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Chemistry of Desire

Page 5

by Melanie Schuster

  Todd got up and joined her, retrieving the wine bottle and their glasses before following her into the house. “Emily, why do you react like that every time I pay you a compliment?”

  “Because it’s been my experience that compliments are just another form of B.S. I told you I have a built-in radar for crap, and you’re setting it off.”

  They were back in the family room and she was fiddling with the gas fireplace. Todd shook his head at the sight of her deliberate effort to turn away from him. He put the glasses and bottle down and went to where she was standing. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around and held her close to his body.

  “I don’t know if that’s a reflection on you or on me, but I can assure you I’m not trying to shine you on or anything close to it. I’m trying to let you know how attracted I am to you. I’ve always found you to be captivating, but the timing was always off.”

  “Horseshit,” she murmured. He was just a little too close to her for comfort, and she couldn’t come up with anything clever to say.

  Todd ignored her unladylike comment and kept talking.

  “When I first met you at Ayanna’s wedding I thought you were adorable, but I was involved with someone at the time,” he said as he began to play with her hair.

  Emily closed her eyes and bit her lower lip to prevent a low purr of contentment from escaping. “I’ve been in Chicago several times since the wedding,” she said in a near-whisper.

  Todd moved closer to her, kissing her temple and her cheek. “I know exactly how many times you’ve been to Chicago. I put every single visit on my calendar because I made a point of coming over so I could see you.”

  “So why didn’t you say something to me about this big attraction?” Her voice was partially muffled by his chest and husky from desire.

  “Bad timing.” He kissed her cheeks again, lingering on her tempting dimples and the bridge of her nose before capturing her mouth. His tongue stroked her lower lip as her mouth opened to him. He had no intention of ending this kiss, and neither did she. His hands slid down her taut torso and cupped her high, firm butt, palming her so that their bodies met and locked together.

  “Bad timing?” she murmured as he licked her neck. “How’s our time right now?”

  “Just perfect,” Todd answered between kisses.

  “So why are we still downstairs?”

  Todd’s response was to pick her up and head for the stairs with her legs around his waist. In minutes they were in her bedroom, tearing at each other’s clothes.

  Chapter 7

  Todd was trying to be patient, but he couldn’t wait for her fingers to undo all of his buttons. He ripped off his shirt and tossed it to the floor while he undid his belt and unzipped his jeans. Emily knelt on the bed and watched him with passion-filled eyes while she took off her shirt. Her rounded breasts were already reacting to the sight of him, as her nipples were hardened and erect beneath the knit cups of her white bra. She was about to undo the front hook when Todd stopped her. He undid the closure with surprising ease and freed her high, perfect globes to his hands and mouth. He bent down and took a nipple into his mouth, making a sound of pleasure as he tasted her. He was busy unfastening her jeans while he traced circles around the tip of her hot breast, sucking on it until she cried his name. He freed her from her jeans and ran his hands down her hips before lowering her to the mattress.

  She looked hotter than anything he could have imagined. Her thick hair was tousled wildly, and the only thing she was wearing were bikini panties in white cotton. They looked adorable on her, besides being way sexier than any of the lacy thongs he’d seen in the past. And he’d seen plenty, but none that aroused him as much as he was right now. Her hips arched as he pulled the panties down, leaving her naked and yielding to his touch. He had to taste her; all of her, right then and there.

  Todd guided her long legs over his shoulders and cupped her round, firm butt as he moved into a position that allowed him to take his first taste of the wet sweetness that awaited him. As soon as his tongue made contact with her, a sound of passion came from her throat as she moved her hips in a perfect rhythm with his mouth. He could feel the pulsing warmth of her womanhood getting hotter and wetter, and he knew the moment she came. It took him only seconds to change positions so that he could enter her. She was hot, tight and throbbing, and the way it felt to his manhood made him groan with pleasure. He tried to hold off his climax until she was near hers, and in minutes they were both spent and satisfied.

  When he could move again, he rolled over so that they were still joined but lying on their sides, facing each other. He kissed her, slowly and with great tenderness. “I think I rushed you,” he murmured.

  Emily smiled at him, her eyes soft and sexy. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean I should have taken my time and gotten to know each and every delectable part of you,” he confessed. “You deserve more.”

  “Really?” Emily’s hand stroked his chest, her fingertips just barely grazing his smooth, sweaty skin. Without any more effort than that, she was sending small bolts of sensation through his body. “Exactly what is it that I deserve?” she asked.

  By way of an answer, he leaned over and kissed her deeply, using his tongue and lips to communicate with her in a way that words could not. He was taking his time, slowly exploring her body as he promised, using his big hands to rub her breasts as he kissed his way down her neck and shoulder until his hot lips reached her nipples. They were hard and enlarged as proof of her desire. His tongue circled one over and over until his mouth covered it completely, and he created a deep suction that drew a sigh of pure pleasure from Emily.

  This time, Todd would not hurry. He took an excruciatingly long time to touch and taste every single part of Emily’s body. She was almost sobbing his name before her entered her again, but the sweet torture was worth it to both of them. It was as though he was depositing his soul into her as they climaxed together.

  Emily couldn’t recall being so content with a man before. Todd’s brand of lovemaking had taken her to a whole new level of satisfaction. She stretched like a cat and sighed, which caused Todd to ask if she was okay.

  “Gee, let’s see,” she said with a drowsy laugh. “I’m in a bathtub full of bubbles, surrounded by scented candles, serenaded by soft music and being seduced by a tall, dark and handsome man who seems to have memorized the Kama Sutra, and you want to know if I’m okay. Are you fishing for a compliment?”

  Todd was lying back in the huge tub with Emily resting between his legs, her back snugly against his chest. He stroked her round, firm breasts and gave them a gentle squeeze as he answered. “Naw, I’m just making sure that you’re happy,” he drawled. “And I haven’t memorized the Kama Sutra. I read the first chapter when I was like, twelve. It was kinda boring, but the pictures were pretty hot.”

  Emily laughed as she ran her hands up and down his hard, muscular thighs. “That was cute. You made it up, but it was pretty funny.”

  Todd’s long fingers deepened the massage on one of her breasts, with his thumb circling her hard nipple, while his other hand explored the hot, sweet place between her legs. “I never lie, baby. I got the book from my brother’s hiding place under his mattress. And I have an excellent memory for detail, like sexually explicit drawings.”

  Her back arched as she moved her hips to the motion of his hand. Heat surged up her body and radiated through every bit of her. It was a slow burn that suddenly flared up as he took her back to the place of pleasure and surrender. She breathed his name, and he couldn’t resist teasing her gently.

  “Do you still think I made it up?”

  “No!” she gasped. “I believe you, I believe you, I believe you,” she moaned until she couldn’t utter another sound.

  After some more passion, they finally managed to get out of the tub. They were both starving, and Emily was fairly certain that if she did some of the things she wanted to do to Todd, she’d drown in the scented water. They finally
made their way to the kitchen, although they weren’t fully dressed. Emily had on the silk kimono her mother had given her a couple of years before. Todd was shirtless in a pair of cotton drawstring sleep pants that hung low on his hips. He looked so good that Emily considered forcing him onto the bed to have her way with him some more, but his stomach growled loudly and she decided to have mercy on him.

  She opened the refrigerator to see what looked appetizing. Todd was looking too, but he was mostly looking at Emily and playing with her hair.

  “How about I make you a sandwich?” she asked. “I can make really good ones.”

  “Ten different kinds, if I recall,” he replied. “Yeah, that’s good. I happen to love a good sandwich.”

  She was taking out what she thought she’d need; deli-sliced roast beef, a red ripe tomato, an avocado, some arugula and green goddess salad dressing. She almost dropped everything when Todd told her how much he liked her hair.

  “It’s so soft and pretty. I love it,” he told her.

  Emily’s cheeks got hot, and she felt totally flustered. She’d almost forgotten that her hair was loose and damp from their bath and subsequent shower. Pretty my ass, she thought. I probably look like a damned Muppet.

  Despite her misgivings, Todd actually seemed sincere in his compliments. He was still stroking what she was sure was a tangled nappy mess, but he was apparently fascinated with her tresses. “You don’t put any chemicals in it, do you? It’s all natural,” he marveled.

  “No, I’ve never had a relaxer. I don’t press it and I’ve never had it cut. I just braid it and go. I don’t have time to mess with it,” she said grumpily. She wasn’t used to much attention, especially from a gorgeous man like Todd, and it was making her uncomfortable. Getting out the cutting board, she slapped a loaf of pumpernickel bread on its wooden surface and reached for a bread knife to slice it. Todd stopped talking about her dratted hair long enough to wash his hands at the sink. Unfortunately for her, he started talking again while he was drying his hands.

  “You don’t need to do anything to it. It’s perfect just the way it is. Most women would mess it up with stanky chemicals, but you have the good sense to leave it like God gave it to you. You’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen in my life, and you’re a totally natural beauty. Just gorgeous,” he added.

  By now Emily would normally have said something mean and smart-asslike to him to deflect her embarrassment, but for once she held her tongue. Her cheeks felt as if they were on fire and she couldn’t quite look him in the eye, but she was finally enjoying his flattery. It was like getting a cold drink of water after a long hot run; it was something she desired and deserved, and she was going to savor every drop. She finally looked at him with a shy smile on her face.

  “Thank you, Todd. That was very sweet of you to say.”

  Todd came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “That was nice of you, babe, but never thank me for telling the truth. You can feed me,” he added pointedly. “Especially if you plan on taking advantage of me again.” He let go of her just enough to move her hair out of the way so he could kiss her neck, which he did with great skill and desire.

  “You’d better stop that if you plan to eat, because I can assure you I have plans for you,” she said in a sultry voice.

  He turned her around so they were facing each other, and he pressed the lower part of his body into hers. “On second thought, I can wait a little while longer for food, but I still need to eat. Have you ever made love in a kitchen?”

  Chapter 8

  Emily finally stopped her narrative long enough to finish her glass of wine. Her two BFFs were staring at her raptly with their mouths slightly open. Sherri was the first to recover.

  “Wait a minute, girl. You can’t just stop talking like that. It’s cruel and unusual punishment! What else happened?”

  Alexis agreed emphatically. “Okay, so far you haven’t said anything that explains why you’re in such a foul mood. Shoot, it sounds to me like you were having a great time on Hilton Head with Mr. Man. So who peed in your Kool-Aid, sister? Did he pick his teeth at the table, pass gas in his sleep, call you by somebody else’s name or what?”

  Emily was rolling the stem of her wineglass back and forth with her fingertips. “Nope, nothing like that,” she said quietly.

  Sherri made a face from sheer frustration. “I love you, Em, but you need to talk faster. I’m with Alexis on this one. So far everything you told us sounds like it’s straight out of a Janice Sims novel. Or a Brenda Jackson book, you fast little heifer.” She left the table to get something out of her large purse and came back with a sneaky smile on her face. “I have some extra ammunition here. This can be yours if you finish telling us about your rendezvous. While we’re still young,” she said with a raised eyebrow.

  Emily’s face broke in to a real smile as she took Sherri’s bribe, a giant bag of pistachios. She reached for them as Sherri pulled them away from her.

  “These are conditional nuts. You have to earn them,” she reminded her.

  “That sounds like the name of a song, or a group. ‘Conditional Nuts,’” Emily mused. “Girl, don’t play with me. Hand over the bag or my lips are sealed and my disposition will be much worse.”

  Alexis intervened, snatching the bag from Sherri and tossing it to Emily. “Enough of the silly stuff,” she said sternly. “It sounds like you and Todd were on your way to something really good. What happened?”

  Emily opened the bag and plunged her hand into the salty, fragrant delight that awaited her. “It’s the oldest story there is,” she said dryly. “He dumped me.”

  “What do you mean he dumped you?” Sherri asked indignantly.

  “I believe it’s a real simple concept, the basis of many breakups the world over. Boy and girl meet, boy and girl have spectacular sex, boy tells girl it was a big mistake and it’s over. Easy-peasy,” Emily said with a distinct sound of bitterness.

  “He told you it was a mistake?” Alexis, the original ride-or-die girl, looked as if she was ready to head up to Chicago to kick Todd’s behind.

  Emily had poured another glass of wine, and she took a large swallow before speaking. “We’d been together for a few days. The first day we were like good friends, and the last three we were like good friends with excellent benefits. It was the best time I’ve ever had. The last morning I woke up and he was sitting on the side of the bed, all dressed. His bags were in the doorway, and he tells me that he’d made a mistake and he was sorry and he hoped I would understand. And he left.” She raised her wineglass again, holding it up in a mock toast. “So I’ve been a little out of sorts lately.”

  Sherri was stunned into silence, but Alexis certainly wasn’t. “What a jerk. Trust me, you’re better off without him. Men can be such idiots,” she growled. “Any more of that wine?” She picked up the empty bottle and made a face.

  “Look in the pantry,” Emily said. “Pick anything you want.”

  “Emily, I really can’t believe he did this to you. Do you think he’s some kind of sociopath? I mean to be able to turn his feelings on and off like that, it’s just not normal,” Sherri said. Her face was a mask of concern.

  Emily gave a short, harsh laugh. “No, I don’t think he’s a sociopath, or anything fancy like that. I think he just got a good look at me and decided he couldn’t hang with the gangly professor anymore. I’ve seen the kind of women he dates. I’ve been up to Chicago several times since the first time I met him, and I usually see him with some real fancy chick. You know, with the perfect hair, the perfect makeup, the perfect body and color coordinated everything. The kind of woman I could never be in a hundred years.”

  Sherri gave a sharp shake of her head and said, “Don’t go there, Em. You are just perfect the way you are. If he’s too shallow to know that, it’s his loss. He’s just not worthy of you.”

  Emily gave a wan smile. “I’m not so sure about all that, but I appreciate you saying it.”

  Alexis brought o
ver the bottle of wine she’d selected, along with Emily’s fancy corkscrew. She held both items out with a frown. “This is just a suggestion, but you might want to consider a regular ol’ opener. Or a bottle with a screw top for your low-class friends like me,” she grumbled. Emily deftly opened the bottle and poured some wine into her glass. Alexis smiled gratefully.

  “Okay, ladies, raise your glasses. Here’s hoping that he’s just as miserable as he deserves to be,” she said with a steely glint in her eye. “I don’t care what he said. He’s somewhere right now feeling like the world’s biggest moron, which he is.”

  “I concur,” Sherri said.

  Emily didn’t say a word. She just finished her wine.

  Alexis took a few sips and put her glass down. “Just don’t get down on yourself, Emmie. I think the chemistry was too much for him,” she said slowly. Sherri nodded in agreement, although Emily looked puzzled.

  “Chemistry, honey,” Sherri emphasized. “This is your field, Emmie. You should understand it better than anyone. Chemistry is the attraction between men and women, and it’s a very potent thing. It’s what keeps the world turning, so to speak. Yours is really powerful, girl. You turned that man inside out and ran his butt back to Chicago. That’s power,” she said as she and Alexis did a ladylike high five.

  Emily’s cheeks were hot, and she decided to ignore them as she cracked more pistachios. She had to smile at the image of Todd fleeing Hilton Head to escape her womanly wiles. I know that’s just sister-love on their part, but I truly hope he’s suffering the results of all that so-called chemistry. And I hope he feels as bad as I do.

  It was a miserable, rainy day in Chicago, and it suited Todd just fine. He’d been in a foul mood since he left Hilton Head, and clear, sunny weather was wasted on him. He managed to keep his angst under control when he was working, but when he was alone it was a different story. He was too health-conscious to wallow in alcohol and his personal convictions made drugs totally taboo, but he still needed an outlet for his conflicted emotions. Working out seemed to be his best bet, and he’d been doing so with a vengeance since he returned home. His loft apartment had a corner that held gym equipment that he used when he couldn’t get out to run, like today. He was pounding away on his treadmill when his brother Jason came into the loft.


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