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Take Me Fast (Bridgewater County Book 3)

Page 8

by Vanessa Vale

  “You’re stronger than you were before,” I told him, opting to focus on the positive changes I’d seen. And he was stronger. He might not have that youthful charm anymore, but he held himself with a kind of poise and strength that only came with maturity and life experience.

  He turned his face to look out at our backyard where Lily’s swing set sat surrounded by a boatload of toys. “I don’t know if I should be around children.”

  I gave a little snort of amusement at that. When he looked over in surprise, I explained. “Lily isn’t ‘children.’ She’s not just some random kid. She’s your child. Of course you should be around her.”

  His gaze focused on my face, as if trying to read something there. As if I might be lying. I wasn’t. I trusted him, perhaps more than he trusted himself. But now that I’d made the decision to introduce them to Lily, I had no doubts that she would love them just like I always had. She was perceptive. All children were. She would see Cooper for what he was. Good, inside and out.

  With that in mind, I took a step closer to him and took his hand in mine. “She’s your daughter,” I said again. “Which means she’s strong, just like you. Trust me, she can handle some scars and some moodiness. Just wait until she’s thirteen. She’ll give your moodiness a run for the money.”

  One side of his mouth curved up in amusement at my description. I tugged on his hand, forcing him to follow me. “Come on. It’s time you said hello to your daughter. I promise she’ll love you.”

  We no sooner stepped into the living room than Lily ran over to me, her nightgown swirling around her ankles, her face lit up with excitement. “Is it true, Mommy? Are these my daddies?”

  Shock left me temporarily speechless. I shot a look at Rory who came into the room behind her. He watched us with his arms crossed defensively. He’d told her and he was ready for my anger. I’d wanted to tell Lily in my own way, my own time, but he’d taken that from me. They both had when they showed up the other day out of the blue.

  And though I was angry that he’d gone ahead and spilled the news first, I’d have been lying if I said I wasn’t just a little bit relieved. I’d been dreading how I was going to tell her, especially since I’d kept it a secret until now, but she knew and she was…well, she was over the moon.

  Lily questioned everything, just like every other curious child. Why is the moon white? Where do rabbits go at night? Why is broccoli green and not pink? But those were easy to answer. And the question she asked now? It was easy to answer as well.

  “It’s true, sweetheart. These men are your daddies.” I saw Aunt Sarah come to stand beside Rory, her eyes filled with tears. She’d always wanted me to introduce Lily to her fathers and she’d finally gotten her wish.

  Lily ran over to Cooper and wrapped her arms around his waist. Rory and I watched as Cooper—tough, guarded, broken Cooper—got tears in his eyes looking down at his little girl. Carefully, he put his hands on her back, patted it gently. I knew without a doubt that Lily, with her unconditional love, was exactly what Cooper needed in his life to help him heal. It wasn’t going to be immediate, but we had nothing but time now. As if on cue, Lily spotted the scar that crept out from beneath his sleeve and covered part of his hand. She pulled back, her eyes wide with excitement. “I have a booboo, too!” She proudly pulled up the sleeve of her nightgown to show him where she’d cut herself the other day on the jungle gym.

  Cooper blinked down at her, clearly stunned, but she was oblivious to his shock. “See?” she said. “We match.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I see.” Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he held her tight and I had to turn away to keep from outright bawling. I’d kept her from these men, from this joy that was immediate for her. I’d kept Cooper and Rory from their daughter, from this perfect connection which they shared, even after knowing each other a few minutes.

  The rest of the day passed by in a blur of emotions. I mostly sat back and watched in awe as Lily played and chatted with the guys as if it was the most natural thing in the world. And those men—my men—they were surprisingly good with her. For a couple of badass war heroes who said they were afraid of a child, they knew their way around a Barbie playhouse and seemed to have no qualms about partaking some imaginary tea alongside her stuffed animal collection.

  I watched as Aunt Sarah stifled a laugh when Cooper sat in a little chair meant for someone Lily’s size, his knees almost in his nose. I couldn’t hold it back and Cooper glanced up at me, grinned. He was so handsome. Seeing this softer side of him only made me want him more.

  When dinnertime rolled around, Rory went out onto the porch and showed Lily his special trick for grilling the perfect burger. I was emotionally exhausted by the time I put her down to bed shortly after dinner.

  Luckily Lily went down easily—no doubt she was just as exhausted as I was. She handled it well, but both of our lives had been flipped upside down and there was no going back to the way it was.

  What that meant for how we moved forward, though…well, that remained to be seen. When I came back downstairs, Aunt Sarah graciously excused herself saying she had an important bridge game down at the senior center and slipped out the front door, pocketbook slung over her arm and a smirk on her lips. She was even brash enough to wink at the men.

  While it was bridge night, I knew very well that she was trying to give us some space for a much needed talk. This wasn’t just a one-night-stand anymore. She wasn’t telling me to have a good time with two hot cowboys as she had—at least subtly—the night before. This was different. This was more. This was everything.

  Judging by the curious looks she’d been giving me all day, I’d have plenty of explaining to do when she and I had a moment alone. I hadn’t told her who my date was the night before. I’d given her no notice when we showed up this morning, not that I’d had any either. She’d always known about Rory and Cooper—I hadn’t kept it from her—but neither of us knew about what they’d endured in the military and how seeing Lily would impact them. Would impact all of us. But first and foremost, I had to figure out what the hell was going on. Cooper wasn’t freaking because he just discovered he had a child. No, he freaked because he didn’t think he was good enough for her. That he’d hurt her. Scare her. They knew my secret and it was time to learn theirs.

  Cooper sat quietly on the couch as Rory scowled from where he leaned against the doorframe. Clearly, he’d been waiting for me, and judging by his look, he was waiting for a fight.

  “You had no right to tell her you were her fathers,” I said, turning to face him.

  His eyes darkened, his square jaw clenched. It was exactly what he’d been waiting for. Pushing himself off the doorframe, he walked toward me. Being so big, his footsteps were almost silent. “I had every right. She’s our daughter, Ivy. She deserves to know that, just like we deserved to know when she was born.”

  I looked away, my shoulders slumping, all bluster gone because he was right. I was angry for the upheaval, the confusion. I’d been doing things my way all along, being the one in charge, making the important decisions. Alone. Now they show up out of nowhere and stake their claim. Over me, their daughter. It was too much, too fast.

  “I know,” I said. And I did. But that didn’t make it any easier, or any less overwhelming. I tried to explain it to them. “I was planning on telling Lily eventually. I just wanted some time to figure out how this will work. You showed up two days ago!” I saw my men exchange a look and hurried on. “I know you want to be a part of her life, but we don’t know what that will look like yet. You’ll be going back to Bridgewater and we’ll be here and…I just don’t want to see her disappointed.”

  Rory sighed as he crossed the distance between us. “Sweets, do you really think we could ever walk away from you or Lily? Hell, we weren’t planning on leaving here without you, but now knowing what we do about Lily…there’s no way we’re letting you go. Either of you.”

  I shook my head. This was all happening too quickly. I took a step back.
br />   “We’ll stay here in Seattle if that’s what it takes,” Cooper said quietly.

  I looked from him to Rory who nodded in agreement.

  “No way. I couldn’t ask you to do that. You have a new business and a home of your own and—”

  “Then come back with us,” Rory interrupted. He reached out and tucked my hair back behind my ear. It seemed he liked to do that, to touch my hair, to see my face. They’d told me long ago they could see every one of my emotions on my face. Perhaps it was true, because he was looking at me so intently, so deeply. “Bring Lily to Bridgewater.”

  I opened my mouth but was too stunned to say anything. What they were asking was ludicrous. “Montana? We have a life here. A good one.”

  Rory shrugged as if the issue wasn’t huge. “Then we’ll stay here.”

  My eyes widened at his casual promise. Like it was a given they would drop everything and move to Seattle for us.

  Cooper spoke up again. “You’ve got to understand that you and Lily are the most important things to us. More important than any business or house. Those are things. We learned in the army that people matter. They’re irreplaceable. We have you. We have a child. Jesus, we have a daughter and we won’t miss a minute more of her.”

  “All that matters is that we’re in your lives,” Rory added. “However you’ll have us.”

  The last of my energy drained out of me at those words. It was too much, too soon. I had no idea how to respond. I felt like I could sleep for days—I’d been kept up late by their thorough attentions the night before—and maybe then meditate for a year, and after that maybe I’d know what the right thing to do was. But for now, my brain was fried and my heart was filled to the brim with too many emotions to name. “Can we…can we talk about this tomorrow? I’m not saying no,” I clarified. “I need some time.”

  Rory’s answering grin was wicked. A look I remembered from high school that had me handing over my panties, and my virginity. “I think we could all use a break right about now.” He reached out and pulled me into his arms. I didn’t resist. I didn’t want to. “Let us help you relax.”

  I was already breathless and melting in his arms when he murmured, “What do you say?”

  I heard Cooper move behind me, pressing his front against my back. They liked me between them as much as I liked being there. I felt secure, safe. Protected. As if they could block out the world with their large bodies.

  What did I say? Yes. Hell, yes.

  I might not know what to do about them and Lily, but I knew what we had was spectacular. Special. I couldn’t deny it. I couldn’t argue because I would be lying and they’d know. My orgasms from the night before were proof enough. Rory couldn’t miss my hard nipples pressing into his chest. I wanted them. I ached for them and I couldn’t deny any of us the pleasure we could share.

  Cooper said people mattered. Rory and Cooper mattered to me. What was between us—even with how confusing it was—mattered.

  I tipped my head toward my bedroom in the back of the house on the main floor. “My room is that way.”

  Cooper stepped back and Rory scooped me up into his arms so quickly I let out a little squeal. When he set me on my feet by my bed, Cooper was there to greet me with a kiss that made me forget all about the major life decisions I had yet to face. The heat of it, the feel of his lips on mine made me whimper. When he used that to his advantage and his tongue slipped in to meet mine, I met him with a burst of need. I put my hands on him, slid them down his muscular torso to the bottom of his shirt, pushed it up. Felt the heat of his skin beneath.

  Rory’s hands moved beneath the skirt of my sundress I’d changed into earlier in the day. He grunted when he felt my bare butt, then the lacy string of my thong. In one quick move, he tugged them down so they fell to my ankles. I heard his voice in my ear as Cooper’s tongue slid against mine. “I can’t wait, sweets. This is going to be fast, at least the first time. Bend over.”

  Oh my. That growled command was enough to make me wet—no, wetter—and I let him and Cooper maneuver me over the bed so I was resting on my forearms, my bare ass in the air. They were quiet and I glanced over my shoulder. Standing side by side, they were looking at my butt. And my pussy. Rory stroked a hand over my hip, then slipped his fingers through my wetness. I arched my back and cried out at the barely-there caress.

  “Fuck,” he murmured. “Fast, sweets. We’re going to take you fast.”

  I wiggled my hips. “Yes,” I breathed, wanton and eager for them.

  I watched as they unfastened their jeans, pulled their cocks out.

  Cooper’s hands gripped my hips to hold me still. “Easy. You know we’ll always take care of you. But first you need to learn your lesson.”

  I was almost ashamed to say how much those words turned me on. I’d never thought I was into power plays in the bedroom, but this was a side of the boys—no, men—that made my pussy ache. “What lesson?” I managed to ask, my voice breathless with anticipation. “What happened to fast?”

  “Don’t worry, that’s coming,” Rory said. “But Cooper’s right. You should have let us take care of you back then and every day since.”

  His hand came down on my ass with a loud slap. I let out a little cry and bit my lip as the sting from his palm turned into something deliciously hot. They’d never spanked me before. Hell, I’d never been spanked by any man before and it was hot. I never imagined I’d like it, the feel of Rory’s palm making contact with my upturned bottom. That he was taking charge, turning his words, his feelings into something I could physically feel.

  “It’s our job to take care of you,” Cooper said as he spanked me next. I moaned and arched my back, lifting my ass higher and silently begging for more.

  “Your problems are ours. You’re our woman and your happiness means everything to us.” Rory spanked me hard, making me jerk forward with a gasp.


  “Do you understand?” Cooper asked as he grabbed my hips and pulled me back into position. Oh my god, I didn’t know this side of them, this dominance was…exhilarating.

  “Yes,” I gasped. I bit my lip, but couldn’t stop myself from adding, “I want more.”

  Rory’s laugh was low and pleased as he stroked his palm over my heated skin. “Our naughty girl likes her punishment. We’ll give you what you need, but first you will promise to let us help you from here on out. Whatever you need, we’re here for you.”

  I nodded quickly, his words making me tear up with a tenderness that was almost unbearable. It seemed crazy since I was on my hands and knees, dress tossed up about my waist. There were no doubt handprints—their big ones—on my bottom. And I wanted more. I wanted anything they’d give me. I’d been on my own for so long I’d almost forgotten what it felt like to be taken care of. To be loved. And hopefully in the next few seconds, well and truly fucked. “I promise.”

  “Good girl.” Then he gave me what I craved—another hard spanking that had me pleading incoherently for more. Shit, I was so turned on I was barely making sense. Was it possible to come from a spanking?

  Cooper moved around the bed, dropped onto it so his head was propped up on my pile of decorative pillows and tugged me forward and on top of him. He’d opened his pants and his cock stood up straight. The vein along the thick length pulsed. The sight of it made my mouth water. I flicked my gaze to his, then grinned. Lowering my head, I opened my mouth to suck his cock, but he had other ideas. Handing me a condom wrapper, I opened it and rolled it down his hard length, his fists clenched in my comforter as I did so. Once sheathed, he pulled me up easily with his rock hard physique. I would have to remember to send a thank you note to Uncle Sam for all the extra muscles my man had packed on. I was straddling him, my knees on either side of his narrow hips and he helped me lower myself on top of him, his hard length sliding into me and filling me up.

  I rolled my hips, grinding against him, adjusting to him. He was so big, so deep I was desperate for release, especially after that spanking. I
felt Rory behind me, grab the hem of my dress and tug it up. I lifted my arms over my head and he worked the dress off, my bare breasts bouncing free. His hands cupped them as I rode his friend. His fingers pinched my nipples hard and my head fell back against his shoulder. Yes. This. This was what I’d been missing all these years. The heady, mindless joy of being fucked by two men whose sole mission was to make me happy, to take care of me and fulfill my desires.

  Who could ever walk away from this?

  Me. I’d walked away from it once but it had nearly killed me. I honestly didn’t know if I could ever do it again.

  “Come, sweets,” Rory breathed, licking along the delicate shell of my ear. One hand slid down and over my clit, slick and hard, pushing me over the edge.

  I rode Cooper’s cock as I came, sweat blooming on my skin. Only when the pleasure ebbed did they move.

  “Ready for us both?” Rory asked, moving back to put a condom on. I heard the pop of a lid, the slick squirt of liquid.

  I jolted when Rory’s palm cupped my bottom, then slid a finger over my back entrance. Cooper gripped my hips, tugged me down so I was laying on his chest. His pale eyes met mine. “Let Rory fuck your ass. Take us together.”

  My eyes widened when I felt Rory’s finger pressing against me more insistently. There.

  “Ever had a cock here before?” he asked.

  I shook my head and shuddered as he circled, pressed in.

  “Oh god,” I moaned. I’d had no idea I was so sensitive from such an intimate touch. I clenched down on Cooper’s cock, making him groan.

  “Shit, woman. You’re squeezing my dick and I’m going to come. Let Rory take this virginity, too. I love knowing we’ll always be your firsts.”

  Rory continued to play as Cooper continued. I breathed deeply, trying to remain relaxed as Rory worked to carefully stretch me open, to become used to being doubly filled. “I want Rory inside you when I come, when we’ll make you come again. All three of us. Together.”

  He wasn’t one of many words, but he wanted this. The way Rory was coaxing me, with a gentleness that surprised me, into my virgin asshole, I had to admit I kind of wanted it, too.


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