Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 2

by J. J. Marstead

  Once I’m outside, I head toward my bike and peel out of the clubhouse in the direction of the diner.

  I pull into the diner and look around to see where the boys parked; parking my bike beside my father’s and head toward the diner’s front door.

  As I step inside, I look around and see the guys are already sitting down, drinking their coffees. Nodding to them, I turn toward my father, the president of our MC.

  “Hey Pops,”

  “Glad you can make it this morning. What the hell took you so fucking long?”

  I give him a lazy, satisfied grin. “Well boys, sorry to take so long, but I woke up to my dick being sucked.” All the guys around the table hoot and holler.

  Blaze is staring at something behind me. “What are you staring at?” I’m curious as to what is holding his attention so intently.

  “The hottest fucking waitress I’ve ever seen serving us. I think I’m going to invite her to the party tonight for Viper’s birthday. Need myself a hot date.”

  “Good for you, man.”

  I feel someone standing behind me and turn my head and see a girl standing there. She can’t be legal. I shoot Blaze a ‘what the hell are you are thinking’ look.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” she asks softly as she looks down at her pad of paper.

  I look her up and down. She has nice set of legs, that’s for sure. She also has perky tits, but then again, she looks like jail bait and there is no way in hell I’m going to wet my dick with someone who is jail bait. Fuck that. Don’t get me wrong she’s beautiful, but no good can come from that. I’m not sure what the hell Blaze is thinking.

  Turning back toward our waitress, I give her a grin. “Sure, sweetheart. I would love a cup of coffee, black.” She turns around and goes to the counter to fix a cup of coffee for me and brings it back, putting it down in front of me.

  “Thanks, sweetheart.” She blushes as she gives me a little smile.

  “Are you guys ready to order something to eat or are you just having coffee?”

  We tell her what we want, and she writes it all down and turns to head to the kitchen, but I stop her before she can get there. “Sweetheart, how old are you?” I ask with an evil grin, trying to dig it into Blaze that she’s too young for him.

  She looks around at the others sitting at the booth and blushes. “I’m going to be nineteen in a few months.” With that being said, she leaves me there in shock. I’m pretty sure my mouth is hanging open.

  Shit, she’s legal. I turn my head back to the guys and see Blaze with a smile so fucking big on his face, I’m sure it’s going to hurt tomorrow. Little bastard.

  Blaze smirks at me. “She’s legal, fuck yeah.”

  I’m not sure why, but it bothers me that he is so giddy about her. I don’t even know her name. I didn’t notice her name tag.

  “Hey Blaze, what’s her name?”

  “Alison,” He purrs her name. Fuck!!!

  Alison comes back a couple of minutes later with our food. I start digging in; the bacon tastes so fucking good. As I get a fork full of eggs, I bring the fork to my mouth as it starts to water, moaning as soon as those delicious eggs hit my tongue. God, this food is fucking awesome.

  Feeling like I’m being watched, I turn my head toward the counter and see Alison staring back at me. She starts blushing when she notices that I caught her. I give her my best smirk ever and add a wink. It always makes the women drop their panties.

  I can see that she is moving around a bit and I bet she is rubbing her thighs together. It looks to me that she might be affected by my charm. Hmmm...This could be interesting.

  We start talking about the party that we’re throwing for Viper’s birthday. The big thirty. I’m sure he is going to enjoy himself real good tonight. He is going to have an endless flow of pussy waiting just for him. Once we’re finished up with all the details for the party, we get up to leave. My father asks Blaze to go pay for our meal.

  I see the smirk on Blaze’s face when my father asks him to pay; fucker just wants to talk to Alison. I stand near the door watching them flirt with each other, and I’m pissed, but why am I pissed? I can’t be jealous of Blaze.

  Sure, she’s smoking hot, but I get my fair share of endless supply of pussy. Why am I getting ticked over Blaze talking to Alison? I do not like this one fucking bit. I’m staring at them and Alison just then decides to look over at me. My jaw is clenching so tight that I am afraid I’m going to break some teeth.

  I see Blaze heading my way with a grin, but then he turns around and I hear him asking her to Viper’s party tonight. What the fuck? I can barely hear her response, but I do hear her say yes. Great, now I get to see them all over each other at the fucking party. Great, just fucking great!

  I head outside to my bike, where I hop on and peel out of the diner’s parking lot. I need to get out of here and get back to the clubhouse and relieve some of this built up frustration. I wonder if Porsche is still there.

  Chapter 4

  I finish cleaning up the tables and look up at the clock. Blaze should be here soon; it’s almost eight. I’m humming with excitement.

  I’m not stupid, I’ve read books about MCs, and I’m sure it’s not the same as in real life, but the parties are supposed to be nuts. I can imagine all the naked women walking around.

  There’s no way Ace will give me two looks when he has naked women everywhere, all hoping he’ll pick them for the night. I can’t think about that right now.

  Ace is so far out of my league. It’s ironic really, wanting a guy that is older. How much older…not too sure, but I know he doesn’t want some eighteen year old. I’m probably not woman enough for him.

  I hear the bell above the door chime and look up to see Blaze there with a gorgeous smile on his face. He seems to be really sweet. I know I just met him, but he seems like the type you can rely on.

  I should just forget about Ace because there’s no way in hell he would be into me, or even look at me. I’m sure the women at the club are more filled out than I am. I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

  I can’t wait to get out of here and get home before the party. I need a shower to get the smell of grease off of me.

  Giving Blaze a smile, I start walking over to him. “Hi Blaze, thanks for coming to get me, but I need to go home and get showered and changed first.”

  Blaze chuckles, “Sure, no problem.”

  I run to hang up my apron and just as I am about to leave, I see Joe standing very close to Blaze. It looks like they’re talking about something. I can’t hear them, but I know it can’t be good.

  I walk up to them, and they both turn to look at me. “What’s up?” I say hoping it’s nothing serious.

  Joe gives me a somber smile.

  “Nothing. Just wanted to make sure that Blaze here, treats you like a lady and not some club whore.” he spits out, sneering at Blaze.

  Holy shit, he did not just say that! “Well I’m sure Blaze will treat me like a lady, now won’t you, Blaze?” I give Blaze a mischievous grin.

  “Oh don’t worry about this little lady here, Joe. I’m sure she can take care of herself. Isn’t that right, baby doll?”

  I smile. “Of course I can, and you know that, Joe, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.” I wave bye to Joe and follow Blaze toward his bike, which by the way, looks sexy as fuck. I don’t know what it is about bikes, but I love them. The rumble and vibrations of being on a motorcycle is amazing. Hello, mini orgasm.

  Heading to the little store beside the diner, I pick up an alarm clock, seeing as mine doesn’t work anymore. Blaze waits outside as I get what I need. It takes me a few minutes, as I pay for the clock and head outside. Blaze is standing there, still waiting for me.

  He gives me a crooked smile and hops on his bike. We pull out of the parking lot and head towards my apartment. As we roll up to my apartment that I share with Tammy, who by the way, is my older, loving sister who likes to annoy the shit out of me.

  As I open the
door to the apartment, I pray to God that Tammy isn’t home. That’s all I need, is her here trying to pry Blaze for information about the party, and if she knew it was at an MC club she would throw a fucking fit. She would tie me to the kitchen chair. Blaze follows me into the kitchen as I set my keys down on the counter.

  I look around to see if Tammy is home, and find she’s out, thank God. I can’t handle her right now with Blaze here. “I’m going to just get cleaned up, and then we can head out.” Blaze nods sitting down at the table.

  I start walking toward the hallway to head to the bathroom for my shower when I feel Blaze grab a hold of my arm, stopping me from moving. I look at Blaze with a raised brow, and he smiles. “Can I have a kiss from a beautiful woman?”

  I find him to be charming and hot as hell, but I can’t get Ace out of my fucking head. Have you ever heard the saying, it’s too good to be true? Well, I’m pretty sure Ace is too good to be true. I need to forget all about him and focus on this man in front of me.

  Giving Blaze a shy smile, he pulls me onto his lap, puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me toward his mouth. As soon as his lips touch mine, I feel a little spark in my stomach. The kiss starts off slow, then it turns hungry, and I feel dazed as soon as he pulls back.

  He has a lustful look in his eyes. “That was one hell of a kiss, baby doll.” I start blushing as I head toward the bathroom.

  Once I get into the shower, I touch my lips. Wow, that was one hell of a kiss. As I close my eyes, images of Ace kissing me pop into my head. I groan and wonder why am I thinking of him. Washing my hair and body as fast as I can, I hurry to get out of the shower.

  It's eight forty-five, and I think the party starts at nine, so we better hurry the hell up if we’re going to make it there on time. Getting dressed as fast as I can, I hear voices when I open the bathroom door.

  Oh no! My sister must be home now. Shit! I hear her talking to Blaze. I walk into the kitchen, and there she is sitting across from him.

  She’s looking at Blaze and then turns to me. “Would you like to tell me why the hell there is a fucking biker in our apartment, Alison?” Standing there with my mouth open in shock, I’m not sure what to tell her.

  I’m not a baby anymore, Jesus Christ; I can do what I want. “I invited him in. We’re actually going to a party at his club.”

  My sister jumps up and the chair goes flying backward, “The fuck you are. You are not going to some fucking club with bikers. What the fuck are you thinking, Alison? It’s dangerous.”

  Blaze has a look on his face that shows he’s not too impressed by my sister’s words. He opens his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.

  “Tammy, I’m eighteen and I’m an adult. I was invited to a party, so I am going.” I’m fuming now. I can’t believe she is trying to play mother hen right now, seriously? I never do anything; I want to get out and live a little.

  “If you don’t want me to go alone, you have to come with me, but I’m telling you, I’m going and that is that. I am not going to sit around here and not do anything like I do every Friday.”

  Tammy tenses, then relaxes a bit. “Fine, you really want to go to this party, I’ll go with you to keep an eye out for you, but I am telling you right now, one fuck up and I will drag your ass back here.” I’m pretty sure I’m smiling so big right now my face is going to hurt.

  I jump on my sister hugging her. “Thank you, Tammy. Don’t worry; you need to have some fun too; loosen up.” She gives me an evil eye. When she does that, it’s creepy as hell.

  “Smart ass,” she mumbles out.

  I laugh as I look at Blaze, and he has a smirk on his face. “What are you smirking for?” I ask heading toward him.

  “Oh nothing. Just that your sister was ready to fucking cut off my balls and shove them down my throat.” I burst out laughing. I shake my head. Tammy is kind of scary when she wants to be.

  I yell for Tammy to hurt her ass up, while were waiting at the front door. Blaze leans into me, giving me a quick peck on the lips. Tammy clears her throat and looks between Blaze and me, shaking her head as we head outside.

  The drive to the club is eerily quiet. Tammy and I are in her car. Blaze took his motorcycle because we can’t all fit on his bike. Tammy had decided that since I’d asked her to come, we we’re going together, leaving me to ride in the car with her. I have a feeling she doesn’t trust Blaze and doesn’t want me on the back of his bike.

  We finally get to the club, and it is packed. Opening the door to the clubhouse, all the smoke escapes, and the smell of booze is strong.

  Girls are everywhere. At least they all have clothes on, if that is what you want to call it. Blaze asks us if we want anything to drink. Nodding, we head toward the bar they have set up. My sister gets a beer, and I get a rum and Coke. Blaze gets a beer for himself.

  Shit, I feel Tammy staring at me as I get my drink. She raises her brow as she asks, “Alison, what the hell are you doing drinking? You’re not twenty-one.”

  “Can I just enjoy this, please? When do I ever go out and have fun?”

  She nods and we head toward the couch, sit down and I take a sip of my drink. I feel the little burn in the back of my throat. Shit, this is strong.

  Looking around, I feel like I’m overdressed. I see a woman dancing and rubbing herself all over some biker. Blaze turns his head to me and says, “That’s the birthday boy.” Nodding in the direction, I turn to face my sister, telling her that the guy on the dance floor is the birthday boy.

  My sister looks at them dancing, shaking her head with disgust. “I know the birthday boy. He’s been to the club most nights while I’m working. He’s been trying to get with me for months, but I guess he changes his mind fast,” she hisses.

  They are pretty much fucking on the dance floor. I know my sister isn’t really into this whole thing, but hopefully, she loosens up after a couple of drinks.

  Just as I’m getting a good buzz going, it gets killed when Ace walks in with some blonde chick. I feel Blaze tense beside me. Giving Blaze a small smile, I ask where the bathroom is.

  As I get up from the couch, I feel as if someone is staring at me. I look around to see what it is, and find Ace staring right at me, and looking between Blaze and me.

  I shake my head and follow Blaze toward the hallway, where there are a shit load of doors. Passing a couple, I hear cries of pleasure and moaning.

  I continue to follow Blaze. “Here’s the bathroom, I’m going to get another refill for myself, would you like one?”

  Giving him a grin, I nod my head. “Yes, please.”

  After using the bathroom, I wash and dry my hands, tilting my head up to look in the mirror. I take in my appearance, satisfied with what I see. I walk to the door and turn the knob; I come face to face with Ace looking down at me with a lustful look. No, that can’t be right.

  Chapter 5

  As I make my way toward the club with Porsche on my heels, she is whispering naughty things into my ear. I can’t fucking wait to get inside and get a beer.

  I hope that Alison isn’t here yet; I need a couple of beers before she shows up.

  Porsche grabs my arm just as we walk through the door. The guys all yell a hello. Nodding, I move into the club. I look around, and I see Viper getting a dance from some club bunny. If you were an outsider, it would look like they were fucking right there on the dance floor.

  I look around to see who’s here, I see Judge at the bar talking with Hammer. Stitch is talking to Pit about something not too sure what it’s about, but it doesn’t seem too good. Hell, it can wait till tomorrow. It’s a party, and I need a beer.

  I can feel her before I see her. Staring over toward the couches, I see Alison sitting beside a girl who I’ve never seen before; must be one of Alison’s friends.

  I look to her left, and there is Blaze smiling wide at whatever the fuck Alison is talking about. I advance to the bar. Our newly patched member, David, is behind the bar, handing out drinks left and right. He sees me a

  “Hey Ace, you want a beer?” I give him a nod and he hands me a cold one. I twist the cap off, taking a long swig.

  “Thanks, man.” David walks away getting beers for the rest of the guys and I turn, my eyes scouting the clubhouse. There are lots of club bunnies here tonight. Porsche is talking to Lolly and Cherry. Kitty is giving head to Axel beside the pool table.

  Where the others are, I got no fucking clue, but I can tell you this, they are getting some action for sure. I wonder what a good girl like Alison thinks of this, she shouldn’t even be here. She doesn’t fit into this lifestyle.

  Blaze and Alison are getting a little too cozy, motherfucker. I need to get some air; I can’t take this all night with her being here. Why the fuck am I so jealous? I can have any chick here.

  Here I am thinking of some fucking eighteen-year-old girl. Fuck! I march to the door, once outside, I breathe the fresh air. I hear the click of heels, shit. Porsche approaches, pressing her tits up against my arm. Her panties dangling in her hand, Jesus.

  “I just fucked you an hour ago and now you want more?”

  “Oh baby, I always want more with you. I’ll even let you fuck my ass.”

  Oh God, that is so fucking tempting, but I can’t.

  “Sorry, Porsche, I’m not feeling it right now. I have to keep an eye on the girls Blaze brought. Don’t want any shit happening.”

  “What the fuck is with the bitch, anyways? I see you staring at her. What the fuck? You want to fuck her, don’t you?” She props her hands up on her hips and glares over at me. “Well, guess what? I am not going to let you. No fucking way. You’re mine, Ace. MINE!!”

  I am not sure what happens but one minute I am standing there and the next I am right beside her, I get into her face, and I’m yelling.

  “I am NOT YOURS. I told you we fuck, and that’s it. You’re not my fucking old lady, so back the fuck off.” I can see the fury in her eyes.

  “Just wait and see, Ace. You will come crawling back to me.”


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