Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 18

by J. J. Marstead

  “What are you in the mood for Peaches?” He says not even looking up at me as he continues to browse through the DVD’s.

  “Ummm…Anything is fine. I’m kind of tired anyways. So I’m not sure if I will be able to watch the whole thing before I fall asleep,” I giggle as I move toward the couch. I sit down with a sigh, man I ate too much.

  Ace turns around and looks at me with a smirk on his face shaking his head as he grabs one movie’s from the pile, holding it up. I look at the movie he’s holding up ‘Sucker Punch’. I chuckle as he puts the movie in the DVD player.

  He comes and sits beside me putting his arm around my shoulders. “What are you laughing at Peaches?” He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. Dear God, his voice always makes me tingle.

  “Nothing, it’s just funny you choose that movie. I think its Vipers,” He raises a brow at me as he chuckles, shaking his head.

  “Hmmm…Fucker does have good taste. This movie is awesome. A bit fucked up but awesome.” He presses the play button on the remote.

  “Ace, tomorrow is my first appointment with the doctor for the baby. I was wondering if you would like to come with me,” His head snaps down at me and he smiles.

  “I would love to go with you. I don’t want to miss out on anything,” He kisses my forehead as we turn our attention back to the movie.

  I think I fell asleep halfway through the movie. Waking up slowly I see I’m in my room, how did I get in here? I panic till I feel Ace behind me, bringing me closer to him. Holding me, telling me I’m okay and that everything will be okay. God, I love this man. What I would do without him?

  As we wait in the doctor’s office. We wait patiently for my name to be called. Ace takes my hand in his; bringing it to his mouth he places a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. I get butterflies when his lips touch my skin.

  He’s so sweet but at the same time when you see him as an outsider for the first time, he’s intimidating. Oh my God, his tattoos are wow. I just want to climb on him and have my way with him here in the doctor’s office.

  Jesus Christ get a grip, Alison. I’m sitting at a doctor’s office and all I’m thinking about is his body and what I can do to him. I blush, turning my head; if he sees I’m blushing, he will for sure know I’m thinking naughty thoughts.

  I get snapped out of my thoughts when I hear my name being called. Ace gives my hand a light squeeze as he gets up. He holds his hand out with a crooked grin plastered on his face.

  “Let’s go Peaches. I can’t wait to see the baby.” I place my hand in his. We walk towards the nurse that is standing there, eye-fucking Ace, Bitch! Ace doesn’t seem to notice that she’s standing there drooling over him as she looks him up and down.

  She walks us down a narrow hallway to a room. She opens the door for us, as we walk into the room she doesn’t even acknowledge me as she stares at Ace. “The doctor will be with you shortly,” She purrs out. Oh my God, what the hell is it with these women? Going after men who are taken? I just want to scratch her eyes out; she better think twice about acting like a bitch in heat again in front of me because, I won’t be sitting here all quiet while she eye fucks him. I’ve had about enough of these women, first Porsche and now the nurse.

  My mood sours as she leaves. Ace must notice because he comes up behind me and places his arms around me as he whispers in my ear huskily. “You don’t need to be mad baby; I love you and only want you.”

  I melt into him sighing as he holds me. “What is with the women falling at your feet? And she was flirting with you right in front of me. What a fucking bitch!” I’m so pissed off by her actions. Ace chuckles and kisses my neck.

  “Damn Peaches, it’s a turn on hearing you swear baby.” He holds me close to him. I feel his erection pushing into my back. I move a little, and he groans into my neck. I can’t help but giggle.

  The doctor comes walking in a few minutes later, looking down at the sheet in his hands. He doesn’t look that old. I would guess around Ace’s age or a little older.

  “Good afternoon Miss. Murphy. How are you feeling today?” He stops walking; he looks up with a smile and see’s Ace standing there behind me.

  The doctor looks between us both. “Is this the father of the baby, Miss. Murphy?” He sits down at his desk, taking his pen out of his pocket.

  “Oh please just Alison. And yes Ace is the Father,” I say as I look at Ace. He has a huge smile on his face.

  The doctor chuckles at Ace, shaking his head. “What’s Ace’s real name. I’m assuming that Ace is his road name.” How in the hell did he know that was his road name?

  Ace walks around me and looks at Dr. Cole. “The names Hayden…Hayden Hawke.” He says the doctor looks up from writing and tilts his head to the side staring at Ace.

  “Hayden Hawke. Now why in the hell does that name ring a bell,” he utters to himself looking dazed.

  “You were two grades ahead of me in high school,” Ace mentions, I look at Dr. Cole, and you can see when Ace mentions that, there’s a light bulb that flicks inside.

  “Holy shit, is that you Hayden?”

  Ace chuckles as he nods his head. Dr. Cole gets up and walks around the desk and shakes Ace’s hand. Okay, now I’m confused, they know each other? “You two know each other?” I look between them; Ace clears his throat, while Dr. Cole nods his head.

  “Yeah I know Dr. Cole. His name is Max Cole. He’s cousins with Viper,” When the name leaves his lips, you can see Max’s face change to confusion.

  Ace decides to put Max out of his misery. “Dalton” Ace mentions.

  “My cousin is in a motorcycle club?” Max asks as he stares at Ace.

  “Wow, I haven’t seen Dalton in a few years. How’s he doing?” Ace and Max talk for a bit back and forth. It’s like they just remember that I’m standing there waiting. Looking between them, we’re here because of the baby… Not to go down memory lane.

  Dr. Cole motions me to changing area, handing me some scrubs to change into. He walks out of the room with Ace. They return a few minutes later.

  “Please sit on the table and lay down please,” Ace comes around the table and holds my hand as Max gets the machine up and running. He takes a tube of gel out. “Now Alison, I don’t want to alarm you, but this is going to feel a bit cold,” He warns me as he puts a fair amount of the gel on my stomach. Jesus H Christ! It’s cold.

  He takes the wand and moves it in the gel, and then he applies a little more pressure. I look at the screen and then up to Ace. He has the hugest smile I have ever seen on his handsome face.

  “Now, it’s a bit too early to tell the sex of the baby, but by the measurements of the fetus. You're around twelve weeks. Let’s see if the little guy in there has a strong heat beat. There’s your baby’s heartbeat.” He points to the screen as we hear the heart, showing us the little bean. “I want you to make another appointment in 6 weeks. We will know for sure the sex of the baby. That’s if you want to find out the sex of the baby of course.” He hands me a few paper towels to clean myself off.

  Once I’m dressed, I pull the curtain over and see Ace sitting in the chair in front of Max. He’s writing on a prescription pad. “Now here is a prescription for prenatal vitamins for you to take every day. One pill every morning works best.” He rips the paper from the pad and hands it to me.

  “Thank you, Dr. Cole.”

  As we leave the doctor’s office, we make our way to Ace’s truck; once he found out I was pregnant. The bike has been off limits, party pooper.

  I stop dead in my tracks. I see Porsche walking up toward us, with an evil grin on her face. I turn to look at Ace but he’s looking down at his phone, he’s probably messaging his dad about how the appointment went.

  Ace must have notice that I stopped walking because he turns around to look at me. “Peaches, what’s wrong?” He touches my arm softly.

  I swallow roughly as I point towards Porsche; he looks up and sees her. His mood changes, he’s furious. “Hey Ace,” She purrs out.
I shake my head is this bitch for real? I’m standing right beside him.

  “Don’t fucking ‘Hey Ace’ me Porsche. I told you at the clubhouse when your ass got kicked out. Stay the fuck away from me and Alison.” He hisses out. She looks like she’s about the cry, good the bitch deserves that and more.

  She goes to open her mouth but she closes it as I grab onto his arm. “Ace baby, give Porsche the good news,” I can’t help but smirk as I stare at her.

  “Alison’s pregnant,” You can see Porsche’s eyes widen as her shoulders slump a bit. She straightens up, giving a fake smile.

  “Well, seems like congratulations are in order,” she growls out as she storms passed us.

  Ace chuckles, he leans down and kisses the top of my head, “My feisty Mama, I like it.”

  Chapter 18

  Three months later…

  Ace and I were standing in a baby store, I know I can’t believe it either; he’s here with me buying stuff for the baby. It’s sweet to see this side of him; he’s in full daddy mode. It’s too cute to see.

  I’m only five months pregnant, but I feel like I’m eight months, man do I feel like a whale. These past three months flew by so fast, after that day we left the doctor’s office and saw Porsche, everything has been great for us, and we are stronger than ever.

  We haven’t seen or heard from Porsche since the day in front of the doctor’s office, thank God; that bitch was getting on my nerves. She doesn’t understand the word ‘No’. I’m just glad she’s gone now and we don’t have to deal with her any longer. Around the clubhouse has gotten much better too, the woman are clothed now while out in the main hall, I guess Ace was telling the truth.

  We haven’t seen or heard anything about Mark either, which is a relief. But Ace doesn’t want to take any chances, so when he’s gone to work, either Blaze is here or Viper, well… He comes to see Tammy but yeah he’s still here, so it counts right?

  We decided not to find out the sex of the baby; we wanted it to be a surprise for everyone including us. I have a feeling Ace is itching for a son; he says he doesn’t care what the sex of baby is as long as he or she is healthy, that’s all that matters.

  I totally agree with Ace, just as long as the baby is healthy, I’m one happy mama. Tammy has been a blessing; she’s been helping me so much, especially when Ace is gone. She’s going to be an awesome auntie. We haven’t figured out names yet; there’s so many to choose from its crazy.

  You must be wondering about the families getting together, well it went better than I thought, Gale and my mother are now best friends pretty much, they are always getting together for lunch and what not.

  My father and Pit, well it was rocky at first; they knew each other way back from when my dad was in an MC, but they worked out their differences, thank God because I didn’t know what the hell I would do if they didn’t get along. We’re all one big happy family now. They’re all excited about the baby.

  I’m just glad that everything has worked out; Tammy and Viper are going strong. My parents are looking into buying a house somewhere in town; they said they need to be near their grand baby. I’ve never felt so much love as I do as when we’re all together. The guys at the club have even warmed up to me; they are all really great guys. Our baby will have lots of uncles.

  Ace is going to be an incredible father. I remember the first time the baby kicked, just seeing Ace’s face light up, feeling his son or daughter kicking his hand, it was magical. That night he took me to bed and made passionate love to me all night long; it was amazing.

  Ace was looking into buying us a house; he doesn’t want us living in my tiny apartment with Tammy or in the clubhouse. He wants us to have a place of our own. He wants us to be on our own when we start our family, I truly love this man. He has been patient with me and loves me with everything in him.

  A month ago he found a cute little two story house. It was perfect; as soon as I saw it I fell in love with it. The backyard is amazing; there’s so much room for when the baby gets older to run around. I wanted to get a puppy… But I have to work on that one; Ace seems iffy about getting a dog, with the baby around. He’s worried something might happen; he’s so cute when he worries over little things like this.

  As I stare over at Ace, he’s looking at the bouncy seats and my heart warms. I don’t know where I would be if I never met Ace. He asked me to be his old lady that night we got back from our first doctor’s appointment; Gale explained to me what an old lady was, I was jumping for joy when he asked me.

  “Which one of these bouncy seats should we get, Peaches, I’ve read the reviews on all of these, and these three here are the best of the best.” He points to the three he has in front of him. Laughing I start shaking my head, oh lord!

  “I like the green jungle one, it’s a neutral color, so we don’t have to worry if it’s a boy or girl,” The baby kicks pretty hard, so I place my hand on my stomach rubbing circles as I feel his or her foot pressing in my hand. Ace turns around looking at me with the sweetest smile ever; he walks toward me and puts his hand on my stomach.

  “I love you Peaches,” He whispers softly in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

  Jesus, being pregnant has upped my sex drive for sure. Ace isn’t complaining one bit about it, he loves my body, he loves seeing me grow bigger and bigger month to month; he said that he loves knowing his son or daughter is growing inside of me, even if I feel like a bloated whale…

  We’ve had to try a few different positions during sex because my stomach has grown so much. I love from behind, Jesus just thinking about it makes me, rub my thighs together, I’m wet with desire. Ace loves when I’m on top, I blush beet red just thinking about it.

  Ace chuckles, “Are you thinking naughty thoughts, Alison? Your cheeks are beet red,” He lifts my chin up and captures my lips with a sinful kiss.

  I hear someone clear their throat; pulling away from Ace I see it’s the clerk, nervously shifting from foot to foot.

  “Have you chosen which bouncy seat you would like?” He rubs the back of his neck, like he didn’t want to interrupt us. Ace looks toward the clerk; he can’t be more than sixteen.

  “Yeah, we want the jungle one, and we want the matching playpen and music mobile for the crib.” He walks toward the front of the store to pay. I laugh quietly as I follow behind him.

  He turns to face me, looking down at my face, “Now why are you laughing Peaches,” He touches the side of my face with his knuckles. I close my eyes loving the feeling of his warm hand caressing me.

  “It’s just funny to see the guy nervous and scared of the big bad biker,” I snicker as my stomach then growls, “I can’t wait to get out of here, my feet are killing me, and I’m so hungry I swear I can eat a horse.” My appetite for sure has doubled.

  I’m not the ice cream and pickles craving pregnant girl; I’m more like peanut butter and pickle sandwich with a strawberry milkshake kind of girl.

  Ace gags every time I make it at home. I told him not to knock it before he tries it. I made him take a bite one day of my sandwich and he ran to the garbage spitting it out.

  “Well let me pay for this, I’ll check to see if they can deliver it to the house, and then we can go grab something to eat,” He gives me that crooked grin I love.

  “Seeing as you’re starving,” He mocks knowing that I ate not even two hours ago. Jeez, what can I say? I’m hungry.

  “Not my fault I’m HH,” I snap out as he hands the clerk his credit card. He stills, turning his head and laughs.

  “What the hell is HH?” The clerk gives him the bill to sign.

  “Hungry and horny,” I say, snickering at his facial expression. He chuckles, shaking his head. We head out of the store to find somewhere to eat.

  Once we get something to eat, I feel much better. Once we get home, I need to lay down for a nap before my last shift at the diner. If it was up to Ace I wouldn’t be working period, but there is no way in hell I’m not going work. I need to work as it gives me so
mething to do.

  With today being my last afternoon working I will be at home for the next three months. Ace has told me multiple times that he will take care of everything. He wants to take care of his family, what can I do? Tell him no? I love the fact he wants to take care of us, but me staying home for the next three months, it’s going to be the longest three months of my life. I need to do something to keep myself from going crazy.

  I walk towards our bedroom; I walk to the bathroom that connects to our room. I relieve myself, it seems like that is all I do lately, eat and pee.

  The baby is pushing on my bladder like crazy, I remember one day we were out and I needed to pee so badly but there were no bathrooms around, I had to run behind a bush, and that was not fun. Ace laughed his ass off at me; I swear I was border line to pissing myself.

  I giggle thinking back at the thought. I walk back into our room and see our king size bed waiting for me; God, I need at least a two-hour nap before work. My back has been killing me lately but I won’t tell Ace that because he won’t let me do anything after that.

  Two hours later Ace comes in the bedroom with some watermelon cut up. Yummy, usually after I take a nap, I always crave watermelon which is weird but yeah I have to have it. If I don’t get my watermelon, it’s not a pretty sight; Ace learned that about a month ago. I burst into tears asking him where my watermelon was. Poor Ace didn’t know what the hell to do; he scrambled out of the room so fast, running downstairs to get my watermelon.

  As I sit up on the bed, he sits down beside me holding out the bowl of watermelon. I can’t help but lick my lips as I look at the juicy watermelon, he groans.

  I look up to see what’s wrong, “Peaches, don’t lick your lips like that. Fuck, I want those lips wrapped around my cock,” He grinds out, fixing the very noticeable erection that's tenting his pants.

  It’s been three days since we’ve had sex, with me working at the diner and him being gone on a run for two days for the club, we just haven’t found the time.


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