Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 19

by J. J. Marstead

  You can count on us having sex tonight; my hormones are going nuts. I need to feel his hands and his mouth on my body. I want him so bad right now, but there’s no time, shit. My body feels flushed as the heat in my core from the images of him thrusting in and out of me.

  I shake my head, trying to clear the naughty images that are popping into my head. He snaps me out of it when he mentions he’s going for a quick shower before he takes me to work. Damn, maybe I should hop in there with him and beg him to take me against the shower wall.

  The diner seems to be quiet as I arrive for work; Ace walks me in as usual. Getting into the diner I notice the lights are off. Hummm… That’s weird, it’s dark as I make my way to turn the light on. Did Joe have to close up early and forget to call me?

  As I flick the lights on, people jump out shouting, “Surprise.” I yelp and jump back. Holy crap, I wasn’t expecting that.

  I start laughing, then I see my parents and sister with beaming smiles on their faces; and I start to cry, I’m so emotional lately over just the littlest of things.

  Ace comes up beside me, “You know how hard it was to keep this secret from you? Everyone wanted to make sure your last day of work was amazing for you, but as you can see you won’t be working today…You’re relaxing and enjoying the little party everyone got together to plan,” He holds me close to him, placing a quick kiss on the side of my head.

  My parents come up and chat with Ace a bit, as I take in everyone here. Tammy comes up and stands beside me; she pulls me in for a hug.

  She smiles as she looks over at Ace and then back to me “That man has been on the go since he started planning this party, he wanted you to have your friends and family here.

  I start tearing up. “I love you, sis,” I say as I throw my arms around her neck holding her to me.

  She pats my back, “I love you too, you little brat,” She mocks as we both break out laughing.

  Ace whistles to get everyone’s attention; he motions for me to come over to stand beside him. I nervously make my way toward him; he smiles brightly at me as I stop beside him.

  As he puts his hand on my stomach the baby kicks, he laughs as he leans down and whispers something against my stomach I can’t hear, all you hear is all the ‘Coo’s and Awe’s’ of everyone.

  I chuckle at Ace, as he places a kiss on my stomach, he gets up and places a kiss on my lips; he grins as he reaches into his pocket; he leans down and gets on one knee; I gasp as my hands go to my mouth.

  “Peaches, since the first time I saw you, I knew you were it for me, baby. I want us to grow old together, live the rest of our lives as we are now, filled with love and with the baby coming we have our family. It’s sooner than I thought, but I’m happy none-the-less, I can’t wait to begin this new adventure with you… so Alison Murphy would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?” His voice begins to waver.

  Oh my God, I’m standing in front of the man I love, and he’s just asked me to marry him, I’m a blubbering mess. I nod my head so fast, “Yes,” I squeal and he pulls the ring from the box and places it on my finger. I look down at the ring as he slides it on, it’s gorgeous. Three peach color, princess cut diamonds, it’s truly beautiful.

  As he stands in front of me with a smile to die for, I throw my arms around his neck. I lean back to tell him I love him, he takes advantage and kisses me, our lips in sync as we stand there in front of our friends and family who are all applauding and shouting as we kiss.

  As we pull apart the bell of the diner door rings, we look toward the door wondering who’s there. Mark is standing a few feet away with a few Pandora’s, I tense. Mark gives me a wink, Ace’s jaw twitches as he stands in front of me, blocking me from Mark’s gaze, his fists tighten on his sides as he stares at Mark. Everyone in the diner goes eerily quiet.

  What in the fuck is that motherfucker doing here? That fucker has a lot of nerve showing his face here after what he did to Alison. We haven’t heard or seen from him since then, so why in the hell is he here now? I was hoping he dropped off the face of the planet, but no such luck.

  There the fucker is like five feet away from me, standing there giving me a death glare as I shield Alison from him.

  He takes a step forward, but my brothers stand up from where they were sitting, Viper and Blaze walk over to stand beside me. The bastard snickers as he stares between Viper, Blaze and me.

  “You know Ace, I was really hoping you would fuck up so bad that she would be so heartbroken, that I could comfort her,” What in the hell is wrong with this guy? Why would he think he would be able to comfort her when she’s scared of him?

  As I step forward to throw the prick out of here, he looks up at me. There’s no lighting in his eyes, it’s like he’s hollow… No emotion, nothing.

  “Alison will never be fully yours, she was mine first remember that… I popped her sweet cherry, I claimed her. She will ALWAYS BE MINE,” He growls out as he steps forward with his fists tight ready to strike.

  Alison’s father gets up from his spot, and starts walking over to him, I’m sure he can take care of his own, but it’s not his fight, it’s mine. If anyone gets to beat this fucker, it’s me.

  I grab a hold of Garrett’s arm, stopping him from going over to beat Mark’s ass, he looks down at me. I shake my head motioning him to stay where he is, this little bastard is mine.

  I stand tall; as I walk toward the fucker he smiles evilly, “Outside now. I will fight you for her, and I will not lose. She’s MINE,” He hisses as he turns around and heads outside with his goons following him. That mother fucker wants a fight; well he’s going to get one that he will never forget.

  As I begin to walk towards the door to go outside, Alison comes up behind me and grabs my arm stopping me. I look down at her; she has tears falling down her cheeks as she stares at me, silently asking me not to do this with her eyes. I close my eyes, wishing things were different. As I open them, I know he will never leave her alone. I need to finish this now.

  “Peaches, baby…I need to go outside and kick his fucking ass. He will never bother you again. I promise you. He won’t leave you alone if I don’t set him straight,” I wrap my arms around her, placing a kiss on the top of her head as she sobs into my chest. I pull back from her; she lightly touches my face with her hand.

  “Please don’t go outside…I don’t want you to get hurt, I won’t be able to take it if something happened to you,” She chokes out. I look up, searching for Donna and Tammy, I nod to them to come and hold Alison back; I don’t want her to get hurt.

  “Baby, please stay inside, I’ll be okay. It’s not my first fight.” I tuck a hair that’s hanging in front of her face behind her ear. She gives a weak smile through her tears.

  “Be careful… I love you,” She whispers, placing a kiss on my lips lightly before she applies more pressure, grabbing the sides of her face with my hands as we kiss, she moans into my mouth as my tongue slides gently into hers.

  As I pull back from her she closes her eyes and opens them slowly, “I love you too, Peaches,” I turn to make my way outside.

  Mark is standing there; he takes off his jacket throwing it to one of his buddies. I chuckle to myself; this little fucker really thinks he can beat me? Shaking my head as I take my jacket off, handing it to Viper; he’s staring at Mark as he grabs my jacket from my hands.

  “I don’t trust the fucker Ace. I think he has something up his sleeve,” He mentions as he narrows his eyes at Mark.

  I don’t trust him either, he doesn’t seem to be stable, seriously who is fucking stupid enough to show up at a diner, where all the Brimstone Kings are? And tries to start a fight? Someone who doesn’t have anything to live for is who.

  I hear the door open to the diner, I turn to see Alison standing there holding her stomach, Tammy and Donna are on each side of her rubbing her arms trying to calm her, her shoulders are shaking as she tries to contain her sobs.

  I mouth ‘I love you’ she closes her eyes, when she opens them
she gives a weak smile as she says it back.

  “Well come on motherfucker, I’m ready to win my girl,” Mark growls out as he paces back and forth. Ha, this fucker isn’t going to win.

  We circle each other; Mark jumps at me trying to jab me in the ribs but I push him back, my fist goes flying and connects with his jaw. Take that fucker!

  He shakes his head and gives me a sinister smile, he charges at me getting me to the ground, as soon as my back hits the ground the fucker gets a punch in. All I hear is a wail; looking out of the corner of my eye, Alison tries to make her way over. Viper looks down at me and I motion for him to stop her. I don’t want to worry about her getting too close and getting hurt because of this dumb fucker.

  I buck him off, throwing him to the ground. As I get up on my feet he charges again, I move to the side and jab him in the ribs, he curses as he holds his side.

  “You had enough?” I ask as I wipe the blood from my lip, which was a lucky shot he got in. He looks between Alison and me, he nods his head.

  I turn around, I start to walk towards Alison when I hear her scream, I look up at her and she points behind me as she continues to scream. I turn around too late, Mark’s standing close to me, I grunt as I feel a pain in my gut, I look down and I see a knife sticking out.

  I see red as soon as I see the way he’s looking at Alison; I roar out in pain as I punch him, he falls to the ground. I beat his face over and over, till I feel two pairs of arms pulling me off of him. I try to fight them off of me, but they get me off and away from Mark.

  “Ace, come on… Stop fighting us. You’re wounded man; Alison is freaking the fuck out. We need to get you to the hospital,” Viper says as he pulls me up to my feet. I wince as I feel the blade sticking out of my stomach, motherfucker this hurts. Mark’s brothers come up picking his unconscious ass up off the ground, and walk away with him.

  I hear sirens in the distance, well that was quick. I turn to see Alison staring at me with tears running down her cheeks. She wails for her father to let her go, she kicks him and he releases her. She comes running toward me, I feel so tired, and my eyes begin to close as I fight to keep them open. I look down and see blood soaking my shirt.

  I fall to my knees, Alison falls to her knees in front of me, “Baby, stay awake. Don’t close your eyes, you lost a lot of blood, please stay with me,” she whispers against my lips.

  “I’m so tired Peaches,” I mumble as I am finding it hard to talk.

  I fall back, my back hitting the ground and I hear yelling around me. I see Alison leaning over me, screaming for me to stay awake, smiling as I look up at her, “I love you Peaches, I always will,” I coax out through the pain… Then everything goes black.

  Chapter 19

  As I watch the love of my life fight with my ex. I feel it in my gut that something bad is going to happen, and there’s nothing I can do right now to stop it. My mother and sister are on both sides of me, making sure I don’t get to close, holding my stomach; I pray to God that nothing happens to Ace. I know Mark can be shady.

  I hear Ace ask if he’s had enough, I look wide-eyed at Mark as he nods his head yes, this seems too easy. I close my eyes, silently saying thank you.

  Just as I open my eyes I see Mark standing very close to Ace, and he has a sinister smile on his face. I look between them, and I see a knife sticking out of Ace’s stomach. Oh my God, No!

  I break away from my mother and sisters hold on me, yelling as I try to make my way to Ace, but my father stops me. As I try to break free from my father’s hold, he grunts as my foot connects with his shin, “Baby girl, you need to calm down now, this is not good for the baby,” He tries to get me to settle down.

  I take a few deep breaths I hear Ace roar out in pain, I look up to see what happen, he gets Mark on the ground and repeatedly punches him until Viper and Blaze get grab him off Mark.

  I’m shaking with fear as I see Ace turn around, but he falls to his knees, the front of his shirt is soaked in blood, his blood… Oh my God! His face is pale, and his eyes are glossy. No, please God no. This can’t happen!

  As my father lets me go, I run and drop to my knees in front of him, tears running down my face as I take in all the blood. Usually, at a time like this, I would be wheezy by the blood, but I’m too focused on Ace and trying to see if he will be fine till the ambulance gets here.

  “Baby, you have to stay awake. Don’t close your eyes, you lost a lot of blood, please stay with me,” I whisper against his lips.

  “I’m so tired Peaches,” He mumbles as he falls back, his back hitting the ground. I scream at him to stay awake but he just smiles at me, I'm unnerved by the way he seems to be looking at me, with his peacefully happy demeanour.

  “I love you Peaches, I always will,” He coaxes out as he winces, his eyes shut and I fall apart screaming for someone to help. I scream for someone to save him, the man I love, the man who will be a father, my future husband. As I look down at him lying there, my body racks with sobs. A future without Ace is not one I can deal with, I can’t live without him.

  I place a kiss on his lips, leaning down I whisper softly in his ear, “Baby, please don’t leave me…I can’t live without you.” I stutter out, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look up and see my father standing there giving me a weak sympatric smile.

  “Baby girl, the paramedics are here; they need to get Ace to the hospital,” He says softly as he picks me off the ground. I look down at Ace as the paramedics check over him, I sob into my father’s neck as he holds me up because my legs feel numb, it’s like all my muscles have disappeared and I can’t stand on my own.

  “Daddy, he can’t leave me…He needs to be here. I don’t know how I’m going to live without him,” I announce as my voice cracks at every word that comes out of my mouth.

  “Don’t think like that baby girl. Ace is one strong man, and he would never leave you, but right now you need to stop thinking negative about it Alison. You need to have faith that he is strong enough to come out of this.” My father mentions. I nod my head, I just pray to God that he’s going to make it; he’s lost so much blood.

  As I look down where Ace is he’s no longer there he’s on a stretcher. Pit comes up with worry written all over his face, “Alison, you can ride with Ace to the hospital, we’ll meet you there.” He says as he brings me close to him, hugging me softly.

  “Don’t worry your pretty head too much about it, he will make it, he’s stubborn as hell, he won’t give up without a fight. He loves you so much and the baby, that right there is something to live for,” He says to me as he gives my father a nod.

  He turns around and makes his way over to Gale who is sobbing uncontrollably she looks at me, she sobs even more.

  “Are you okay to ride in the ambulance with Ace, baby girl?” My father asks as he looks toward the ambulance and then back down to me.

  “Yes, I can’t leave him, Daddy.” I utter out as I close my eyes taking a deep breath. I need to be strong for Ace he needs me right now.

  I make my way to the ambulance, I see Ace hooked up to a machine to help him breathe, my lip starts to tremble as I take in the state he’s in, I shake my head taking a deep breath, I need to stay positive.

  As soon as we got to the hospital, they rushed Ace into the emergency. I go to follow them but a nurse stops me and asks me for Ace’s information.

  I’m not sure what his information is, I feel completely lost. She asks “Does he have any insurance?” I bite my bottom lip, I should know this, but it’s not something that has come up when we’ve talked. I feel like an idiot, standing here not knowing.

  “I don’t have his information… His father will be here soon he will know it,” My voice becomes erratic as I try to calm down. The shock of everything that has happened today has finally begun to settle in on my body. I get a sharp pain in my stomach, my eyes widen as I look up at the nurse, and she takes a step toward me.

  “Are you alright Miss?” She asks with concern written on her face.
/>   “I just got a really sharp pain,” I suck a breath in, please God no, I can’t lose my baby. My world comes crashing down at that second as I fear; I will be losing the two things in this world that mean so much to me.

  She takes me into a room and asks me some questions, like who my doctor is and how bad the pain is. She checks me over and brings a doctor in; the doctor said that everything seems to be fine; it’s just the stress of today that has taken a toll on my body.

  The doctor told me I need to rest and try not to stress, I tell her why I’m here and she me a sympatric smile. I leave the room to return to the waiting room. I walk around the corner, I see everyone is there waiting with worried expressions on their faces, my mother and sister run up to me.

  “Where have you been? We were worried,” My sister says as my mother hugs me softly.

  “I need to sit,” I pace toward an empty chair in the waiting room, I need to rest my feet. I don’t want to do anything that can cause me to lose this baby. Tears spring to my eyes, blinking repeatedly trying to rid them from my eyes as I sit down.

  My mother and sister come and sit on opposite sides of me, “The reason I wasn’t in the waiting room when you got here is because when Ace got rushed into the emergency room, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. The nurse that was standing there asking my about Ace’s medical information…She wanted to get me checked out to make sure everything was fine with me and the baby,” I place a hand on my stomach, trying my hardest not to cry.

  “The baby is fine but my body after what happened today has taken a toll, she says I need rest,” I release a shuddering sigh.

  My mother and sister sit there with concerned looks on their faces, grabbing both of their hands; I look between both of them.

  “I will be fine. I am not going to lose this baby. Today has just been a lot on me, as soon as I know that Ace has been taking care of and he’s stable. I’m going to head home and rest for a few hours, and then I will head back here,” I coax out as I lean back in the chair closing my eyes.


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