Chemistry of Desire

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Chemistry of Desire Page 8

by Melanie Schuster

  “I know you said she would get here on her own, but I went to the airport to pick Emily up and she wasn’t there. She must have caught a later flight. Did she call you?” His voice was just as mellow and sexy as she remembered, and Emily was trying not to react to it.

  Todd waved and gave a general hello to everyone in the room. He glanced at Emily for the briefest of seconds before turning his whole attention to Johnny, who was looking amused. Suddenly Todd’s face froze into a strange expression, and he turned back to Emily. His eyes widened and he scanned her from the top of her head to the soles of her boots and then back again. He opened his mouth to speak, closed it and then opened it again, this time speaking directly to Emily. “My God, what did you do to yourself?” It was impossible, of course, but Emily could have sworn she heard the chirping of crickets in the sudden silence that descended on the room.

  Todd felt like a total fool, but he couldn’t pull his foot out of his mouth. It was too late for that, he surmised as he looked at the identical expressions on the faces of the women. Emily looked at him as though he was a stranger, one she didn’t want to get to know. It was a surreal moment, because she looked like a stranger to him, too, but there was something all too familiar and seductive about her. Ayanna looked at him then at Emily, and he could just about tell the exact moment when she figured out the subtext of his behavior.

  “Mom, can you help me get my little ladies upstairs for a nice bath?” Ayanna sounded diplomatic and neutral, but she gave Todd a definite side eye as she took Lindsey from Emily and handed her to Lucie. She put Madison on her hip and was about to leave the room when Billie said she was coming, too. Her son, Jason Jr., was almost three and was asleep on her shoulder. She tried to stand up, but Jason took the sleep-heavy toddler from her arms and helped her stand while he gave Todd a cold stare.

  The exodus took almost no time. There was no one left in the family room but Johnny, Emily and Todd. Todd expelled a deep breath and prepared himself for a mean mugging from Johnny. Emily was Johnny’s sister-in-law, and Todd knew he was on thin ice right about now. Johnny was very protective of every member of his family, including his wife’s sister. But before anything could be said by Johnny or done to Todd, Ayanna called her husband, and he left the room so he could see what she needed. He did look back at Todd and point his index finger at him as if it was a pistol. Now it was just him and Emily, and he was trying to think of something clever and conciliatory to say to her.

  Emily was apparently not at a loss for words. She rose to her feet quite gracefully and stared at him with little liking as she crossed her arms under her breasts. She looked like a different person, yet she looked totally familiar at the same time. Her hair was much shorter and was really glossy and sexy-looking. He couldn’t tell if she was wearing makeup or not, but her lips were lush and inviting and her eyes were big and smoky. She smelled good, too. There was something totally compelling about her, but he couldn’t say whether or not it was a good thing. He was totally confused by her new appearance, but captivated at the same time. Something was lurking in the back of his mind, but it wasn’t surfacing. Her cell phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket. She glanced at the caller ID and looked extremely pleased before she answered it.

  “Hello, Jared! I’m so glad you called,” she said happily.

  It was the way she pushed her thick, heavy hair out of the way to position the phone that finally clicked in his head. He had seen her at the airport, after all. He distinctly recalled seeing a tall, pretty woman who had a tall blond guy hanging all over her. The man was obviously flirting with her and she was flirting back. Todd hadn’t recognized Emily at all. Now that all the pieces had fallen into place, Todd was furious. And he was also jealous, if he was going to be honest with himself. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was just babbling away on her damned cell phone as if he wasn’t even in the room. She was probably talking to the overgrown blond right now.

  “Lunch sounds wonderful, Jared,” she said. “I’d love to.”

  By the time she finally ended the call, Todd felt as if his head was going to blow up. Emily went right back to looking at him as if he was a very low form of life, while he tried to say something that would get him out of the giant hole he’d dug for himself.

  “So how are you doing?” he asked gruffly.

  Emily raised one of her newly shaped eyebrows before answering. “I’m just fine, Todd. A better question would be how you’re doing, because you don’t seem to be yourself tonight,” she said in a cool, calm voice he had trouble recognizing as hers. She flicked her hair behind her ear, waiting for him to answer. She looked like a gorgeous alien; an exotic feminine life-form he’d never encountered before.

  “What in the hell did you do to yourself?” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. Whomp, Whomp.

  “You’ve lost your mind,” Emily said incredulously. “I knew you were slightly untrustworthy, inconsiderate and trampy, but I always thought you were sane. I haven’t seen you for months, and all you can do is ask me what I’ve done to myself? I was so damned homely that only major plastic surgery would improve me, is that what I’m hearing?”

  “No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. You were perfect just the way you were. Why did you have to go and do all of this?” he asked, gesturing with his hand as he spoke.

  “I was so perfect so you told me we’d made a big mistake and you ran out of the house so fast you left skid marks on the floor,” she said scornfully. “And now you’re—I don’t know what you are. Upset because you don’t like my new hair-style?”

  “No, that’s not it. You’re taking this all wrong,” Todd replied hastily.

  “You got through medical school with that brain? No wonder the health care system is in such bad shape. Let me explain something to you, Todd. When a woman has on a new outfit, or does something different to her hair, ‘what the hell did you do to yourself’ is not considered a compliment. In any culture. I don’t know why you’ve decided to insult me, but you’re doing a bang-up job,” she said hotly.

  Todd knew he’d put his foot in his mouth again, but he kept right on like an out-of-control battering ram. “I’m not trying to insult you. I’m concerned about you,” he said. It seemed like a good start to him, but Emily cut him off again.

  “Really, Todd? Wow, you’re a real friend to look out for my better interests. But why are you so concerned? Are you under the impression that I’m suddenly incapable of taking care of myself?”

  She looked so striking that for a moment Todd finally understood why men said ignorant things like “you’re beautiful when you’re angry.” He went the other way, though, which was just as ignorant. “I don’t think you know what you’re doing, Emily. I know you’re as smart as Einstein and you have all kinds of degrees, but I don’t think you have a lot of experience in other things,” he said. Emily’s mouth opened as he forged ahead to make his point.

  “Look, I saw you at the airport with that big blond guy. He was all over you, and you don’t know him from a can of paint. He could be a serial killer for all you know, and you’re letting him hang all over you. That’s why I’m concerned,” he added piously.

  If her eyes could have shot lightning, he would’ve fried from the look on her face. Suddenly her expression changed and she got the real calm look that’s ultimately more dangerous. “His name is Jared Van Buren and he owns five restaurants, six if you count the one he’s opening in Columbia. His mother is on the board of the hospital where you work and his father is the chief of staff. I’m sure that if you want more information on Jared, Dr. Van Buren will be more than happy to supply it,” she said in the quiet voice of a woman who knows she’s got the upper hand.

  “How do you know he didn’t make up all this crap?”

  “Look him up on Google if you don’t believe me. I dare you.”

  While they’d been arguing, they had unconsciously gotten closer to each other, and now they were close enough for Todd to reac
h out and pull her into his arms for a long, scorching kiss. As soon as their mouths touched he was on fire, the same blaze that had consumed him when they were together on Hilton Head. His tongue teased her soft, full lips until she yielded to him. His hands were on her waist and he pulled her even closer, but he stopped cold when his pager went off.

  “I’m on call tonight.” He let go of Emily so abruptly she stumbled, but he didn’t notice. He was walking to the door with his cell phone clamped to his ear while Emily glared at him. Todd ended the call and turned to say goodbye.

  “We have a lot to talk about. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

  He was out the door before Emily could say a word.

  Chapter 12

  Emily was full of mixed emotions after Todd left the house. She was adult enough to pretend that everything was okay until the guests left and everyone had gone to bed, but she was plenty salty. She didn’t like what Todd had said to her. She was pissed that he’d had the gall to bring up Jared, and she was mad that he had to leave before they could finish arguing. And she was also furiously angry that he’d kissed her, because his lips had lit her up like a blazing fire on a cold night. After he told her that he’d made a mistake in sleeping with her, he had the unmitigated gall to put his hands on her as if they belonged there. And her traitorous body had no better sense than to respond. She, in the words of her dearly loved late grandmother, didn’t know whether to wind her ass or scratch her watch.

  She took a hot shower and put on a pretty purple nightdress. It was part of the Sherri and Alexis shopping spree, and normally it made her feel happy and sexy. It wasn’t working for her tonight. She had parted her hair and wrapped it the way Alexis had taught her, and she was about to tie a silk scarf over it when she heard a soft tap on the door. It was Ayanna.

  “Just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed,” she said, sitting on the side of the big bed. “And I hope Todd didn’t upset you. By the way, I’m loving that gown. Where did you get it?”

  “Sherri took me shopping after Alexis did my hair.” Emily twirled around to show off the silky perfection of the gown with its spaghetti straps and lace bodice. “Look at the other stuff she helped me pick out.” She opened the closet door and pulled open the dresser drawers to show off her new clothes.

  Ayanna admired the outfits with envy in her voice. “Girl, these things are gorgeous! If I wasn’t so short I’d make off with that black pencil skirt. And the cashmere sweater that goes with it. And that red dress! You do have good taste.”

  “No, I have a friend with good taste,” Emily corrected her. “And she knows where to shop, too. We wore T.J. Maxx out!”

  Ayanna laughed and offered her hand for a fist bump. “I love that place. We’ll have to go there while you’re here.” She was holding a silk blouse up to her chest and admiring it in the mirror. “So what brought this about, sister? I mean the big change. You look fabulous, just wonderful,” she said hastily. “But what was the impetus for the big reveal?”

  “Reveal?” Emily looked puzzled.

  “Yes, a reveal,” Ayanna said emphatically. “Your inside is showing for a change. You look as beautiful outside as you are inside.”

  Emily’s face got hot, as it always did when she blushed. She’d been so combative with her sister for so long it was still hard for her to believe that the walls between them had finally come down. The walls I put there, she thought.

  “Thank you, Ayanna. I just thought it was time for a change.” She sat on the bed, across from Ayanna.

  “Well, you look just wonderful. Everyone said so.”

  Emily made a face as she smoothed moisturizer on her face and neck. “Not everyone. I think Todd was quite explicit in expressing his opinion,” she said grouchily.

  Ayanna held out her hand for the small jar of cream and used a little on her face. “Men are truly an underdeveloped species when it comes to expressing themselves properly. Don’t pay him any mind, honey. He was knocked out by your new look and lost the connection between his brain and his big mouth.”

  Emily shrugged her shoulders. “It doesn’t really matter what he thinks of my appearance. He already told me that he’d made a huge mistake in getting with me, so I’m not surprised that he thought I looked bad.”

  “What do you mean, getting with you?” Ayanna’s eyes narrowed, and she looked ready to fight for her younger sister.

  “Crap. I didn’t mean to tell you this, but here’s the short version.” Emily sighed and launched into a terse narrative of the days she’d spent with Todd on Hilton Head. “And then he said he’d made a mistake and he left there like the hounds of hell were after him.”

  Ayanna’s face had changed expressions several times while Emily was talking. She looked both angry and puzzled. “Are you serious? He just left and you never heard from him again?”

  “Not exactly,” Emily said. “He called me a few times and he sent me a bunch of plants, but I know a consolation prize when I see one, and I’d heard enough of his miserable excuses, so I didn’t answer his calls. I prefer a clean break.”

  “Plants and phone calls, hmm?” Ayanna was tapping her chin with one finger.

  “Yes, and emails, which I also ignored.”

  “Emmie, hon, I think there’s been a huge miscommunication going on here. I think Todd has some real feelings for you and you haven’t let him express them.”

  “I think he expressed himself quite nicely tonight. ‘What have you done to yourself’—that’s pretty darned expressive if you ask me.”

  “I didn’t say he was good at speaking from his heart. Most men suck at it. But look, he went out to the airport to pick you up,” she pointed out.

  “Oh yeah, he was more than happy to tell me that. He said he saw me talking to a guy and he had no idea it was me. Real flattering,” Emily sneered.

  “What guy? Is he nice?” Ayanna was immediately curious.

  “Very nice guy,” Emily said confidently. “I met him on the plane. He lives in Chicago but he’s moving to Columbia to open a new restaurant. His name is Jared Van Buren and I’m having lunch with him tomorrow.”

  “Where? At Van Buren’s or 515?”

  “At Van Buren’s. Have you eaten there? How’s the food?” Emily wanted to know.

  “We’ve eaten at both of his restaurants and everything is fantastic. I mean ultra, ultra good. Yum. And he’s quite a dish, too. He’s a very hot commodity these days. He’s tall, handsome and rich, and he’s straight and he can cook. He’s even compassionate. He has some kind of program where he feeds people who are in need of a meal. And you met him on a plane. Go figure.” Ayanna gave her sister a wicked grin and a little fist bump. “Women all over Chicago are trying to meet him and you stumble over him on a freakin’ plane. I love it.” She thought for a moment and laughed.

  “That’s why Todd had his boxers in a bunch. He saw you with that good-looking hunk and he got jealous! That’s why he was being a jerk,” she informed Emily.

  “And he did a bang-up job. First-rate,” she added with a big yawn.

  Ayanna yawned back, and they agreed it was time for sleep. But Ayanna, like older sisters the world over, had to have the last word. “Don’t be too hard on Todd, Emmie. He’s a good man. He really is. You remember when Alex was sick with MRSA and how good he was to us through that whole ordeal. He’s a wonderful guy. Give him a chance and you’ll see.”

  Emily rolled her eyes at her sister’s back as she left the room. Yeah, I’ll see how it feels for him to make a fool out of me again. No thanks, I’ll pass, she thought as she gave her pillows an extra hard punch before turning out the table lamp.

  The sky was blue, the sun was shining and the temperature was cold and crisp. Emily, despite having a long, tortuous night of erotic dreams about the wonderful good guy Todd, at least looked as if she was well rested even though she wasn’t. An energetic run through the neighborhood and a nice hot shower could put a glow on anybody’s skin, even if that person was nursing a grudge. And s
he was mature enough to acknowledge that she was still harboring a big ol’ chunk of resentment. She wasn’t quite sure what she’d been expecting when she encountered Todd with her new hair, new clothes and new attitude, but his hostile appraisal had stung. The plan was for him to see her, realize what a fool he’d been and spend the rest of his life regretting his stupidity. He wasn’t supposed to look at her with scorn and then have the big brass cojones to kiss her and then walk out on her. As far as her responding to his kiss and dreaming about him all night, well, that just made the whole episode a giant “fail.”

  But she did have some consolations, she mused as she finished putting on her makeup. She’d met Jared, who was great-looking, personable and who was treating her to lunch at his restaurant. That would be fun; Emily liked eating at new places. Her mother and sister were proud of her, and she felt closer to them than ever, which was great. And it was almost her birthday, too. Lucie and Ayanna had cooked up some kind of celebration for her, and even though they weren’t giving out details, she knew it would be fun. So there was no reason at all for her to be concerned about Dr. Todd Wainwright.

  She went downstairs in full battle dress; charcoal-gray wide-legged, wool trousers, ankle boots with three-inch heels, a cream-colored cashmere sweater with a wide belt to show off her waist and big silver hoop earrings with a wide silver cuff bracelet. She picked up a very thin wool stole with a woven pattern in camel and gray and went downstairs to get her coat, as well as a final inspection. Sure enough, Lucie and Ayanna stopped whatever they’d been doing in the kitchen to come see her off.


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