Love In Strange Places
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In Strange
Copyright © 2013 Ancelli
Kindle Edition
All Rights Reserved
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locals is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
This is an explicit and erotic novel intended for the enjoyment of adult readers only.
“One more.” Sherry Jones placed her empty glass down.
As she asked the bartender for that next drink, Andrew Johnston entered the tiny pub with his model-blonde date on his arm. Sherry was seated on the bar stool with her toned, dark mocha legs crossed at that moment she looked up and met his gaze.
Andrew and his date sat in a booth not to far from her, and ordered drinks. He couldn’t keep his eyes of Sherry Jones.
The waiter came back with their drinks, and he pushed his aside. He watched as the bartender gave Sherry yet another drink. There was no way he was going to let her drive. He’d been there less than fifteen minutes and she was already on her second. And those were just the two he’d seen.
He stopped the waiter. “How long has that lady been here?” He pointed at Sherry.
“No longer than an hour.” The waiter answered, then excused himself.
“Why are you asking about her?” Linda asked, crossing her arms.
“Don’t be jealous. That’s my sister-in-law.” Andrew stared at her. “You don’t have to worry. I am not attracted to her.”
“It’s good to know you’re not attracted to black women.” She took a sip of her drink.
He didn’t like her comment. His brother was married to a black woman, and his niece and nephew were half black. He glared at her. “I never said I wasn’t attracted to black women, I just said to her.”
She placed her drink down. “I’m just saying. Everybody should stick to their kind.”
“You really think that?” he asked, giving her his full attention now. “Even after telling you my brother is married to a black woman?” It was their second time going out, and he decided it would be the last. One thing he couldn’t stand was ignorant people.
“I’m sorry, but I think people need to stay within their race.”
He arched his brow. “Well, I guess we better cut this short.”
“Why? It’s just my opinion.”
“You’re entitled to your opinion, but being here with me is going against what you believe in.”
“What?” He could tell she was a little irritated, when he should’ve been the one ready to go off.
“Because I’m a product of multiple races. Look at the color of my skin.” He pointed. “I’m Hispanic and Caucasian,” he stood. “I knew there were still prejudiced people around, but I never figured you to be one.”
“I am not prejudiced.”
“What would you call it, then?”
“I have black friends.”
He chuckled. “The fact that you had to tell me that speaks a lot.” Her mouth opened, but no words came out. He placed some bills on the table. “If you’ll excuse me.” He slowly walked away toward his sister-in-law. “Sherry.”
She looked at him, and that was the first time he’d ever really, really looked at her. Sherry Jones was an attractive woman. Her hair was styled into a short bob, but what caught his attention were her brown eyes, filled with sadness.
“Andrew, I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit tonight.” The bartender placed another drink in front of her and picked up the empty one.
She spoke and all he did was stare at her perfectly bow-shaped luscious lips. Why hadn’t he noticed how beautiful she was until just now?
“Okay….” Andrew put his hands up in a sign of surrender.
“Go back to your size-zero bimbo and leave me alone.” She took another sip.
“What number drink are you on?”
“It’s none of your damn business.”
He just stared at her, waiting for an answer to his question. “How many?”
Sherry rolled her eyes. “This is my fifth.” She lifted her glass.
Andrew sat on the stool next to her, maneuvering her legs in between his. “Give me your keys.” He extended his hand.
She glared at him. “I wasn’t planning on driving. If you don’t believe me ask Carlos.”
The bartender, obviously overhearing, went over to a glass bowl. “She gave me her keys after the second drink.” He handed them to Andrew.
He placed them in his pocket. “Can I have a bottle of water?” Andrew asked.
Sherry took a sip of her drink. “You need to go get your date. She’s leaving.”
“So?” He watched Linda exit the pub.
“Leave me alone.” She picked up the glass, took another sip, and then looked away, past the bottom of the glass.
He couldn’t resist and took a hold of her manicured hand. She looked down at their connection. “What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you like this.”
“Nothing.” She pulled her hand away. “Sometimes I’m not as strong as people think. I do have feelings—”
The bartender brought over the bottle of water.
“Talk to me.” She’d returned to glaring at him. “Tonight we’re friends.” Andrew tilted her chin so she would look at him. “No jabs or insults.”
She gazed at him and for the first time, she really saw Andrew. Damn, he’s gorgeous. His brown hair was cut short and his body was muscular and lean, demanding attention from all the women at the pub, but most important, his green eyes told her he was being honest. It was only them, she thought. No one else would know.
“Dean’s an ass.” She whispered, looking away.
“Who is Dean?”
“No one important.” Dean Roberts was her on and off again….
“Your boyfriend?”
She didn’t answer making Andrew assume he might have just became an ex, he didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know or care for him. “I’m sorry to hear.”
“Don’t be.” She sighed. “I set my pride aside and I proposed to him. Can you believe that?” She started laughing. “I proposed and he said, no.” Then she got serious, and stared at him. “Go ahead and tell me what a fool I was.”
“He’s the fool, Sherry, not you.” He decided to listen and not to ask any questions.
She took another gulp of her drink. “I told him I was ready to settle down.”
“You were being honest. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“I told him I needed more from our relationship.” She thought for a few seconds. “I wanted a baby.”
He turned and drank his water. “I’ve never pictured you as the mommy type.”
“Me neither, but seeing Shannon with Matt and the kids makes me want what she has. Happiness.” Her eyes got shiny, but she never shed a tear.
“My brother did find happiness with your sister.” He smiled, thinking of his brother and his wife, nephew and niece. “Is Dean really the one?”
He could tell she was surprised by his question. She didn’t answer. “Guess not.” He answered for her.
“Maybe happiness isn’t in store for me.” She played with her glass, twirling the drink around. “Dean isn’t ready for marriage or kids, and he said he couldn’t stay with me because I might trick him into having a baby.” She took a deep breath. “Can you believe that shit? He thinks I would trick his ass.”
Andrew stood, turned her in the stool, and cupped her face. “Look at me.”
She looked up into his gorgeous eyes.
“You can still have everything you want. If he couldn’t compromise with you, then he wasn’t the one. You’re a beautiful, intelligent, and successful woman and any man would be a fool to let you go.”
He shocked the hell out of her when he said, all those nice things about her. Since the moment they’d met, all they ever did was insult each other. And then he surprised her again when he caressed her cheek with his large hand. “Did you love him?”
She gazed at him and thought for a few seconds. “I’m not sure.”
“I don’t think you loved him, because if you did, you wouldn’t even have to think about the answer. You’re better off without that jackass.”
He released her face, and she finally gave him an honest smile. “I don’t know why you’re being so nice to me tonight, but I really needed a friend.”
He smiled, showing his pearly whites. “I’m not such a bad guy, Sherry.”
She gazed into his eyes. “I know.”
He broke their connection and finished drinking his bottle of water, then pulled out some cash to pay the bartender for her drinks and his water.
She put her hand on his. “No, I got it.”
He pulled the cash away and handed it to the bartender. “Keep the change, Carlos.”
Carlos grabbed the money and excused himself.
Andrew turned to Sherry, but spoke to Carlos’ retreating back. “You’re welcome.”
“Thanks for listening and the drinks.”
“Anytime. Come on, let’s take you home.” He helped her off the stool and she stumbled into his arms.
He held on to her; she inhaled his cologne. Damn. “Sorry.”
He still had his arms around her. “Are you okay?” he whispered on her neck, giving her goose bumps.
“Yes.” As she straightened up, he slowly released her and she started walking. He followed right behind her with his hand on her lower back.
When they got outside it was pouring rain. “I’ll go get the car. Wait right here.” He sprinted to get his car.
Within two minutes he had pulled up to the curve, gotten out, and opened her door. Sherry sat and he closed the door, ran back around, and got in.
Damn, he looked even sexier all wet. “For once in your life, you’re being a gentleman.” She chuckled.
His return chuckle was deep. “Welcome back, Sherry!”
They both laughed and followed the exchange with small talk, until he parked in front of her house. “Are you sure you can make it up?”
“Yes….” She leaned over and gave him a feathery kiss on his lips. “Once again, thank you…” She opened the car door and went up the stairs to her house.
Andrew watched her as she ran up to her condo. Tonight he’d seen a new side of Sherry Jones and he liked it. Maybe his night hadn’t been a waste after all.
Chapter One
“I miss him already.” Andrew told his brother Matt.
“I’m going to miss Dad, too.”
His sons both watched their father dance with his new bride. The ceremony had been beautiful and simple. Their father hadn’t waited long to get married. He and Maria had only been dating for six months when he’d popped the question, and now here they were, a year later, at their wedding.
“Can you believe he found love after almost thirty three years?” Andrew asked, taking a sip from his champagne flute.
Matt turned to him. “What are you waiting for?”
Andrew arched his brow. “Huh?”
“You’re the only one left to settle down. You’re not getting any younger.”
He now faced his brother. “Unlike you and Dad, I haven’t found my other half, but believe me, baby brother, once I find her, I won’t let her go.”
“Wow, I didn’t expect that answer.” He placed his hand on Andrew’s shoulder.
“Me neither, but seeing you and your wife and now Dad, it makes me feel like I’m missing out. I think I’m at that time in my life where I’m ready to settle down. I just haven’t found the one yet,” Andrew said.
At that moment Sherry sashayed into the venue with a dark, attractive man on her arm, but even so, attracting the stares of single and married men from around the room. Her elegant blue silk dress showed off her cleavage, her back, and her toned legs.
Andrew almost didn’t recognize her. “Damn.” Andrew said above a whisper. That’s all he could say as she walked up to them.
He noticed that the blue color of her dress made her chocolate skin look radiant. He eyed every inch of her body. Her hair was slightly different, with blonde highlights.
“Hi, Matt. Where’s Shannon?” Sherry asked and then gazed at Andrew. “Hi Andrew.” She smiled.
He said, hi with a nod of his head, but didn’t smile back.
“Shannon’s in the bathroom with Makayla. She spilled her drink all over her dress.” Makayla was Shannon and Matt’s three-year-old daughter.
“Where are my manners? Dean, you already know Matt, but this is Matt’s brother Andrew.”
As soon as she said, Dean, Andrew looked at her in surprise. What was she doing with that prick after what happened between them?
Matt extended his hand and shook Dean’s. “How are you?”
“Can’t complain,” Dean answered.
Dean extended his hand to shake Andrew’s, but Andrew glared at him and then at his hand for a few seconds before finally shaking it. “So you’re Dean?” Andrew asked with annoyance in his voice, squeezing his hand.
Dean pulled back and gave him a dirty look. “What does that mean?”
Sherry grabbed Dean’s arm. “I’ll see you guys around.” She glared at Andrew. “Come on, Dean, let’s go find my sister so I can help.” She pulled him toward the restrooms.
“What was that all about?” Matt asked his brother. “I know you guys have issues, but….”
“What are you talking about?” Andrew took another sip of his drink.
“I know you, and you were being rude.”
Andrew’s date, Leann Mitchell, strolled up to him. Her tall, slender body looked sexy in the pink spaghetti-strap dress he helped pick out. She wore her blonde hair down just the way he liked it. “Your father looks so happy.”
“Yes, my father-in-law is in love,” Shannon said, walking up behind Leann. “Love does that.”
Matt put his hands around her waist and pulled her forward. “That’s why I’m happy.” He kissed her cheek.
“You better be.” She placed her hands around his neck.
“Sherry’s here,” Matt told her.
“I saw her. She’s over there with Makayla and Matthew.” She sighed. “I can’t believe she brought him here,” Shannon said, looking at her sister and Dean.
Andrew also stared at her. Why would she give him a second chance?
He took Leann’s hand. “Let’s dance.”
“No…no…no….” She said, shaking her head. “I can’t dance.”
“I’ll teach you.” He tried pulling her out to the dance floor, but she wouldn’t move. And worse, he couldn’t help but gawk at his sister-in-law from afar.
Sherry couldn’t stop staring at Andrew. She understood how women fell to their knees for him. He was more than handsome, he was gorgeous, standing there in his black designer tux, looking like a GQ model. She smiled to herself. His brown hair was a little longer now. It stopped at the collar of his shirt and damn, those green eyes, were like emeralds, but lighter. Yes, he was her brother-in-law but his lopsided smile made her insides melt, not that she would ever let anyone know that. She watched as his date refused to dance with him.
“Dean, I’ll be right back.” She marched toward Andrew.
Andrew, the woman he was with, Shannon, and Matt stared at her as she approached.
“Do you mind if I steal your date for a dance?” she asked the woman.
; She smiled. “No, I don’t mind. He’s been wanting to dance.”
Andrew cleared his throat. “Leann, this is my sister-in-law, Sherry.”
They shook hands. “Nice to meet you,” Sherry said and turned to Andrew, grabbing his hand. “Come on.” She pulled him toward the dance floor. She could see Dean watching them, but she didn’t really care, after what he’d done. Their relationship had become purely physical now. She wasn’t ashamed of using him because he used her too. She’s an educated, intelligent, strong woman that knew what she wanted, and went after it—and she’d finally realized Dean wasn’t it, but she still had needs.
They reached the dance floor and he wrapped his large hands around her waist and leaned in. “You look beautiful,” he said, quietly.
They began moving together. She placed her hands behind his neck. “Thanks.”
“You’re not going to tell me…I look good too?” He stared at her.
She gazed into his eyes. “So your head could get bigger.” She giggled. “Why should I tell you something you already know?”
“Maybe I want to hear it from your lips.” He said, rubbing his fingers on her bare back. She stopped moving and looked into his eyes.
She ignored him. “How many girlfriends do you have?”
He laughed. “None. I have friends.”
“If you say so.”
“Is our truce still on?” He twirled her around.
She followed his lead flawlessly. “I didn’t know you could dance so well.”
“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.” He said, as he dipped her and then brought her up. “Why are you back with that Dean character?”
“I’m not back with him. We’re just friends with benefits.” He spun her around. “I get an itch and he scratches it, plain and simple.”
Andrew started gently scratching her back, giving her goose bumps. “What are you doing?” Sherry asked, giggling. “You’re tickling me.”
“Scratching your itch.” He said, with a deep, naughty voice, continuing to scratch her back.