed?” she asks.

  “Kitchen counter,” I retort, lifting her up onto the bench and she squeals in delight.

  Where I make love to her doesn’t matter, as long as it’s now. I can’t wait any longer. I need her.


  Jamie is the only friend I can think of to call. It was always us three. Abbie was my best friend for numerous years and Jamie always tagged along. She brought the balance between us. Abbie had a girl for her girly stuff, and she had me for everything else. Before she turned sixteen, Abs used to be such a tomboy. Her feminine side was hidden for a long time. She never wore pink or any other girly colors, for that matter. Blue was her favorite. It changed when we started dating more seriously, she wanted to be pretty for me and she wanted me to find her attractive. She wouldn’t listen when I told her how perfect she was. Abbie’s always been so stubborn.

  I haven’t seen Jamie much in the past year. Being in South Carolina didn’t make it easy. She had Marcus in her life, too. I wonder if they’ve gotten engaged, or even married. They always seemed like the perfect couple with one another. Thinking about it, Marcus might want to come, too. Anyway, I’ll call Jamie, and see what happens from there.

  ''Cam?'' I could recognize the surprise in her voice to hear from me.

  ''Yeah. Hi, Jamie.''

  ''What’s up? It’s been a while.''

  She's right, a pretty long while. ''I have something to ask you. You just need to be open-minded when you answer.'' I lapse into silence for a few seconds. I'm not sure where to start exactly, it’s difficult, when Abbie left everyone behind after she started dating Dean. ''You remember Ryan and Erin, Abbie’s parents. You know they both passed away, right?''

  ''Oh my God, Cam. I knew about Ryan, but I hadn’t heard about Erin.''

  ''Yeah, she died a few months ago. So, anyway, Abbie and I are friends now, and she’s hmm... well...she's getting married to this other guy that I'm friend’s with, too. I’ll be walking Abbie down the aisle, since she has no family, and now her boyfriend, I mean her fiancé, is asking me if Abbie has some friends he could invite to be her guests. So I thought of you. Would you like to come?'' I silently curse, knowing I’ve screwed up this invitation in a huge way.

  ''Cam... this is fucked up; you know that right?'' I know she's concerned about my well-being. She always knew how I felt about Abbie, how devastated I was when Abbie broke up with me.

  ''Yep...I do.'' I laugh, trying to lighten the tone of the conversation.

  There was silence at the other end of the line for a minute, and then. ''How is she?''

  ''Same old Abbie. Presley is good to her. Not like that jerk, Dean.''

  ''Good for her. Yeah, well, I have to admit I’ve thought about her a lot since she broke off our friendship when she broke up with you. I guess I could come along. Where is the wedding, in Portland?''

  ''No, Seattle. I could come and pick you up if you’d like. My dad, is coming too. ''

  ''Oh yeah? That would be great.''

  Good. My dad, Jamie, and myself–just like old times.

  ''Do you think Marcus will come, too?''

  There’s a long pause at the other end of the line. I know Jamie is still there, but she remains ominously.

  ''Marcus is with Mackenzie now. Remember, that little brat, two grades younger than us?'' she asks sadly. ''He broke up with me two months ago. I’ll go alone, if that’s alright?''

  Marcus is with Mackenzie? I can’t believe it. I swear, I thought Jamie and Marcus would marry and have fifteen kids together. Apparently, I got that wrong. Things have changed in a year. I'm gonna have to talk to Marcus. I still can't believe it.

  I text Presley to let him know that they’ll need to add two extra seats. I'm excited about the idea. Abbie will go crazy when she sees Jamie. Abs cut all ties with us when she broke up with me. I think she felt like she had to. I’ll bet it was as hard for her as it was for Jamie and me. We kept in touch for a little while, but things were never the same. We’d shared so much together, all of our firsts basically, and the beginning of our adult life.

  I just hope Abbie still has a place in her life for Jamie. We used to be the best buddies in the neighbourhood.


  This morning, I woke up as Abbie Rylee, and by twilight, I will become Abbie Williams. Mrs. Williams. I can’t stop smiling to myself and I have butterflies dancing around erratically in my belly. I'm over the top excited...feeling as giddy as a school-girl. I’ve been very emotional this morning. I'm ecstatic, but a big part of me wishes that my parents were here. I will miss them so much today. I keep repeating to myself that all the people I love, and all the people who love me, will be here today, and that’s all that matters. My parents will be watching me from heaven, and I'm convinced they will savor every second of it. I hope they are proud of me. My life changed so much since I left Dean. When I decided to break up with him, I ended a chapter and I never looked back. Look where it got me, it’s more than I have ever wished for. My life is now a fairy-tale and I’m convinced that my parents are proud of the decisions I took.

  While I’m still lost in my thoughts, Joy-Anna is working on my hair with Alicia. So far it's beautiful; I like it... it’s not too much. I don't look like I’m entering a beauty pageant, which would make me uncomfortable. They add some curls and braids, loosely sweeping them up on the sides. It's very simple and low maintenance. I won't need to touch it up throughout the day. It gives me a bohemian look. My makeup is very light. They put a pale shade of purple on my eyelids, and match it with a dark purple eyeliner. I worried they were going to go overboard, but they have respected my desire for simplicity. Joy-Anna, Alicia, and I have come to know each other well over the past few months. They know the real me, and they accept me the way I am. They didn’t push me to try something more avant-garde. I’d rather have something subtle than too flashy.

  Lucia enters the room and she looks incredible. She's wearing the pearl set she showed me with a knee-length beige dress, embroidered in lilac flowers. It looks fabulous on her, and I love that she went with the theme colour for her outfit as well. Her long brown hair has been curled, and hangs softly around her face.

  ''Are you girls ready for the dress?'' Lucia asks, sounding excited. She's proudly holding up my gown. I’ve seen her smile before, but today there is something magical about her. I think she’s truly enjoying the day, almost as much as I am. Today is the culmination of her long hours of hard work.

  ''I think we are,'' Joy-Anna agreed.

  I get up and Alicia helps me out of my robe. I'm wearing my bridal underwear and I find it intimidating. It’s utterly sexy, and I think I look exceptionally good in it. I can’t wait to see Presley’s reaction when he sees me. He’s going to go crazy. A good crazy. I have to stop thinking about it, or my blushing will give me away, and I’ll have to explain what it is that I'm thinking about. Lucia and Joy-Anna are holding the dress low to the ground, and I step in carefully, sending up a silent prayer that the dress fits.

  Alicia is standing behind me, fastening all twenty buttons down the back of the gown. I feel it getting tighter, but thankfully, it's not too tight. I can move and I can still breathe. My nerves are finally letting up. It fits. All that worrying was for nothing. I sigh in relief and smile. So typical of me!

  ''I told you the dress would fit, Abbie. You put yourself through hell for nothing,'' Joy-Anna announces smugly.

  I didn't. It probably fits today because I ran every day. I simply smile back at Joy-Anna.

  Lucia holds the leather jewellery box in one hand, slowly opening it with the o
ther, smiling at the sight of the antique necklace. She takes it from the box and gently places it around my neck. It's perfect. I'm honored that she is letting me borrow it. My dreams are coming true; I look like a princess. My hair, my necklace, my gown, everything is exactly what I dreamed of as a young girl. My eyes are swimming in an ocean of unshed tears. I'm trying to hold back the tears to keep my makeup intact.

  ''Thank you Lucia, for everything; the dress, the necklace, I’ll forever be grateful.'' I say, and she replies by kissing my hair in appreciation.

  I will not be able to stop smiling today. Joy-Anna is holding my bouquet. I see orchids, freesias and roses. The mix of flowers produces a soft fragrance. It’s refreshing and romantic. I'm in love with that smell. And, I have to admit, it looks amazing. Everything is impeccable.

  ''Abbie, are you ready?'' Alicia asks, with a radiant smile that reminds me of a model on a magazine cover.

  ''As I’ll ever be.'' My hands are starting to tremble, I'm so nervous. I can't wait to see Presley. I haven't seen him since yesterday during lunch. I know as soon as I see his smile, I will feel better. I just need to see him and know that he is close to me. Joy-Anna insisted that we spend some time apart before the wedding, and this was as much as we were willing to do.

  ''I'm going into the main room to get Cameron.'' Alicia hugs me tightly. ''God, you make a good bride, just like in a magazine,'' she says as she turns to get my friend. I cannot describe how much Cameron means to me. He was always there for me, even on this day, he still is.

  ''Sure.'' I do everything I can to calm down and control my trembling hands.

  I don't think there was ever a time in my life where I was as certain about a decision as I am about this day. It’s exactly what I want. I feel that I'm at a turning point in my life. It all happened so fast, but like my father used to say, everything happens for a reason. I’m just happy that Presley found me that night; my life has been so much better since our eyes first met. That night, my destiny changed for the better.


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