Take Me Fast (Bridgewater County Book 3)

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Take Me Fast (Bridgewater County Book 3) Page 5

by Vanessa Vale

  After too much time passed, Rory reached for my other hand so I was trapped between the two of them. He gave me a smoldering look that had me squirming in my seat to relieve the ache. Yes, these two made me ache. Just hearing them admit they’d missed me made me ache.

  “Say something, sweets.”

  Sweets. The term of endearment sounded so natural coming out of his mouth and brought back so many memories.

  I said the first coherent thought that passed through my mind. “I’ve missed you too.”

  Cooper’s smile of relief brought with it a stab of guilt that nearly made me panic. Shit, that wasn’t what I was supposed to say. It was the truth, but it wasn’t right. But the way he looked after I said it? It was as if he took in the sun.

  “I missed you, but…” I struggled to remember what I’d planned to say. “But this can’t happen.”

  Cooper’s face fell, but Rory looked unfazed. “And why’s that?”

  “Do you have a boyfriend?” Cooper asked when I didn’t immediately answer.

  I should have said yes. That would have been the easy way out. But I’d never been much of a liar and I missed the opportunity. I’d waited too long and they could see the truth of it in my expression. They’d always been able to read me and now that was dangerous.

  “There’s no one else, is there?” Rory confirmed. They’d asked this the day before, but obviously they thought it was worth repeating. I respected them more for it; they would have backed off if my heart was given to someone else.

  I shook my head because my heart had always belonged to them. Not that I was going to tell them that.

  He raised my hand to his lips as if rewarding me for my honesty and I felt that simple gentle kiss all the way to my toes. My skin tingled and my nipples instantly hardened.

  Cooper’s brow furrowed as he studied me. “Then what’s the problem?”

  I licked my lips, a move that had both their gazes fixed on my mouth. Inhaling deeply, I said a quick prayer for strength. “My life is…it’s complicated.”

  Rory nodded like that made perfect sense. “We’ve all grown up, sweets. We all have issues and problems, but that’s no reason not to give us a shot, is it?”

  Cooper hurried to talk before I could come up with another protest. “Trust me, your issues are nothing like mine and I’m here, right? We’re not asking you to commit to us right now. We know you have a life here in Seattle and we respect that.”

  I frowned. “Then what are you asking?” I couldn’t help myself. I had to know. The temptation was too great.

  “Give us tonight,” Rory said quietly. His eyes were dark and his intent clear. “All night.”

  I met his gaze and oh, holy shit. That was the sexiest look I’d ever seen. He made no attempt to hide his desire or the meaning behind those two words.

  “All night?” I had no idea why I repeated it, perhaps just wanting to hear it again. It made my mind go to some deliciously dirty places. Oh, the things I could do with those hard, muscular bodies…all night long.

  Cooper must have seen what the thought of it was doing to me, because he took it one step further. Placing a hand on my knee under the table he stroked the sensitive skin there, just below the hem of my dress. I startled, but relaxed into the warmth of his palm. I hadn’t been touched by a man intimately in a long, long time and it just felt good. My body seemed to recognize them, their touch. “Just one night, sweets, so we can remind you of how good it is between the three of us. And we’re not eighteen anymore, nor virgins.”

  I bit my lip to hold back a laugh. Did they really think I’d forgotten how good it had been? That even though it had been the first time for all of us, it had been really, really good. Hell, I remembered how amazing it had been when I spent some quality time with my vibrator. I’d relived that night every day for the past seven years.

  And now…well, now I was being offered the chance to truly relive that night. For real, not just in my imagination. I had no doubt it would be even better than I remembered because Cooper was right. They weren’t eighteen anymore and I itched—no, ached—to get my hands on those hard muscles.

  I might have tossed myself into their arms right then and there if I hadn’t caught a flicker of hope along with the heat in Cooper’s eyes. If I said yes, they’d take it to mean more. They’d been clear with me from the start that they thought I was the one, and I knew that I wasn’t. That I couldn’t be, not anymore.

  I’d given up any dreams of a happily ever after with these guys the day I decided to keep our baby and raise her on my own. Her. Lily. “One night wouldn’t change anything.” Even I could hear the regret in my voice. The wistfulness. The need.

  Rory leaned forward, his gaze intent. “Let us worry about that.” Before I could argue, he hurried on. “We’re not asking you to make any kind of commitment. This one night would be just that—one night. No strings attached.”

  I studied his earnest expression. “But you want more. You’ve made that clear.”

  “We do want more,” Cooper answered, his low voice filled with honesty. He squeezed his fingers on my leg. “But we’ll take what we can get. And right now, all we’re asking for is tonight.”

  I tried to come up with more arguments, but my mind was having a hard time functioning under their heated stares. Cooper’s hand moved a touch higher up my thigh and all of my attention was focused on the feel of his rough, calloused fingers against the soft skin. I wondered how it would feel if he touched my inner thigh, and then up further…

  I reached for my glass of wine and drained it in one gulp. But the tart liquid did nothing to stop the aching in my core. My pussy was wet and throbbing, and for one desperate moment I thought about catching his hand, placing it over my needy pussy right then and there. Easy, girl.

  I didn’t know if Rory could read my mind or if he just saw the telltale flush in my cheeks, but he reached a hand out and placed it on my other leg, firmly gripping my upper thigh. A little squeaking noise escaped from my throat.

  Oh God, my level of horniness was almost embarrassing. I hadn’t gone out much since Lily was born, but I hadn’t become a nun. Still, none of those encounters had left me this hot and ready, and Rory and Cooper were just touching my legs. And in public, although beneath the long hem of the tablecloth. I could only imagine what would happen if I went back to bed with them. I’d probably come before they got my dress off.

  With his free hand, Rory lifted mine and brought it to his lips. “What do you have to lose, sweets?” His lips brushed against the underside of my wrist, making me shiver.

  What did I have to lose? Everything. A panicky voice in the back of my mind told me I’d be playing with fire, letting these guys back into my life. But it was just one night, another voice argued. Those words weren’t so much coming from my brain as was my pussy. If it was just one night, maybe I didn’t have anything to lose. They said themselves that this was all they would take. After tonight, if I told them to leave, they’d have to go. If there was one thing I’d never doubted, it was that these men had integrity. They wouldn’t lie about that. If I told them to hit the road tomorrow morning, I’d never see them again. The thought was bittersweet and made me swallow. Hard.

  One night didn’t seem like nearly enough with these two—it hadn’t been seven years ago—but it was the best I could ever hope for. I could never have more than that—not without risking Lily’s stability and everything we’d built. But I could have tonight. A taste of the kind of passion my life was currently missing. The man-induced orgasms. Being with Rory and Cooper again and giving me enough fantasy fodder to last me another seven years.

  Cooper’s hand slid up beneath my dress so both men had a proprietary grip on inner thighs, forcing me to part my legs slightly to accommodate. I glanced about to see if anyone took notice of what was happening beneath our table, but no one was paying us any attention.

  Rory moved first, his fingers inching up until they brushed against my panties, making me gasp. Then C
ooper followed his lead until they were both stroking me through the soaking wet material.

  I took a quick glance around the restaurant but no one was looking our way and the tablecloth obscured what was going on underneath.

  Cooper and Rory shared a quick grin as Rory said, “Now there’s no way you can deny that you’re tempted by the offer.” He leaned in, whispered, “You’re dripping wet and now we both know it.”

  Cooper made a little growl and I flicked my gaze to his. Yes, that was the look I remembered. Intense, but the slight turn of his lips promised fun, too.

  I bit my lip to hold back a moan as one of his fingers slipped beneath the silky material of my panties and between the folds of my pussy. It was almost impossible to keep from moaning and calling attention to our table. When his fingers slipped inside of me, my hips bucked involuntarily trying to get closer. Heat flared through me. Cooper made a soothing sound like he was dealing with a startled colt as his fingers found my clit and stroked it mercilessly.

  I didn’t remember it feeling like this in the back of the pick-up. Oh God. Oh holy shit. My guys were going to make me come in the middle of a freaking restaurant.

  I jerked my chair back so quickly the tables next to us finally took notice. My breath came in gasps and I was fairly certain my face was so flushed it must have looked like I’d just run a marathon.

  Rory and Cooper were smirking but the look in their eyes was heated. They weren’t unaffected.

  Cooper lifted his fingers to his mouth, licked them, one by one.

  They knew how quickly I’d responded, how needy I was, how badly I wanted this.

  How wet I was.

  I was practically shaking with pent up desire and it was messing with my mind. For the life of me, I couldn’t remember why I was fighting them on this. Why didn’t I want them to make me come? I obviously didn’t want to do so in the middle of the restaurant, but in a bed, with one of them on either side of me? My pussy was more than eager. It ached to be filled by their thick cocks. I ached to be touched. Why didn’t I want to spend a hot night with them?

  It was just one night. My ovaries were jumping for joy at the idea, my nipples hard points, my panties ruined. What could it hurt? Well, it could hurt my heart, but I wanted a night. I wanted them again. I wanted to relive what we’d had, what we’d shared, even if it was going to be over in the morning.

  I wanted Cooper’s fingers again. Their cocks. Their mouths. Everything.

  “Okay,” I said, licking my lips as nerves made my mouth go dry.



  Oh God, I was doing this. I was really going to do this. My pussy clenched at what was going to happen, what they were going to do. I remembered that one night, but we’d only been eighteen then. Now? Now, I had to make sure I didn’t black out when they made me come, because what they’d done with their fingers beneath the table? That was just the beginning.

  I moved my chair back some more so I could stand. Ever the gentlemen, they made a move to stand as well but I stopped them with the palm of my hand. I saw a mix of frustration and understanding in their gazes. They were just as eager as I was but I doubted they had butterflies in their stomachs like me. No, they had hard dicks in their pants. “Just…just give me a minute.”

  When I reached the waiting area I stopped to catch my breath before calling Aunt Sarah, fumbling with the phone to do so. I was all wound up, nervous, flustered. A hot, horny mess. I told her I was having fun and might be home late. Much to my chagrin, she sounded way too excited about that, even happily offering to put Lily to bed and read her the nightly story. She must have insisted ten times that I shouldn’t feel the need to rush home tonight, or even tomorrow morning.

  She knew what I was going to do and giving me the go-ahead. She wanted me to get it on with a date, or two. That was pretty embarrassing—my life was clearly dull to observers if Aunt Sarah was all but pushing me into sleeping around. She was actively encouraging me to have sex!

  No, I wasn’t sleeping around. I was sleeping with Rory and Cooper. These weren’t strangers I picked up in a bar. They were the two I’d wanted my whole life. I was doing this. I was going to take those two hot cowboys for a ride.

  I hurried back to the table, eagerness and excitement making me tremble in a whole new way. Rory was signing the check when I reached them. They stood and Rory came to my side, put his hand at the small of my back and led me toward the door.

  “What about dessert?” I teased.

  “You’re our dessert.” Rory’s low voice right next to my ear gave me goosebumps and had my thoughts switching to them licking me. Everywhere.

  I glanced at Cooper in confusion when they were steering me away from the exit that led to the parking lot. “Where are you taking me?”

  Cooper grinned, the corner of his mouth tipped up. I had to wonder why he had interest in me when he turned women’s heads everywhere he went with that smile. It was like a woman-magnet and no woman in a thirty foot radius was immune, me included. “This restaurant adjoins our hotel. We’re going up to Rory’s room.”

  My mouth fell open for a second before I burst out with a laugh. There was no way this was coincidence. “Wow, you brought me back to your hotel for dinner? Someone was feeling awfully sure of himself tonight.”

  “We both were,” Cooper said, his hand gripping my elbow and steering me toward an elevator bank.

  “Do you guys really think I’m that easy?” I was teasing but they must have caught the underlying insecurity in my tone because they both came to a stop and turned to me. Rory cupped my face in the palm of his hand, his eyes darkening with intensity.

  “Easy? Hell, no. Seven years of wondering where you were is pretty hard-to-get. We have the highest respect for you, sweets. Don’t ever forget that.” He dropped a light kiss on my lips and a ridiculous wave of emotions had tears stinging the back of my eyes.

  “There’s no denying the chemistry between the three of us,” he continued. “We all feel the connection. You aren’t a quick fuck. You’re it for us.”

  I longed to hear those words, but they scared the crap out of me. I nodded though, because I had to admit they were right. We did have chemistry, although it was more like TNT. I wasn’t so sure I was it for them, though. I didn’t want to give them false hope. They watched me now with such sweet concern, clearly still worried I felt disrespected. But I didn’t. No, I felt wanted and when when Rory stepped close, pressed the hard length of his cock against my side, I felt very wanted. My pussy clenched again in anticipation.

  I was doing this. I’d live the rest of my life with regret if I didn’t.

  Now that I’d made my decision, I was all in. This was what I wanted. They were what I wanted. I’d have my one night of bliss and then I’d send them on their way. That same bittersweet pang made my heart ache, but I ignored it as I smiled up at them. “If this connection is so strong, what the hell are we waiting for?”

  Cooper let out a short laugh and linked my arm through his once more so he could lead me toward the elevator, Rory following close behind. Rory hit the number for his floor and both men turned to face me.

  Oh holy hell. I’d forgotten how intense they could be, how overwhelming it was when they both looked at me like that. Like I was the sun and the moon and an all-you-could-eat buffet all in one. The adoration in their eyes was humbling. And that ravenous hunger…well, I was certain they saw the same in my gaze.

  “I don’t think I can wait till we get to the room to get my hands on this sweet body,” Cooper said, his voice a rough growl. “How about you, Rory?”

  Rory shook his head slowly, his eyes fastened on me. Reaching up, he brushed my hair back, tucked it behind my ear. That, followed by a gentle caress of his knuckles down my exposed cheek making my eyes fall closed. “Nope. We’ve been waiting too long. I definitely can’t wait any longer. And you got a taste of that pussy,” he grumbled, clearly mad that Cooper had licked my arousal from his fingers and Rory hadn’t.

  They moved in closer—I felt their body heat radiating off them—and I fought for air as their meaning struck. My eyes flew up and I was in a mild panic. “Here? You guys, we’re in an elevator. You can’t go down on me here.” I glanced at the brushed nickel walls. “We could be caught.”

  “Just another taste,” Cooper murmured.

  The rest of my protests flew out of my mind as his lips found the sensitive skin behind my ear. My head fell back against the elevator wall and my lips parted. Rory took advantage, licking at my lower lip before thrusting his tongue into my mouth, making me moan. This was what I remembered, the feel of them surrounding me, possessing me. And we were fully clothed in an elevator. What was it going to feel like once we were in bed and naked?

  Their hands were everywhere, skimming over my legs and hips, cupping my ass, and massaging my breasts. I was whimpering by the time the elevator came to a stop with a ding. I straightened quickly, terrified that other passengers were about to get on, but when the doors slid open, Rory stepped back and gestured for me to step off first. I was impressed at how civilized he became from one second to the next. “This is my floor.”

  The moment his hotel room door closed behind us though, we were at it again, this time with a desperation that was heady and overwhelming. I fumbled with their clothes as they continued their kissing and nibbling. I only had two hands to strip two hard bodies and made a sound of frustration against Rory’s lips. He pulled back and I managed to say, “I need to see you.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Cooper said with a sly grin.

  They made quick work of shedding their clothes. Rory pulled a condom from the pocket of his pants and tossed it on the bed. Good, while I had an IUD, I remembered last time and knew exactly how virile they were. I took a step away from them so I could take it in, this mouthwatering array of brawn and muscle. Rory stood before me in nothing, his cock long and thick and pointing straight at me. A dark and dangerous gleam shone in his eyes as he waited for me to look my fill. There was no embarrassment—he had zero modesty it seemed, but it was no wonder with his military-honed physique. He looked like he was tensed, ready to pounce. I just had to curl my finger.


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