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Take Me Fast (Bridgewater County Book 3)

Page 11

by Vanessa Vale

  Ivy still looked doubtful. “Cole and Declan are picking me up and they won’t get into town for another couple of hours, at least. Go.”

  When Cooper and I hesitated once more, she rolled her eyes. “For heaven’s sake, you three, I’m her doctor and we’re in the hospital. No horsing around allowed.”

  That got a smile from Ivy, but I doubted Lily would be allowed near a horse ever again.

  “She’s in good hands, I promise.”

  “Can I wear my cowgirl boots with my hospital outfit?” Lily asked.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Yeah, she was fine. With that reassurance and Hannah pulling the little boots out of a bag with the rest of Lily’s clothes, the three of us headed out.

  After we checked in to the hotel, Cooper and Ivy filled me in on what had happened. All Cole had told me on the phone was that Lily fell off a horse, so they filled me in on all the details. I wrapped a supportive arm around Ivy as she choked up at the memory of seeing Lily fall off, hit her head and lay there unconscious on the ground.

  I was freaking out at just the thought of it. Being there must have been horrible.

  When they got to the part where Cooper flew them from Bridgewater to the hospital, I stared at my best friend in openmouthed shock. I’d been too heartsick and worried to think about how they’d gotten to the hospital so quickly. I’d just been grateful that they’d gotten there and hadn’t worried about how. Now, though, I stared at Cooper in stunned admiration.

  He’d said he’d never fly again. We’d run a chopper company, but he’d ride a desk. I’d take all the flights, or we’d hire someone to help. I had no intention of pushing him on it. I hadn’t crashed in the middle of the desert. I hadn’t been under enemy fire. I hadn’t lost all the men looking to me to get them out of danger.

  He’d come through, barely, despite the demons he battled. He’d somehow gotten behind the stick and saved our girl. When our woman and our daughter were in trouble, he’d stepped up, like I always knew he could. “You did what?”

  He ducked his head with a bashful grin. His cheeks flushed a ruddy red. “I flew. Fuck, I was so scared.” I wasn’t sure if he was referring to piloting a chopper again or because Lily had been hurt.

  I looked over to Ivy and saw her giving Cooper a proud smile. “He did it for us. For Lily.” She reached over and took his hand in hers. Squeezed until her knuckles turned white. “We needed him and he was there for us.”

  I reached over to put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m proud of you, man.”

  His expression was beyond embarrassed at the recognition, but he was clearly pleased. “You know, I don’t think I could have gotten back in the cockpit for any other reason. And while I wish the accident had never happened, fuck I never want to see Lily hurt ever again, I’m glad it forced me to face my fears.” He turned to me, his expression resolute. “I think you and I should split piloting duties at our company. And the damn paperwork.”

  I grinned like an idiot. For the first time in a long while, I saw my old friend again, or at least a hint of him. It wasn’t a full recovery, but it was a start. “I think that sounds like a great plan.”

  He looked down at his feet and then back up at Ivy. “Wherever we are. Seattle, Bridgewater, we can run our business.”

  Ivy didn’t say anything to that. Now wasn’t the time to get her to decide, but I knew Cooperwanted to ensure she knew we would go where she was. Where our daughter was.

  “If it’s all right with you, I’d like to take the first shift with Lily tonight,” he added.

  Ivy smiled, cupped his cheek. “Of course. And she’s your daughter, too. You don’t need to ask my permission to spend time with her.”

  His grin was easygoing, boyish—the old smile I hadn’t seen in nearly a year. “In that case, I’d better take a quick shower and get out of here.”

  When he shut the bathroom door behind him, the water kicking on, Ivy leaned against me, her head on my shoulder.

  “That was a great thing you did for Cooper,” I said. “Helping him face his fears. He needed that.”

  “It was unintentional, I assure you. I wish there had been a different way to get him to fly.” I felt her shudder, probably thinking about what happened. “I didn’t do anything, really, it was just the circumstance.”

  I shook my head. “No, that’s not all it was. I’m not really talking about the accident either.” She turned to look up at me, a frown on her face. Clearly, she didn’t understand, so I continued. “He needed someone to care about again. Someone to care for. You and Lily are exactly what he needs in his life to help him move on. He knows I’m here for him. He knows his parents are—you’ll meet them soon—but it’s not the same. You’re…more.”

  She smiled. “Then I’m glad we could be that for him.” She paused for a moment. “But what are we to you, Rory?”

  I grinned down at her. “Do you even need to ask? You, Lily, and Cooper are everything to me. I love you all so much. You’re my family.”

  I saw a glimmer of tears in her eyes at that, but she blinked them back.

  Reaching out, I cupped her chin in my hand so she was forced to look up at me. “We need you, Ivy. We always have. I hope you can see that now.”

  She gave me a wobbly smile, nodded. “What I see is that Lily and I need you and Cooper just as much as you need us.”

  Cooper appeared in the doorway of the bathroom and I saw the intense emotions play across his face. I hadn’t heard the water shut off, but he stood in just a towel about his waist, water beading on his chest, dripping from his hair.

  I already knew the answer, but I asked him anyway. “Did you hear that?”

  His answer was a growl. “About time she admitted as much.”

  Ivy’s laugh was soft and beautiful. “Maybe it took me a little time to get used to the idea, but I get it now. The four of us are family.” She nudged me with her shoulder. “Always have been, always will be.”



  Maybe it was the adrenaline from the accident that had me seeing so clearly. More likely it was being reminded of how easy it was to lose someone I loved. Lily had fallen so quickly. One second she was happily sitting upon Casper plodding along, the next, dangling by her shiny new cowgirl boot.

  It had been horrifying and I never wanted to feel that level of panic ever again. She’d woken in the helicopter and because of that, Hannah became optimistic, but I hadn’t truly calmed down until the ER doc ruled out everything but a concussion. I was still shaking and I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

  No more debating. No more worries. We just had to live and hope—pray—for the best. The decision to be with these men, really be with them, suddenly felt like a no brainer. We’d wasted enough time apart these past seven years. The last thing I wanted was to waste any more. Perhaps I’d known the inevitable when they stood outside my school, all sexy brawn and brooding stares, but now I was certain.

  The way they were looking at me right now—the brooding was hidden by the obvious love, their love—I’d never felt more certain and I told them as much.

  “I love you, too,” Cooper said. “I’ve always loved you, sweets.”

  Rory nodded. “We claimed you, body and heart, all those years ago.”

  I swallowed back tears that threatened. We’d been through so much today, I was done with tears, even if they were happy ones.

  “Well, all right then,” Rory said with a grin. A grin that could make my panties wet. “I guess now we just need to figure out how to relocate our business to Seattle.”

  His words had the smile slip from my face. Oh god. These men. Tears filled my eyes. They had assumed all along that to be with me and Lily they’d have to move away from Bridgewater. They were willing to give up the town and family nearby. A business. A home they owned. Everything just because I said I wanted to stay in Seattle. I was humbled by them, by the depth of their desire to be with us.

  I shook my head. “Don’t do that. Not
yet, at least.”

  From the moment I’d stepped off the plane and breathed in the clear Montana air, I’d felt at home in a way I hadn’t for ages. Being back in Bridgewater felt right. It had been nice to see my childhood home and the school I’d gone to, but that wasn’t what had made me think that Lily and I might be better off moving back. It had been the people. Their friendliness and openness. The way threesomes like Hannah and her men went about their lives with no hassles or strange looks.

  That’s what I’d grown up with and that was what I wanted for Lily. I wanted her to be close with both her daddies and not have to hide the fact that she had two fathers. And I didn’t want to hide either. I loved these men—both of them. The three of us fit. We belonged together. And I wanted to share that with everyone, not hide it away like a dirty secret.

  Cooper and Rory were watching me, waiting for me to explain.

  “I think—” I started. I bit my lip as I felt the full heat of their stares. “I think maybe we should stay here in Montana. Lily seems to like it here and I’ve missed my home.”

  Rory and Cooper were outright grinning at me.

  “Are you sure?” Cooper asked.

  I nodded. Yeah, this was right. It felt right. “I just need to talk to Aunt Sarah first and see if she’d like to join us.” There was a lot I had to sort out, like a job and Lily’s new school, but I wouldn’t be doing it alone. Now that I’d made my decision, all doubts and confusion lifted and for the first time in a long time, I knew I was on the right path. It might have taken me a while to sort it all out, but we were all here, together—healthy and whole—and that was what mattered.

  I couldn’t wait to tell Lily. Seeing her expression when she’d first taken in the majestic mountains and the untouched nature…I knew she would be over the moon. Turned out, my men had been right. She had Bridgewater in her blood, just like I did.

  I turned to Cooper. “Will you wait for me to get ready? I’ll go back to the hospital with you, I just want to freshen up.”

  Rory stood and pulled me to my feet. “Lily is still sleeping, there’s no rush.” He tugged me toward the bathroom, where Cooper was still standing in the doorway, a towel slung around his hips. I noticed he didn’t try to hide his scars from me this time and for that I was glad.

  I looked between the two, saw the heat in their eyes, their intention.

  “It’s like that, is it?” I asked, a smile forming.

  “Fuck yeah,” Cooper said.

  “Let me…let me check in with Hannah first, okay?”

  Rory stepped back, grabbed my phone, dialed. “Hannah? It’s Rory. How’s our little squirt? Yeah, good. Tell that to Ivy.”

  He passed me the phone and then stripped off his shirt. He was too relaxed for anything to be wrong.

  “Hi, Hannah,” I said, staring at Rory’s rugged chest. I loved the smattering of dark hair and the way it ran into a line that disappeared beneath his jeans. I knew exactly where it led and I could see the thick outline of his cock.

  I listened as Hannah told me Lily had had two chocolate puddings and a lime Jell-o before she fell asleep. She reassured me that I could take time with Rory and Cooper, that I wasn’t being a bad mother taking a few hours for myself.

  I handed the phone back to Rory.

  “All good?” Cooper asked, coming over to me, stroking my hair back from my face. I told him about our daughter’s little pig-out and he laughed. “That’s my girl. Feel better?”

  I nodded and didn’t resist when he grabbed my t-shirt and pulled it over my head.

  “Thanks for letting me check on her.” I closed my eyes as his hands cupped my lace covered breasts.

  “You don’t have to thank us for making sure our daughter is okay. But now that she is…”

  He didn’t say more, only dropped to his knees and undid the front of my jeans. It took a little work, but he tugged the snug fabric down and off, then hooked the lacy edge of my panties to follow. Cooper unhooked my bra and slipped it off my shoulders so I was bare to them.

  I couldn’t have said no if I’d wanted to. The feel of Cooper’s lips on my neck made my knees go weak and I leaned back against him. After such a stressful day, I turned to putty in their arms. I let myself revel in the fact that I had two caring, sexy, kind men to take care of me. Two men who wanted nothing more than to make me happy.

  “Why don’t you let us help you relax.” Rory looked at me with his dark eyes, all heated with simmering need just before he leaned in and kissed the top of my pussy. My hand lowered to his short hair, too short to tangle, but silky beneath my palm.

  “Okay. Oh! Yes,” I breathed.

  Rory knew exactly how to touch me, to lick me, to nibble and suck on my clit to push me to the brink. When he slipped a finger inside me and curled, I stiffened. When Cooper tugged on my nipples and nipped at the spot where my shoulder met my neck, I came.

  They continued to touch me as I came back to myself. I felt Cooper’s lips on my neck, Rory’s gentle kisses on my clit, their hands on me, caressing me. Gentling me.

  I didn’t even realize I was grinning until Rory stood then kissed the corner of my lips. “What are you smiling about?”

  “I’m just happy,” I said, tasting myself as his tongue met mine. “After everything the three of us have been through, I never would have thought we’d get our fairytale ending, but now….”

  “I’m not sure how many fairy tales have the princess eaten out by one of her princes while the other other plays with her nipples.”

  I rolled my eyes, but had to laugh. “That is so dirty.”

  “Then let’s get you clean,” Cooper said, stepping back and tugging me to the bathroom, dropping the towel from his waist on the way.

  I looked over my shoulder and watched as Rory stripped, then joined us.

  Cooper moved away from me and Rory wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me up. I heard the shower start behind me and my men helped me in. The feel of the hot water against my overly sensitive skin made me gasp, then moan as Rory and Cooper joined me, their hard chests now hot and slick as they pressed against me from both sides. They caressed my breasts, my ass, my pussy, using soap to make me slick, then rinsed me and did it all over again. Soon I was wiggling between them, writhing at the delicious torture.

  I let my head fall back on Cooper’s shoulder as Rory lowered himself to suck on my nipples. Moving back and forth, he used his teeth to nip and tease the tender flesh until I was whimpering, Cooper’s strong grip on my hips the only thing keeping me from shamelessly rubbing my pussy against Rory’s thigh so I could find my release. Again. They’d turned me into a desperate hussy and I didn’t care.

  I was so needy for them, begging for more when Cooper teased me by slipping one finger between my folds, stroking my clit before sliding into my pussy. My hips jerked and I heard Rory’s low laugh. “I think our woman is ready for us, what do you think?”

  Cooper reached around me to tweak one nipple. “I think we should give her what she needs.”

  Yes! Oh holy hell, yes.

  “I need you in me. Stop playing and give it to me.”

  My voice was bossy and Rory chuckled.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  They took turns giving it to me. Just like that memorable night out in Baker’s field all those years ago, my men took turns fucking me. One would fuck me shamelessly as the other held me upright and whispered words of love in my ear. Rory took me from behind, Cooper as I was pressed up against the tile, my legs wrapped around his waist. I came three times before it was all over, and by that time they had to help me dry off and carry me out to the bed since my legs refused to work. My brain was mush and I was okay with that. I knew my men would take care of me.

  “I love knowing we wore you out. You need a nap, sweets,” Cooper whispered as he tucked me in and then climbed in beside me.

  Rory lay down on my other side so I was cocooned between them, just where I wanted to be. Between them. Always.

  “Sleep, th
en we’ll head over to the hospital and see our daughter.”

  Yes, our daughter. I loved the pride I heard in Cooper’s voice. “We’re a family now,” Rory murmured.

  Yes. A family. I found myself smiling as I drifted off. We’d join Lily, stay with her until we could take her home in the morning, then go home to Bridgewater. All of us. Our whole family. Together.

  Have you read book 1? See how the Bridgewater County series starts with Ride Me Dirty.

  Here’s a sneak peek:


  © 2017 by Vanessa Vale



  The hallway was dark, the pulsing beat of a new dance number thumped through the wall at my back as he held me there, trapped between the unforgiving plaster and his hot, lean frame. His lips were hard and dominant, demanding my surrender, even as I squirmed in his hold. He was the only man that I wanted to disembowel with my stiletto and fuck with equal need.

  “Don’t move.” He pressed forward, his solid body pinning me to the wall, his rock hard cock a temptation I couldn’t ignore as I ground my hips against him, trying to get closer. God, yes. More.

  “Does this bossy shit work with all the girls?”

  “Your pussy's all hot and wet, doll. Don't deny it.”

  His dark eyes met mine and the look I gave him should have withered his balls. Instead, it made him grin and I swear I felt his cock pulse. “Shut it down, doll. Every thought in your head. Work. Life. Everything but my dick pressed against you. Shut it the fuck down before I take you over my knee.” I narrowed my eyes and was equally appalled and aroused. “You wouldn't.”

  The thin material of his suit pants was almost no barrier between us as I raised my legs and wrapped them around his hips like a woman in heat. I had no idea arguing would be so fucking hot. My skirt slid up and I rubbed my bare inner thighs against his hips, eager for more.


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