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The Source Field Investigations

Page 13

by Wilcock, David

  D’Zmura calculated the average value for the precession between 150 B.C. and A.D. 2000, based on estimates of how fast the earth’s wobble has been moving during this time, and came up with a number just slightly smaller than the traditional 2,160-year Age of the Zodiac: some 2,158.1914 years. If we then add that to Hipparchus’s start date of 146 B.C., we end up at seventy days after the beginning of the year 2012.

  This date of A.D. 2012 is accepted as significant to spiritualists, mystics and believers, many of whom prognosticate that the Messiah appears in this year.22

  The Hindus, the Mayas and the Egyptian/Greek/Roman astrology tradition all appear to converge on the same two-year period—from 2012 to 2014—as the window in which major changes are predicted to take place. Hardly anyone is aware that these 2012 prophecies are truly a worldwide phenomenon—appearing on either side of the Atlantic. An ever-increasing body of data in myths and prophecies suggests that we may undergo a phoenix-like transformation into a Fifth Root Race during this window of time—which may ultimately affect every person on earth. It seems like an impossible, starry-eyed dream that something like this could really happen to us—but the last thing I want to do is just wait and see. I think it’s even worse to just “trust the prophecies,” and not see if we can do any further research to clear things up.

  Asclepius’s Lament

  Another excellent prophetic view of our future comes from an ancient Egyptian document that cannot be any more recent than A.D. 400—but is probably much older. It’s known as “Asclepius’s Lament,” and is a conversation that allegedly took place between Asclepius and Hermes—thus classifying it as a Hermetic text. The very early Christians definitely knew about it and quoted from it. G. R. S. Mead discussed the problems with dating the Hermetic texts in 1906.

  It is impossible to base upon it any certain conclusions as to the date of the original or its precise worth in the history of religion. That, however, our Latin translation is an ancient one is proved by Augustine’s verbal quotations from it. . . . It was thus in existence about 400 A.D. at least. Tradition, however, has assigned to it a far higher antiquity. . . .23

  The Cayce Readings repeatedly date the time of Hermes as being roughly twelve thousand years ago,24 claiming he was the master architect of the Great Pyramid,25 and also said he was a prior incarnation of Jesus.26

  Mead’s book has an older, harder-to-read translation of Asclepius’s Lament.27 Graham Hancock combined the clearest and most poetic aspects from Copenhaver’s28 and Scott’s29 modern translations, giving us a newer, friendlier version that appears, without credit, in various places online—as follows:30 There will come a time when it will have been in vain that Egyptians have honored the Godhead with heartfelt piety and service. . . . The gods will return from earth to heaven. . . . O Egypt, Egypt, of thy religion nothing will remain but an empty tale . . . only the stones will tell of thy piety.

  And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and worship. And so religion, the greatest of all blessings . . . will be threatened with destruction; men will think it a burden and will come to scorn it. . . .

  As for the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you,—all this they will mock, and even persuade themselves that it is false . . . the gods will depart from mankind,—a grievous thing!—and only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul.

  Then will the earth tremble, and the sea bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, all voices of the gods will be forced into silence; the fruits of the earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken with sullen stagnation; all things will be disordered and awry, all good will disappear.

  But when all this has befallen, Asclepius, then God the Creator of all things . . . will call back to the right path those who have gone astray; he will cleanse the world of evil, washing it away with floods, burning it out with the fiercest fire, and expelling it with war and pestilence.

  And thus he will bring back his world to its former aspect, so that the Cosmos will once more be deemed worthy of worship and wondering reverence. . . . Such is the new birth of the Cosmos; it is a making again of all things good, a holy and awe-inspiring restoration of all nature; and it is wrought inside the process of Time by the eternal Will of the Creator.

  Again—the prophecy of floods, fires, war and pestilence has already come true, and we can and will prove that the earth’s recent behavior is unprecedented in modern times. Notice that this prophecy again does not involve every living thing being destroyed. It points to a world in which the “gods” are no longer on earth—if such people ever did live here in the past. It also says the changes we’re now going through pave the way for a “new birth of the Cosmos” that will create an “awe-inspiring restoration of all nature.” Given all the other prophecies that associate the exact same set of circumstances with the 2012–2014 time window, this also seems to be a perfect fit. Another very curious clue in this passage is where Hermes says this transformation is “wrought inside the process of time.” That’s a very curious choice of words. What might he mean by the process of time, exactly? Could it have something to do with this Great Cycle? Time becomes much more interesting once we explore the new science concepts in Part Two.

  I came across more and more of these mysterious Golden Age prophecies as my research went on—not just in Hancock’s discussion of Hamlet’s Mill, but in a variety of other sources. It was obvious to me that the ancients took this prediction very, very seriously. I realized that if these ancient prophecies were, in fact, talking about a real event, there had to be a physical process involved. It had to be something tangible, something measurable, and therefore something that could be studied scientifically. And clearly, the most important clue we’re given in the worldwide ancient myths is “Study the precession of the equinoxes. Find out what it really means, and how it really works.” As the years went by, I spared no expense of time or energy in that quest. One of the first major clues was apparently built into the Great Pyramid of Giza—which may forecast nothing less than a messianic event for humanity as we head into the Age of Aquarius. Once I understood the symbolism, the symbol on the back of the U.S. dollar bill became much more interesting. The founding fathers of America appear to have been very well aware of these archaic prophecies—and gave us a new and improved version of the same prophecies we see in Sumer, Babylon, India, Egypt, Greece and Rome. The American eagle is the new version of the Egyptian Bennu bird. The pyramid is the baetyl—a symbol of the awakened pineal gland. The founding fathers may have even started the United States to help usher these prophecies in. And once you understand the seemingly impossible miracles of the Great Pyramid’s construction, it becomes much easier to see how this may have been considered as the ultimate, living proof that gods had once openly assisted humanity here on earth.


  Shedding New Light on the Great Pyramid

  Are we walking around in a hypnotic trance? Have we forgotten that we have lived before, and will live again? Are we connected to all the living things around us on a direct, conscious level? Is there a working third eye in the center of our brains? Are there techniques we can practice that will allow us to venture directly into the Source Field and perform seemingly impossible miracles? Can others go there with us at the same time, and experience the same things? Is the 25,920-year cycle just a wobble in the earth’s axis? Did the ancients give us a working Source Field technology—pyramids—as a way of revealing that this Source Field can indeed be harnessed and directed for the benefit of all life on earth? Is the Great Pyramid ultimately our single best piece of surviving evidence to prove that our ancestors had very highly advanced technology? Does it also give us the tools to reconstruct their lost, an
cient science?

  The Great Pyramid is considered the largest stone building on earth, covering some thirteen acres at its base—the equivalent of seven Midtown city blocks in Manhattan—and it rises to the height of a forty-story building. Approximately 2.3 million limestone and granite blocks were used to build it, each of them weighing 2.5 to 70 tons apiece—for a total mass of about 6.3 million tons. No crane ever built in modern times is strong enough to lift stones this heavy—it would simply tumble over. The bedrock underneath the Great Pyramid was leveled out so perfectly that no corner of the pyramid’s base is more than a half-inch higher or lower than the others.1 Such precise leveling goes significantly beyond even the finest architectural standards of today.2

  Strangely, the pyramid is also located at the exact center of the earth’s landmass—the one true axis mundi. Its east-west axis sits precisely on the longest land parallel, covering the greatest amount of land and the least amount of water on earth—passing through Africa, Asia, and America along the way. The longest land meridian, crossing over Asia, Africa, Europe, and Antarctica, also passes right through the pyramid.3 The likelihood of finding this “perfect location” by accident is 1 in 3 billion.4 I didn’t understand why this location was so important until years later, as we will see—but it has to do with the flow and positioning of natural energy fields from the earth that have remained unknown to mainstream scientists in our own modern times.

  The sides of the pyramid line up so well with true rotational north that they only deviate by 3 minutes of arc in any one direction—less than 0.06 percent.5 Another “coincidence” is that if you calculate the average height of land above sea level, with Miami as the low and the Himalayas as the high, you come out with 5,449 inches—which is the exact height of the Great Pyramid.6

  To me, the most surprising fact of all was that when the Great Pyramid was first built, it was covered with twenty-one acres of gleaming, brightly polished white casing stones—a total of about 115,000 blocks of pure white limestone7 averaging 100 inches, or 8.3 feet, in thickness. If you caught the glint of the sun’s reflection off of these stones in the daytime, it would be blindingly bright—thus earning it the name Ta Khut, or “the Light.” The reflections could apparently be seen from the mountains of Israel hundreds of miles away.8 Despite the fact that some of these casing stones weighed sixteen tons, all six sides were carved to fit together so perfectly that the cracks between them were only one-fiftieth of an inch wide9—which is narrower than a human fingernail. Sir Flinders Petrie described this in the late 1800s as “the finest opticians’ work on the scale of acres,” comparing it to the precision used to grind lenses for a telescope. Richard C. Hoagland has pointed out that even the tiles on a NASA space shuttle do not fit together this closely. Even more surprisingly, these cracks are not empty—they are filled with a cement that is incredibly strong. There is no known way you could fit a mortar into cracks one-fiftieth of an inch wide, and evenly cover areas as large as five feet by seven feet wide in the vertical, with any known methods. And if you were foolhardy enough to smash the casing stones with a sledgehammer, you would find that the limestone itself breaks before the cement does.10

  I’m well aware of how fantastic this must sound. It’s one thing to see the pyramid sitting there as it is today—a giant mass of decaying stone blocks. It would be quite something else to witness it in its original form, looking like a gigantic, gleaming white sculpture in the desert—something totally unlike any other technological achievement we’ve ever seen on earth—whether from ancient times or in our modern world. Thankfully, many people witnessed these casing stones in their original form and documented their observations in writing over the centuries—and the history can be found in Peter Tompkins’s Secrets of the Great Pyramid.11

  According to Tompkins, limestone becomes harder and more polished with time and weather, unlike marble—think about the gorgeous stalactites and stalagmites of limestone you can find in underground caves. Therefore, the pyramid did not get progressively more dull-looking as the centuries rolled by after it was first built.12 In approximately 440 B.C., Herodotus wrote that the pyramid’s casing stones were highly polished—with joints so fine they could scarcely even be seen with the naked eye.13 The thirteenth-century Arab historian Abd-al-Latif said that despite their polished appearance, these stones were inscribed with mysterious, unintelligible characters—enough to fill ten thousand pages. His colleagues assumed these writings were the graffiti of ancient tourists.14 William of Baldensal visited the pyramid in the early 1300s and described these strange inscriptions as being all arranged in long, careful rows of strange symbols.15 When the casing stones eventually were lost, so went any hope of documenting these mysterious writings for future code-breaking analysis and study.

  Diodorus Siclus, who lived soon after the time of Christ, wrote that the casing stones were “complete and without the least decay.”16 The Roman naturalist Pliny witnessed native boys running up the polished sides, to the delight of tourists. In about A.D. 24, Strabo visited Egypt, and said there was an entrance on the north face of the pyramid that was made of a hinged stone you could raise from the bottom up, but was otherwise indistinguishable from its surroundings when it lay flush.17

  Inside the Great Pyramid there are three different chambers. The largest of these is known as the King’s Chamber, and is the only part of the pyramid that is made of red granite, which is extremely hard. In the 1990s, Bernard Pietsch analyzed the twenty different stones on the floor of the King’s Chamber and made startling discoveries. Strangely, although the stones are all either square or rectangular, hardly any of them are the same size—except when you have an identical pair side by side. These stones are arranged in a series of six different rows—and each row has a different width from any of the others. In Anatomy of the King’s Chamber, Pietsch presents staggeringly complex and compelling evidence that a variety of measurements from Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn—including their orbital periods—are encoded in the stones’ dimensions.18

  Within the King’s Chamber there is a loose stone coffin carved out of an extremely hard chocolate-brown granite, estimated to weigh three tons. The external volume of the sarcophagus is exactly twice the internal volume. Thanks to the patterns of circular drill marks found inside, engineer Christopher Dunn calculated that the coffin was carved out by tubular drills that could cut through granite five hundred times faster than any technology we now have available.19 [In chapter 13, I propose this is actually the result of a technology that can dramatically soften stone.] Skeptics believe this may have been done with diamond-tipped drill bits in Egypt, despite the impossibility of achieving the necessary speeds involved with any modern technology. Dunn points out that the strongest metal they had at the time was copper. The diamonds would have cut through the copper like butter before they ever even put a dent in the granite.20

  The sarcophagus has grooves for a lid to be fitted in place, but no such lid has ever been found—as if it were never intended to be found. Many pyramid researchers, including Peter Lemesurier, interpret this open tomb as symbolizing a time when there will be no more death, i.e., the coming Golden Age. The coffin was empty—and there is no evidence it ever held a mummy. The granite sarcophagus also cannot fit through the Antechamber, meaning that it had to be built into the pyramid from the very beginning—totally in contrast with any known Egyptian burial practices.21

  The internal chambers, passageways and airshafts of the Great Pyramid.

  Although this was not discovered until much later, the north and south walls of both the King’s Chamber and the Queen’s Chamber also contained airshafts that went on an upward-sloping angle, all the way out to the surface of the pyramid. This supplied just enough oxygen to refresh the atmosphere inside each room. In the mid-1990s, Rudolf Gantenbrink sent a miniature robot some sixty-five meters up the shafts, and confirmed that in the King’s Chamber, the south shaft points at the star Al Nitak, or Zeta Orionis. The north sh
aft points at Alpha Draconis, which used to be the pole star in the third millennium B.C.. The northern Queen’s Chamber shaft is aimed at Beta Ursae Minoris, and the southern channel points to Sirius.22 All these alignments date back to about 2500 B.C. That was the most recent time in which they all lined up.23 According to ancient-civilizations researcher Joseph Jochmans, “As Bauval and Gilbert showed through computer calculations, the constellational alignments imprinted in the Air Passages for 2450 B.C.E. were also present earlier, in about 10,500 B.C.E., because of the Precession of the Equinoxes.”24 An Edgar Cayce reading from June 30, 1932, said that work on the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx began this very same year.25

  In the thirteenth century, an Arab historian compared the pyramid to a gigantic female breast, noting the casing stones still looked perfect on the outside except for the original entrance carved by Caliph Al-Mamoun.26 Disaster struck in the year 1356,27 as the first of a series of earthquakes leveled significant areas of northern Egypt, collapsing entire city blocks to rubble. The pyramid was shaken so hard by these quakes that many of the casing stones broke off and tumbled into a giant mess. The people were desperate to rebuild—and used this fallen limestone from the pyramid as raw material to help build the new capital city El Kaherah, “The Victorious,” as well as to rebuild Cairo. Apparently, the stones that hadn’t already fallen off were then deliberately broken off, because the quality of the limestone was very pure and provided an excellent building material. According to the French Baron d’Anlgure, who visited this area of Egypt in 1396, “Certain masons demolished the course of great casing stones which covered [the pyramid,] and tumbled them into the valley.”28 Two bridges were built across the Nile specifically to help drag the stones across the river via camel trains, so as to build mosques and palaces in Cairo and El Kaherah.29


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