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Owen and the Beast

Page 7

by Marie Medina

  “Let’s enjoy this. Not worry about all that.”

  Owen sighed and pressed Edmund’s hand to his cheek. “All right.” They lay there a while before Owen said, “I’m glad you didn’t ask me to tell you last night, but can I tell you about what happened?” He moved back to look into Edmund’s eyes. “You’ve shared so much with me already.”

  “Of course. I’d like for us to be honest, like you said.” He cupped Owen’s cheek. “You can tell me anything.”

  “I’d just like for you to know.” He ran his hand over Edmund’s chest. “I love that you’re accepting my touch.”

  Edmund chuckled. “I love it. Why wouldn’t I want your touch?”

  “I know you worry that you won’t be accepted in the end.” He gazed up into Edmund’s face. “That you worry I’m only infatuated with an exotic lover. But that’s why I wish to tell you what happened. Especially after you picked up on it so easily.”

  “It’s not hard to recognize pain in another.” Edmund smoothed his hair, and Owen leaned in to the caress.

  “His name was Jonah,” Owen finally said. “He wasn’t my best friend, but we’d known each other for years. When my parents got sick, he helped me some. After they were both dead, I was a mess. I had no one. One night, he found me crying, and I clung to him and just let it all out. And then he touched me. His caresses were so gentle and loving, and it was good. Very good. It went on for about a week, and I thought I was falling in love.” He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “And then his fiancée came to town.”

  Owen felt Edmund’s grip tighten, and he pressed his head closer to hear Edmund’s heart pounding. “I made such a fool of myself. I actually went weak in the knees when he introduced her. He blamed it on my parents’ deaths and asked her to give us a moment.” He tightened his grip on Edmund. “And then he lit into me about not messing up his chance with a rich girl whose family was favored by some distant lord. He said what we’d done meant nothing. Just two guys getting their kicks. Then he said he regretted trying to comfort me since I was going to be such a child about it. I was dumb enough to ask him if he even liked me that way at all. He laughed. Said I sucked cock like a pro but was too … goofy looking to be sexy.”

  Owen closed his eyes to hold back the tears welling there, but then he gasped and his eyes popped open as he was almost violently pinned to the bed. He stared up at Edmund, unsure what to say or do.

  “If we ever encounter him, you’ll have to keep us apart if you want him to live.” Edmund snarled, the growl rumbling through him menacing now. He seemed to calm a bit, and his touch was soothing and gentle when he ran the back of his hand over Owen’s face. “That man was cruel. I pray to the gods he never fathers children.” He covered Owen’s face in kisses. “You can’t force love, but to treat such a gentle soul like that.” He stopped and shook his head. “I don’t understand it.”

  “He’s handsome. Good family. Never had to work for anything.” Something caught Owen’s eye, and he realized Edmund’s tail was flicking like a cat’s. “May I touch it?”

  Edmund looked over his shoulder. “You don’t need permission to touch any part of me.” He moved the tail much closer.

  Owen gripped it and ran his hand over it. “It’s easy to forget you have a tail.”

  It twitched in his hand, and then it jerked away and wrapped around his wrist. Edmund leaned over and kissed a trail along his arm. “Then I’ll have to get more creative.”

  Owen shivered. “No one’s ever made love to me the way you did.”

  “I daresay not,” Edmund said, kissing down his body but not releasing his hand.

  “We may need to go slow. I’m a little sore,” Owen said.

  Edmund’s blue eyes flashed at him. “That can wait. Right now, I want a real taste of you.”

  Owen started to speak, but Edmund’s tongue circling his cock silenced him. He didn’t make another sound until he’d shuddered almost uncontrollably through another release. They kissed tenderly, gazing into each other’s eyes, and soon Owen reached down to wrap his fingers around Edmund’s cock.

  “Mmmm, you’ll never get even half of it in your mouth,” Edmund said, his chest rumbling as Owen’s caresses became more insistent.

  “Doesn’t mean my mouth is useless,” Owen said before pushing Edmund to his back and kneeling between his legs.

  Edmund’s balls were covered in fur, but Owen still licked and nipped at them, loving how Edmund submitted to his teasing even though it was obvious he fought for control. As he sucked and licked Edmund’s cock, he almost couldn’t believe the thick shaft had fit inside him at all. He suckled the head as best he could until Edmund came, and then he swallowed every drop he could before crawling up his handsome beast and kissing him greedily.

  “I’d love to stay here all day, but Lane’s going to be insufferable as it is,” Edmund said.

  Owen grinned and sat back, still straddling Edmund. “You can endure it.” He ran his hands over Edmund’s chest. “Big strong man like you.”

  Something in Edmund’s face flickered, and Owen leaned over him again. “No matter what you look like, you’re a man. With an amazing heart and so much to give.” He brushed their lips together again, and then he rolled himself off Edmund and stood up to stretch. “Now, come on. Let’s get the first round of gloating over with.”

  Edmund sighed as he sat up. “It may be more like singing.”

  Owen raised one eyebrow.

  “Just thought I’d warn you.” Edmund stood up as well. “He knows me well enough to see the difference between scratching an itch and something … more.”

  Owen suddenly felt shy, unable to stop himself from smiling as he tried to gather his clothes without blushing too furiously. He tilted his head when he realized he actually heard singing coming from somewhere. Edmund had gone into the bathing chamber with his clothes, and Owen moved over to open a window.

  The lyrics of a bawdy love ballad drifted up to Owen, and he leaned his head against the cold stone, laughing as he imagined the kind of day that lay ahead of them.

  Chapter Four

  Edmund watched Owen walking at his side through the woods. The sunlight filtering through the trees played across Owen’s face, and for the first time in years Edmund felt the desire for blood quicken deep inside him. He hadn’t yet bitten Owen during sex. Was it time to bring up the subject, or should he simply leave it? Owen had already decided to set out the next morning. Perhaps it would be better if he waited. If Owen didn’t come back, Edmund would have one more thing to miss about him, one more thing to pine for, if he’d tasted Owen’s blood.

  Owen reached over and took Edmund’s hand, jolting him from his thoughts. That kept happening. Every single time Edmund had doubts or began thinking he’d made a mistake by letting Owen capture his heart so completely, Owen would do something that would make him feel loved. While Edmund refused to delude himself about Owen’s feelings, he knew he had fallen in love. The days had blurred together a bit, but that hardly mattered. Owen had been with him over a week, and Edmund felt as if the younger man belonged at his side. Tonight would be their fourth night sharing a bed, and Edmund prayed it wouldn’t be their last.

  “What are you thinking of?” Owen asked suddenly.

  Edmund looked over at him and decided to be honest. “I haven’t bitten you yet, and I was wondering if you’d welcome that.”

  Owen licked his lips, his eyelids lowering in a way that made Edmund want to press him up against a tree and kiss him breathless. “Never been bitten by a vampire before.” His gaze lingered on Edmund’s mouth. “Do you have very large fangs? They seem to be partially descended all the time.”

  “They are a bit larger than normal. And yes, I can’t retract them completely.”

  Owen stopped him and went up on his tiptoes for a quick kiss. “Not surprised. Everything about you is bigger and better. I kind of like feeling the tips when we kiss.” He ran his hands up and down Edmund’s arms. “I love how strong you are. I’
m going to miss you holding me.”

  “We still have tonight,” Edmund said, though he wanted to say that Owen didn’t have to go. But he knew that was selfish, as Owen had already delayed his visit to his aunt. How would Owen react if he offered to come with him? Everyone in the village would be shocked, but they’d welcome him. Perhaps if he arrived with a lover fewer people would pity him. He wrapped his arms around Owen and kissed him back. “Will you let me bite you tonight?”

  “Maybe you could bite me now,” Owen said, backing away, “if you can catch me, that is.”

  Edmund laughed as he watched Owen running away. “Be careful. There are holes and roots everywhere.” He loved Owen’s playful side but didn’t want him to reinjure his ankle.

  Just as Edmund gave chase, Owen seemed to find one of those very dangers right in his path. It must’ve been a root because he stumbled forward, one of his legs kicking high in the air behind him. Edmund sped up when Owen fell and began to tumble down a steep hill.

  “Owen!” Edmund cursed under his breath as he listened to Owen’s cries of alarm. He made his way down the hill as quickly as he dared, pausing briefly when he caught a familiar scent. Owen gave a cry of terror, then went silent, and Edmund knew why.


  These creatures knew Edmund’s scent and would likely back down, but Edmund couldn’t see them yet and worried Owen might’ve startled them. And, in the end, he was very right. He skidded to a halt as a large male wolf circled Owen, and he spied a female and three cubs not far off. The female snarled but stayed back. Edmund had no choice. He didn’t wish them harm, but he had to act before the male struck. Edmund leapt forward and jumped protectively on top of Owen, startling him, as Owen’s gaze had been fixed on the wolf. He could smell Owen’s fear and feel him trembling. Edmund pressed close and let out a savage cry. Though he didn’t wish to show Owen just how much of a beast he truly was deep inside, he had to make his point very clear with the wolves.

  The male wolf stilled but did not back down. Edmund nuzzled the top of Owen’s head, trying to communicate that this was his mate. He had no idea if it would work, but he had to try something. The male began to circle again, but Edmund noted the female and cubs fleeing. The wolf snapped in Edmund’s direction but then scented the air. It seemed to be considering something, and it took another step forward. Edmund changed his stance, as if he would pounce, and the much smaller animal seemed to take the hint finally. It backed up, looking around as it once more sniffed the air, and then it fled in the direction of its own mate.

  Edmund sighed and slumped down on Owen, who trembled uncontrollably. “It’s all right. He’s gone. You only startled them. He had young and a mate to protect. The wolves respect my territory and have never harmed anyone.” He gently tried to roll Owen over. “Are you hurt? Let me see.”

  Owen wiped tears from his eyes. “I’m fine. I think.” He took a deep, gasping breath. “I was so scared you’d be hurt.”

  Edmund smoothed Owen’s hair and picked leaves out of it. “Me? You’re the one who rolled down a hill and landed in the middle of a bunch of wolves.”

  Owen closed his eyes and rubbed them, and Edmund inspected every inch of him then, even as he protested that he was fine. But he still trembled, and Edmund knew the perfect way to calm him. He leaned down and kissed Owen’s neck repeatedly, licking and sucking on the tender flesh, and then he let his fangs drop.

  “May I?” Edmund asked.

  “Please,” Owen said, pressing closer and putting his arms around Edmund.

  Edmund sank his fangs deep, biting Owen much harder than he’d meant to, but then Owen moaned in pleasure and arched against him. He drank only half as much as he wished to, reminding himself that Owen was human.

  For now, anyway.

  The hopeful voice in Edmund’s head puzzled him. Since losing his fated mate, Edmund had never hoped for the chance to claim a mate of his own. He’d imagined brief love affairs and stolen nights of lust would be his only comfort for the rest of his life. Yet when he looked down into Owen’s eyes, for better or worse, he began to truly hope.

  “Feel like I’ve been fucked,” Owen said as he rubbed his body against Edmund’s.

  “Then imagine how it will be when my fangs and my cock are both buried in you.”

  Owen sighed. “Mmmm, you may have to carry me.”

  Edmund rose and lifted Owen into his arms. “It’s quicker anyway. And I love the way you feel in my arms.”

  Owen laughed and rested his head on Edmund’s chest as they made their way back to the lodge. “I’ll be useless on my aunt’s farm. You’ve spoiled me so much.”

  Edmund kissed the top of his head. “Perhaps I mean to entice you back quickly.”

  In a sated and sleepy voice, Owen said, “It’ll definitely work.”

  Owen seemed to doze off a bit between the effects of his startling experience and Edmund taking his blood, and Edmund let the words linger between them, praying that perhaps the gods had finally chosen to have mercy on him.


  Owen held his hand out for the chestnut mare to smell him, and he smiled when she tilted her head to encourage Owen to stroke her. He petted her nose and neck and ran his fingers through her thick mane. “She’s beautiful. And so gentle,” Owen said.

  “Makes her perfect for you,” Edmund said from the doorway.

  Owen turned to him. “I’ll take very good care of her. I promise.”

  “I know you will.”

  Edmund didn’t come any closer, and Owen wondered if he was trying to make their parting easier. He missed having Edmund right beside him, and now he worried Edmund would become depressed once he was gone. “You should come with Lane to the festival. It sounds like it’s going to be fun.”

  “I might,” Edmund said, “though I’d like for him to have a little time away from me. He’s too old to still cling to me the way he does.”

  Owen walked over to Edmund and gazed up into his eyes. “He loves you. I’m sure his heart aches to even think of you here in the lodge all alone.”

  “Being alone isn’t always bad. We all need time to think and reflect.”

  Owen knew he had to address what he saw in Edmund’s face before he left. “Edmund?”

  Seeming startled, Edmund said, “Yes?”

  “Don’t withdraw from me.” He reached up and pulled Edmund down until their lips almost touched. “I am coming back. I swear it.” He kissed Edmund with everything within him, causing the larger man to gasp and pull him even closer.

  When they parted, Edmund said, “Withdrawing is the only thing I know to do. I don’t want to let you go at all.”

  Owen smiled. “Flatterer.” He laughed as he let go of Edmund.

  “I mean it, Owen,” Edmund whispered.

  Owen’s chest tightened as he said, “I know you do.” He pressed his lips together to keep in the words he longed to say. He knew he was falling hard and fast, and though he was sure Edmund felt the same, he held his tongue. Now was not the right time. “I’ll be back in a week or two at most. I don’t know how large my aunt’s farm is, so I’m not sure what I’ll be doing.”

  “Take your time. You’re not far, and you’ll see Lane in a day or so.”

  “Will you at least consider coming with him?”

  Edmund sighed, but then he nodded. “I’ll consider it.”

  “Good.” He looked back to the mare, knowing he needed to set out before he ended up dragging Edmund over to a very inviting mound of hay. He’d never felt so oversexed in his life, but he blamed that on the passionate way Edmund took him. Whether he was being rough or tender, Edmund sought Owen’s pleasure above his own every time.

  “Take care on the road,” Edmund said.

  “I will,” Owen said, glad one of them was going to be sensible. “And I’ll be back soon.”

  Instead of replying, Edmund pulled him back into a long, deep kiss. Owen reveled in the embrace, the feel of Edmund’s lips still lingering on his even as he exited the lod
ge’s gates some time later.


  Edmund watched Lane picking at his food. He didn’t need to ask what was wrong. He knew exactly what troubled Lane, and he would get an earful soon enough.

  “The lamb is excellent, Lane.” Edmund took up his wine and watched his adopted son’s eyes flick up.

  “Thank you,” he said in a curt tone.

  “When will you leave for the festival?”

  “Forget the festival.” Lane slammed his silverware down by his plate. “Why did you make him leave?”

  “Make him? I didn’t make him leave. He came here for another purpose, in case you’ve forgotten.”

  Lane’s jaw clenched. “One word from you and he’d have stayed.”

  “He journeyed here for his family, the only family he has left.”

  “Then why didn’t you go with him?” Lane said. “What if something happens to him?”

  “What could happen to him? He’s a grown man, and he’s only gone a few miles down the road. On one of our best horses, I’ll remind you.” He leaned forward and propped his elbows on the table. “And you’ll be heading that way tomorrow, right? Or the next day at least. You can check up on him.”

  “You love him. I can tell.”

  “Lane, you’ll drive yourself mad going on like this.” Edmund sighed and put his own knife and fork down. “Would you truly be happy if I set off after him? If I chased him down and never gave him an inch of breathing room? He promised to come back in a couple of weeks. Maybe sooner.”

  “He’ll get distracted and forget, just like the girls always forget in the stories.”

  Edmund frowned. “Do I really need to remind you this isn’t one of those stories?” He took a deep swig of wine. “And if you’re insulting him, you’d better take it back. He’s not going to hop into bed with the first handsome face he encounters simply because it’s human. He’s not going to suddenly change his mind about how he feels about me. Hovering will do no good. He has to have some space.”

  “How does he feel about you? Did he tell you?”

  “He said he would miss me and promised to come back.” Edmund studied Lane’s worried face. “He cares for me. He didn’t need to say anything. I could feel it in his touch. See it in the way he looked at me. He will come back.”


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