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Punished By The Dom: Stella's Submissiveness Challenge

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by Alicia Roberts

  Punished By the Dom: Stella's Submissiveness Challenge


  Alicia Roberts

  Punished By the Dom: Stella's Submissiveness Challenge

  Copyright 2012 by Alicia Roberts

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Adult Reading Material

  Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and above.


  Punished By the Dom: Stella's Submissiveness Challenge


  Having agreed to an impulsive bet, Stella finds herself being Morgan's submissive for one week.

  Morgan takes his time to introduce Stella to the pleasures of punishments and rewards. He brings her to the most amazing climaxes she's ever enjoyed, but he also doesn't hesitate to punish her if he feels that she needs it. This includes spanking her, making her use an anal plug, and using her for rough oral sex.

  Stella and Morgan both find themselves having a great time with each other, but both do their best to hold back…

  This is Part 2 of the Stella's Submissiveness Challenge Trilogy. It follows Part 1, Provoking the Dom, but it can be read on its own.

  Chapter One

  When I woke up in the morning, the sun was streaming in through the window and my ass was sore.

  I groaned out loud and rubbed my sore buttocks. The memory of last night's spanking came flooding back and I felt so embarrassed - I'd just let a man whom I barely knew spank me like I was his plaything, like he could just do whatever he wanted to me. And worst of all, I'd climaxed while I was being spanked! I wanted to die of shame as I remembered writhing under his hands and screaming with pleasure like a wanton slut.

  How would I face Morgan this morning? I'd muster up as much dignity as I could, I decided.

  I was naked under the sheet, and I remembered how Morgan had eyed my bare body, my breasts hanging loose, my pussy exposed and spread apart for him. I wanted to sink into the bed, to disappear completely. Somehow, during the events, I'd managed to block out the utter humiliation of it all, but now I wondered how I did it, how I managed to strip and abase myself for him.

  Why had I agreed to go through this week? I wanted to kick myself for my silly crush on Morgan and the bet I'd just signed.

  And then it hit me - I could just back out of the whole thing. We'd cancel the agreement, forget about the bet and go our separate ways. I'd given it a shot, and things didn't work out - I could survive without the $300,000 I'd get if I won the bet. My dignity was more important to me.

  Having made up my mind, I got out of bed and took a hot shower. But as the water poured over me, I remembered how intense my two orgasms had been, how gentle Morgan had been when he'd massaged me, and how expertly his fingers had brought me to my climax. I grinned despite myself - there was a definite upside to humiliation, and I hadn't thought to quit during the events, so maybe I should give things another try?

  I'd see what Morgan had planned for me today, and then I'd decide.

  I'd been instructed to stay naked for the week, so I covered myself up in a robe and headed downstairs. The smell of coffee was wafting up, and I saw Morgan sitting on a couch flicking through the TV.

  I smiled. "Early morning cartoons?"

  Morgan smiled back as I padded towards the kitchen, intent on grabbing some coffee and breakfast for myself. There were some Danishes laid out, and I grabbed two, plus a cup of steaming coffee.

  "Actually," said Morgan, as I headed towards the couch, "I'm watching the casino floor from here. Look."

  I watched as he clicked channels and we saw different parts of the casino. I knew Morgan was looking out for any signs of trouble, but I couldn't help rolling my eyes. "Seriously, can't you even take a day off?"

  Morgan grinned at me and my stomach clenched. His chocolate eyes were sparkling and his smile was infectious.

  "I'm the boss," he said, "But my work is fun."

  I shook my head, not sure if I should feel jealous or sorry for him. I sat down and bit into my Danish, remembering how he'd fed me last night. He wasn't making any moves to feed me know, and I wondered if I felt disappointed.

  "Mmm," I said, finishing my mouthful, and taking a sip of the dark brew, "So today's gonna be about work for you, not BDSM?"

  Morgan slid closer to me and placed an arm gently on my shoulders. I felt the jolt of electricity travel all the way down my body, and he leaned in closer and whispered into my ear, "No such luck, baby."

  As he removed his arm and slid back, I tried unsuccessfully to not blush. Morgan was looking at me with amusement and I tried to shrug nonchalantly, "Ok, so now what? You want to watch casino floor images while I kneel at your feet?"

  Morgan roared with laughter, throwing his head back, and I grinned. I loved to watch him laugh, he looked so happy and carefree and his voice was deep.

  He turned to me again and said, smiling, "You really don't have any idea of BDSM yet, do you?"

  I sipped my coffee silently, and wondered what was really in store for me today. I was feeling relaxed and comfortable around him, but I knew that could change at any second, and I was prepared to try to cancel my bet and leave as soon as I felt uncomfortable.

  Morgan switched off the TV and said, "I thought we'd take a bit of a break this morning."

  I was surprised and it showed on my face. "How come?"

  Morgan looked slightly concerned now, and he said, "Well, for one thing, you need to have breakfast. Second, I think you'll appreciate BDSM a bit more if we don't do things non-stop. But most importantly, I think we should discuss last night. I know this all new to you and you're probably scared or confused, and I think we should talk about what we're doing so you can actually relax and have fun."

  I was caught off guard by his concern, and his desire to actually talk to me instead of just beating me senseless. I'd done some research on BDSM before entering into the bet, but I'd still gotten the impression that Doms were controlling, sadistic jerks and so far Morgan's behavior was surprising me.

  I sipped my coffee and finished my Danishes silently. Morgan had turned around on the sofa so that he was half-facing me.

  I knew he was waiting for me to say something, so I finally said, "I didn't like the way you just spanked me, as if I was your toy."

  The corners of Morgan's lips went up slightly. "You seemed to like it at the time. If I recall correctly, you were very vocal in expressing how much you liked it."

  I blushed furiously and said, "I wasn't thinking then. But now that I think about it, I think it's not right."

  Morgan shook his head. "Why do you have to bring your pre-conceived notions about what's right and what's not into the bedroom? If you like something, if your body reacts well to it, why not just accept it?"

  "The feminists would be turning in their graves."

  Morgan was serious. "Enjoying a spanking doesn't make you less of a feminist. It probably makes you more of one, because you're breaking the shackles of what society says women should like. You're an adult, you're free to enjoy what turns you on. Why do you let people dictate what you should like in bed? You don't let them dictate what kind of foods you like."

  I thought about what he'd said. It was true, in the cold light of day my spanking had seemed all wrong, but when it was happening I'd been turned on.

  "I guess," I said slowly, "It's kind of like women choosing to be homemakers now, even though they're
able to have careers. They choose to take care of their families because they want to, not because they're forced to."

  "Exactly. It's all about what she really wants. Men and women are equal, but they'll always be different."

  Aha! There it was. "But in BDSM, the sub isn't an equal, she has no power."

  "Actually, the submissive is the one who's in control. The Dom has to act around her limits and what she wants or doesn't want. It's all about pleasing the sub."

  I remembered my safe words, and the fact that Morgan had told me how to indicate if I was uncomfortable. And then I remembered the woman in the club again, how that look of pleasure had come across her face…

  "This is too confusing for me now," I said slowly, "I'll have to think about it."

  Morgan nodded. "I understand, it's a lot to take in, in one day. Let's watch a movie."


  His suggestion had surprised me, and I was even more surprised when he switched it on and "Singin' in the Rain" began.

  Morgan laughed happily at my astonishment. "Mandy told me it was your favorite movie, so I arranged to watch it today."

  I was taken aback. So he'd called Mandy to check what I liked, and then he'd gone to the trouble of arranging it? I shook my head, thinking that it was really too much to take in. I hadn't expected Morgan to be concerned about my reactions to BDSM, let alone be considerate enough to arrange for my favorite movie.

  I moved closer to him and snuggled in, leaning my head against his shoulder. Singin' in the Rain is my "comfort movie," it's funny and light and perfect for times when I'm sad, confused or just have the flu. It seemed very appropriate for now, and as Morgan wrapped his arm around me, I felt how strong he was. He smelled of musk and cedar, and in between laughing at the antics of Don Lockwood and Cosmo Brown, I found myself wondering what the rest of the day would bring.

  We followed up the movie by a long game of Scrabble. "I think your sexy ass needs a bit of a break before the next spanking," said Morgan, his eyes darkening with pleasure.

  I blushed and looked down when I saw his thin smile, and wondered if he was serious. But I didn't want to ask, so we chatted about our lives and families and we formed words on the board. It all seemed so normal, and I found myself actually enjoying the time with Morgan. The thought occurred to me again that if only he hadn't been a Dominant, we might have been a normal couple.

  My heart sank when the game finished and Morgan won. "I think it's time for your spanking now," he said, smiling cruelly, as he put the board away.

  He grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs. "I plan to take you over my knee, this time."

  Chapter Two

  I tried not to take Morgan's words too seriously as he led me the stairs. Take me over his knees? The images kept flashing into my mind unbidden, and it seemed like a strangely intimate position. But surely he was kidding.

  When we got to my room, Morgan sat on the bed and I stood beside him. He was still holding my hand, and I wondered if he'd ask me to take off the robe and assume the position. I felt a bit of pride, remembering the look of desire in his eyes when I'd first assumed the kneeling position naked.

  However, before I could ask anything, Morgan grabbed me and flipped me over so I was lying over his lap, face down, ass up.

  "Morgan, what are you doing?"

  I began to wriggle desperately, but he kept a hand on my waist and made sure I was pinned against him. As I squirmed and tried to stand up, he kept pressing me down. I felt his hardness pressing against my upper thigh, and I knew he was aroused, seeing my like this.

  He was so strong and powerful, I struggled for a while but his arm pinned me in place. I smelled his musky, cedar-ey scent, and I realized how helpless I was.

  "Morgan, please, let me go. I don't want this, not like this, please…"

  But he didn't let me go and he didn't even answer me. Instead, he grabbed hold of the hem of my robe and slowly began to pull it up. As I felt the material move up my thighs I realized with horror that he meant to expose my ass and he'd get a good view.

  "No, please, don't…"

  He took his time with the material and the knowledge of the inevitable made things seem so much worse. At last he pulled it up over my bottom and I felt the cold air on my skin. I was still wriggling and clenching my muscles, I knew he'd see my ass cheeks clenching and unclenching but I couldn't help myself.

  He placed a hand on my right buttock. I decided to try one last time, "Morgan, please, don't do this, don't spank me, please…"

  He massaged my bottom gently, first the right cheek, then the left. Then his fingers dipped between my legs, and he stroked my lower lips. "You're wet."

  "I'm just nervous! I'm not aroused."

  "Really?" His fingers moved up, and he began to probe my tight rear hole with one finger.

  "No," I gasped. "Not there."

  He moved his finger away. "You're so tight, you've never done it there?"

  I shook my head no and remembered back to one fumbling ex-boyfriend who'd asked for "backdoor action". He never thought to use lube, and when he'd gotten a tiny bit in, the pain had been excruciating and I'd given up all pretense of enjoyment. I'd never tried it since and was incredibly relieved when Morgan didn't want to go on there.

  But he moved back down to my lower lips and began to stroke me gently, making me stifle a moan. No, I refused to be turned on by this!

  He didn't let my silence deter him though - he moved on to my clit and began to press down on it firmly, alternately rubbing and pressing. I unwillingly let out a groan.

  "Right," said Morgan hoarsely, removing his fingers and placing a hand on my ass. "It's time to give you a good spanking."

  I moaned out in fear this time, and Morgan began to grope my ass, squeezing and rubbing each cheek alternately. "Do you want to you use your safe word?"

  I shook my head. I wasn't in any pain yet, I was actually quite aroused by what Morgan had just done to me, and though I didn't want this, I remembered what Morgan had said about not crying wolf and not using the stop word unnecessarily.

  "How are you feeling?"


  "Good girl."

  Morgan continued to caress my bottom and I decided to try one last time.

  "Morgan, please don't do this, I …"

  I couldn't get any further. His hand came down sharply on my right ass cheek, and the shot rang out through the room. I gasped out loud in surprise. The humiliation was greater than the pain, I was lying exposed across his lap, and I heard him say darkly, "What are you meant to call me, girl?"

  I groaned. I realized that he wasn't going to let me off easily, so I said softly, "Master."

  His hand was caressing my ass again, and he said, "I can't hear you."

  I wondered if my spanking was already over, and hopefully I said, "Master. You're my Master."

  "Good girl. Now, since you've been a naughty girl, you're going to have to ask me to spank you."

  I stayed silent. His fingers travelled lower again, stroking and caressing me till the wetness seeped out freely.

  "And what if I don't?"

  Morgan slowly pushed one finger between my lips and I groaned happily as I felt it inside me. "Do you really want to find out?"

  I shook my head quickly, no.

  He removed the finger. "Then say it."

  I bit my lip, feeling the absence inside me. "Fine. Please spank me."

  He brought his hand down quickly, a light, sharp slap. "Say it properly. Insolent subs get rougher punishment."

  I took a deep breath and finally managed to say, "Please spank me, Master. Please spank my ass because I've been naughty."

  I felt Morgan relax, I felt his erection underneath me, and he caressed my bottom gently. "Good girl. Yes, I'll give you the spanking you deserve so badly."

  I closed my eyes, waiting for his hand to come down on me, but he continued to massage my buttocks. I relaxed a bit, and that's when the first smack hit me.

  "Ee-ouch!"r />
  He began to smack me rhythmically, across my ass cheeks, moving from left to right, then right to left. It was humiliating but it wasn't too painful, and I could tell he wasn't using his full force. I was grateful he wasn't hurting me too much, and for some reason my pussy had become dripping wet.

  He stopped after a little bit and dipped his hand between my legs again, caressing my swollen lower lips. "Perfect," he murmured, "We're right on track. A good spanking is meant to relax and arouse the sub, it's a physiological reaction."

  He went on talking softly, probably telling me about the benefits of a good spanking, but I had no idea what he said. My mind had drifted off and all I could think about was how nice his fingers felt on my pussy. He stroked me, then moved to my clit, teased it and then went back to my lips. I was moaning out loud, hoping for more, when he moved his fingers away.

  I was jerked into alertness. "What…?"

  His hand was on my ass again, and he was caressing me. "Didn't you hear anything I said? I was just talking about the importance of breaks between spanks and your break's over."

  Realization flooded in slowly, and when it did I groaned out loud. "No, please, I thought it was over, I want you to fuck me, I need to come."

  Morgan brought his hand down on my ass, as if I'd never said anything. I groaned out loud. He began to spank me with more vigor, the swats were harder this time and more painful. He moved up and down, left and right, all across my ass, probably making it red with his hand. I knew I was getting wetter, my pussy was clenching by itself. I was groaning in pain and my mind drifted off…

  And then it stopped, and I felt Morgan moving me and making me stand up. He stood beside me and made me bend over, with my hands on the bed, so that I made an inverted V. He lifted my robe over my hips, exposing my pussy to him, and spread my legs wide apart. He began to stroke me along my spine, sending shivers down my body.

  "How are you feeling?"

  "Good." The reply escaped me before I could think.

  Morgan stood behind me and rubbed his jeans-clad erection against my pussy. I moaned out loud in delight. "Oh yes," I groaned, "Put it in me, I want you in me."


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