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Twice Promised (The Blue Willow Brides Book #2): A Novel

Page 12

by Brendan, Maggie

  She smiled at him. “They could be—especially when I start sewing for Agnes. She seems to be a lady of influence. Maybe other ladies will consider ordering dresses through me instead of that.” She pointed to the Montgomery Ward catalog on the counter in front of them. “I’m not bad with a needle, but I’ll need a small area of space to sew.”

  He laid the papers aside, then placed his hands on his hips. “What are you going to ask for next? Wait! Don’t answer. I’m sure you have something churning in that pretty little head of yours.” His eyes fell on the locket she fingered absentmindedly on its chain, and his face softened. He sighed in exasperation. “You win. I’ll see what Zach thinks.” He called out to Caleb, “Come on, let’s get the last of the supplies unloaded now that the rain has stopped.”

  “Sure thing,” Caleb answered, pulling his gloves back on.

  Greta flashed Jess a smile. “You won’t regret it. Dank U wel.”


  “It means thank you in Dutch.”

  “Hold on—I never said I agreed yet.” He turned to follow Caleb outside.

  “Oh, don’t forget to fix that doorjamb tomorrow,” she called. He paused with his hand on the doorknob and let out a huff, and she covered her mouth to stifle a giggle.


  Zach hurried back to the carriage where everyone was waiting for him to drive over to the Meads’. His heart thumped, keeping time with his quick footsteps as he clutched the forget-me-nots he’d quickly gathered on the hillside where he liked to walk. In a short time he’d determined they should go ahead with the nuptials so life could settle back into place. He liked Greta well enough, and her beauty could set a man’s blood to boil, even if she did like to be in control of things. But even that was turning out to be a good thing for the mercantile store. He intended to take her to Granny’s himself even if he had to rent a horse so they could get a few moments alone. After that he’d know better how to proceed.

  She was warming up to him. He was pretty sure he was ready for her. Wasn’t he? Why else would his heart race and his hands get sweaty whenever he was close to her? He almost laughed out loud at his thinking. When he was writing the letters to her and Cora, he had never considered marriage. However, the idea became very appealing once he met Greta.

  “Where have you been?” Jess glared at him as he drew close to the carriage, Cora seated next to him. Caleb sat in the back and Greta across from him. “We’ve been waiting.”

  Zach swung his legs up and plopped down next to Greta. “I had something to attend to. Let’s get going,” he said. He turned to Greta and withdrew the flowers, still damp from the rain, from behind his back. “These are for you.” He heard Jess’s humph as he set the horses in a trot down the street in the direction of Silas’s farm.

  “Oh, how thoughtful. These are beautiful!” She held the flowers to her nose. “With such a delicate fragrance. What are they called?”

  “Forget-me-nots. They’re a perfect match to the blue in your eyes now that you’re holding them close. They have almost no smell in the daytime, but they do late in the day and evening.” His face burned, but it was worth it to have her look at him as she did now, her sky-blue eyes sparkling. His pulse quickened as he watched her arrange her full skirts and was struck once again at her slender, attractive figure. “It’s not every day that a man gets a chance to sit next to a pretty lady.”

  A pink color tinged her cheeks, and the late afternoon breeze lifted silken strands of hair at her forehead. He couldn’t help but wonder what she’d look like with her hair down, brushing her slender shoulders.

  “I’m sure I’m looking a little worse for wear after all that we did today, but thank you just the same—and for the flowers.” She lowered her eyes, and Zach was surprised at her modest response. She appeared to be confident most of the time, but maybe she wasn’t used to receiving compliments, which he found hard to believe.

  “You look as fresh as these flowers,” he said, glancing over her blue homespun dress with approval. “Maybe they can be the ones you carry when we’re married.”

  Now where had that come from? He’d sworn to himself he was going to wait until they were alone before he brought that up. He saw her back stiffen. Was that her answer? Was he rushing things? After all, that’s what she’d come for. His heart sank. Had he pushed her too soon?

  Caleb shifted in his seat, then stared out at the mountains as though pretending not to have heard.

  “Well . . . I . . . don’t know what to say.” She tilted her face up to gaze at him, and his heart raced.

  Zach swallowed hard. “Well, that is what you’re here for, isn’t it?” He took her small hand, noticing how soft it felt in his large, calloused one. “We could be married next week.” They hit a bump in the road, slinging Greta against his chest, and he held her a moment, breathing in the sweetness of her hair and lavender soap smell. She pulled back and adjusted the cape around her shoulders. “Unless you need more time . . .”

  “I . . . suppose we could . . . I guess I wasn’t expecting it so soon.” She pulled away, fingering the petals on the flowers, keeping her gaze averted.

  “I’m sorry. Can you forgive me?” He glanced at Caleb, who appeared to pay them no mind. Leastways, the boy wasn’t dumb. Zach was thankful that Cora and Jess were happily chatting at the front of the carriage instead of eavesdropping.

  “I forgive you, Zach, but I’m a little worried since you said yourself that you weren’t even considering marriage when you met us at the train depot. Are you telling me that by week’s end you’ve had a change of heart?”

  “That was before I met you and before I told Jess about the situation. Now I find myself very attracted to you. I see no reason to wait a month. I’ll be a good husband to you, and one day I’ll provide you with a ranch and some cattle—and children too.”

  One shapely brow quirked as she turned to look him squarely in the eye. “I wasn’t aware that you wanted to be a rancher.”

  “I do. Jess is the mercantile man, not me. I need to be outdoors working with my hands. Why, does being married to a rancher not appeal to you?”

  She gave a soft laugh. “No, that’s not it. I’ve worked on a farm. I guess I can learn to be a rancher’s wife.”

  “You don’t have to sound so doggone cheerful,” Zach teased. He pulled Greta close and gave her a peck on the cheek, then squeezed her waist. Caleb coughed, reminding them that they had an audience.

  “Well, there seems to be a matter of where we’ll live, unless you already have a ranch?” Greta sniffed the flowers again.

  “I own some property not far from here and will soon start a house . . . now that I have a reason to.” Zach touched the tip of her nose.

  “We can talk further about our plans privately,” Greta murmured. “Caleb, I forgot to thank you for walking Rascal.”

  Zach took the hint to close the subject, but now that he’d asked her, he was pleased that she seemed to be in agreement. Suddenly he had a hankering for Annabelle’s pot roast and wondered if Greta knew how to cook.

  Caleb twisted in his seat toward them. “I was glad to, Miss Greta. He was no trouble. Besides, I like animals.”

  “Really? Have you ever given any thought to studying animal husbandry?”

  Caleb sat up taller on the seat, suddenly looking more adultlike than before. “Yes, ma’am, I have, but it takes a whole lot of money to go to school to be an animal doctor.”

  Greta leaned over and patted him on the knee. “Well, at least you have a job now, and that’s a start.”

  He snorted. “Ha! I already owe my next few earnings to Jess and Zach.” He looked down, clasping his hands together nervously.

  “Son, if you work as hard at saving for an education as you do trying to be on the opposite side of the law, then you’ll eventually do all right.” Zach leaned back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest.

  “I can’t thank you enough for your encouraging words, Zach,” Caleb said sarcastically.

>   “I don’t think Zach meant to sound so harsh, Caleb.” Greta flashed an annoyed looked at Zach. “You worked very hard today at the store, and if you continue, then who knows what could happen in the future.” Greta’s voice conveyed reassurance—how Zach knew he should have spoken. Still, he hesitated about putting too much faith in the troubled young man.

  When they drove into the Meads’ rain-washed yard and stopped near a cluster of aspen trees, Annabelle was waiting for them on the porch, her ample frame covered by a crisp white apron over a brown homespun dress. A couple of dogs yapped, tails wagging, and she shooed them away, while a fluffy cat scampered into the thick bushes alongside the house. A feeling of warmth flooded Cora’s being. She was eager to make some new friends, and she’d felt a connection with Silas and Annabelle from their first meeting. She wagered that they were God-fearing people after observing them with their children at the mercantile.

  “Land sakes!” Annabelle greeted them as she made her way down the porch steps and into the yard. “Climb down and come on inside and make yourselves comfortable.” She waved to them, then paused when her eyes fell on Caleb.

  Jess was quick to react and climbed down from the carriage. “Annabelle, I hope you don’t mind that I brought along my new handyman, Caleb Zuckerman.” Jess pulled him over to meet her, then assisted Cora out of the carriage.

  Annabelle was gracious and gave Caleb a warm smile. “Jess knows everyone’s welcome at our home. I hope you’re hungry for pot roast. Silas!” she called out toward the barn. “Our company is here.” She gave Cora and Greta a welcoming hug. “How have you ladies been? Hope Jess isn’t working you to death.”

  “Everything’s been fine with us,” Greta said with a smile. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Thank you for having us over,” Cora chimed in. The fresh scent of rain enveloped the yard, which was edged with a lush bed of different flowers and pine straw. She thought it was charming against the backdrop of their white clapboard farmhouse.

  “Did you say roast?” Zach gave Annabelle a peck on the cheek. “You know that’s my favorite.”

  Annabelle gave him a pinch on his cheek. “That and whipped potatoes, fresh snap beans, and huckleberry cobbler with fresh cream for dessert.”

  Cora’s stomach rumbled at the mention of the delicious fare, and Zach smacked his lips and said, “Just wait till you taste her cookin’!”

  Silas scurried over from the barn as they stood in a cluster chatting. “Howdy, everyone! What are you all standing out here for? Annabelle has been waiting to dish up supper.”

  “You’ve got no argument from me. I’m starving.” Zach clapped Silas on the back good-naturedly. “I want you to meet Caleb here. He’s hired on to help us at the store for a while.”

  Silas stuck his hand out and Caleb grasped it firmly. “Good to have you, son.”

  Caleb nodded with a smile. “Much obliged to have supper with your family.”

  Silas tossed his head. “Then let’s go. A young man like you needs three squares a day!”

  They all laughed. Zach reached for Greta’s hand, and the group followed Silas inside.

  Walking into the front room of the house, Cora observed the homey atmosphere. The living room was furnished with an English cottage look, with rose-patterned pillows and subdued chintz fabric covering the couch, as if to say “come and stay awhile.” Delicate figurines graced the ornate fireplace, where burning logs snapped to ward off the early evening chill and dampness.

  “Let me take your wraps, ladies, and your hats, gentlemen. You know Annabelle is strict about that sort of thing at the table.” Silas chuckled as he took their belongings and disappeared.

  The children tumbled down the stairs like a pile of puppies, practically on top of each other, their rosy cheeks glowing from their evening baths. “I beat both of you!” Sue yelled over her shoulder, then came to a screeching halt at Caleb’s feet. She stared up at him in complete surprise, then flashed him a big smile.

  Sue’s brothers, Joshua and Stephen, plowed into her, propelling her forward against Caleb. He caught her with gentle hands and set her up straight. “Take it easy there, boys,” he murmured.

  Cora watched the little girl’s face glow at Caleb’s defense and decided to add to the beautiful child’s moment of joy.

  “Yes, gentlemen, always be kind to your little sister.” She reached to stroke the girl’s baby-soft cheek. “Then you’ll grow up to be kind to ladies.”

  Annabelle grabbed Joshua by the arm. “Where are your manners?” Turning to her guests, she shook her head. “Excuse our little brood’s discourteous greeting.”

  Sue slipped her hand into Caleb’s, and he looked at her with a mixed expression of pleasure and sadness that only Cora seemed to notice. She wondered briefly if the boy had a little sister of his own somewhere.

  “What’s your name?” Sue asked.


  “Did all of you come to eat with us?” she asked, looking around at everyone.

  They all laughed, and Silas tweaked her pigtails. “Why don’t you lead the way to the dining room, little lady?”

  “Come, follow me.” Sue yanked on Caleb’s hand. “You can sit by me.”

  Sue led the way, and Cora paused just inside the dining room doorway. The large, airy room was fully set with a Battenberg tablecloth beneath gleaming stemware and rose china etched in gold. The table was laden with dishes piled high with food, and the delectable smells made her mouth water. Soft candlelight created an ambience for a relaxed dining experience.

  “Take any seat you like,” Annabelle instructed. “I’ll be back in a flash with the roast. I’ve been keeping it warm in the oven.”

  “Can I be of help, Annabelle?” Cora paused as Jess pulled out her chair before taking a seat.

  “No, dear. You’re a guest. Just have a seat. Silas, will you please fill the water glasses? Greta, can I put these flowers in a vase of water for you?”

  “Yes, of course.” Greta extended the bouquet. “Why not let me share them as a centerpiece for your lovely table?”

  “That’d be nice.” Annabelle took the flowers, breathing deeply of their fragrance. She disappeared into the kitchen and was back in a flash, the flowers swimming in a cut-glass vase that she placed in the center of the table. She buzzed around the room like a butterfly at a picnic, and her cheerfulness was contagious, making everyone feel at home, Cora thought.

  The children sat together at one end nearest their father, with Sue making sure that Caleb was across from her and to the left of her father. Jess sat next to Cora, and Zach and Greta sat across from them. Silas filled the glasses before taking his chair at the head of the table.

  “The table looks so nice,” Greta said to Annabelle, who carried in a large platter of sumptuous-looking roast.

  “I wanted it to look especially nice for you ladies tonight.” Annabelle’s face flushed. She set the roast down, placed her apron on the sideboard, and took her seat.

  Cora noted that Caleb hardly said a word but was taking in the entire scene. She saw him stare down at all the silverware. Hadn’t he ever had a nice dinner before? Perhaps his home was only a small dairy farm and not at all what she’d envisioned.

  As the food was passed around after Silas said grace, Caleb caught her eye. Cora lifted her fork, indicating which utensil to use. He blinked with a weak smile, then picked up the proper fork. She felt sorry for him and was once again reminded of her own privileged life. It was her heart’s desire to help people less fortunate.

  She noticed that Sue kept eyeing Caleb all through dinner. As she passed him the green beans, Sue gave him another adoring look. “Mama,” she said in her sweet, childish voice, “I think I’ve fallen in love.” She stared at Caleb.

  “What did you say, dear?” Her mother asked rather absentmindedly, pausing in her conversation with Jess.

  “Truly I have.” Sue spoke louder, eyes wide with sincerity. “With Caleb,” she said with a wide grin and wide eyes. />
  Silas cleared his throat while Caleb nearly choked on a mouthful of food and grabbed a water glass. Cora stifled a giggle.

  “Sue, just eat your dinner,” her father ordered, looking somewhat flustered. It was clear that he was in no way prepared for a declaration of love from his baby girl.

  “He’s as handsome as your porcelain figurine on the fireplace mantel, Mama,” Sue went on in a dreamy tone. Then the child looked directly at Zach, saying in a thoughtful voice, “But I would never be so foolish as to fall in love with a porcelain doll. Would you, Zach? Greta looks like a porcelain doll.”

  Greta blushed, and Cora wondered if the precocious child might just be speaking truths that were far beyond her age. What did the Bible say? Out of the mouth of babes . . . Cora glanced at Caleb, who just kept shoveling in the food under Silas’s watchful eye while Zach seemed to squirm visibly in his seat.

  “That will be enough, young lady.” Annabelle gave her daughter a stern look to silence her.

  The chattering around the table quieted a bit, though the young boys smothered laughs behind their napkins. Cora noticed a frown cross Zach’s handsome features as he choked out a response to the child.

  “Well . . . er . . . you’re right, Greta is beautiful and delicate like porcelain,” he replied, pushing his fork nervously around his plate.

  “Ach! Is that all you think about me—that I’m like a porcelain doll?” Greta asked. “There’s much more to me than my looks, Zach.” She slapped her napkin on the table.

  Stephen and Joshua snickered and were met with a look from Silas that silenced them.

  “I don’t—I mean, I know—” Zach sputtered. “I gave you flowers,” he finished lamely.

  “It’s going to take a lot more than that, I’m afraid,” Greta said.

  Sue turned her gaze on Jess. “So, what did you give Cora tonight since you’re courting her, Jess?”


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