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Dirty Sex

Page 16

by Ashley Bartlett

  Reese shrugged. I guess we weren’t talking about it.

  Ryan texted again. He was on Fifteen going south. Still no tail that he could see.

  “Ryan’s in the clear,” I said.

  “Good. We’re not. They switched cars again.”

  “Awesome. Our exit is coming up.” I pointed. Reese followed my directions to the hotel I’d picked out.

  “Where the hell are we?”

  “We’re visiting the Hoover Dam, honey. I know you always wanted to go.” I used my douche bag, suburban husband voice.

  Reese waited a beat, then said, “Always making my dreams come true.”

  We pulled into the parking lot. Our plan was sketchy at best. The first part went fine. Reese and I checked into the hotel. I talked. Reese smiled. I carried our mostly empty bags. Once we got into our room, I got cold feet. Sort of.

  Reese unpacked the one filled bag. I pulled a chair into the bathroom and waited.

  “You ready for this?” Reese perched on the counter.

  I pulled my chair closer and sat down. “I guess.” Not at all. “It’ll grow back, right?”

  “Totally. You might even like it.” She threaded her fingers through my hair as she talked. I was facing a wall so I didn’t know if she was lying.

  “Let’s do it.” I gave the go-ahead.

  Methodically, Reese started trimming my hair close to my scalp. It actually felt good. Mostly because I knew it was Reese playing with my hair and I knew the legs pressed on either side of me were hers and I knew it was her breath skittering across my neck to get rid of the fallen hair. The electric razor switched on and Reese dragged it from my neck to my forehead. The amount of fuzzy blond hair in my lap increased with each stroke.

  “There.” The razor was switched off. “Turn around. Let me make sure I got all of it.”

  I stood and moved the chair against the far wall. I didn’t bother looking at myself right away. Instead, I watched her face. That was the only way I’d know if she liked it.

  She smiled. “Hi.”

  “You like?”

  “Yeah, it’s a bit weird, you know? Kind of sexy though.” The smile grew until it reached her eyes.

  I glanced up at the mirror. It was weird. With my hair cropped so close, I did look like a guy, a sort of pretty one, but a guy. My jaw was way more pronounced and so were my cheekbones. It also made my over bright eyes stand out.

  “You really like it?” Experimentally, I ran my hand over my buzzed head.

  “Uh-huh.” She replaced my hand with hers. I stepped closer for her to touch it. Reese’s eyes had gone to slate. Her legs automatically wrapped around my hips as she pulled me down to kiss her. My exposed scalp was really sensitive so her fingers drawing patterns was just turning me on.

  “That feels good.”

  “How long till we have to meet Ryan?”

  “Long enough.” I pushed my hands inside her skirt, shoving the material high on her hips. Reese pulled my tank top up to suck my nipple into her mouth. Damn, she was good at that. She yanked the shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor. Then she wrapped her legs around me.

  Her underwear were soaked through already. I moved them aside so I could push two fingers inside her.

  “Oh, fuck.” Reese released my nipple long enough to whimper. Then she moved to the other one. Hot muscles sucked on my fingers, pulling me in. “Harder,” she said. So I used my body to thrust into her. I braced my other hand to keep up the motion.

  She let up on my nipples so she could kiss me. She kept her mouth closed. Made me work to get her to open up. I licked her lip, just a little. Kissed her soft and slow to balance the way I was fucking her.

  Reese’s fingernails dug into the bare skin of my back, urging me on, bordering on pain. When she neared climax those nails dragged down, drawing blood, I was sure of it. She grabbed my ass, fumbled with my jeans to get them open. I used my free hand to shove my pants and underwear down. She was gonna come soon. Hell, I was gonna come soon. And she wasn’t even touching me. Yet.

  Reese kept one hand on my ass, kneading, squeezing. Her other went between my legs. She was moaning into my mouth. Or was I? Her fingers slid around my clit. Every time I thrust into her, her fingers massaged me.

  “Inside,” I whispered. “Please, Reese.”

  “More, I want more,” was all she said.

  I added a third finger. She groaned and lifted her hips. I leaned into her, kissing her hard now. I was halfway on top of the counter with her. My clit was twitching. I was so fucking wet, but still she wasn’t inside me. I needed to come so bad. I was shaking now. So was she.

  “Please, Reese,” I asked again. She still ignored me. Just grabbed my ass harder. I pulled out of her, thrust back in. And again. And again.

  “I’m gonna come,” she screamed, but it was too late. She was already coming. Deep spasms wracked her body, making her curl up into me. I drove into her one last time, milking it until the last second.

  That was when she went inside me.

  “Oh, fuck.” I wasn’t even sure I said it out loud.

  She didn’t respond. Just edged my legs apart and started fucking me fast and deep. I might have said something. I might have just groaned. Reese kissed my neck, sucked on it. I sobbed.

  “You can come now,” she said. My stomach got tight and I spent into her hand. She slid forward on the counter. Tightened her legs around me. Moved her hand from my ass to my back to keep me from falling. I leaned into her, trying to breathe.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered into her hair. She laughed softly. “We should probably go.”

  “Yeah, but you need to shower.” Reese was already taking off her shirt the rest of the way.


  “You might need help in there.” She pushed me back and slid off the counter.

  “What if Ryan calls?” I don’t know why I bothered to ask. I was already kicking away my jeans.

  She shrugged and turned on the water. “We better be fast.” I could manage that.


  The Ace bandage was itchy as hell. How did people wear these all the time? Without realizing it, I reached to adjust it. Reese grabbed my hand.

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “It’s itchy,” I said.

  “So is my wig, but I’m not complaining. So deal.”

  Reese had gone a honey brown. It was boring. And she was wearing unobtrusive glasses. Jeans that were a little too tight. She had a whole Middle America thing going on. I still wanted to fuck her though.

  “Yes, honey.” I linked my fingers through hers.

  We walked to the front desk. There was a different kid working. That was a plus. Reese asked for the rental car we had reserved. It was already in the lot waiting for us. Reese smiled. Did he know which tours of the dam were the best? Yes, he had a few recommendations. And brochures. Great, we loved brochures. Her boyfriend—I smiled—just couldn’t wait to see it.

  During their entire exchange, a thick-necked dude was chillin’ in the lobby and watching us. But he was also watching everyone else. He looked a little worried. We left. He didn’t follow us.

  The lighter sedan was parked two spaces down from Reese’s Mercedes. When we pulled out in our very own boring rental sedan, they didn’t seem to care.

  And then we were on the road. I drove. We took different freeways this time. It took us about two hours to get to the obscene casino near the Nevada border that Ryan had picked.

  Reese spent the entire time studying our mirrors, but there was no sign of Christopher’s little bitches.

  I left Reese in the car to go pick up Ryan. Literally. When I walked into the bar, it took me a second to realize the trashy blonde sitting by herself was my boy. I got a beer so I’d blend. We made eye contact. He smiled coyly.

  Fuck, we were bad at this.

  I waited a long five minutes before going over to sit at his table. Up close, he was a train wreck. The eye makeup was perfect, but his foundation was too thic
k and his lipstick was smeared.

  “You’re cute in like a lacking self-confidence sort of way,” I said quietly.

  He grinned as if it were a compliment. “Blow me.”

  “How long do you think it would take me to pick you up?”

  “My self-confidence doesn’t think it will take too long.”

  “Yeah, the makeup really says ‘my daddy never loved me.’ And the outfit. Dude, Walmart much?”

  He’d been going for the same look as Reese. But his jeans were a little too loose. And his top was too tight. Off the rack had never looked worse.

  “It’s good my face makes up for it.”

  It did. There was a pretty face under all that disguise. But I wasn’t going to tell him that.

  “This bar is depressing. Wanna get out of here?” I asked.

  “Oh yeah. You’re so hot I can barely contain myself.”

  “You know it, girl.”

  “Hey, I’m a lady.” He pretended to be offended. It didn’t work.

  I didn’t think I could pull off offering my arm to him so I put my arm around his waist instead. The walk to the door and into the evening air was the longest of my life. We were pretending to flirt and look like we wanted to jump each other. But animal attraction had never entered our relationship and we were bad actors. Also, he was four inches taller than me. It was awkward.

  Reese was stretched out in the backseat reading a book. I opened Ryan’s door and helped him in. Reese started laughing.

  “Fuck you. I’m pretty,” Ryan said.

  “Sure you are.” She laughed some more.

  I shut his door and went around to my own. When I got in, they were full-on arguing about how pretty he was. I was leaning toward Reese’s side, but I wasn’t going to tell them that.

  It was a long ride back to Vegas.

  Chapter Fifteen

  There was some begging and a lot of complaining. Ryan even bordered on crying for a second. Reese finally relented though.

  “Okay, fine. Just shut up.”

  “Yes.” Ryan gave me a high five.

  “But I’m setting it up, you aren’t buying it, and we are not taking it with us when we leave.” Reese was mean.

  “But we can get some weed?” Ryan wanted to make sure.

  “Yeah, we’ll get you some weed.” Reese turned away, only slightly disgusted. The door of her room shut behind her.

  “She’s kind of touchy.” Ryan flopped down onto the couch. “I think she just gave up so she could get out of this damn room.”

  “Probably.” I took the other end of the couch and put my bare feet on his chest.

  “Gross.” He dragged his finger down the arch of my foot. It tickled like hell so I brought my heel down hard into his ribs. “Bitch.” He grabbed my ankle and yanked me closer. It only took him a second to jump up and restrain my hands above my head. It actually hurt because my arms and shoulders were still tender.

  “Let me go.” I struggled against the weight of his body. The boy was surprisingly ripped.

  “Hell no.” Ryan started tickling me.

  “Stop it,” I screamed, but I was laughing pretty hard. With a good jerk of my hips, I rolled him onto the floor. He pulled me after him. We wrestled for a couple minutes, each trying to pin the other.

  Reese came out of her room and stared. Ryan had me on my stomach and he was half lying on top of me. I had my arm twisted back at an uncomfortable angle around his neck. Our legs were twined together as I tried to kick him off. We were both breathing hard.

  “Hey.” I grinned at Reese. She didn’t look amused.

  Ryan used my moment of weakness to duck his head out from under my arm. He shifted until I was trapped under him.

  “I win,” Ryan said. Then he rolled off of me.

  “Douche,” I said.

  “What is wrong with you guys?”

  “We’re bored, buttercup,” I said.

  “It’s been five days. In this room. Five days.” Ryan was a little fixated.

  “We all agreed to lay low.” She said it all slow as if we were dumb.

  “Wrestling is cheap entertainment,” I tried to explain.

  “If you’re a seven-year-old.” So mean.

  “I stopped maturing at seven.” Ryan giggled. “Ask all my ex-girlfriends.”

  “Same here,” I agreed with Ryan. Reese gave me a look that was pure disdain. It made me horny. “I love when you look at me like that.”

  “Get up,” she said. “You need to get dressed.”

  “Whatever you say, babe.” More disdain.

  “I wanna go.” Ryan started whimpering.


  “Why not?” Maybe Ryan really did stop maturing at seven.

  “I don’t trust you.” Reese could be brutal. “If you meet the dealer, you’ll blow all our cash.”

  “Nuh-uh. Pot’s not that expensive.” He smiled at her some more.

  “And we agreed not to leave the room. Coop’s going alone. She’s the least recognizable.”

  “Heather’s a babe.”

  Reese rolled her eyes. “Let’s go, Justin.” She made a point of drawing the name out. I guess that meant I was going in drag. “I’ll help you if you need it.”

  A chance to be alone with Reese? In a room with a bed? Fuck yeah. “I think I’ll need it.” With a last slap against Ryan’s stomach, I got up from the floor. Reese grabbed an Ace off the table and followed me into my room.

  “Take off your shirt,” she said the second the door was shut.

  I pushed her back against the door and kissed her hard. “You take off your shirt.” I grinned and started lifting away her clothing.

  “Come on.” Annoyed, she brushed my hands away.

  “I know.” I tried not to take it personally. “I just missed you.”

  “We can’t do this with him out there.”

  “Why not?” I backed away and started taking off my shirt, careful to turn away from her. If she didn’t want me, that was fine.

  “Don’t do that. I’m sorry.” Reese slid her hands up my back.

  “It’s fine.” I shrugged her hands away. Okay, I was pouting like a child.

  “Coop. Turn around.” Reluctantly, I complied. “I’m sorry, that wasn’t cool.”

  “Maybe I should be sorry. I just assumed…” I turned away again and pulled out some clothes to change into.

  “Don’t pout. It’s unbecoming.” She was so fuckin’ high and mighty.

  That was all I needed to snap. “I’ll do whatever I damn well please.”

  “You always have.”

  “What is your problem?” The girl had issues.

  “You want to know?” I nodded in response. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to know. “I’m jealous, okay?”

  “Of what?” I returned my attention to her, shocked into forgetting my anger.

  Reese was studying her feet. “Ryan.” It had to take a lot for her to admit that.


  “I don’t know.” A fact that seemed to frustrate her. “You guys are just different together. That’s a part of you he’ll always have.”

  My eyebrows must have been floating above my head like a cartoon. “You want to wrestle with me and make stupid jokes about getting stoned?”

  “Not really.”

  “How about wild, crazy sex?”

  “Are we still talking about things you do with my brother?” She knew we weren’t, but the glare was still convincing.

  “Nope, that’s all you.” It only took me a second to walk back to her and press her against the wall with the length of my body. “Now,” I said in between licking and biting her neck, “will you help me get dressed?”

  She started taking off my shirt for real this time, though I wasn’t sure that putting clothes on me was one of her priorities. Not that I was doing so well with holding back. For the last five days, I’d been watching her, wanting her, and unable to do more than yell at her. So I didn’t care when her hands tightened on my rib
s where they were sore. I didn’t even care when she brushed her hands over the raw nail marks she’d left. It wasn’t until her forearms tightened around my shoulders that I winced.


  “Sorry. I’m just a little sore. It’s fine though.” I went to kiss her again, but she stopped me.

  “I want to see.” Reese forced me to spin around. When she saw my back, she gasped.

  “It looks gross, but it’s not bad.” I’d been checking it when I got dressed and showered. The original bruises from getting tackled in Christopher’s office had faded to a really sexy, faint yellow. Those she had seen. The new bruises from Vic and Gino ranged from an awesome puke green to a purple that usually only existed in Crayola boxes.

  “Babe,” she sort of moaned. “These have to be killing you.”

  A fist pounded on the door. “Whatcha guys doing?”

  “Screwing like rabbits,” I answered immediately. Reese smacked my arm leaving a little red mark.

  “Put this on.” Reese handed me a ribbed tank top. “Come in.”

  “It’s locked. I tried.”

  “That’s why we lock it,” I whispered to Reese as I pulled on the tank top.

  Reese let Ryan in. “Go check out her back.”

  “What’s wrong with it?” He bounded in. “Oh, shit. Cooper’s got leprosy.”

  “It’s from you, Ryan.” I mustered my most pathetic voice. “I told you we shouldn’t roughhouse.”

  “Doesn’t it look bad?” Reese pushed my tank top up so it was stretched above my shoulders.

  “I kind of like it. It’s like Fight Club Chic.”

  “You guys are impossible.” Reese let the shirt drop.

  “What do you want me to say?” he asked her. “It’s a bruise. If I push it, then it’ll hurt.” Ryan poked his finger into my back.

  “Oww.” Jerk.

  “So we won’t do that.” His hand dropped. “It’ll heal.”

  “You’re no help.”

  Ryan looked at me all confused. I shrugged. Neither of us knew how to heal a bruise faster.

  “Get out so Coop can get dressed.” Reese directed him toward the door. He dragged his feet. “The faster you move, the faster your weed arrives.” That got him going. Reese closed and locked the door behind him.


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