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The Source Field Investigations

Page 53

by Wilcock, David

  28 Spottiswoode, S., and James, P. “Anomalous Cognition Effect Size: Dependence on Sidereal Time and Solar Wind Parameters.” Palo Alto, CA: Cognitive Sciences Laboratory.

  29 Nelson, Roger. “GCP Background.” Institute of Noetic Sciences.

  30 Ibid.

  31 Ibid.

  32 Nelson, R. D., Bradish, J., Dobyns, Y. H., Dunne, B. J., and Jahn, R. G . . . “Field REG Anomalies in Group Situations.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10:111-42.(1996)

  33 Nelson, Roger. “Consciousness and Psi: Can Consciousness Be Real?” Utrecht II: Charting the Future of Parapsychology, October 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands, in Global Consciousness Project, July 29, 2008.

  34 Radin, Dean I., Rebman, Jannine M., and Cross, Maikwe P., “Anomalous Organization of Random Events by Group Consciousness: Two Exploratory Experiments.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10, 1 (1996) pp. 143–168.

  35 Nelson, Roger. Consciousness and Psi: Can Consciousness Be Real? Op cit.

  36 Ibid.

  37 Radin, Dean. “Global Consciousness Project Analysis for September 11, 2001.” Institute of Noetic Sciences, 2001.

  38 Radin, Dean. “Terrorist Disaster, September 11, 2001: Exploratory Analysis.” Institute of Noetic Sciences, 2001.

  39 Ibid.

  40 Braden, Gregg. Fractal Time: The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Publishers, 2009, p. 193.

  41 Radin, Dean. “Formal Analysis, September 11, 2001.” Institute of Noetic Sciences, 2001.

  42 Nelson, Roger. “Barack Obama Elected President.” Institute of Noetic Sciences, 2008.

  43 Nelson, Roger. “Barack Obama Inaugurated as President.” Institute of Noetic Sciences.

  44 Nelson, Roger. “Global Harmony.” Global Consciousness Project.

  45 Williams, Brian. “GCP Technical Note: Global Harmony Revisited.” Global Consciousness Project, 2004.

  46 Swanson, Claude V. The Synchronized Universe: New Science of the Paranormal. Tucson, AZ: Poseidia Press, 2003, p. 102.

  Chapter Twelve

  1 Puthoff, Hal. Institute for Advanced Studies. Austin, Texas.

  2 Haramein, Nassim. “Haramein Paper Wins Award!” The Resonance Project. (accessed June 2010).

  3 Crane, Oliver, Lehner, J. M., and Monstein, C. “Central Oscillator and Space-Quanta Medium.” June 2000., (accessed June 2010).

  4 Overbye, Dennis. “A Scientist Takes On Gravity.” New York Times, July 12, 2010. (accessed December 2010).

  5 Wright, Walter. GravityIis a Push. New York: Carlton Press, 1979.

  6 Aspden, Harold. “Discovery of Virtual Inertia.” New Energy News, 2, pp. 1–2. (1995). (accessed December 2010).

  7 Watson, Lyall. Supernature. New York: Doubleday/Bantam Books, 1973, p. 90.

  8 Grebennikov, Viktor. “Cavity Structural Effect and Insect Antigravity.” Rex Research, November 2001. (accessed June 2010).

  9 Akimov, A. E. and Shipov, G. I. “Torsion Fields and their Experimental Manifestations.” Proceedings of International Conference: New Ideas in Natural Science. 1996.

  10 Levich, A. P. “A Substantial Interpretation of N. A. Kozyrev’s Conception of Time.” Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific, 1996, pp. 1–42.

  11 Kozyrev, Nikolai. “Possibility of Experimental Study of Properties of Time.” September 1967.

  12 Ibid.

  13 Ibid.

  14 DePalma, Bruce. “On the Nature of Electrical Induction.” July 28, 1993. (accessed June 2010).

  15 Müller, Hartmut. Global Scaling Theory. (accessed May 2010).

  16 Baerbel-Mohr. “The free of charge bio-mobile phone.” May 6, 2001. (accessed May 2010).

  17 Levich, A. P. A Substantial Interpretation of N. A. Kozyrev’s Conception of Time. Op cit.

  18 Kozyrev, N. A. (1977). “Astronomical observations using the physical properties of time.” In Vspykhivayushchiye Zvezdy (Flaring Stars). Yerevan, pp. 209–227. See also: Kozyrev N. A. (1991). Selected Works. Leningrad, pp. 363–383. From: Levich, A. P., A Substantial Interpretation of N. A. Kozyrev’s Conception of Time. Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific, 1996, pp. 1–42.

  19 Nachalov, Yu. V. Theoretical Basis of Experimental Phenomena.

  20 Kozyrev, Nikolai. “Possibility of Experimental Study of Properties of Time. Op cit.

  21 Dong, Paul and Raffill, Thomas E. China’s Super Psychics. New York: Marlowe and Company, 1997.

  22 Swanson, Claude V. The Synchronized Universe: New Science of the Paranormal. Tucson, AZ: Poseidia Press, 2003, pp. 116–117.

  23 Ibid., p. 204.

  Chapter Thirteen

  1 Saetang, David. “Great Scott! Scientists Claim Time Travel is Possible.” PCWorld, January 18, 2011. (accessed January 2011).

  2 Nairz, Olaf; Zeilinger, Anton, and Arndt, Markus. “Quantum interference experiments with large molecules.” American Association of Physics Teachers, October 30, 2002. (accessed June 2010).

  3 Markus Arndt, Olaf Nairz, Julian Voss-Andreae, Claudia Keller, Gerbrand van der Zouw and Anton Zeilinger. “Wave-particle duality of C60.” Nature 401, October 14, 1999. pp. 680-682.

  4 Ibid.

  5 Olaf Nairz, Björn Brezger, Markus Arndt, and Anton Zeilinger. “Diffraction of the Fullerenes C60 and C70 by a standing light wave.” October, 2001. (accessed June 2010).

  6 Olaf Nairz, Björn Brezger, Markus Arndt, and Anton Zeilinger, Diffraction of Complex Molecules by Structures Made of Light, Physical Review Letters 87, 160401 (2001).

  7 Folger, Tim. “Newsflash: Time May Not Exist.” Discover Magazine, June 12, 2007.

  8 Ibid.

  9 Nehru, K. “Quantum Mechanics’ as the Mechanics of the Time Region.” Reciprocity, Spring 1995, pp. 1–9; revised February 1998. (accessed June 2010).

  10 Nehru, K. “Precession of the Planetary Perihelia Due to Co-ordinate Time.” Reciprocal System Theory Library, March 16, 2009. (accessed June 2010).

  11 Peret, Bruce. “Frequently Asked Questions—Reciprocal Theory.” (accessed June 2010).

  12 Ashley, Dave. “Dave Ashley’s House o’ Horrors.” April 29, 1998. (accessed June 2010).

  13 Ashley, Dave. “Law of One Material and Dewey B Larson’s Physics.” James Randi Educational Foundation, January 30, 2008. (accessed June 201

  14 Peret, Bruce. Frequently Asked Questions—Reciprocal Theory. Op cit.

  15 Berlitz, Charles. The Bermuda Triangle. New York: Avon Books, 1974, pp. 124–125.

  16 Caidin, Martin. Ghosts of the Air. Lakeview, MN: Galde Press/Barnes and Noble, 2007, original edition 1991, p. 223.

  17 Ibid., pp. 223–226.

  18 Peret, Bruce. RS Theory Website. International Society for Unified Science. (accessed June 2010).

  19 Julien, Eric. The Science of Extraterrestrials. Fort Oglethorpe, GA: Allies Publishing, October 10, 2006.

  20 Ginzburg, Vladimir B. “About the Paper.” Spiral Field Theory Website, 2000.

  21 Levich, A. P. “A Substantial Interpretation of N. A. Kozyrev’s Conception of Time.” Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong: World Scientific, 1996, pp. 17–18.

  22 Ibid.

  23 Ibid., p. 32.

  24 “Spinning Ball Experiment.” Bruce DePalma website. 2010. (accessed June 2010).

  25 Ibid.

  26 Ibid.

  27 DePalma, Bruce. “Understanding the Dropping of the Spinning Ball Experiment.” Simularity Institute, May 3, 1977. (accessed June 2010).

  Chapter Fourteen

  1 Yam, Philip. “Bringing Schrödinger’s Cat to Life.” Scientific American, June 1997, p. 124.

  2 McTaggart, Lynne. The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. New York: HarperCollins, 2002, p. 28.

  3 MacPherson, Kitta. “Princeton scientists discover exotic quantum states of matter.” News at Princeton, April 24, 2008. (accessed December 2010).

  4 Dmitriev, A. N., Dyatlov, V. L., and Merculov, V. I. “Electrogravidynamic Concept of Tornadoes.” The Millennium Group. (accessed June 2010).

  5 Ibid.

  6 Cerveny, Randy. Freaks of the Storm—From Flying Cows to Stealing Thunder, The World’s Strangest True Weather Stories. New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2006, p. 31.

  7 Dmitriev, A. N., Dyatlov, V. L., and Merculov, V. I. Electrogravidynamic Concept of Tornadoes. Op cit.

  8 National Weather Service. “Grand Rapids, MI: The April 3, 1956 Tornado Outbreak.” NOAA, May 20, 2010. (accessed June 2010).

  9 Blozy, Stephanie. “Can a Tornado Drive a Piece of Straw Into a Tree?” WeatherBug, July 2005. (accessed June 2010).

  10 Ibid.

  11 Cerveny, Randy. Freaks of the Storm, Op. cit., p. 30.

  12 Ibid., p. 33.

  13 Ibid., pp. 35, 44.

  14 Ibid., p. 35.

  15 Ibid., pp. 36–37.

  16 Washburn University/KTWU. Stories of the ’66 Topeka Tornado—Personal Topeka Tornado Stories. (accessed June 2010).

  17 San, Vee and Pean, Yoke. “Pictures of Things from the Sky.” Oracle ThinkQuest Education Foundation. (accessed June 2010).

  18 Hannah, James. “Odd items populate museum exhibit.” The Beacon Journal, June 20, 2004. (accessed June 2010).

  19 National Weather Service. Grand Rapids, MI: The April 3, 1956 Tornado Outbreak. Op cit.

  20 Alexandersson, Olof. Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy. Houston, TX: Newleaf, 1982, 1990, 2002, p. 22.

  21 Ibid., p. 23.

  22 Wagner, Orvin E. “Dr. Ed Wagner..” Wagner Research Laboratory, July 2007. (accessed June 2010).

  23 Wagner, Orvin E. “A Basis for a Unified Theory for Plant Growth and Development.” Physiological Chemistry and Physics and Med. NMR (1999) 31:109-129. (accessed June 2010).

  24 Ibid.

  25 Grebennikov, Viktor. “Cavity Structural Effect and Insect Antigravity.” Rex Research, November 2001. (accessed June 2010).

  26 “An anti-gravity platform of V. S. Grebbenikov.” New Energy Technologies 3(22): 58–74 (2005). (accessed June 2010).

  27 Davidson, Dan. “Free Energy, Gravity and the Aether.” KeelyNet, October 18, 1997. (accessed June 2010).

  28 Cathie, Bruce. “Acoustic Levitation of Stones.” In Childress, David Hatcher (ed.), Anti-Gravity and the World Grid. Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1987, 1995, pp. 211–216.

  29 Alexandersson, Olof. Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy. Houston, TX: Newleaf, 1982, 1990, 2002.

  30 Cook, Nick. The Hunt for Zero Point: Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology. New York: Broadway Books, 2002, pp. 228–229, 234.

  31 Grebennikov, Viktor. Cavity Structural Effect and Insect Antigravity. Op cit.

  32 Ibid.

  33 Ibid.

  34 Ibid.

  35 Ibid.

  36 Ibid.

  37 “An anti-gravity platform of V. S. Grebbenikov.” Op cit.

  38 Cassidy, Kerry; Novel, Gordon and Ryan, Bill. “Renegade: Gordon Novel on Camera.” Project Camelot, Los Angeles, December 2006. (accessed June 2010).

  39 Kirkpatrick, Sidney. Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet. New York: Riverhead Books, 2000, pp. 123–124.

  40 Cayce, Edgar. Reading 195-54. Association for Research and Enlightenment, January 13, 1929. (accessed June 2010).

  41 Kirkpatrick, Sidney. Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet. Op cit., pp. 123–124.

  42 “Tesla’s New Monarch of Machines.” New York Herald. October 15, 1911.

  43 Vassilatos, Gerry. Lost Science. Bayside, CA: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1997, 1999. (accessed June 2010).

  44 Cassidy, Kerry; Ring, Ralph, and Ryan, Bill. “Aquamarine Dreams: Ralph Ring and Otis T. Carr.” Project Camelot, Las Vegas, August 2006. (accessed June 2010).

  45 Ibid.

  46 Ibid.

  47 Ibid.

  48 Cassidy, Kerry; Ring, Ralph and Ryan, Bill. “Ralph Ring Interview Transcript.” Project Camelot, Las Vegas, August 2006. (accessed June 2010).

  49 Ibid.

  50 Spiegel, Lee. “Nuclear Physicist Describes Vast UFO Cover-Up.” AOL News, June 7, 2010. (accessed June 2010).

  51 Roschin, V. and Godin, S. “Magneto-Gravitational Converter. (Searl Effect Generator)” Summary/List of Technical Papers. Rex Research. (accessed June 2010).

  52 Moore, Terry. “SEG Voltage Controlled Demonstration.” YouTube, March 26, 2007. (accessed June 2010).

  53 David-Neel, Alexandra. With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet. Chapter VI: Psychic Sports. London” Penguin Books, 1931.

  54 Ibid.

  55 Swanson, Claude V. The Synchronized Universe: New Science of the Paranormal. Tucson, AZ: Poseidia Press, 2003, pp. 105–111.

  56 Ibid., p. 108.

  Chapter Fifteen

  1 Caidin, Martin. Ghosts of the Air. Lakeview, MN:
Galde Press/Barnes and Noble, 1991, 2007, p. 206.

  2 Quasar, Gian J. Into the Bermuda Triangle. New York: International Marine/McGraw Hill, 2004, p. 1.

  3 Grigonis, Richard. Ivan T. Sanderson. Chapter 13: Downfall. Richard Grigonis/Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, 2009, 2010. (accessed June 2010).

  4 Ibid.

  5 Ibid.

  6 Ibid.

  7 Paranormal Encyclopedia. “Vile Vortices.” (accessed June 2010).

  8 Grigonis, Richard. Ivan T. Sanderson Op cit.

  9 Jochmans, Joseph. “Earth: A Crystal Planet?” Atlantis Rising, Spring 1996. (accessed June 2010).

  10 Ibid.

  11 Ibid.

  12 Becker, William and Hagens, Beth. “The Planetary Grid: A New Synthesis.” Pursuit Journal of the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, Vol. 17, No. 4 (1984).

  13 Ibid.

  14 Wood, Dave; Piper, Anne, and Nunn, Cindy. “Gloucestershire’s ley lines.” BBC Gloucestershire History, June 29, 2005. (accessed June 2010).

  15 Jochmans, Joseph. “Earth: A Crystal Planet?” Op cit.

  16 “Athelstan Frederick Spilhaus: Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army. American Memory obituary. Died March 30, 1998.” Arlington National Cemetery, (accessed June 2010).

  17 Manbreaker, Crag. “Glossary of Physical Oceanography: Sn-Sz, Spilhaus, Athelstan (1912–1998).” UNESCO, August 17, 2001. (accessed June 2010).

  18 Ibid.

  19 University of California Museum of Paleontology. “Plate Tectonics: The Rocky History of an Idea.” University of California at Berkeley, August 22, 1997. (accessed June 2010).

  20 Luckert, Carl W. Plate Expansion Tectonics. (accessed June 2010).


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