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Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC

Page 4

by J. J. Marstead

  I head over to the couch and sit down. There’s a brief silence between us before Ace turns to face me. Grabbing my legs, he sits me fully on the couch facing him. I am pretty sure my face is as red as a tomato.

  Usually, I’m not this shy, with guys my own age, but Ace is older and more experienced than me. I’m praying he tells me that he’s not seeing Porsche. But I have a feeling he’s a man whore. I don’t know if I can trust him.

  “Ace, please just tell me what you have to say so I can go back out to the party with my sister and Blaze.” I see his jaw tick when I mention Blaze’s name.

  “Do you want Blaze? Do you want him between those legs?” I gasp. How can he say something like that? At the same time, I’m turned on by his words. What is wrong with me?

  “No one gets to be between those legs but me,” he growls out.

  I shiver. How can he say that when he is out fucking God knows who?

  “How dare you! You have no right saying that. If I want to fuck him, I will.”

  I know that was a foolish response, but I’m fuming mad. My eyes widen as he leans into me. “You’re not going to be fucking him. I want you, Alison. I don’t know what it is about you, but I want you so bad, I can fucking taste it.”

  “Ace, please just tell me what you wanted to talk to me about.”

  Ace sighs. “Porsche is just a bitch I fuck here and there. She was just a means to release myself. That’s all. She is not my old lady and never will be. I don’t want anyone but you, if you can try to give me a chance. I’m not saying I won’t fuck it up. I’m a man; we do make mistakes, but I won’t fuck anyone when I am with you.”

  Hearing Ace say all that, I get flutters in my stomach. You know when you’re excited and it feels like butterflies, well like that but multiply that by ten. Looking into his eyes, I smile. “Ace if you want to try this out with me, I am warning you, if you sleep with anyone but me, we’re done, I don’t give second chances when it comes to cheating.”

  Ace’s face lights up, and he has a huge smile. “Oh Peaches, don’t worry. I won’t be going to anyone’s bed but yours.” Peaches! Why did he call me Peaches?

  “Ummm...Ace, why did you call me Peaches?”

  “Because your hair smells like peaches, so I thought it would be a perfect fit. I love peaches. I bet you taste like peaches too.” He gives me a devilish grin and winks.

  “I like that nickname,” I whisper my voice sounding husky and full of lust. Ace’s eyes are burning with lust as he leans into me, nose to nose.

  “I’m going to kiss you now. If you don’t want me to, please tell me because once I start I might not be able to stop.”

  “Don’t stop,” I whisper softly.

  He looks at my lips and then to my eyes, going in for the kill. He presses his mouth softly to mine at first and then he applies more pressure to the kiss.

  He grabs my waist and places me on top of him. I gasp as I feel his hard erection poking my thigh.

  He then grabs the back of my head and slips his tongue into my mouth and kisses me like no man has ever kissed me before.

  That’s the problem, though, I have never been with a man, and they were all boys before Ace.

  Ace breaks the kiss and leans his forehead against mine.

  “Holy shit,” we both say at the same time as we stare into each other’s eyes.

  Chapter 7

  I feel my lips tingling from the kiss, leaving me in a daze. Ace sure knows how to kiss.

  Holy shit! My body feels like it’s on fire. His touch makes me burn with desire. I don’t recall feeling this way with anyone. It’s not like there were tons of men before Ace.

  I only have one ex, Mark. We were together for two years. High school sweethearts they say, but one day everything changed. Mark changed.

  He grew dark. It started by yelling, not letting me out with friends. At the end of it, he hit me. That’s where I had enough. I left him and didn’t look back. I moved in with my sister. I started my new life without Mark.

  I was seventeen when Mark and I got together. I really thought he was my one and only. God, did I get that wrong.

  Ace stares at me; I’m waiting for him to continue kissing the ever living shit out of me, but he doesn’t.

  “We should probably head back to the party.” I’m disappointed, I pout. I’m not sure why we stopped, but I am happy we didn’t push it. I want to so bad, but I know that if we do, it will unlock something, and I am not sure if I am ready for that yet.

  “Yeah, you’re right. We should. I’m pretty sure my sister will be looking for me soon, if I don’t show up.”

  He nods his head in understanding. “Oh, believe me, I don’t want your sister to cut my balls off, and she is one scary woman.”

  I burst out giggling. This grown man is afraid of my sister. I can’t help myself. I’m laughing so hard that I have tears rolling down my cheeks.

  “Oh, I’m glad you find this funny, Peaches. But I’m very much attached to my balls.”

  My sides hurt so much from laughing. I shake my head at Ace. “Let’s go, don’t want my sister to end up chopping off your precious balls,” I snicker, can’t help myself.

  Ace jumps off the bed and reaches for the door handle. Opening the door, he signals me to go first. Awe what a gentleman.

  I make my way into the hallway. I hear the music blaring, as I enter the main hall. I look to see if I can see Tammy anywhere, but I can’t see her. Where the hell is she? I hear someone call out for Ace. I turn around, it’s Pit, Ace’s father with a mother walking towards us.

  I don’t know why, but I feel sheepish. Pit knows I’m the waitress from the diner, but that’s all. I don’t want him to know that I was just with his son, kissing the ever loving shit out of him.

  Ace grabs my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, reassuring me that everything is fine. Once Pit sees me, he gives me a sincere smile. The woman beside him looks at me with uncertainty.

  I give a little wave. “Hello.”

  The woman then smiles and turns to Ace. “Sweetheart, please introduce me to your lady friend.”

  Ace looks down at me and smiles.

  “Mom, this is Alison. Alison, this is my mother, Gale Hawke.”

  I can’t help but smile. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” I raise my hand to shake Gale’s, but I am engulfed in a hug, Gale then release me.

  “No handshake for my son’s girl.”

  Shaking my head, her son’s girl??? How does she know? As if she knows what I am thinking, Gale’s smirking at me and gives a little wink when Ace isn’t paying attention.

  We decide to play a game of pool. Gale and I are against Ace and Pit. Gale and I are winning and the boys are sulking. I look at Gale, and she looks at the faces the guys are making then looks back to me. We burst out laughing.

  They both grunt at us and we just lose it. We are full on laughing to the point where we are holding our sides as we have tears running down our faces.

  Ace comes over stands in front of me. “Would you like something to drink, Peaches?”

  “Can I have a rum and Coke please?”

  “No problem. I will be right back.” He gives me a quick peck on the lips, he heads toward the bar with Pit.

  Gale is standing there staring at me. I’m not sure why. I’m beginning to get nervous. I fidget with my hands, as I sit down at the table beside the pool table.

  Gale speaks low enough for me to hear. “I have never seen Ace the way he is with you, with anyone else. Don’t break my baby’s heart.” Her words bring prosperity, knowing that Ace is different with me. I hope she’s right.

  As I look around the club, waiting for Ace and Pit to get back with our drinks. I see Tammy looking miffed. Tammy scans the area and as soon as she spots me, she marches all the way to the table.

  She huffs loudly as she sits down in the chair beside me.

  “What’s wrong?” I demand. Knowing something is wrong.

  She growls. “Nothing! And I mean absolutely noth
ing.” Gale looks between us both and excuses herself from the table.

  I feel like were being stared at. I lift my eyes and see Viper at the bar talking to Ace, staring our way, but he’s not looking at me. He’s glancing at Tammy.

  “Bullshit, Tammy. What the hell happened?” Tammy looks at me and I see the distressed written all over her face.

  “I was wrong about someone, that’s all. He can have all the sluts he wants. I am not going to put out for the prick so he can fuck me and then throw me out like yesterday’s garbage.” Whoa, where did that come from?

  Tammy’s shoulders collapse as she lifts her head and stares at me. “I am not going to go into detail with you, but it’s Viper. Ever since he saw me at the club dancing he wants to get into my pants. I am sure that’s all he wants, but I can’t. I won’t degrade myself just to give him satisfaction about scoring.”

  I grab her hand, I try to talk to her but she is shaking her head back and forth not wanting to listen to what I have to say. So I drop it. I didn’t hear Ace walk up. He leans around me and sets my drink in front of me.

  Ace looks between my sister and I, giving a faint smile. I know he must know something. He was just talking with Viper at the bar.

  I arch my back to check if Viper is still standing at the bar where he was talking with Ace a few minutes ago. Viper is now standing there with some redhead between his legs. She’s rubbing up and down him like a cat in heat.

  That pisses me off. I’m out of my chair even before I can think of what I am going to do. I feel someone grab my arm.

  I look down at the person to tell them to let go. I see Ace holding me back pleading with his eyes. He leans into me and whispers into my ear. “Peaches, this has nothing to do with us, it’s between them. Just leave it. They will work it out.” I realize what he’s saying is true. It doesn’t stop me from wanting to slap him around, for playing my sister.

  “He better not hurt her, Ace. She’s my sister. She has always been there for me, protecting me from everything and anything. Seeing her like this guts me knowing he’s the cause of it.”

  He exhales heavily.

  “I know, babe. They are both adults. Let them work it out. Please?” Ace gazes into my eyes. I don’t know what comes over me, but I cave nodding my head, agreeing.

  Viper better leave my sister alone. I hear my sister mutter ‘asshole’ under her breath. Tammy’s is full on out staring at Viper with that skank. I think it’s time to get her to the bathroom; she needs to freshen up and snap out of it.

  “Tammy, come on. Let’s go to the bathroom to freshen up.”

  Tammy breaks her gaze from Viper and the redhead and nods. Getting up from the table I link my arm with hers. Ace has a concerned look on his face.

  “I will be back in a few minutes.”

  Ace opens his mouth to say something but firmly shuts it as we leave the table.

  As I get Tammy into the bathroom. I splash water on her face to freshen up, she seems to be in a better mood. At least she gave me a smile finally. I will not let this fucker bring my sister down. As were leaving the washroom. We’re cornered by the woman that caught Ace and I in the bathroom. What’s her name again? Oh right, Porsche.

  She’s standing there with two other girls, who I assume also club girls, until one says hi to Tammy.

  I give Tammy a confused look; she shakes her head and mentions. “She works at the strip club.” Ah, that makes sense. A stripper and a club whore. Wow living the high life.

  I start to walk around them but Porsche grabs me by the arm and pulls me toward her. “Stay the FUCK away from Ace, bitch. He’s mine.”

  I hear my sister start to say something, but it is blocked out by the ringing in my ears. My cheek feels hot. She just slapped me. What the fuck?

  Next thing I know, Porsche is on the ground screaming. My sister has her on her back, punching her. “You slap my sister. Did you really think you were just going to walk away from getting your ass beat. You. *Punch* Stupid. *Punch*. Whore.”

  Oh my God. I try to pull her off of Porsche, but it’s no use.

  “Tammy, stop it. It’s enough; she’s had enough.”

  I see Ace and Viper running our way. Viper has a confused look as Tammy’s wailing away on Porsche. Ace is staring at me with a dazed look as I stand there, shaking trying to hold back the tears as I hold my cheek.

  Viper grabs Tammy under the arms lifting her clear off the ground far away from Porsche. “Get the fuck off me, you stupid mother fucker. I wasn’t done with her yet.” I gasp as I hear Tammy yelling at Viper.

  “Babe, calm the fuck down now.” She’s slapping at Viper’s arms to break free. Ace comes to me, grabs my hand away from my cheek and sees that it’s an angry red.

  “What happened here, Peaches?”

  I am about to tell Ace, when Tammy yells. “That stupid bitch on the floor, tells my sister to stay the fuck away from you because you’re hers.”

  Tammy huffs. “Then she slaps her in the fucking face.”

  I hear Porsche groaning on the floor, looking down I see her face and wince. Tammy did a real number on her. Her lip is already swelling.

  Ace leaves me standing there. He walks over bending down to check on Porsche; I’m shocked. Why is he worried about her on the floor when she is the one who started this? I’m hurt and betrayed that he’s more concerned about Porsche.

  I get a burning sensation in my chest as I look between Ace and Porsche. Ace helps Porsche off the floor and heads down the hallway toward the bathroom.

  Oh my God, I can’t believe he just left me here. It feels like a kick in the gut, I feel so abandoned, blinking my eyes to keep the tears at bay.

  I walk to the bar; I sit down on the stool and order a shot of whiskey. The burn does nothing to help with the pain, I felt as Ace walked away with Porsche. He left me standing there like a fool.

  Tammy is nowhere in sight. I hope she’s okay. I don’t want to end up cutting Viper’s balls off.

  I hear the stool beside me scrape as someone pulls it out. I look to the side and see Blaze sitting next to me with a feeble smile. He must have seen the whole scene happen with Porsche.

  Blaze leans into me nudging me with his elbow as his eyes soften as he takes in my appearance.

  “I saw what happened, are you all right?” I dip my head down, taking in a deep breath. I raise my head, giving Blaze a tiny nod of recognition. I don’t trust myself to speak at the moment; I don’t want to end up a sobbing mess.

  We drink in silence. I sit here trying to clear my head, while staring at the neon sign over the bar. I’m on my fourth shot of whiskey, and… I feel myself getting warm and tingly all over.

  I turn to Blaze asking him if he’s seen Ace come back from the bathroom. He shakes his head indicating that he has not seen him. I’m feeling enraged with Ace for leaving me and helping Porsche.

  “How long has Ace been gone?” My words slurring as the drinks I’ve had start to catch up with me.

  Blaze laughs. “He has been gone for probably about twenty minutes now.” What the fuck? Why the hell would he be gone with Porsche for twenty minutes?

  I get a sinking feeling in my gut. I have to go and check on Ace.

  “Hey Blaze. You want to come with me to check on Ace? I’m not sure if I want to go alone.”

  He nods his head. We head off down the hall toward the bathroom.

  Once we’re standing outside the bathroom door. I’m puzzled as to why the door is closed. Looking at Blaze, he doesn’t seem too content about the door being closed either.

  I reach for the door handle; but stop mid-way when I hear giggling and Porsche’s voice. “Come on, baby. You love it.” Tears build up. I’m blinking so hard for them to go away. I don’t want to seem like some kind of weak little girl.

  Blaze grabs for the handle and flings the door open. Porsche is sitting on the counter beside the sink. Ace is in between her legs, Porsche has her arms behind her back. There’s lipstick stains on his neck.

p; I don’t know what to do or say; I feel as if she is purposely doing this to us. But at the same time, Ace should know this. Or is he just blind when it comes to Porsche?

  Ace turns to see it’s Blaze and I standing there, he opens his mouth to speak but closes it when I give him a ‘Dare to tell me it’s not what it looks like’ look. He pushes away from Porsche and takes a step toward me.

  I want to run and not look back but I just stand there. Tears escaping the corners of my eyes, right at this moment I don’t care if he sees me crying. He did this; he is the one who is making me cry. I want him to know that he is the one that is causing my heartache.

  Porsche is now standing behind Ace looking at me over his shoulder. She has a huge smirk on her face. Blaze snaps he gets into Porsche’s face and yells each word. “You. Are. A. Fucking. Bitch.”

  I try my hardest to reign in my emotions. I finally get enough courage to speak. “I can’t believe I fell for your lies. I knew you couldn’t be with one woman. I can’t compete with all these women that throw themselves at you. I’m happy that I realize this now before it was too late.”

  I turn to leave, but I’m frozen still when I hear Ace’s voice, the anger that fills his voice gives me shivers. “Porsche, get the fuck out. NOW!” He roars as his face fills with anger.

  I start to leave when I feel a hand on my arm holding me back, looking up into the eyes of the man who can destroy me. He whispers softly. “Please stay; it is not what you think. I don’t want her, Peaches. I never did. I want you. Fuck, I need you to understand that nothing will happen between Porsche and me, EVER again. What happened with Porsche is in the past. Please, baby. Don’t leave.”

  Staring up into his eyes, I can tell he is being genuine. But deep down I’m still worried that I won’t be enough. Turning to Blaze, Ace gives him a ‘Get the fuck out’ look. Blaze cuts his focus to me, giving a nod of reassurance. Blaze leaves without saying a word.

  “Peaches, I swear to you. I don’t want Porsche.”


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