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The Source Field Investigations

Page 23

by Wilcock, David

  A striking example is the time when virtually no insect fossils can be found for most of the entire Cretaceous period. After the end of the Cretaceous and the demise of the dinosaur, insect fossils return in full force—along with a striking increase in flowering plants. . . . Are there times when conditions cause genetic material to revert to lost codes?61

  A recently dead rodent with a long, fluffy tail called Laonastes was found for sale in a meat market in Laos. The only problem was that this creature had been extinct for 11 million years. This was reported in Science journal in 2006.62 Mary Dawson of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History was quite surprised.

  It is an amazing discovery. . . . It’s the first time in the study of mammals that scientists have found a living fossil of a group that’s thought to be extinct for roughly 11 million years. That’s quite a gap. Previous mammals had a gap of only a few thousand to just over a million years.63

  Another example concerns a strange-looking elephant called a gompothere. Its trunk and tusks point straight forward, and it also has two teeth that stick out from its lower jaw. They were believed to have gone extinct some 1.788 million years ago, but recently their fossils were found among ruins from early settlers of North America, known as the Clovis people. This was again referred to as the Lazarus Effect in action, and the Houston Museum of Natural Science Web site said, “This find has major implications.”64

  I also found an MSNBC article discussing French scientists who found a crustacean from the Glyphea group (genus Neoglyphea) some four hundred meters down in the Coral Sea, northwest of New Caledonia. Philippe Bouchet, a marine biologist, described it as “halfway between a shrimp and a mud lobster.” The problem, again, is that according to the fossil record, this species has been extinct for 60 million years.65 And in 2005, a UPI press release reported the discovery of a Wollemi pine tree within a small grove of trees in Australia. This tree can grow up to 120 feet high and has a three-foot-wide trunk. The problem is that this tree went extinct 200 million years ago—in the Jurassic period.66 Security is so high that even the scientists who are working on the site are blindfolded before they are flown in. Specimens have been taken from this secret location and are being sold by auction to insure the survival of the species. As we see in the other cases, there are no examples of this tree anywhere in the fossil record from 200 million years ago until the present. According to UPI, “Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens told the newspaper the discovery is ‘the equivalent of finding a small dinosaur still alive.’ ”67

  The Lazarus Effect may be caused by existing species rearranging into earlier versions on the DNA level, perhaps in the presence of unusual energetic stimulation—similar to what we saw in the Ciba-Geigy patent. Korean scientist Dr. Dzang Kangeng published a remarkable discovery in 1993 that demonstrates how this could happen. In this case, Kangeng found he could transfer the genetic code from one species into another through nothing more than an energy wave.68 Kangeng placed a duck inside a five-sided, pentagon-shaped container, and covered it with a domed mirror roof. Each of the five sides of the container had a hole with a funnel mounted in it—and then each funnel had a pipe that fed into a neighboring room, where there was a pregnant mother hen. For five days, the duck was zapped with a high-frequency electrostatic generator. Amazingly, when the hen laid her eggs, what hatched out of them were not baby chicks—they were half-duck, half-chicken hybrids. Though they came from a chicken’s body, they had the typical features of a duck—a flat beak, a longer neck and larger internal organs—such as the heart, liver, stomach and bowels. After one year, the hybrid birds weighed 70 percent more than a normal chicken.69

  The experiment was repeated with a total of 500 eggs, of which 480 hatched and grew. Of these 480 chicks, 80 percent had a flat, duck-shaped head. Ninety percent had the eyes move to a position that was more like a duck’s than a chicken’s. And 25 percent had webbing appear between their toes, which chickens do not normally have.70 These hybrids were able to breed with each other, and their own offspring continued to be half-duck, half-chicken hybrids rather than reverting to being ducks and/or chickens. Kangeng successfully applied for and was granted a patent for his invention as a “device for biological information-directed transfer,” though it obviously is not in common use.71 He was also able to zap peanuts and send their “wave information” into sunflower seeds, and this created hybrid plants that now looked, tasted and smelled similar to peanuts. Their production increased by 180 percent—and again the changes remained in place from one generation to another.72

  Another little-known pioneer in this category is Italian scientist Pier Luigi Ighina, who worked as a student of Marconi—the revered inventor of radio, along with many other technologies. According to an article by Leonardo Vintini in The Epoch Times, a mainstream international newspaper, Ighina “harnessed the energy that passed between the earth and the sun,” and used it to rejuvenate diseased cells. Another device he called Elios was allegedly able to purify any food he zapped with it. Given the effects we found in the Russian pyramid studies, this sounds quite familiar. In addition, Ighina apparently built practical, working technologies that accomplished the same stupendous feats as the Russian pyramids. One device apparently neutralized earthquakes. Another device he called the magnetic stroboscope looked like a “strange propeller”—and when he powered it up on a cloudy day, within a matter of minutes there would be a continually growing hole opening up in the clouds above his home, revealing blue skies. This must have been quite a sight to see: “Ighina admitted that the most satisfying component of his unusual invention was the innocent smiles of children as they watched the clouds retire, as if by magic.”73

  This next excerpt contains the most interesting part of Ighina’s research as it relates to our discussion.

  After years of arduous lab work, Ighina discovered the most profound nature of matter—that atoms do not oscillate but vibrate. This revelation led to one of his more curious and brilliant inventions—the magnetic field oscillator. The scientist discovered that if he managed to change the vibratory state of a group of particles, the material itself could transform. What followed was a series of fantastic experiments in which the field oscillator played a leading role. On one occasion, Ighina set up his apparatus before an apricot tree. He then altered the atomic vibration so that it gradually became the same as that of an apple tree. . . . After 16 days, he ascertained that the apricots had mutated, almost completely, into apples.74

  This fits in very nicely with what Gariaev and Kangeng were both able to do—and the more we see the same discoveries appearing, the more likely it is that they are actually real. From here, Ighina’s story gets even more interesting.

  After this experience, Ighina ventured to investigate the reach of his invention on animals. He altered the vibrational state of the tail of a rat to change it, in four days, into the tail of a cat. Even though the rat died after such treatment (perhaps its body was incapable of enduring such a rapid molecular change), it prompted Ighina to try an experiment even more revelatory: Through studying the corresponding vibration of the healthy bone of a rabbit, he excited the atoms of another rabbit’s fractured feet until they were healed in record time. In this way, Ighina understood that sick cells (including cancerous ones) of any individual were possible to cure through a simple, gradual alternation in their vibrational index, if this was correctly calculated.75

  These are precisely the same results Gariaev and others have been able to independently achieve—not to mention what we saw in the Russian pyramid studies. This genetic information transfer may be happening all the time, without any technology—just by two organisms being in close proximity to each other over a prolonged period. Noted psychologist Robert Zajonc helped establish scientific proof that when people live with each other for long periods of time, say twenty-five years, they actually develop similar facial features. In this study, 110 participants were shown individual photographs of people in their first year of marriage and again after twenty
-five years of marriage. The participants were able to match up the faces after twenty-five years much more easily than they did after a single year of marriage. This could not be explained by people all looking the same as they got older, or other predictable factors.76

  Getting back to our laboratory DNA research, generating hybrid creatures is one thing—but is it possible to completely transform one species into another? Dr. Peter Gariaev sent a green nonburning laser through salamander eggs, and then redirected the beam into frog eggs. Amazingly, the frog eggs completely transformed into salamander eggs. Though these salamanders hatched from the genetic material of a frog, they lived normal lives—and could breed with other salamanders to produce healthy offspring.77

  I heard about this breakthrough back in 2000—and it had a massive, life-changing effect on me. This was the direct proof I was looking for that evolution could be totally spontaneous—and requires nothing more than a rearranging of the DNA molecules within an existing species. As the years went by, I carefully collected other examples of the same phenomenon—and it is a great pleasure to finally put them all together while writing this book. Of course, I feel Gariaev’s discovery has profound implications for all the ancient prophecies of a coming Golden Age—beginning around the year 2012.

  Can we really be sure that we are at the pinnacle of human evolution? And how do we know the human design is only unique to the earth? If our solar system is dipping up and down through the galactic plane in 64-million-year intervals, and the fossil record is changing in 62-million-year intervals, then perhaps the galaxy actually contains the “source code” for all life. Our movement through the galaxy may be transforming all life on earth in regular cycles. Almost every grain of dust we see throughout the galaxy appears to be freeze-dried bacteria. This suggests that life is very, very abundant. Human life may well be a galactic design—naturally evolving on any planet that has the right conditions. Though we may find subtle differences in appearance from one planet to another, the overall look of these different species may be far, far less alien than we have been led to believe by manipulative, fear-oriented Hollywood propaganda. And best of all, we may be in line for another cosmic upgrade very soon. The proof that such sudden bursts of evolution can happen is already there in the fossil record—and we have direct proof of the mechanisms involved in Gariaev’s frog-salamander study, and others just like it.

  Dramatic Increases in the Speed of Evolution

  If this is really what the 2012 prophecies are about, it seems unlikely that any sweeping genetic changes would occur within a single person’s life span. There should be gradual changes that we can track over time. We can therefore look for clues in our own genetic heritage to see if there is any DNA evidence for our own evolution speeding up. This is precisely what was discovered by University of Madison–Wisconsin researcher Dr. John Hawks, and reported by the BBC News, Daily Galaxy and other mainstream media outlets. By studying various markers in human DNA, Hawks concluded that human evolution has been moving at a supercharged speed for the last forty thousand years. Even more stunningly, in the last five thousand years, human evolution is now moving one hundred times faster than any other moment in recorded history.78 This timeframe only represents one hundred to two hundred generations. The other fascinating implication of this is that according to Hawks, a person from 3000 B.C. is more similar to a Neanderthal than they are to you and me—on a direct, measurable DNA level. Approximately 1,800 genes, or 7 percent of all human genetics, have experienced very recent evolution.79

  Another sign that we are experiencing rapid evolution is the so-called Flynn Effect. In the 1980s, a New Zealand political scientist named James Flynn found that IQ scores were consistently going up. An IQ of 100 is supposed to be average, but people were scoring better and better on the tests—thus forcing psychologists to change the scoring systems. Since then, numerous studies have confirmed that we are seeing an average increase of over three IQ points per decade. This increase appears in every single intelligence test being used, delivered to virtually every type of group, across twenty different countries—including some that are not literate in the traditional sense. There is also evidence that the speed of the increases is now accelerating. Flynn examined one test called Raven’s Progressive Matrices, which has been given for over a century. Shockingly, a person who scored in the best 10 percent a hundred years ago would now be among the weakest 5 percent. Furthermore, the number of people whose scores would now rank them at the “genius” level have increased by more than twenty times. These increases are not as likely to be seen on tests that emphasize culture or traditional school knowledge. Instead, the most dramatic increase is in tests that measure our ability to recognize abstract, nonverbal patterns. This should be leading to, as Flynn describes it, “a cultural renaissance too great to be overlooked.”80

  Humans are not the only ones who seem to be gaining intelligence. In 2008, U.K. Times Online revealed that naturalists were shocked to see orangutans swimming, which they never before have been observed doing—as well as using sticks to stun and capture fish, and in some cases even spearing them.81 This is another area ripe for investigation and further discovery.

  In 2009, Wired magazine revealed that the placebo effect has also become substantially more powerful in a short time. This is causing big trouble for the major pharmaceutical manufacturers, as in order for their drugs to pass clinical trials, they have to work better than placebos. From 2001 to 2006, 20 percent more products were cut after less-demanding Phase II clinical trials, and another 11 percent failed the more extensive Phase III trials. As one example, a startup stem-cell company called Osiris Therapeutics had to suspend trials for a Crohn’s disease pill in March 2009, and said the reason was that their participants were getting an “unusually high” response to placebos. Just two days later, Eli Lilly had to abandon a new drug to treat schizophrenia when their volunteers showed a 200-percent increase in their response to the placebos.82

  Existing drugs that are already on the market, like Prozac, are now also doing worse and worse when compared to placebos—to the point where they might not even get approved if they were applying for a new release. Two different comprehensive investigations into antidepressants found that there has been a remarkable increase in our responsiveness to placebos since the 1980s. One of these studies concluded that placebos have nearly doubled in their effectiveness during that time—across all these different trials. This is causing serious financial pain to the pharmaceutical industry, which had become more profitable than Big Oil—thanks to expensive, widespread drugs like Prozac. The “Big Pharma” companies say their drugs are not becoming weaker—instead, the placebo effect is getting stronger, and no one can figure out why.83 This fits in perfectly with our notion that the Source Field itself is changing—pushing us toward a higher coherence, if you will, and rearranging our genetic code in favorable ways. The connection between our level of intelligence and the influx of the Source Field into our bodies now seems to be dramatically increasing in a relatively short time. The Source Field seems to appear in our DNA as virtual photons that are stored for usable energy.

  Another sign of possible human evolution is that overall happiness levels, worldwide, have significantly increased between 1981 and 2007 in forty-five out of fifty-two countries, which included several developing countries—not just the West. Admittedly, the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, which conducted this study, felt this rise in happiness was due to economic growth, greater democracy and increased social tolerance.84 Furthermore, in 2008, the Journal of Happiness Studies reported that happiness protects our bodies from becoming sick—to the point where a consistent lack of happiness is as toxic as cigarette smoking. This was the result of thirty different studies that were combined together and analyzed to find a single, overall effect.85

  Another interesting study was conducted by two economists from the University of Pennsylvania—Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers. They collected data
every year from 1972 to 2006 with the University of Chicago General Social Survey, and in their findings, the overall level of happiness in America alone had not increased—but fewer people are reporting very high scores and fewer people are reporting lower scores. It’s as if there were a normalizing factor at work in society. Stevenson said, “It’s an interesting finding, because other research shows increasing gaps in income, consumption and leisure time.”86

  Is the 25,920-Year Precession a Genetic Evolution Cycle?

  Many ancient myths suggest the 25,920-year precession of the equinoxes cycle will usher in a Golden Age. What happens if we examine our own historical record with this in mind? Is there any evidence that human evolution is following this 25,920-year cycle in some measurable way? And if so, how would we know what we were looking for, and where to find it? One obvious starting point would be to find out when the Neanderthals died out. That would be a time where humanity was rapidly evolving, and earlier species no longer survived. Sure enough, somewhere between 28,000 and 24,000 years ago, roughly speaking, the Neanderthals went extinct.87

  Unless it all happened 24,000 years ago, which many scientists dispute, there is no climate shift event on earth that could help account for this change. Katerina Harvati, a paleoanthropologist from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, explained further.

  Our findings suggest that there was no single climatic event that caused the extinction of the Neanderthals. Only the controversial date of 24,000 radiocarbon years for their disappearance, if proven correct, coincides with a major environmental shift. Even in this case, however, the role of climate would have been indirect—by promoting competition with other human groups.88


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