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Legacy of Love_Highland Hearts Afire

Page 19

by B. J. Scott

  “The fool never connected the fight Rory and I started to your escape, or the holes in the other boats either.” Blair covered his mouth and laughed. “When you made your getaway, I told him I would orchestrate the search. And I did.” He chuckled again. “Handpicked my men, excluding Rory of course, and told them to man the boats so we could give chase. Of course the minute they were in the water, the boats filled up and sank like stones. Blamed that on you too, I did.”

  “We were worried about you and Gweneth, too,” Rory said. “After you dove into the water and got soaked to the skin, we thought you might have frozen to death on the open sea. The water was rough and the north wind cold.”

  “There were times I thought that was going to happen as well,” Kyle said. “If not for the sack of provisions in the boat, I’m sure Gwen would have perished, so I am grateful for that boon too.”

  “Gower thought so as well,” Blair added. “He figured no one could survive in a small boat in open waters and, because we were so far out, decided to go on without her.”

  “How did you get back to the mainland?”

  “Once we arrived on the Orkneys, we slipped into the crowd. Two weeks later, we signed on to a ship heading back to Scotland. Took us a while to get here, but we did.” Blair rested his hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “But this day isna about my brother and me. It is about you and Gweneth, and what comes after the marriage takes place.” He wiggled a brow and slapped Kyle on the back.

  The priest poked his head around the corner of the kirk. “The bride has arrived, lad.”

  Rory slung his arm around Kyle’s shoulder. “Let’s get you married.”

  Kyle waited for his cousins and uncle to go into the kirk and find a seat before he entered. Not an easy task, given it was standing room only. Things had changed a lot since he and Gwen returned and announced their nuptials. While Gwen and Lilith tended to all the details of planning a wedding, Kyle concentrated on caring for the children of the clan. He was pleased at how some proper food and decent lodgings improved the overall health of the people living in the former impoverished area of the village.

  It had been so long since anyone had shown these people a modicum of kindness, many forgot what it was like to be treated like they were humans. Damen ruled with an iron fist and tight purse strings, where Gwen made sure every family had proper clothing, food, clean water, and blankets. Her goal was it improve the health and happiness of the entire clan, not feeding the coffers, which accounted for their success in improving conditions. Unlike in the past, every member of the clan, be they rich or poor, were invited to the wedding and feast to follow. Judging by the crowd, most had accepted the invitation.

  As he stood beside the priest at the front of the kirk, Kyle glanced around at the faces of people who were once strangers and now felt like family. When Gwen entered, his heart skipped a beat, and the closer she got, the more he knew he was making the right choice. She was his love, his soulmate, his destiny.

  When Gwen arrived at the altar, Kyle took her hand and kissed the back of it. “You take my breath away, Gwen. I am truly the luckiest man in the world.”

  “Shall we begin?” the priest asked. The couple answered yes in unison.

  Following a traditional Celtic wedding ceremony, delivered in Gaelic, and the exchange of rings, Kyle was given the okay to kiss his bride—which he did with enthusiasm.

  Blair and Rory were the first to congratulate the bride and groom when they left the kirk, and Gwen expressed in no uncertain terms how thrilled she was to see them.

  “We owe you both so much for all you did for us, and can never repay you,” she said to Blair. “We feared you’d perished, and are so glad you’re alive.” She threw her arms around Blair’s neck, then hugged Rory as well.

  “A dance after the meal will pay your debt,” Blair said and grinned broadly. “That is if Caol isna too impatient about spiriting you away to your chamber to consummate your marriage.”

  Gwen grinned and took Kyle’s hand. “Can I steal my husband away for a minute? We won’t be gone long and I promise to give you both a dance.”

  Kyle followed her to a corner of the courtyard. The wedding turned out to have so many in attendance, they were forced to move it outdoors. Fortunately, it was an exceptionally mild day given it was November, but Gwen had convinced Kyle that Beatha had used her magic to make sure the day was perfect.

  “What is it, sweetheart? Is there something on your mind or did you miss me?” he asked playfully, then kissed her brow.

  She took his hands and gazed up at him. “I know a lot has happened over the last month...” her words trailed off and she nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “It’s too late to change your mind. We’re already married,” he said, grinning.

  “I’m thrilled to be your bride. Almost as happy as I will to be the mother of your babies.”

  “My what? How?” He picked her up and swung her around.

  “The usual way. You’re a doctor figure it out.” She laughed.

  He slid his hand over her belly. “Are you sure? It’s kind of early to tell.”

  “I haven’t had my period for two months, and while I have never been regular when stressed, I have noticed my breasts are tender and the last two mornings, I’ve awakened feeling queasy. I figured it was nerves until I spoke to Beatha.”


  “She told me I conceived the night we were in the cave.”

  “And you believe her?”

  Gwen laughed. “And you don’t?”

  “Point taken.” He chuckled, then pulled Gwen into his embrace. He was going to be a father, and the thought both thrilled and frightened him. He couldn’t wait to hold their baby in his arms, but worried he’d fail as a father. This wasn’t the twenty-first century and medieval life was totally different.

  “Are you not pleased about this?” she asked, her voice cracking.

  “There is nothing I want more than to make babies with you.” He brushed her lips with a kiss. “I know you will be an awesome mom. I just hope I am up to the task. I am still getting used to living in this era myself.”

  “You’ll be a fantastic dad. Any kid would be lucky to have you in their life. As for the medieval lifestyles and skills, you are so at home here. I’ve often thought you fit in perfectly, as if you were born here too. And look what you’ve done for the children, the improvement in their health is mind-blowing.”

  The more he thought about it, the more excited he got about the idea. “I can’t wait,” he said, then captured her lips.

  “I’m glad you feel that way, because Beatha told me it was twins.”

  Kyle picked her up and spun her around again, then took a step back. “I’d better get busy making cradles,” he said. “Do you know where I can find a Rowan bush and some iron nails?”

  The End

  About B.J. Scott

  With a passion for historical romance, history in general, and anything Celtic, B.J. always has an exciting work in progress. Each story offers a blend of romance, adventure, suspense, and, where appropriate, a dab of comic relief. Carefully researched historical facts are woven into each manuscript, providing a backdrop from which steamy romance, gripping plots, and vivid characters--dashing alpha heroes and resourceful, beguiling heroines you can't help but admire--spring to life. A PAN member of RWA, World Romance Writers, and Savvy Authors, B.J. also writes contemporary, paranormal, time travel, and romantic suspense.

  C.S. Lewis first captivated B. J.'s imagination in the fourth grade, and her desire to write sprang from there. Following a career in nursing and child and youth work, B.J. married her knight-in-shining-armor, and he whisked her away to his castle by the sea. In reality, they share their century-old home in a small Canadian town on the shore of Lake Erie with our dogs and a cat. When she is not working at her childcare job, on her small business, or writing, you will find her reading, camping, or antique hunting.

  To find more books by B.J. Scott visit her Amazon author page

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  More by B.J. Scott

  Highland Hearts Afire – Time Travel Romance

  Talisman of Light

  Will changing the Past destroy their future?

  Intent on setting a wrong to right, Alex Innes flies to Scotland to return an Ancient Talisman to its rightful resting place. But his plane crashes and he finds himself in twelfth century Scotland, where winter holds the country in its icy grip and only one maiden can set it free. Ciara Dunmore offers her life to appease the winter hag on the Imbolc Festival, but Alex has different plans for the beguiling lass who has captured his heart. Will changing the past destroy their future?

  Forever and Beyond

  Katherine MacDonald trades her luxury Manhattan apartment, high paying job, and abusive fiancé for what she believes is a rundown estate, deep in the Scottish Highlands, unaware that her future, and perhaps her very life, depends on secrets deeply rooted in the past.

  When she discovers a ring with a sentimental inscription and a journal written by one of her ancestors within the ancient croft, she suddenly finds herself in fourteenth century Scotland where she comes face to face with Ayden MacAndrews, a braw Highlander who has haunted her dreams since she was a child.

  Will Katherine and Ayden be able to right an ancient wrong? Will their love stand the test of time?

  Other Scottish Historical Romance

  Bedded by her Highland Enemy

  Her Highlander's Promise

  Fraser Brothers Trilogy

  Highland Legacy

  Highland Quest

  Highland Homecoming

  Blades of Honor series (Sequel to Fraser Brothers Trilogy)

  Highland Hellion

  Highland Resurrection

  Highland Deliverance

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