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The Source Field Investigations

Page 17

by Wilcock, David

  A team from the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute in Moscow found that if they took seven one-hundred-gram chunks of granite that had been stored in the pyramid and arranged them into a one meter circle, that area was 5,000 percent less likely to be struck by lightning. They were able to confirm this by putting the granite on a flat, metallic plane, with an electrode that would discharge one thousand, four hundred kilovolts of power overhead. Normally, when they turned on the juice for a short time, there was a good chance that the electrical current would “arc out” and form a lightning bolt—striking the metallic plate and creating a nasty burn mark that melted right through. Over the course of one hundred different discharges, the circle of pyramid granite proved to have a remarkable effect on protecting the inside area from lightning strikes—there were five times fewer eruptions, which again is 5,000 percent.34

  Remember the five-hundred-meter-wide column of energy that formed around the pyramid, as well as the much larger three-hundred-kilometer circle—which would have taken all the energy from Russia’s power plants to form? Apparently this enormous column doesn’t just sit there doing nothing—it actively deflects storms and severe weather from the area around the pyramid.35 Incredibly, incoming storms go around this whole area, not through it. Imagine what this technology could do for areas that were prone to being destroyed by hurricanes. The cost of building pyramids could be much, much less than the expense of rebuilding from inevitable hurricane damage.

  Yet another series of observations further added mystery and intrigue to the puzzle. The three-hundred-kilometer column of energy just mentioned had appeared around a twenty-two-meter pyramid that was built on Seliger Lake. Several months later, the ozone hole that had been sitting over that area substantially improved. As time went on, new streams of water appeared in the surrounding countryside. A stork felt comfortable enough to set up a nest. And most amazingly, the fields became covered with flowers that shouldn’t even exist—as they were supposedly extinct.36 In short, the land was renewed, healed and transformed—suggesting that the life-giving energies harnessed by the pyramid had a significant effect upon everything around them.

  The fact that all this data has been overlooked, and never even mentioned as a possibility after all these years, seems to be little more than criminal when you consider how many lives could have been saved in the process. And it also makes you wonder if other cultures in the past have built pyramids for very practical reasons—perhaps because they were in a race against time with climate change and possible catastrophes that could have wiped out their own civilization. That could explain why they had such a strong incentive to build massive pyramids.

  New pyramids, or pyramid-shaped mountains, are being discovered that are not part of conventional archeology. One pair of alleged pyramids, or distinctly pyramid-shaped mountains in an otherwise flat plain, can be found in Nakhodka, one of the largest ports in the far east of Russia. Two large pyramid-shaped mountains there were named Brat, or “Brother,” and Seska, or “Sister.”

  In the beginning of the twentieth century, the famous Russian traveler, historian and anthropologist Arseniev said these hills were holy places in ancient times—and many travelers from China and Korea went and visited them to pray there. The original Korean settlers said they were not natural formations—they had been built, a long, long time ago, and they did not know who was responsible. According to researcher Maxim Yakovenko, “Then and now, people say they feel happy and healthy on these hills, and I agree with them. The sides of those hills are oriented toward north, west, south and east, like the pyramids in Egypt.” Tragically, in the 1960s the peak of Brat was blown off to harvest stones for building projects, reducing its height by 78.5 meters. Here’s the surprising part: “After the destruction of Brat’s peak (it’s located 5 or 6 km. from the city), the climate in Nakhodka changed for some weeks. People told me that there had been very hard wind for some days after the detonations, and that it was raining.”37 Apparently the weather had been very calm prior to this point. This change is totally consistent with what Golod and his associates discovered about the effect of pyramids on our weather patterns. Even if Brat and Seska are only natural formations, it’s still quite compelling that the weather changed so noticeably once Brat’s structure was damaged.

  The last study I read about from the Russian National Academy of Sciences, as we are about to see, really blew me away—as it shows how interconnected our consciousness may be with the world around us. If the pyramids can reduce earthquakes and severe weather, they probably can do the same for tornadoes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Let’s not forget that seven thousand people were able to reduce worldwide terrorism by 72 percent—just by meditating. If the Russian pyramids could create a similar effect on criminal behavior without any other human involvement, via meditation or otherwise, then we now have a powerful new connection worth exploring.

  The Power of Consciousness

  Could our consciousness somehow be responsible for strengthening, or even creating, earthquakes, hurricanes, severe weather and possibly volcanoes and tsunamis as well? Could this also mean that we have a cheap, easy way to help the earth through this critical transition period, so we don’t have to simply hope and pray that someone or something else will rescue us? Would this also suggest that the earth is acting as a feedback mechanism for our own consciousness? Does our collective “dis-ease” appear as destructive Earth Changes? Are we getting a worldwide mirror for our own lack of love? Does the coming Golden Age represent a time where enough of us move into a positive, loving attitude that we can protect ourselves from further problems?

  The Russian National Academy of Sciences confirmed that pyramid energy could reduce criminal behavior and increase feelings of love and peace. All they did was store granite and other crystalline structures in the pyramid and then set them up in and around certain jails in Russia, which held a total of about five thousand prisoners.38 According to the Giza Pyramid Research Association Web site’s summary of these results, “In a few months most crimes almost disappeared, and behavior was much improved.”39 Nothing in the jails under study had changed except that this pyramid-charged granite had been built into their own surroundings.40

  This last study with the prisoners is one of the most significant points—once you bring in the information we shared in the first five chapters about the Source Field. Somehow, feelings of love and peace, which are normally considered to be abstract emotional phenomena that are strictly psychological in nature, have a direct effect upon our surroundings. The pyramid energies create a measurable improvement in criminal behavior—just like the meditation effect of seven thousand people that we discussed earlier, which reduced worldwide terrorism by 72 percent. Armed with this knowledge, we can heal the earth. It’s as if life itself has a yet-undiscovered energy field that supports its own existence, and it emanates directly from the earth—where it is then harnessed through these unique pyramid structures. Radiation can be quickly reduced, ozone holes closed up, earthquakes and severe weather reduced or even eliminated, water purified, crops improved, illness and disease dramatically lessened, buildings made far stronger and safer, and even crime, terrorism and mental illness greatly reduced—if not wiped out entirely. All these things we consider to be separate problems, well beyond the capacity of any one person to manage, can now be seen as part of an interconnected whole.

  Once I sat back and absorbed the full implications of this new science, it became very clear why so many ancient cultures went to the enormous trouble of building gigantic pyramids, mounds, standing stones and other forms of megalithic architecture all over the world. It appears that natural, crystalline materials like limestone and granite are the most effective building supplies we could ever find—to build the best, strongest Source Field generators. The physics laws that make pyramid power a reality should also work on any planet that harbors intelligent life at any time, past, present or future—so it may well be that pyramids are very, very common
throughout the Universe. It appears that we are only just now getting up to speed on the science behind them.

  Energy Evolution

  How does all this relate to 2012, and the prophecies of a Golden Age? Obviously, there are many mysteries in this new science that we have not tackled yet—and we have to go through them step by step to understand the blueprints for a Golden Age that we have seemingly been given. One of the most obvious areas we need to look into is our own biological makeup. These healing effects are so bizarre and fantastic that it seems we have overlooked some very, very basic aspects of the laws of physics—and of what it means to be a living organism. We are left with the inescapable conclusion that one of our most basic forms of nourishment must be energy of some kind. Furthermore, it would appear that we can receive this nourishment simply by being inside a pyramid, living near an object charged within a pyramid, or ingesting seemingly plain substances, such as pure water, that have been stored inside a pyramid.

  As my research progressed, I found fantastic evidence to support this energetic connection with biological life. Best of all, this hidden force appeared to be the very source and creator of life itself—and could also spontaneously rewrite DNA to transform a given species into something entirely new and different. Think about the extinct plants that suddenly reappeared in the fields surrounding the pyramid near Seliger Lake. Where did they come from? Where did their genetic material come from? Could existing plants have been somehow rewritten, on the DNA level, to revert back to an older, more archaic species? And what about evolution? Is it possible that the DNA code is somehow written into the basic energy of the galaxy itself, so that we are actively being transformed into a whole new level of human evolution?

  This could very well be the fulfillment of many ancient prophecies predicting the arrival of a Golden Age some time after 2012—a massive, energetically driven evolution of the human species as we now know it. I know it’s obviously not something you’re going to hear about in conventional science. You’ve probably been conditioned all your life to think such concepts are ridiculous. Before you laugh it off, I want you to join me in my investigation of the hard, scientific proof that such an evolution is indeed happening . . . and has actually been going on for quite some time.


  The Source of the Source Field

  Ancient human civilization may have been far more advanced than we normally believe. Our ancestors made an incredibly strong effort to get us to study the 25,920-year cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes, which was historically broken down into twelve 2,160-year Ages of the Zodiac. The Great Pyramid of Giza also appears to have been built to alert us to this 25,920-year cycle, when we measure the exact length of the diagonals in Pyramid inches. The craftsmanship of the Great Pyramid is well beyond our current technological capabilities, particularly when we consider the mirror-polished white limestone casing stones that once adorned the outside. And we now know the American founding fathers combined the symbolism of the return of the capstone with mysterious passages from the Sibylline prophecies that foretold a coming Golden Age. These prophecies strongly indicated that we would again comingle with the gods as the Great Year comes to an end, and in fact gain such supernatural abilities on our own—so that “the Golden One shall arise again in the whole earth.”

  If we want to take the Russian discoveries seriously, we would naturally assume that equally stunning effects on matter, energy, biology and consciousness should be achievable without any pyramids being involved. We’ve already explored the Source Field as a living, thinking form of consciousness—suggesting that we have to significantly broaden our ideas of what life really is. We share thoughts with all living things, and may well continue to experience awareness while our bodies are clinically brain dead. In this chapter we’re going to begin exploring the biological aspects of the Source Field in much greater detail. In Part Two we’ll move into the deeper mysteries of space and time that underlie the pyramid effects—and their influence on physical matter.

  A wealth of little-known scientific data reveals the unique biological properties of the Source Field. A good place to start is with German scientist Hans Driesch in 1891. Driesch was examining the sea urchin, which is a unique organism in the sense that it has vegetative cells that look and behave exactly like plants do, as well as animal cells. In the earliest stages of development, the sea urchin embryo is nothing more than a hollow sphere. The vegetative cells are on the bottom half of the embryo, more or less, and the animal cells are on top. Once the embryo develops a little more, the vegetative cells roll inside and form a pocket, which becomes the gut—and the animal cells remain on the outside. In 1891, Driesch discovered that if he separated the very first two cells of a sea urchin embryo, each one produced a whole new embryo—rather than just growing into a deformed half-creature. At the time, this was considered quite a shocking and unexpected discovery. Furthermore, Driesch found he could cut the early, sphere-shaped embryo into as many as eight different pieces, and each of them would grow into a fully new embryo—even if the piece he cut out was from 100-percent vegetative cells, with no apparent animal characteristics whatsoever.1

  Most people would think nothing of these observations in today’s world. We automatically assume that each DNA molecule has all the building codes for an organism, so you can grow a whole new life-form out of a single cell. Bear in mind that this is one explanation, but it is not the only one . . . and it may not even be the right one. Driesch believed there was an overall guiding force that determined the growth of any one cell within an embryo.2 The force contains information that gives each cell instructions on what it should do—depending on where that cell is located. The force is what tells a cell whether it should become a vegetable cell or an animal cell—in the case of the sea urchin.

  Driesch published his key paper in 1912, and this inspired Alexander Gurwitsch, a Russian scientist, to continue this research. Gurwitsch believed these energy fields were not only found within the embryo—they governed and regulated the growth of fully adult life-forms as well. Gurwitsch also believed that all organisms were being kept alive by this “mitogenetic energy field,” and that they both absorbed and radiated these fields throughout their life cycle. Gurwitsch explored the radiant aspect of these fields by using a growing onion. He assumed the majority of life energy would shoot out from the top of a newly sprouting onion, since that’s where all the new leaves are growing. Gurwitsch thus aimed the top of a sprouting onion at the side of another onion, without ever actually letting them touch. Sure enough, those cells on the second onion grew much faster than the rest—forming a noticeable bump where the first onion was pointing. Interestingly, Gurwitsch also found that the effect could be completely blocked by putting a piece of glass in the way, which shields infrared and ultraviolet light. However, a piece of quartz did not block the effect—and quartz allows infrared and ultraviolet to pass through. So, we don’t need pyramid power to get a sudden growth spurt after all—just the life force of the onion itself is enough to have an effect on other onion cells.

  Gurwitsch published his key paper in 1926.3 By this time, he had conducted several other experiments that proved a very weak but measurable ultraviolet radiation was emanating from the tip of the onion, creating his “mitogenetic effect.”4 Again, it appears that this ultraviolet light is a signature of the Source Field, but is not the actual Source Field itself—much like the ripple in the surface of a lake, from a stone you just dropped in, is not the stone itself. Many Russian scientists replicated Gurwitsch’s classic experiment with positive results over the years, though this intriguing research got washed away in the excited speculation that genes and DNA were responsible for all the codes that build living organisms—and determine their growth.

  Another early pioneer worth mentioning is neuro-anatomist Harold S. Burr from Yale University. He discovered that even an unfertilized salamander egg had an electrical energy field that was already shaped like an adult salamander�
�showing a straight line of charge along the egg in the direction it would eventually grow into an adult. In plant seedlings, Burr found electrical fields that looked similar to the adult plant. Burr found these electrical fields around many different life-forms. He noticed that the charge of these fields would change with growth, sleep patterns, the amount of light exposure, tissue regeneration, the presence of water, storms, the onset of cancer and even the cycles of the Moon.5 Furthermore, Dr. Robert Becker, an orthopedic surgeon, studied the human body’s natural electrical fields and found that every person he studied had the strongest electrical charges on the Chinese acupuncture meridian points.6 The ancient sciences apparently have much more truth to them than many of us have been led to believe.

  The DNA Phantom Effect

  Now I want to jump ahead in time to 1984, because this was the year our “addiction” to DNA was heavily challenged, if not defeated, by Dr. Peter Gariaev. Gariaev’s discovery also gave us a compelling hint that Gurwitsch’s mitogenetic radiation—the Source Field—may well be operating through our DNA. Furthermore, Gariaev’s discovery suggests that the complete genetic codes for an organism might not actually be found in the DNA molecule after all—at least not as their final location.

  When Gariaev put a sample of DNA in a tiny quartz container, zapped it with a mild laser, and then observed it with sensitive equipment that could detect even single photons of light, he found that the DNA acted like a light sponge. Somehow, the DNA molecule absorbed all the photons of light in the area, and actually stored them in a corkscrew-shaped spiral.7 This is very, very strange. The DNA apparently created a vortex of some sort that attracted the light, not unlike the idea of a black hole—but on a much, much smaller scale.


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