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The Source Field Investigations

Page 28

by Wilcock, David

  Here are some of the things Kozyrev found that could change the flow of time in his laboratory, one way or the other—creating measurable ripples in the Source Field, much like waves moving through a body of water:• the bending, breaking or deforming of a physical object

  • shooting a burst of air at an object

  • operating an hourglass filled with sand

  • friction

  • burning

  • any object or surface absorbing light

  • heating or cooling an object

  • phase transitions in substances (frozen to liquid, liquid to vapor, etc.)

  • dissolving and mixing substances

  • running electrical current through a wire

  • the actions of an observer, such as a movement of the head

  • the fading death of plants

  • sudden changes in human consciousness

  In one case, simply lifting a ten-kilogram weight up and down would create a ripple in the flow of time—a wave—that could be measured two to three meters away. This is just like what we would see if we were raising and lowering the weight underwater—there would be ripples we could then measure at a distance. Some time after I first read about this in 1999, I realized that this meant the Source Field, which exists all throughout space and time, must behave like a fluid—and this became the key to solving the mysteries of sacred geometry, as we will soon see—not to mention the pyramids.

  Kozyrev found that these ripples could travel right through solid brick walls as if they weren’t even there.12 This has led most Russian scientists to conclude that the flow of time has a much closer relationship with gravity than it does electromagnetism—as I said before. Electromagnetic energy can be shielded—but the force of gravity holds you down equally as well inside a brick building, or a lead-lined cage, as it does outside.

  Nonmechanical Detectors

  So far, we’ve only studied the mechanical detectors Kozyrev developed. He also found other nonmechanical ways to study the flow of time as well—meaning these were methods that did not use any moving parts as we would normally think of them. The simplest of these detectors was heat.

  Every atom is filled with a constant frenzy of whirling movement, which scientists call spin. When an object heats up, there is an increasing amount of chaotic, unpredictable movement in the atom—which eventually causes it to give off a glowing red, yellow or white light. Heat creates random, unpredictable, chaotic movements that disrupt the free flow of the Source Field at the quantum level—reducing coherence. On the other hand, when an object cools down, there is less resistance to the quantum flow, and it will move faster and more smoothly. This explains why superconductors need to be kept at super-cool temperatures. The lack of heat creates a lack of movement that would interrupt the flow of electrical current. Kozyrev thus realized he could measure changes in time with an ordinary mercury thermometer—kept in an environment where the temperature was otherwise being held constant.

  Kozyrev also found that his experiments worked best in the first half of the winter. In the summer, the heat in the surrounding area seemed to have a scrambling effect on the overall flow of time—and this made it difficult or even impossible for any of his experiments to work properly. The increase in heat reduced the coherence in the Source Field.

  Kozyrev also found that the flow of electricity could be affected by changes in the flow of time—and this was the same effect that the Global Consciousness Project was apparently detecting. Professor Simon Shnoll also used electrical current as one of his tools to detect changes in the flow of time. Kozyrev found that tungsten metal was extremely responsive to the flow of time. Tungsten’s electrical conductivity could be permanently changed if you zapped it with a strong enough time flow. Another time flow detector was a quartz crystal. When you see the word quartz on a watch, that means there is a crystal inside of it with electricity running through it. The flow of electricity causes the quartz crystal to resonate at a speed that is steady enough to keep solid time. The crystal in a watch is shielded from Source Field influence, on a component level, by methods we will discuss below. For that reason, we normally do not see any changes in how a quartz watch keeps time—and the scientists who built them that way probably never realized what they were actually doing. However, if you blast a nonshielded quartz crystal with a strong enough time flow, its vibrating speed will change—and Kozyrev could measure this in the laboratory. Again, this change can be permanent—showing that the molecular structure has actually changed.

  Yet another interesting nonmechanical detector of the time flow was the thickness or viscosity of water. When the flow of time slows down in water, there is less coherence. Random movements interrupt the water’s ability to flow. As a result, the water becomes thicker, or more viscous, meaning it will not flow as quickly or easily. When the flow of time speeds up in water, coherence increases—and it flows faster. This can easily be measured. Chemical reactions also speed up and slow down, just like we saw in Shnoll’s research. And lastly, Kozyrev found that living things such as bacteria and plants will grow faster or slower depending upon how fast the flow of time is moving through them—and their own local area. This should sound very familiar by now. Kozyrev was another early pioneer who discovered that our own health could be directly affected by the flow of time as it moves through our cells.

  Spiraling Currents of Time

  Kozyrev also found that the flow of time does not push through space in a straight line—it spins, or twists, as it moves along: “time possesses not only energy but also a rotation . . . which it can transmit to a system.”13 This means the flow will manifest as a rotating movement once you see it affecting a gyroscope, beam balance, pendulum or any other system—just like what we saw in Dr. Aspden’s experiment with the magnetic rotor. A scientific word for “spinning” or “twisting” is torsion. For this reason, many Russian scientists call these “waves of time” torsion fields. I prefer to use the term Source Field, because I feel it gives us a much better sense of how this energy is ultimately responsible for creating everything in the Universe. Nonetheless, this twist in gravity is where we find all the magic of the Source Field in our model.

  Some molecules, such as sugar, are considered right-handed, meaning that their molecules predominantly spiral together in a clockwise fashion. Others, such as turpentine or salt, are left-handed, where the molecules are mostly counterclockwise. Kozyrev found that right-handed molecules absorb the flow of time and slow it down. Similarly, left-handed molecules strengthen the flow of time—and speed it up. As Kozyrev and others discovered, the more this Source Field energy flows into your body, the healthier you will be—so if you eat too many sweets, you are causing the Source Field to be absorbed by the sugar, rather than by your DNA—which needs to store light to maintain itself. A great way to test how well you’re doing is by checking your pH balance, which can be done with little strips of paper you hold in your mouth for a few minutes. Sugars, saturated fats, meats, dairy, sweet fruits, white flour, prepackaged foods, alcohol and drugs all bring you closer to the acid side of the scale, and healthy, natural foods like fresh organic vegetables, nuts, seeds, and less-sweet fruits bring you closer to the alkaline side. You do need both sides, to some degree. Although Kozyrev found that salt strengthens the flow of time, too much is very bad, because of its effect on your blood pressure—and the work your body has to do to clean it out of your bloodstream. In some rare cases, people can become too alkaline—but in general it’s very, very hard to overdose on fresh vegetables. Either way, it’s all about balance.

  So, the flow of time can actually speed up in left-handed molecules and slow down in right-handed molecules. These same principles led Kozyrev to discover that common polyethylene film, like PVC plastic, could actually shield the spinning currents in the Source Field. Aluminum is also a very effective shield. This makes it a very bad idea to live inside an aluminum trailer, as you are shielding off the very fields that will keep you hea
lthy. They will still get in, but the spin is disrupted. The amount of coherence within those spaces will be lower. Gravity will still push you down, but the level of spin, or torsion, within it will be reduced—and in our model, the genetic information in the Source Field is hidden in these spiraling forces. Aluminum is used in electronics at the component level due to its extremely light weight—and many components are also then coated in plastic. Therefore, digital watches and highly accurate laboratory clocks are not likely to respond to changes in the flow of time in a noticeable way. However, in 1993 Dr. Bruce DePalma found that the Accutron watch, which runs on a metallic tuning fork, does speed up and slow down in the presence of these fields.14

  In 2001, Dr. Hartmut Müller15 used the spin fields within gravity to make a telephone call from the Toezler Medientage building in Germany to Saint Petersburg in Russia. No electromagnetic fields were ever used to make this call—just as Backster’s plants, bacteria, insects, animals and human cells could “talk” to each other while they were in shielded rooms. You can call from deep inside a concrete parking garage, at the bottom of the ocean or halfway across the galaxy, and you will always get a perfect real-time signal. Müller’s discovery also does not create “electromagnetic smog” that can cause cancer, headaches and other problems,16 and this technology could be easily adapted for wireless Internet access—using the same systems preferred by biological life.

  Astrophysical Observations

  Some scientists who have studied Kozyrev’s material are willing to consider that something significant is going on, but they’re not comfortable with the idea that these effects are actually caused by the flow of time. This brings us to one of the most fascinating areas Kozyrev studied—namely astronomy. Kozyrev believed that “stars are machines” that get their energy from the time flow—and he found very compelling evidence to prove it. As Levich wrote in 1996, most of Kozyrev’s experiments in the later years of his life were “dedicated to direct detection . . . of non-electromagnetic [energy] flows from planets, stars, galaxies, stellar clusters and nebulae.”17

  What exactly does this mean? Beginning in the mid-1950s, Kozyrev designed a special type of telescope that had one of his time flow detectors located right at the focal point. As strange as this sounds, he could put a metal plate in front of the telescope—blocking out all visible light and all electromagnetic radiation—but the time-flow detector still picked up a measurable signal when he aimed the telescope at a star, or any other celestial object. This could not be possible unless he was detecting an energy that was not electromagnetic—and had nothing to do with visible light.

  The light from a star can take many millions of years to reach us—and in the meantime, the real position of the star has actually drifted somewhere else. So when we look at the night sky, we are looking at the past. Kozyrev found that if he aimed his telescope at the true position of a star, which could be estimated through various means, the signal was much stronger.18 This suggested that the waves within the Source Field traveled much, much faster than the speed of light—effectively instantaneously.

  And if that isn’t already confusing enough, Kozyrev could then look at where the star would likely end up in the future, and he detected energy coming from that position as well. I know—it sounds totally crazy, but when you get new data that is strange, that doesn’t mean we throw it away. Instead, we try to understand what the heck is going on, and explain the data. Obviously, as I’m sure you can see, the comfortable, old-fashioned notion of linear time simply can’t hold up in light of this new evidence, if Kozyrev is actually right.

  Indeed, the strongest energy from a star or celestial object came from its true position—defeating Einstein’s belief that no energy field could ever travel faster than the speed of light. A star’s energy then got steadily weaker when you moved toward its position in the past, and weaker when you moved the telescope toward its position in the future. The overall change of intensity would graph out the same way in both directions. 19 It’s as if the star were spread out in time, like a wave—and you could detect its position in the past, present and future all at once, just by observing the Source Field instead of the electromagnetic light waves. The closer you were to the star’s current position, the more of its energy you could detect.

  Time Must Be Three-Dimensional

  This is a very significant discovery, as it shows that the Source Field is not confined to linear time. As mind-boggling as it must seem, everything is all there at once. The past, present and future positions of the star all give off measurable energy, and only the strength of the energy changes—in time. This may explain how Dr. Hartmut Müller’s cell-phone technology created phone calls that were instantaneous, regardless of the distance involved. We take it for granted that the past is forever behind us and the future cannot be known, but in Kozyrev’s science, the future actually casts a shadow into the past—which we can see and measure with relatively simple technology. Time could not behave like this if it was only one-dimensional. In some very real sense, time must be three-dimensional in order for this effect to work—and we will explore that idea in the next chapter.

  Doesn’t this all sound familiar, though? Remote viewers rigorously demonstrated their ability to see events in the future before they actually happened. Dr. Daryl J. Bem, an emeritus professor at Cornell University, got a study published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology that rigorously demonstrated the ability of ordinary people to predict the future. Many people have experienced prophetic events in their own lives, but often write them off as coincidence. Remember our discussion about the energetic duplicate that you leave behind in your chair every time you get up? Remember how some part of you is still sitting there in the chair, capturing light into photons, for up to thirty days? Kozyrev’s astonishing observations finally help us explain the DNA Phantom Effect. Once DNA has been kept in a certain area for a period of time, its energy will still be there when the physical molecules are moved away. Gravity provides the force to hold the photons in place—on the quantum level. Gariaev did not detect any effect from the future position of DNA, but this may simply require new experiments with these concepts in mind. We definitely see a phantom effect happening in stars, thanks to Kozyrev’s work.

  Kozyrev didn’t live to see how his observations of the nonlocal behavior of stars may have extended into our own DNA—but as we remember, he did find that his own thoughts could generate a time flow that the detectors would pick up. Given all the wavelike effects Kozyrev discovered, it is clear that the energy of our DNA Phantom and energetic duplicate is rippling into our surroundings—it is not just stuck within our own bodies, even from one moment to the next as we are sitting still. In fact, it may very well be that all the thoughts we have are rippling through the entire Source Field in some way—instantaneously. Brain waves may be much more than just electrical signals—they apparently create currents that we constantly release into our surroundings. This was rigorously demonstrated in the first five chapters—and our pineal gland may well be the most important part of the brain for sending and receiving these thoughts. Obviously, the closer we are to the source of the thoughts, the stronger the signal will be. In the Global Consciousness Project, the closer any one computer was to New York during 9/11, the stronger the effects became. Our thoughts are not confined to our own brains and bodies—they have measurable effects on our environment.

  Kozyrev realized that stars are sending energy through the Universe at instantaneous speeds. He then had a remarkable insight—this instantaneous energy exchange could explain the often-overlooked problem of binary stars in conventional astronomy. A surprising number of stars we see in the night sky show up in pairs. You have two stars sitting right next to each other with similar size, brightness and light emissions. It is as if they were talking to each other—there is an energetic connection between them that allows them to synchronize. From where we look, they seem so close to each other that ordinary electromagnetic fields could expl
ain this effect. However, according to Kozyrev, the speed of light is actually much too slow to account for this communication—the actual distances involved are far too great. In 1966, at a meeting of the International Astronomical Union, Kozyrev proposed that binary stars were caused by two stars energetically harmonizing with each other through the flow of time—at speeds much faster than light.20

  So again, Kozyrev discovered that there was energy emerging from the past, present and future positions of a star. We have also seen our own DNA leaving behind a measurable energetic blueprint from where it had been in the past. Even when the DNA is no longer there, our DNA Phantom can still capture and store photons of light—it has very real, measurable energetic effects. Now that we are armed with all this knowledge, we have a practical model for how solar, planetary and other astronomical cycles, perhaps including the 25,920-year precession, may be affecting us. As earth traces its orbit around the Sun, it will leave a measurable energy behind in its position from the past. Once we come back around to the same position again, a year later, that energy is still there. That means if the energy has measurable effects on how we think and feel, those consciousness effects will also return once more. This may also be happening as earth’s axis changes position while it drifts through the precession.


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